# AdGuard DNS environment configuration AdGuard DNS uses [environment variables][wiki-env] to store some of the more sensitive configuration. All other configuration is stored in the [configuration file][conf]. ## Contents - [`ADULT_BLOCKING_ENABLED`](#ADULT_BLOCKING_ENABLED) - [`ADULT_BLOCKING_URL`](#ADULT_BLOCKING_URL) - [`BACKEND_RATELIMIT_API_KEY`](#BACKEND_RATELIMIT_API_KEY) - [`BACKEND_RATELIMIT_URL`](#BACKEND_RATELIMIT_URL) - [`BILLSTAT_API_KEY`](#BILLSTAT_API_KEY) - [`BILLSTAT_URL`](#BILLSTAT_URL) - [`BLOCKED_SERVICE_ENABLED`](#BLOCKED_SERVICE_ENABLED) - [`BLOCKED_SERVICE_INDEX_URL`](#BLOCKED_SERVICE_INDEX_URL) - [`CONFIG_PATH`](#CONFIG_PATH) - [`CONSUL_ALLOWLIST_URL`](#CONSUL_ALLOWLIST_URL) - [`CONSUL_DNSCHECK_KV_URL`](#CONSUL_DNSCHECK_KV_URL) - [`CONSUL_DNSCHECK_SESSION_URL`](#CONSUL_DNSCHECK_SESSION_URL) - [`DNSCHECK_CACHE_KV_SIZE`](#DNSCHECK_CACHE_KV_SIZE) - [`DNSCHECK_REMOTEKV_API_KEY`](#DNSCHECK_REMOTEKV_API_KEY) - [`DNSCHECK_REMOTEKV_URL`](#DNSCHECK_REMOTEKV_URL) - [`FILTER_CACHE_PATH`](#FILTER_CACHE_PATH) - [`FILTER_INDEX_URL`](#FILTER_INDEX_URL) - [`GENERAL_SAFE_ENABLED`](#GENERAL_SAFE_SEARCH_ENABLED) - [`GENERAL_SAFE_SEARCH_URL`](#GENERAL_SAFE_SEARCH_URL) - [`GEOIP_ASN_PATH` and `GEOIP_COUNTRY_PATH`](#GEOIP_ASN_PATH) - [`LINKED_IP_TARGET_URL`](#LINKED_IP_TARGET_URL) - [`LISTEN_ADDR`](#LISTEN_ADDR) - [`LISTEN_PORT`](#LISTEN_PORT) - [`LOG_TIMESTAMP`](#LOG_TIMESTAMP) - [`METRICS_NAMESPACE`](#METRICS_NAMESPACE) - [`NEW_REG_DOMAINS_ENABLED`](#NEW_REG_DOMAINS_ENABLED) - [`NEW_REG_DOMAINS_URL`](#NEW_REG_DOMAINS_URL) - [`PROFILES_API_KEY`](#PROFILES_API_KEY) - [`PROFILES_CACHE_PATH`](#PROFILES_CACHE_PATH) - [`PROFILES_URL`](#PROFILES_URL) - [`REDIS_ADDR`](#REDIS_ADDR) - [`REDIS_KEY_PREFIX`](#REDIS_KEY_PREFIX) - [`REDIS_MAX_ACTIVE`](#REDIS_MAX_ACTIVE) - [`REDIS_MAX_IDLE`](#REDIS_MAX_IDLE) - [`REDIS_IDLE_TIMEOUT`](#REDIS_IDLE_TIMEOUT) - [`REDIS_PORT`](#REDIS_PORT) - [`QUERYLOG_PATH`](#QUERYLOG_PATH) - [`RULESTAT_URL`](#RULESTAT_URL) - [`SAFE_BROWSING_ENABLED`](#SAFE_BROWSING_ENABLED) - [`SAFE_BROWSING_URL`](#SAFE_BROWSING_URL) - [`SENTRY_DSN`](#SENTRY_DSN) - [`SSL_KEY_LOG_FILE`](#SSL_KEY_LOG_FILE) - [`VERBOSE`](#VERBOSE) - [`WEB_STATIC_DIR_ENABLED`](#WEB_STATIC_DIR_ENABLED) - [`WEB_STATIC_DIR`](#WEB_STATIC_DIR) - [`YOUTUBE_SAFE_SEARCH_ENABLED`](#YOUTUBE_SAFE_SEARCH_ENABLED) - [`YOUTUBE_SAFE_SEARCH_URL`](#YOUTUBE_SAFE_SEARCH_URL) [conf]: configuration.md [wiki-env]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_variable ## `ADULT_BLOCKING_ENABLED` When set to `1`, enable the adult-blocking hash-prefix filter. When set to `0`, disable it. **Default:** `1`. ## `ADULT_BLOCKING_URL` The HTTP(S) URL of source list of rules for adult blocking filter. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if `ADULT_BLOCKING_ENABLED` is set to `1`. ## `BACKEND_RATELIMIT_API_KEY` The API key to use when authenticating requests to the backend rate limiter API, if any. The API key should be valid as defined by [RFC 6750]. **Default:** **Unset.** ## `BACKEND_RATELIMIT_URL` The base backend URL for backend rate limiter. Supports gRPC(S) (`grpc://` and `grpcs://`) URLs. See the [external API requirements section][ext-backend-ratelimit]. