# AdGuard DNS debug HTTP API The AdGuard DNS debug HTTP API is served on [`LISTEN_PORT`][env-listen_port] and contains various private debugging information. ## Contents - [`GET /health-check`](#health-check) - [`GET /metrics`](#metrics) - [`GET /debug/pprof`](#pprof) - [`POST /debug/api/cache/clear`](#api-cache-clear) - [`POST /debug/api/refresh`](#api-refresh) - [`POST /dnsdb/csv`](#dnsdb-csv) [env-listen_port]: environment.md#LISTEN_PORT ## `GET /health-check` A simple health check API. Always responds with a `200 OK` status and the plain-text body `OK`. ## `GET /metrics` Prometheus metrics HTTP API. See the [metrics page][metrics] for more details. [metrics]: metrics.md ## `GET /debug/pprof` The HTTP interface of Go's [PProf HTTP API][pprof api]. [pprof api]: https://pkg.go.dev/net/http/pprof ## `POST /debug/api/cache/clear` Run some cache purges manually. The `ids` is an array of path patterns to match the cache IDs. Example request: ```sh curl -d '{"ids":["filters/rulelist/*"]}' -v "http://${LISTEN_ADDR}:${LISTEN_PORT}/debug/api/cache/clear" ``` Request body example: ```json { "ids": [ "filters/hashprefix/adult_blocking", "filters/custom" ] } ``` Supported IDs: - `dns/ecscache_no_ecs` - `dns/ecscache_with_ecs` - `filters/blocked_service/*` - `filters/custom` - `filters/hashprefix/adult_blocking` - `filters/hashprefix/newly_registered_domains` - `filters/hashprefix/safe_browsing` - `filters/rulelist/*` - `filters/safe_search/general_safe_search` - `geoip/host` - `geoip/ip` Note that you can clear the cache of any individual blocked service, e.g. `filters/blocked_service/youtube`, and any filter rule list, e.g. `filters/rulelist/adguard_dns_filter`. The special ID `*`, when used alone, causes all available caches to be purged. Use with caution. Response body example: ```json { "results": { "filters/hashprefix/adult_blocking": "ok", "filters/custom": "ok" } } ``` ## `POST /debug/api/refresh` Run some refresh jobs manually. The `ids` is an array of path patterns to match the refreshers IDs. This refresh does not alter the time of the next automatic refresh. Example request: ```sh curl -d '{"ids":["filters/*"]}' -v "http://${LISTEN_ADDR}:${LISTEN_PORT}/debug/api/refresh" ``` Request body example: ```json { "ids": [ "filters/hashprefix/adult_blocking", "filters/storage" ] } ``` Supported IDs: - `allowlist` - `billstat` - `filters/hashprefix/adult_blocking` - `filters/hashprefix/newly_registered_domains` - `filters/hashprefix/safe_browsing` - `filters/storage` - `geoip` - `profiledb` - `rulestat` - `ticket_rotator` - `tlsconfig` The special ID `*`, when used alone, causes all available refresh tasks to be performed. Use with caution. Response body example: ```json { "results": { "filters/hashprefix/adult_blocking": "ok", "filters/storage": "ok" } } ``` ## `POST /dnsdb/csv` The CSV dump of the current DNSDB statistics. Example of the output: ```csv example.com,A,NOERROR,,42 example.com,AAAA,NOERROR,2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946,123 ``` The response is sent with the `Transfer-Encoding` set to `chunked` and with an HTTP trailer named `X-Error` which describes errors that might have occurred during the database dump.