
227 lines
5.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# written by Manuel Kasper, Monzoon Networks AG <>
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use RRDs;
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
die("Usage: $0 <path to RRD file directory> <path to known links file>\n");
my $rrdpath = $ARGV[0];
my $knownlinksfile = $ARGV[1];
if (! -d $rrdpath) {
die("$rrdpath does not exist or is not a directory\n");
my %knownlinks;
my $ascache = {};
my $ascache_lastflush = 0;
my $ascache_flush_interval = 60;
my $server_port = 9000;
my $MAXREAD = 8192;
my $header_len = 28;
my $flowrec_len = 28;
my $childrunning = 0;
# reap dead children
sub REAPER {
$childrunning = 0;
sub TERM {
print "SIGTERM received\n";
exit 0;
# read known links file
# prepare to listen for NetFlow UDP packets
my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $server_port, Proto => "udp")
or die "Couldn't be a udp server on port $server_port : $@\n";
my ($him,$datagram,$flags);
# main NetFlow datagram receive loop
while (1) {
$him = $server->recv($datagram, $MAXREAD);
next if (!$him);
my ($port, $ipaddr) = sockaddr_in($server->peername);
my ($version, $count, $sysuptime, $unix_secs, $unix_nsecs,
$flow_sequence, $engine_type, $engine_id, $aggregation,
$agg_version) = unpack("nnNNNNCCCC", $datagram);
if ($version != 8 || $aggregation != 1 || $agg_version != 2) {
print "unknown version: $version/$aggregation/$agg_version\n";
my $flowrecs = substr($datagram, $header_len);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
my $flowrec = substr($datagram, $header_len + ($i*$flowrec_len), $flowrec_len);
my @flowdata = unpack("NNNNNnnnn", $flowrec);
handleflow($ipaddr, @flowdata);
sub handleflow {
my ($routerip, $nflows, $npackets, $noctets, $firstts, $lastts,
$srcas, $dstas, $snmpin, $snmpout) = @_;
if ($srcas == 0 && $dstas == 0) {
#<23>don't care about internal traffic
#print "$srcas => $dstas ($noctets octets)\n";
# determine direction and interface alias name (if known)
my $direction;
my $ifalias;
my $as;
if ($srcas == 0) {
$as = $dstas;
$direction = "out";
$ifalias = $knownlinks{inet_ntoa($routerip) . '_' . $snmpout};
} elsif ($dstas == 0) {
$as = $srcas;
$direction = "in";
$ifalias = $knownlinks{inet_ntoa($routerip) . '_' . $snmpin};
} else {
handleflow($routerip, $nflows, $npackets, $noctets, $firstts, $lastts,
$srcas, 0, $snmpin, $snmpout);
handleflow($routerip, $nflows, $npackets, $noctets, $firstts, $lastts,
0, $dstas, $snmpin, $snmpout);
if (!$ifalias) {
# ignore this, as it's through an interface we don't monitor
my $dsname = "${ifalias}_${direction}";
# put it into the cache
if (!$ascache->{$as}) {
$ascache->{$as} = {createts => time};
$ascache->{$as}->{$dsname} += $noctets;
$ascache->{$as}->{updatets} = time;
if ($ascache->{$as}->{updatets} == $ascache_lastflush) {
# cheat a bit here
# now flush the cache, if necessary
sub flush_cache {
if ($childrunning || ((time - $ascache_lastflush) < $ascache_flush_interval)) {
# can't/don't want to flush cache right now
my $pid = fork();
if (!defined $pid) {
print "cannot fork\n";
} elsif ($pid != 0) {
# in parent
$childrunning = 1;
$ascache_lastflush = time;
$ascache = {};
while (my ($as, $cacheent) = each(%$ascache)) {
#print "$$: flushing data for AS $as ($cacheent->{updatets})\n";
my $rrdfile = getrrdfile($as, $cacheent->{updatets});
my @templatearg;
my @args;
while (my ($dsname, $value) = each(%$cacheent)) {
next if ($dsname !~ /_(in|out)$/);
push(@templatearg, $dsname);
push(@args, $value);
RRDs::update($rrdfile, "--template", join(':', @templatearg),
$cacheent->{updatets} . ":" . join(':', @args));
my $ERR = RRDs::error;
if ($ERR) {
print "Error updating RRD file $rrdfile: $ERR\n";
exit 0;
# create an RRD file for the given AS, if it doesn't exist already,
# and return its file name
sub getrrdfile {
my $as = shift;
my $startts = shift;
# let's see if there's already an RRD file for this AS - if not, create one
my $rrdfile = "$rrdpath/$as.rrd";
if (! -r $rrdfile) {
#print "$$: creating RRD file for AS $as\n";
my @args;
while (my ($key, $alias) = each(%knownlinks)) {
push(@args, "DS:${alias}_in:ABSOLUTE:300:U:U");
push(@args, "DS:${alias}_out:ABSOLUTE:300:U:U");
push(@args, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.99999:1:576"); # 48 hours at 5 minute resolution
push(@args, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.99999:12:168"); # 1 week at 1 hour resolution
push(@args, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.99999:288:366"); # 1 year at 1 day resolution
RRDs::create($rrdfile, "--start", $startts, @args);
my $ERR = RRDs::error;
if ($ERR) {
print "Error creating RRD file $rrdfile: $ERR\n";
return $rrdfile;
sub read_knownlinks {
open(KLFILE, $knownlinksfile) or die("Cannot open $knownlinksfile!");
while (<KLFILE>) {
next if (/(^\s*#)|(^\s*$)/); # empty line or comment
my ($routerip,$ifindex,$tag,$descr,$color) = split(/\t+/);
$knownlinks{"${routerip}_${ifindex}"} = $tag;