First, thanks to all for creating these projects! :)
I wanted to add my guide for how I installed and got AS-Stats to work. For anyone out there struggling to get this to work. My network consists of Cisco 7604 and Cisco 6880s.
Perl > 5.9 is needed so I selected Ubuntu 16.04.
Install the necessary packages
sudo apt-get install libnet-patricia-perl libjson-xs-perl build-essential git librrds-perl librrd-dev rrdtool rrdtool-dev libdbd-sqlite3-perl php7.0-sqlite3 apache2 -y
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::sFlow'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install File::Find::Rule'
Git clone the repositories
cd /root
git clone
cp perl-ip2as/ /usr/share/perl5/
git clone
git clone
I've selected /home for my code, you can use /opt if you like just change.
cp -r AS-Stats /home
rm -r /home/AS-Stats/www/*
cp -r /root/as-stats-gui/* /home/AS-Stats/www/
chown -R www-data:www-data /home/AS-Stats/www/
mkdir /home/AS-Stats/rrd
mkdir /home/AS-Stats/asstats/
chmod -R 777 /home/AS-Stats/www/
Now you need to add the links to /home/AS-Stats/conf/knownlinks. An example row can look like this:
SWITCHIP 69 IXdesc PortDesc A6CEE3 1
To get the IDs you use the command show snmp mib ifmib ifindex on your Cisco switches.
To start AS-Stats poller:
The script contains this:
/usr/bin/nohup /home/AS-Stats/bin/ -r /home/AS-Stats/rrd -k /home/AS-Stats/conf/knownlinks -a YOURASN &
#sleep 2
ps aux | grep asstatd
To stop AS-Stats poller:
The script contains this:
/usr/bin/pkill -f asstatd
ps aux | grep asstatd
Also you need to add a cronjob for AS-Stats:
crontab -e
*/5 * * * * /home/AS-Stats/bin/ /home/AS-Stats/rrd/ /home/AS-Stats/conf/knownlinks /home/AS-Stats/asstats/asstats_day.txt
NOTE: When stopping and changing /home/AS-Stats/conf/knownlinks you need to remove the rrd folder and also the /home/AS-Stats/asstats/asstats_day.txt file.
Config I used for C760x
Also this is the config I used on the Ciscos:
#NOTE: TCAM will probably go full, but that should be OK, only used for NetFlow? Atleast it worked for me :) You can see the netflow usage with: sh mls netflow table-contention summary TCAM Utilization : 99% So to get the switch to stop spam, just add no service internal
no service internal
mls aging fast time 4 threshold 2
mls aging long 128
mls aging normal 64
mls flow ip interface-full
ip flow-cache timeout active 5
ip flow-export source lo0
ip flow-export version 5 origin-as
ip flow-aggregation cache as
cache timeout active 5
cache entries 16384
export destination **ASSTATSIP** 9000
int te5/6
ip flow ingress
Config I used for C6880
flow record ASSTAT-RECORD
match ipv4 source address
match ipv4 destination address
match transport source-port
match transport destination-port
match interface input
match interface output
match flow direction
collect routing source as
collect routing destination as
collect counter bytes long
collect counter packets long
collect timestamp sys-uptime first
collect timestamp sys-uptime last
flow record ASSTAT-RECORD-V6
match ipv6 source address
match ipv6 destination address
match transport source-port
match transport destination-port
match interface input
match interface output
match flow direction
collect routing source as
collect routing destination as
collect counter bytes long
collect counter packets long
collect timestamp sys-uptime first
collect timestamp sys-uptime last
flow exporter ASSTAT-EXPORT
destination **ASSTATSIP**
source Loopback0
transport udp 9000
flow monitor ASSTAT-MONITOR
cache timeout inactive 5
cache timeout active 5
cache entries 16384
flow monitor ASSTAT-MONITOR-V6
cache timeout inactive 5
cache timeout active 5
cache entries 16384
sampler flow-sampler
mode random 1 out-of 1024
int Te5/1
ip flow monitor ASSTAT-MONITOR sampler flow-sampler input
ip flow monitor ASSTAT-MONITOR sampler flow-sampler output
ipv6 flow monitor ASSTAT-MONITOR-V6 sampler flow-sampler input
ipv6 flow monitor ASSTAT-MONITOR-V6 sampler flow-sampler output
Add your site to Apache2
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /home/AS-Stats/www/
AddDefaultCharset utf-8
<Directory "/home/AS-Stats/www/">
Options All
AllowOverride All
require all granted
DirectoryIndex index.php
ServerSignature Off
ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/asstats-error-log"
CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/asstats-access-log" common
Configuring as-stats-gui
/* changes these values to suit your local configuration */
$rrdpath = "/home/AS-Stats/rrd";
$daystatsfile = "/home/AS-Stats/asstats/asstats_day.txt";
$rrdtool = "/usr/bin/rrdtool";
$daypeerstatsfile = "/home/AS-Stats/asstats/peerasstats_day.txt";
$showpeeras = false;
$asinfofile = "asinfo.txt";
$knownlinksfile = "/home/AS-Stats/conf/knownlinks";
$outispositive = false;
$show95th = true;
$ntop = 20;
$showv6 = true;
$showtitledetail = true;
$vertical_label = true; # vertical IN/OUT label in graph
$brighten_negative = true; # brighten the "negative" part of graphs
$whois = "/usr/bin/whois";
$assetpath = "asset";
$asset_cache_life = "604800"; # 604800 seconds = 7 days
$compat_rrdtool12 = false; # compatibility with RRDtool 1.2 (show95th will not work if this is set)
$my_asn = "YOURASN";
/* Custom links to be shown for each AS. You can use %as% as a
placeholder for the ASN. */
$customlinks = array(
'PeeringDB' => '',
'robtex' => '',
'HE' => '',
'RIPEstat' => '',
'CIDR v4' => '',
'CIDR v6' => '',
'Radar Qrator' => ''
/* Custom time intervals for top N AS */
$top_intervals[] = array(
'hours' => 7*24,
'statsfile' => '/data/as-stats/asstats_week.txt',
'label' => '1 week'
$top_intervals[] = array(
'hours' => 30*24,
'statsfile' => '/data/as-stats/asstats_month.txt',
'label' => '30 days'
/* END - no closing php tag needed here (prevents problems with stray whitespace) */
Another good file to know is /home/AS-Stats/www/asinfo.txt. Mod it to your liking.
Now it should work for you. Enjoy :)
tcpdump -i ens160 -n udp port 9000 -T cnfp
Inspiration and sources