2020-03-21 15:26:53 +01:00

230 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File

# $Id$
# written by Manuel Kasper <> for Monzoon Networks AG
# mod for rrd path sjc
use strict;
use warnings;
use RRDs;
use File::Find;
use File::Find::Rule;
use threads ;#qw( async );
use threads::shared;
use Thread::Queue qw( );
if ($#ARGV < 2) {
die("Usage: $0 <path to RRD file directory> <path to known links file> outfile [interval-hours]\n");
my $rrdpath = $ARGV[0];
my $knownlinksfile = $ARGV[1];
my $statsfile = $ARGV[2];
my $interval = 86400;
if ($ARGV[3]) {
$interval = $ARGV[3] * 3600;
my %knownlinks;
my @links = values %knownlinks;
# walk through all RRD files in the given path and extract stats for all links
# from them; write the stats to an sqlite database
my @rrdfiles = File::Find::Rule->maxdepth(2)->file->in($rrdpath);
my $i :shared = 0;
my $cpus = do { local @ARGV='/proc/cpuinfo'; grep /^processor\s+:/, <>;};
my $num_workers = $cpus / 2;
my $num_work_units = scalar @rrdfiles;
my $q = Thread::Queue->new();
my $rq = Thread::Queue->new();
# Create work
foreach my $rrdfile (@rrdfiles) {
if ($rrdfile =~ /\/(\d+).rrd$/) {
my $as = $1;
# Create workers
my @workers;
for (1..$num_workers) {
push @workers, async {
while (defined(my $as = $q->dequeue())) {
my $result->{as} = $as;
$result->{result} = gettraffic($as, time - $interval, time);
# Put result to result queue
if ($i % 100 == 0) {
print int($i / $num_work_units * 100 * 100) / 100 . "%... ";
# Tell workers they are no longer needed.
$q->enqueue(undef) for @workers;
# Wait for workers to end
$_->join() for @workers;
print "100%";
my $query = 'create table stats("asn" int';
foreach my $link (@links) {
$query .= ", \"${link}_in\" int, \"${link}_out\" int, \"${link}_v6_in\" int, \"${link}_v6_out\" int";
$query .= ');';
use DBI;
my $db = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$statsfile.tmp", '', '');
$db->do('PRAGMA synchronous = OFF');
$db->do('drop table if exists stats');
# read resultqueue and print data
while (my $result = $rq->dequeue) {
my $as = $result->{as};
$query = "insert into stats values('$as'";
foreach my $link (@links) {
$query .= ", '" . undefaszero($result->{result}->{"${link}_in"}) . "'";
$query .= ", '" . undefaszero($result->{result}->{"${link}_out"}) . "'";
$query .= ", '" . undefaszero($result->{result}->{"${link}_v6_in"}) . "'";
$query .= ", '" . undefaszero($result->{result}->{"${link}_v6_out"}) . "'";
$query .= ');';
rename("$statsfile.tmp", $statsfile);
sub undefaszero {
my $val = shift;
if (!defined($val)) {
return 0;
} else {
return $val;
sub gettraffic {
my $as = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my @cmd = ("dummy", "--start", $start, "--end", $end);
my $retdata = {};
my $dirname = "$rrdpath/" . sprintf("%02x", $as % 256);
my $rrdfile = "$dirname/$as.rrd";
# get list of available DS
my $have_v6 = 0;
my $availableds = {};
my $rrdinfo = RRDs::info($rrdfile);
foreach my $ri (keys %$rrdinfo) {
if ($ri =~ /^ds\[(.+)\]\.type$/) {
$availableds->{$1} = 1;
if ($1 =~ /_v6_/) {
$have_v6 = 1;
foreach my $link (@links) {
next if (!$availableds->{"${link}_in"} || !$availableds->{"${link}_out"});
push(@cmd, "DEF:${link}_in=$rrdfile:${link}_in:AVERAGE");
push(@cmd, "DEF:${link}_out=$rrdfile:${link}_out:AVERAGE");
push(@cmd, "VDEF:${link}_in_v=${link}_in,TOTAL");
push(@cmd, "VDEF:${link}_out_v=${link}_out,TOTAL");
if ($have_v6) {
push(@cmd, "DEF:${link}_v6_in=$rrdfile:${link}_v6_in:AVERAGE");
push(@cmd, "DEF:${link}_v6_out=$rrdfile:${link}_v6_out:AVERAGE");
push(@cmd, "VDEF:${link}_v6_in_v=${link}_v6_in,TOTAL");
push(@cmd, "VDEF:${link}_v6_out_v=${link}_v6_out,TOTAL");
push(@cmd, "PRINT:${link}_in_v:%lf");
push(@cmd, "PRINT:${link}_out_v:%lf");
if ($have_v6) {
push(@cmd, "PRINT:${link}_v6_in_v:%lf");
push(@cmd, "PRINT:${link}_v6_out_v:%lf");
my @res = RRDs::graph(@cmd);
my $ERR = RRDs::error;
if ($ERR) {
die "Error while getting data for $as: $ERR\n";
my $lines = $res[0];
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@links); $i++) {
my @vals;
my $numds = ($have_v6 ? 4 : 2);
for (my $j = 0; $j < $numds; $j++) {
$vals[$j] = $lines->[$i*$numds+$j];
if (isnan($vals[$j])) {
$vals[$j] = 0;
$retdata->{$links[$i] . '_in'} = $vals[0];
$retdata->{$links[$i] . '_out'} = $vals[1];
if ($have_v6) {
$retdata->{$links[$i] . '_v6_in'} = $vals[2];
$retdata->{$links[$i] . '_v6_out'} = $vals[3];
return $retdata;
sub read_knownlinks {
open(KLFILE, $knownlinksfile) or die("Cannot open $knownlinksfile!");
while (<KLFILE>) {
next if (/(^\s*#)|(^\s*$)/); # empty line or comment
my ($routerip,$ifindex,$tag,$descr,$color) = split(/\t+/);
my $known = 0;
foreach my $link (values %knownlinks) {
if ($tag eq $link) { $known=1; last; }
if ($known == 0) {
$knownlinks{"${routerip}_${ifindex}"} = $tag;
sub isnan { ! defined( $_[0] <=> 9**9**9 ) }