mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 11:44:12 +08:00
* clarify extractstats * remove 4/12 hour stats as it’s unnecessary clutter, and by default there is only a 24 hours stats file so the sort order and the aggregate stats are wrong anyway, and besides the RRD resolution is too low by default. If users want this, they can add it properly now.
150 lines
3.9 KiB
150 lines
3.9 KiB
* $Id$
* (c) 2008 Monzoon Networks AG. All rights reserved.
$peerusage = 0;
if (isset($_GET['n']))
$ntop = (int)$_GET['n'];
if ($ntop > 200)
$ntop = 200;
if ($peerusage)
$statsfile = $daypeerstatsfile;
else {
$statsfile = $daystatsfile;
/* find more appropriate file for this interval */
foreach ($top_intervals as $interval) {
if ($interval['hours'] == @$_GET['numhours']) {
if (@$interval['statsfile'])
$statsfile = $interval['statsfile'];
if (@$interval['label'])
$label = $interval['label'];
$topas = getasstats_top($ntop, $statsfile);
if (@$_GET['numhours']) {
$start = time() - $_GET['numhours']*3600;
$end = time();
if (!$label)
$label = htmlspecialchars($_GET['numhours']) . " hours";
} else {
$start = "";
$end = "";
if (!$label)
$label = "24 hours";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="300" />
<title>Top <?php echo $ntop; ?> AS<?php if($peerusage) echo " peer"; ?> (<?=$label?>)</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<div id="nav">
<form action="" method="get">
Number of AS:
<input type="text" name="n" size="4" value="<?php echo $ntop; ?>" />
<input type="submit" value="Go" style="margin-right: 2em" />
<?php include('headermenu.inc'); ?>
<div class="pgtitle">Top <?php echo $ntop; ?> AS<?php if($peerusage) echo " peer"; ?> (<?=$label?>)</div>
<table class="astable">
<?php $i = 0; foreach ($topas as $as => $nbytes):
$asinfo = getASInfo($as);
$class = (($i % 2) == 0) ? "even" : "odd";
<tr class="<?php echo $class; ?>">
<div class="title">
$flagfile = "flags/" . strtolower($asinfo['country']) . ".gif";
if (file_exists($flagfile)):
$is = getimagesize($flagfile);
<img src="<?php echo $flagfile; ?>" <?php echo $is[3]; ?>>
<?php endif; ?>
AS<?php echo $as; ?>: <?php echo $asinfo['descr']; ?>
<div class="small">IPv4: ~ <?php echo format_bytes($nbytes[0]); ?> in /
<?php echo format_bytes($nbytes[1]); ?> out in the last <?=$label?></div>
<?php if ($showv6): ?>
<div class="small">IPv6: ~ <?php echo format_bytes($nbytes[2]); ?> in /
<?php echo format_bytes($nbytes[3]); ?> out in the last <?=$label?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($customlinks)): ?>
<div class="customlinks">
$htmllinks = array();
foreach ($customlinks as $linkname => $url) {
$url = str_replace("%as%", $as, $url);
$htmllinks[] = "<a href=\"$url\" target=\"_blank\">" . htmlspecialchars($linkname) . "</a>\n";
echo join(" | ", $htmllinks);
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="rank">
#<?php echo ($i+1); ?>
echo getHTMLUrl($as, 4, $asinfo['descr'], $start, $end, $peerusage);
if ($showv6)
echo getHTMLUrl($as, 6, $asinfo['descr'], $start, $end, $peerusage);
<?php $i++; endforeach; ?>
<div id="legend">
$knownlinks = getknownlinks();
foreach ($knownlinks as $link) {
echo "<tr><td style=\"border: 4px solid #fff;\">";
echo "<table style=\"border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0; padding: 0\"><tr>";
if ($brighten_negative) {
echo "<td width=\"9\" height=\"18\" style=\"background-color: #{$link['color']}\"> </td>";
echo "<td width=\"9\" height=\"18\" style=\"opacity: 0.73; background-color: #{$link['color']}\"> </td>";
} else {
echo "<td width=\"18\" height=\"18\" style=\"background-color: #{$link['color']}\"> </td>";
echo "</tr></table>";
echo "</td><td> " . $link['descr'] . "</td></tr>\n";
<?php include('footer.inc'); ?>