#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id$ # # (c) 2008 Monzoon Networks AG. All rights reserved. use RRDs; if ($#ARGV != 0) { die("Usage: $0 outfile\n"); } my %knownlinks = ( # key format is "_" # max. alias length is 16 characters; only [a-zA-Z0-9] allowed '' => 'tix', '' => 'sunrise', '' => 'swissixzrh', '' => 'dtag', '' => 'colt', '' => 'swissixglb' ); my @links = values %knownlinks; my $rrdpath = "/var/db/netflow/rrd"; my $statsfile = $ARGV[0]; # walk through all RRD files in the given path and extract stats for all links # from them; write the stats to a text file, sorted by total traffic opendir(DIR, $rrdpath); my @rrdfiles = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); my $astraffic = {}; $|=1; my $i = 0; foreach my $rrdfile (@rrdfiles) { if ($rrdfile =~ /^(\d+).rrd$/) { my $as = $1; $astraffic->{$as} = gettraffic($as, time - 86400, time); $i++; if ($i % 100 == 0) { print "$i... "; } } } print "\n"; # now sort the keys in order of descending total traffic my @asorder = sort { my $total_a = 0; foreach my $t (values %{$astraffic->{$a}}) { $total_a += $t; } my $total_b = 0; foreach my $t (values %{$astraffic->{$b}}) { $total_b += $t; } return $total_b <=> $total_a; } keys %$astraffic; open(STATSFILE, ">$statsfile"); # print header line print STATSFILE "as"; foreach my $link (@links) { print STATSFILE "\t${link}_in\t${link}_out"; } print STATSFILE "\n"; # print data foreach my $as (@asorder) { print STATSFILE "$as"; foreach my $link (@links) { print STATSFILE "\t" . $astraffic->{$as}->{"${link}_in"}; print STATSFILE "\t" . $astraffic->{$as}->{"${link}_out"}; } print STATSFILE "\n"; } close(STATSFILE); sub gettraffic { my $as = shift; my $start = shift; my $end = shift; my @cmd = ("dummy", "--start", $start, "--end", $end); my $retdata = {}; foreach my $link (@links) { push(@cmd, "DEF:${link}_in=$rrdpath/$as.rrd:${link}_in:AVERAGE"); push(@cmd, "DEF:${link}_out=$rrdpath/$as.rrd:${link}_out:AVERAGE"); push(@cmd, "VDEF:${link}_in_v=${link}_in,TOTAL"); push(@cmd, "VDEF:${link}_out_v=${link}_out,TOTAL"); push(@cmd, "PRINT:${link}_in_v:%lf"); push(@cmd, "PRINT:${link}_out_v:%lf"); } my @res = RRDs::graph(@cmd); my $ERR = RRDs::error; if ($ERR) { die "Error while getting data for $as: $ERR\n"; } my $lines = $res[0]; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@links); $i++) { my $in = $lines->[$i*2]; chomp($in); if ($in eq "nan") { $in = 0; } my $out = $lines->[$i*2+1]; chomp($out); if ($out eq "nan") { $out = 0; } $retdata->{$links[$i] . '_in'} = $in; $retdata->{$links[$i] . '_out'} = $out; } return $retdata; }