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if the [type][conf-ratelimit-type] of rate limiter is `backend` in the configuration file. [conf-ratelimit-type]: configuration.md#ratelimit-type [ext-backend-ratelimit]: externalhttp.md#backend-ratelimit ## `BILLSTAT_API_KEY` The API key to use when authenticating queries to the billing statistics API, if any. The API key should be valid as defined by [RFC 6750]. **Default:** **Unset.** [RFC 6750]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6750#section-2.1 ## `BILLSTAT_URL` The base backend URL for backend billing statistics uploader API. Supports gRPC(S) (`grpc://` and `grpcs://`) URLs. See the [external HTTP API requirements section][ext-billstat]. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if there is at least one [server group][conf-sg] with profiles enabled. [conf-sg]: configuration.md#server_groups [ext-billstat]: externalhttp.md#backend-billstat ## `BLOCKED_SERVICE_ENABLED` When set to `1`, enable the blocked service filter. When set to `0`, disable it. **Default:** `1`. ## `BLOCKED_SERVICE_INDEX_URL` The HTTP(S) URL of the blocked service index file server. See the [external HTTP API requirements section][ext-blocked] on the expected format of the response. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if `BLOCKED_SERVICE_ENABLED` is set to `1`. [ext-blocked]: externalhttp.md#filters-blocked-services ## `CONFIG_PATH` The path to the configuration file. **Default:** `./config.yaml`. ## `CONSUL_ALLOWLIST_URL` The HTTP(S) URL of the Consul instance serving the dynamic part of the rate-limit allowlist. See the [external HTTP API requirements section][ext-consul] on the expected format of the response. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if the [type][conf-ratelimit-type] of rate limiter is `consul` in the configuration file. [ext-consul]: externalhttp.md#consul ## `CONSUL_DNSCHECK_KV_URL` The HTTP(S) URL of the KV API of the Consul instance used as a key-value database for the DNS server checking. It must end with `/kv/` where `` is any non-empty namespace. If not specified, the [`CONSUL_DNSCHECK_SESSION_URL`](#CONSUL_DNSCHECK_SESSION_URL) is also omitted. **Default:** **Unset.** **Example:** `http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/test` ## `CONSUL_DNSCHECK_SESSION_URL` The HTTP(S) URL of the session API of the Consul instance used as a key-value database for the DNS server checking. If not specified, the [`CONSUL_DNSCHECK_KV_URL`](#CONSUL_DNSCHECK_KV_URL) is also omitted. **Default:** **Unset.** **Example:** `http://localhost:8500/v1/session/create` ## `DNSCHECK_CACHE_KV_SIZE` The maximum number of the local cache key-value database entries for the DNS server checking. **Default:** No default value, a positive value is required if the [type][conf-dnscheck-type] of the database is set to `cache`. **Example:** `1000` [conf-dnscheck-type]: configuration.md#check-kv-type ## `DNSCHECK_REMOTEKV_API_KEY` The API key to use when authenticating queries to the backend key-value database API, if any. The API key should be valid as defined by [RFC 6750]. **Default:** **Unset.** ## `DNSCHECK_REMOTEKV_URL` The base backend URL used as a key-value database for the DNS server checking. Supports gRPC(S) (`grpc://` and`grpcs://`) URLs. See the [external API requirements section][ext-backend-dnscheck]. **Default:** **Unset.