#!/bin/sh verbose="${VERBOSE:-0}" readonly verbose if [ "$verbose" -gt '1' ]; then env set -x elif [ "$verbose" -gt '0' ]; then set -x else set +x fi # Exit the script if a pipeline fails (-e), prevent accidental filename # expansion (-f), and consider undefined variables as errors (-u). set -e -f -u # Allow users to override the go command from environment. For example, to # build two releases with two different Go versions and test the difference. go="${GO:-go}" readonly go ( cd ./internal/geoip/ "$go" run ./country_generate.go ) ( cd ./internal/geoip/ "$go" run ./asntops_generate.go ) ( cd ./internal/ecscache/ "$go" run ./ecsblocklist_generate.go # Force format code, because it's not possible to make an accurate # template for a long list of strings with different lengths. gofumpt -l -w ./ecsblocklist.go ) ( cd ./internal/profiledb/internal/filecachepb/ protoc --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go_out=. ./filecache.proto ) ( cd ./internal/backendpb/ protoc \ --go-grpc_opt=Mdns.proto=./backendpb \ --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \ --go-grpc_out=. \ --go_opt=Mdns.proto=./backendpb \ --go_opt=paths=source_relative \ --go_out=. \ ./dns.proto )