for Monzoon Networks AG */ require_once(""); require_once(''); /* make sure we have enough memory, as some pages can be quite memory intensive */ ini_set("memory_limit", "256M"); /* note: you might want to put the data from asinfo.txt into an SQL database to avoid having to read the whole file all the time */ function getASInfo($asnum) { global $asinfodb; if (!isset($asinfodb)) $asinfodb = readasinfodb(); if (@$asinfodb[$asnum]) return $asinfodb[$asnum]; else return array('name' => "AS$asnum", 'descr' => "AS $asnum"); /*$row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from asnums where asn='" . addslashes($asnum) . "'")); if ($row) { return array('name' => $row['asname'], 'descr' => $row['descr'], 'country' => $row['country']); } else { return array('name' => "AS$asnum", 'descr' => "AS $asnum"); }*/ } function readasinfodb() { global $asinfofile; if (!file_exists($asinfofile)) return array(); $fd = fopen($asinfofile, "r"); $asinfodb = array(); while (!feof($fd)) { $line = trim(fgets($fd)); if (preg_match("/(^\\s*#)|(^\\s*$)/", $line)) continue; /* empty line or comment */ $asnarr = explode("\t", $line); $asn = $asnarr[0]; $asname = $asnarr[1]; $descr = $asnarr[2]; if (isset($asnarr[3])) $country = $asnarr[3]; $asinfodb[$asn] = array( 'name' => $asname, 'descr' => $descr, 'country' => $country ); } fclose($fd); return $asinfodb; } function getknownlinks() { global $knownlinksfile; $fd = fopen($knownlinksfile, "r"); $knownlinks = array(); while (!feof($fd)) { $line = trim(fgets($fd)); if (preg_match("/(^\\s*#)|(^\\s*$)/", $line)) continue; /* empty line or comment */ list($routerip,$ifindex,$tag,$descr,$color) = preg_split("/\\t+/", $line); $known = false; foreach ($knownlinks as $link) { if (in_array($tag,$link)) {$known=true;} } if (!$known) { $knownlinks[] = array( 'routerip' => $routerip, 'ifindex' => $ifindex, 'tag' => $tag, 'descr' => $descr, 'color' => $color ); } } fclose($fd); return $knownlinks; } function getasstats_top($ntop, $statfile, $selected_links) { try{ $db = new SQLite3($statfile); }catch(Exception $e){ return array(); } if(sizeof($selected_links) == 0){ $selected_links = array(); foreach(getknownlinks() as $link) $selected_links[] = $link['tag']; } $nlinks = 0; $query_total = '0'; $query_links = ''; foreach($selected_links as $tag){ $query_links .= "${tag}_in, ${tag}_out, ${tag}_v6_in, ${tag}_v6_out, "; $nlinks += 4; $query_total .= " + ${tag}_in + ${tag}_out + ${tag}_v6_in + ${tag}_v6_out"; } $query = "select asn, $query_links $query_total as total from stats order by total desc limit $ntop"; $asn = $db->query($query); $asstats = array(); while($row = $asn->fetchArray()){ $tot_in = 0; $tot_out = 0; $tot_v6_in = 0; $tot_v6_out = 0; foreach($row as $key => $value){ if (strpos($key, '_in') !== false) { if (strpos($key, '_v6_') !== false) $tot_v6_in += $value; else $tot_in += $value; } else if (strpos($key, '_out') !== false) { if (strpos($key, '_v6_') !== false) $tot_v6_out += $value; else $tot_out += $value; } } $asstats[$row['asn']] = array($tot_in, $tot_out, $tot_v6_in, $tot_v6_out); } return $asstats; } function format_bytes($bytes) { if ($bytes >= 1099511627776) return sprintf("%.2f TB", $bytes / 1099511627776); else if ($bytes >= 1073741824) return sprintf("%.2f GB", $bytes / 1073741824); else if ($bytes >= 1048576) return sprintf("%.2f MB", $bytes / 1048576); else if ($bytes >= 1024) return sprintf("%d KB", $bytes / 1024); else return "$bytes bytes"; } function getRRDFileForAS($as, $peer = 0) { global $rrdpath; $prefix = ($peer == 1) ? "$rrdpath/peeras" : "$rrdpath"; return "$prefix/" . sprintf("%02x", $as % 256) . "/$as.rrd"; } function getASSET($asset) { global $whois, $assetpath, $asset_cache_life; /* sanity check */ if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$/", $asset)) return null; $assetfile = $assetpath."/".$asset.".txt"; # check if file exist and cache $filemtime = @filemtime($assetfile); if (!$filemtime or (time() - $filemtime >= $asset_cache_life)) { $cmd = $whois ." -h '!i".$asset."'"; $return_aslist = explode("\n",shell_exec($cmd)); /* find the line that contains the AS-SET members */ $aslist = array(); foreach ($return_aslist as $asline) { if (preg_match("/^AS/", $asline)) { $aslist = explode(" ", $asline); break; } } $f = fopen($assetfile,"w"); foreach ($aslist as $as) { fputs($f,$as."\n"); } fclose($f); # else read cache file } else { $f = fopen($assetfile, "r"); $aslist = array(); while (!feof($f)) { $line = trim(fgets($f)); if (!empty($line)) $aslist[] = $line; } } return $aslist; } function clearCacheFileASSET($asset) { global $assetpath; /* sanity check */ if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$/", $asset)) return; if ( $asset == "all" ) { $files = glob($assetpath."/*.txt"); foreach($files as $file) { unlink($file); } } else { $file = $assetpath."/".$asset.".txt"; unlink($file); } } # return the html used in top.php : function getHTMLUrl($as, $ipversion, $desc, $start, $end, $peerusage, $selected_links = array()){ $img = getHTMLImg($as, $ipversion, $desc, $start, $end, $peerusage, '', '', false, $selected_links); $result = "$img"; return($result); } # return the html used in history.php (for example) : function getHTMLImg($as, $ipversion, $desc, $start, $end, $peerusage, $alt, $class, $history = false, $selected_links=array()){ global $top_graph_width; global $top_graph_height; $ipvstring = "$ipversion"; if($ipversion == 0 || $ipversion == 46 || $ipversion == 64) $ipvstring = "4+IPv6"; $dname = rawurlencode("AS$as - $desc - IPv$ipvstring"); $result = "