** [ext-backend-dnscheck]: externalhttp.md#backend-dnscheck ## `FILTER_CACHE_PATH` The path to the directory used to store the cached version of all filters and filter indexes. **Default:** `./filters/`. ## `FILTER_INDEX_URL` The HTTP(S) URL or a hostless file URI (e.g. `file:///tmp/filters.json`) of the filtering rule index file server. See the [external HTTP API requirements section][ext-lists] on the expected format of the response. **Default:** No default value, the variable is **required.** [ext-lists]: externalhttp.md#filters-lists ## `GENERAL_SAFE_SEARCH_ENABLED` When set to `1`, enable the general safe search filter. When set to `0`, disable it. **Default:** `1`. ## `GENERAL_SAFE_SEARCH_URL` The HTTP(S) URL of the list of general safe search rewriting rules. See the [external HTTP API requirements section][ext-general] on the expected format of the response. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if `GENERAL_SAFE_SEARCH_ENABLED` is set to `1`. [ext-general]: externalhttp.md#filters-safe-search ## `GEOIP_ASN_PATH` and `GEOIP_COUNTRY_PATH` Paths to the files containing MaxMind GeoIP databases: for ASNs and for countries and continents respectively. **Default:** `./asn.mmdb` and `./country.mmdb`. ## `LINKED_IP_TARGET_URL` The target HTTP(S) URL to which linked IP API requests are proxied. In case [linked IP and dynamic DNS][conf-web-linked_ip] web server is configured, the variable is required. See the [external HTTP API requirements section][ext-linked_ip]. **Default:** **Unset.** [conf-web-linked_ip]: configuration.md#web-linked_ip [ext-linked_ip]: externalhttp.md#backend-linkip ## `LISTEN_ADDR` The IP address on which to bind the [debug HTTP API][debughttp]. **Default:** ``. [debughttp]: debughttp.md ## `LISTEN_PORT` The port on which to bind the [debug HTTP API][debughttp], which includes the health check, Prometheus, `pprof`, and other endpoints. **Default:** `8181`. ## `LOG_TIMESTAMP` If `1`, show timestamps in the plain text logs. If `0`, don't show the timestamps. **Default:** `1`. ## `METRICS_NAMESPACE` The namespace to be used for Prometheus metrics. It must be a valid Prometheus metric label. **Default:** `dns`. ## `NEW_REG_DOMAINS_ENABLED` When set to `1`, enable the newly-registered domains hash-prefix filter. When set to `0`, disable it. **Default:** `1`. ## `NEW_REG_DOMAINS_URL` The HTTP(S) URL of source list of rules for newly registered domains safe browsing filter. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if `NEW_REG_DOMAINS_ENABLED` is set to `1`. ## `PROFILES_API_KEY` The API key to use when authenticating queries to the profiles API, if any. The API key should be valid as defined by [RFC 6750]. **Default:** **Unset.** ## `PROFILES_CACHE_PATH` The path to the profile cache file: - `none` means that the profile caching is disabled. - A file with the extension `.pb` means that the profiles are cached in the protobuf format. Use the following command to inspect the cache, assuming that the version is correct: ```sh protoc\ --decode\ profiledb.FileCache\ ./internal/profiledb/internal/filecachepb/filecache.proto\ < /path/to/profilecache.pb ``` The profile cache is read on start and is later updated on every [full refresh][conf-backend-full_refresh_interval]. **Default:** `./profilecache.pb`. [conf-backend-full_refresh_interval]: configuration.md#backend-full_refresh_interval ## `PROFILES_MAX_RESP_SIZE` The maximum size of the response from the profiles API in a human-readable format. **Default:** `64MB`. ## `PROFILES_URL` The base backend URL for profiles API. Supports gRPC(S) (`grpc://` and `grpcs://`) URLs. See the [external API requirements section][ext-profiles]. