Andrey Meshkov f1791135af Sync v2.11.0
2024-12-05 14:19:25 +03:00

273 lines
6.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "com.adguard.backend.dns.generated";
option java_outer_classname = "DNSProfilesProto";
option objc_class_prefix = "DNS";
service DNSService {
Gets DNS profiles.
Field "sync_time" in DNSProfilesRequest - pass to return the latest updates after this time moment.
The trailers headers will include a "sync_time", given in milliseconds,
that should be used for subsequent incremental DNS profile synchronization requests.
This method may return the following errors:
- RateLimitedError: If too many "full sync" concurrent requests are made.
- AuthenticationFailedError: If the authentication failed.
rpc getDNSProfiles(DNSProfilesRequest) returns (stream DNSProfile);
Stores devices activity.
This method may return the following errors:
- AuthenticationFailedError: If the authentication failed.
rpc saveDevicesBillingStat(stream DeviceBillingStat) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
Create device by "human_id".
This method may return the following errors:
- RateLimitedError: If the request was made too frequently and the client must wait before retrying.
- DeviceQuotaExceededError: If the client has exceeded its quota for creating devices.
- BadRequestError: If the request is invalid: DNS server does not exist, creation of auto-devices is disabled or human_id validation failed.
- AuthenticationFailedError: If the authentication failed.
rpc createDeviceByHumanId(CreateDeviceRequest) returns (CreateDeviceResponse);
service RateLimitService {
Gets rate limit settings.
rpc getRateLimitSettings(RateLimitSettingsRequest) returns (RateLimitSettingsResponse);
service RemoteKVService {
Get the value for the specified key.
This method may return the following errors:
- AuthenticationFailedError: If the authentication failed.
rpc get(RemoteKVGetRequest) returns (RemoteKVGetResponse);
Set the value for the specified key.
This method may return the following errors:
- AuthenticationFailedError: If the authentication failed.
- BadRequestError: If the request is invalid: value size exceeds the 512kb.
rpc set(RemoteKVSetRequest) returns (RemoteKVSetResponse);
message RateLimitSettingsRequest {
message RateLimitSettingsResponse {
repeated CidrRange allowed_subnets = 1;
message DNSProfilesRequest {
google.protobuf.Timestamp sync_time = 1;
message DNSProfile {
string dns_id = 1;
bool filtering_enabled = 2;
bool query_log_enabled = 3;
bool deleted = 4;
SafeBrowsingSettings safe_browsing = 5;
ParentalSettings parental = 6;
RuleListsSettings rule_lists = 7;
repeated DeviceSettings devices = 8;
repeated string custom_rules = 9;
google.protobuf.Duration filtered_response_ttl = 10;
bool block_private_relay = 11;
bool block_firefox_canary = 12;
oneof blocking_mode {
BlockingModeCustomIP blocking_mode_custom_ip = 13;
BlockingModeNXDOMAIN blocking_mode_nxdomain = 14;
BlockingModeNullIP blocking_mode_null_ip = 15;
BlockingModeREFUSED blocking_mode_refused = 16;
bool ip_log_enabled = 17;
AccessSettings access = 18;
bool auto_devices_enabled = 19;
RateLimitSettings rate_limit = 20;
bool block_chrome_prefetch = 21;
message SafeBrowsingSettings {
bool enabled = 1;
bool block_dangerous_domains = 2;
bool block_nrd = 3;
message DeviceSettings {
string id = 1;
string name = 2;
bool filtering_enabled = 3;
bytes linked_ip = 4;
repeated bytes dedicated_ips = 5;
AuthenticationSettings authentication = 6;
// Value in lower case. Will be empty for "ordinary" devices and non-empty for "automatically" created devices.
string human_id_lower = 7;
message ParentalSettings {
bool enabled = 1;
bool block_adult = 2;
bool general_safe_search = 3;
bool youtube_safe_search = 4;
repeated string blocked_services = 5;
ScheduleSettings schedule = 6;
message ScheduleSettings {
string tmz = 1;
WeeklyRange weeklyRange = 2;
message WeeklyRange {
DayRange mon = 1;
DayRange tue = 2;
DayRange wed = 3;
DayRange thu = 4;
DayRange fri = 5;
DayRange sat = 6;
DayRange sun = 7;
message DayRange {
google.protobuf.Duration start = 1;
google.protobuf.Duration end = 2;
message RuleListsSettings {
bool enabled = 1;
repeated string ids = 2;
message BlockingModeCustomIP {
bytes ipv4 = 1;
bytes ipv6 = 2;
message BlockingModeNXDOMAIN {}
message BlockingModeNullIP {}
message BlockingModeREFUSED {}
message DeviceBillingStat {
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_activity_time = 1;
string device_id = 2;
string client_country = 3;
// Protocol type. Possible values see here:
uint32 proto = 4;
uint32 asn = 5;
uint32 queries = 6;
message AccessSettings {
repeated CidrRange allowlist_cidr = 1;
repeated CidrRange blocklist_cidr = 2;
repeated uint32 allowlist_asn = 3;
repeated uint32 blocklist_asn = 4;
repeated string blocklist_domain_rules = 5;
bool enabled = 6;
message CidrRange {
bytes address = 1;
uint32 prefix = 2;
message AuthenticationSettings {
bool doh_auth_only = 1;
oneof doh_password_hash {
bytes password_hash_bcrypt = 2;
enum DeviceType {
MAC = 3;
IOS = 4;
LINUX = 5;
OTHER = 9;
message CreateDeviceRequest {
string dns_id = 1;
string human_id = 2;
DeviceType device_type = 3;
message CreateDeviceResponse {
DeviceSettings device = 1;
message RateLimitedError {
string message = 1;
google.protobuf.Duration retry_delay = 2;
message DeviceQuotaExceededError {
string message = 1;
message BadRequestError {
string message = 1;
message AuthenticationFailedError {
string message = 1;
message RateLimitSettings {
bool enabled = 1;
uint32 rps = 2;
repeated CidrRange client_cidr = 3;
message RemoteKVGetRequest {
string key = 1;
message RemoteKVGetResponse {
oneof value {
bytes data = 1;
google.protobuf.Empty empty = 2;
message RemoteKVSetRequest {
string key = 1;
bytes data = 2;
google.protobuf.Duration ttl = 3;
message RemoteKVSetResponse {