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if there is at least one [server group][conf-sg] with profiles enabled. [ext-profiles]: externalhttp.md#backend-profiles ## `REDIS_ADDR` Redis server address. Can be an IP address or a hostname. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if the [type][conf-check-kv-type] of remote KV storage for DNS server checking is `redis` in the configuration file. [conf-check-kv-type]: configuration.md#check-kv-type ## `REDIS_KEY_PREFIX` The prefix for Redis keys. **Default:** `agdns`. ## `REDIS_MAX_ACTIVE` The maximum number of active Redis connections. **Default:** `10`. ## `REDIS_MAX_IDLE` The maximum number of idle Redis connections. **Default:** `3`. ## `REDIS_IDLE_TIMEOUT` How long until idle Redis connections are closed, as a human-readable duration. **Default:** `30s`. ## `REDIS_PORT` Redis server port. **Default:** `6379`. ## `QUERYLOG_PATH` The path to the file into which the query log is going to be written. **Default:** `./querylog.jsonl`. ## `RULESTAT_URL` The HTTP(S) URL to send filtering rule list statistics to. If empty or unset, the collection of filtering rule statistics is disabled. See the [external HTTP API requirements section][ext-rulestat] on the expected format of the response. **Default:** **Unset.** **Example:** `https://stats.example.com/db` [ext-rulestat]: externalhttp.md#rulestat ## `SAFE_BROWSING_ENABLED` When set to `1`, enable the safe-browsing hash-prefix filter. When set to `0`, disable it. **Default:** `1`. ## `SAFE_BROWSING_URL` The HTTP(S) URL of source list of rules for dangerous domains safe browsing filter. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if `SAFE_BROWSING_ENABLED` is set to `1`. ## `SENTRY_DSN` Sentry error collector address. The special value `stderr` makes AdGuard DNS print these errors to standard error. **Default:** `stderr`. ## `SSL_KEY_LOG_FILE` If set, TLS key logs are written to this file to allow other programs (i.e. Wireshark) to decrypt packets. **Must only be used for debug purposes**. **Default:** **Unset.** ## `VERBOSE` - `2`: Enables trace logging. - `1`: Enables debug logging. - `0`: The default level of verbosity: only info logs are printed. **Default:** `0`. ## `WEB_STATIC_DIR_ENABLED` When set to `1`, use `WEB_STATIC_DIR` as the source of the static content. **Default:** `0`. ## `WEB_STATIC_DIR` The absolute path to the directory used to serve static content. The directory must exist. The value of the `Content-Type` header is guessed from the files' contents. Other headers cannot be modified. If the content type of a file cannot be guessed, `text/plain` is used. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if `WEB_STATIC_DIR_ENABLED` is set to `1`. ## `YOUTUBE_SAFE_SEARCH_ENABLED` When set to `1`, enable the youtube safe search filter. When set to `0`, disable it. **Default:** `1`. ## `YOUTUBE_SAFE_SEARCH_URL` The HTTP(S) URL of the list of YouTube-specific safe search rewriting rules. See the [external HTTP API requirements section][ext-general] on the expected format of the response. **Default:** No default value, the variable is required if `YOUTUBE_SAFE_SEARCH_ENABLED` is set to `1`.