Andrey Meshkov 5690301129 Sync v2.7.0
2024-06-07 14:27:46 +03:00

611 lines
16 KiB

package backendpb
import (
// ProfileStorageConfig is the configuration for the business logic backend
// profile storage.
type ProfileStorageConfig struct {
// BindSet is the subnet set created from DNS servers listening addresses.
BindSet netutil.SubnetSet
// ErrColl is the error collector that is used to collect critical and
// non-critical errors.
ErrColl errcoll.Interface
// Endpoint is the backend API URL. The scheme should be either "grpc" or
// "grpcs".
Endpoint *url.URL
// ProfileStorage is the implementation of the [profiledb.Storage] interface
// that retrieves the profile and device information from the business logic
// backend. It is safe for concurrent use.
type ProfileStorage struct {
bindSet netutil.SubnetSet
errColl errcoll.Interface
// client is the current GRPC client.
client DNSServiceClient
// NewProfileStorage returns a new [ProfileStorage] that retrieves information
// from the business logic backend.
func NewProfileStorage(c *ProfileStorageConfig) (s *ProfileStorage, err error) {
client, err := newClient(c.Endpoint)
if err != nil {
// Don't wrap the error, because it's informative enough as is.
return nil, err
return &ProfileStorage{
bindSet: c.BindSet,
client: client,
errColl: c.ErrColl,
}, nil
// type check
var _ profiledb.Storage = (*ProfileStorage)(nil)
// Profiles implements the [profiledb.Storage] interface for *ProfileStorage.
func (s *ProfileStorage) Profiles(
ctx context.Context,
req *profiledb.StorageRequest,
) (resp *profiledb.StorageResponse, err error) {
stream, err := s.client.GetDNSProfiles(ctx, toProtobuf(req))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading profiles: %w", fixGRPCError(err))
defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, stream.CloseSend()) }()
resp = &profiledb.StorageResponse{
Profiles: []*agd.Profile{},
Devices: []*agd.Device{},
stats := &profilesCallStats{
isFullSync: req.SyncTime.IsZero(),
for {
profile, profErr := stream.Recv()
if profErr != nil {
if errors.Is(profErr, io.EOF) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("receiving profile: %w", fixGRPCError(profErr))
prof, devices, profErr := profile.toInternal(ctx, time.Now(), s.bindSet, s.errColl)
if profErr != nil {
reportf(ctx, s.errColl, "loading profile: %w", profErr)
resp.Profiles = append(resp.Profiles, prof)
resp.Devices = append(resp.Devices, devices...)
trailer := stream.Trailer()
resp.SyncTime, err = syncTimeFromTrailer(trailer)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("retrieving sync_time: %w", err)
return resp, nil
// fixGRPCError wraps GRPC error if needed. As the GRPC deadline error is not
// correctly wrapped, this helper detects it by the status code and replaces it
// with a simple DeadlineExceeded error.
// See
// TODO(d.kolyshev): Remove after the grpc-go issue is fixed.
func fixGRPCError(err error) (wErr error) {
st, ok := status.FromError(err)
if ok && st.Code() == codes.DeadlineExceeded {
err = fmt.Errorf("grpc: %w", context.DeadlineExceeded)
return err
// toInternal converts the protobuf-encoded data into a profile structure.
func (x *DNSProfile) toInternal(
ctx context.Context,
updTime time.Time,
bindSet netutil.SubnetSet,
errColl errcoll.Interface,
) (profile *agd.Profile, devices []*agd.Device, err error) {
if x == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("profile is nil")
parental, err := x.Parental.toInternal(ctx, errColl)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parental: %w", err)
m, err := blockingModeToInternal(x.BlockingMode)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("blocking mode: %w", err)
devices, deviceIds := devicesToInternal(ctx, x.Devices, bindSet, errColl)
listsEnabled, listIDs := x.RuleLists.toInternal(ctx, errColl)
profID, err := agd.NewProfileID(x.DnsId)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("id: %w", err)
var fltRespTTL time.Duration
if respTTL := x.FilteredResponseTtl; respTTL != nil {
fltRespTTL = respTTL.AsDuration()
return &agd.Profile{
Parental: parental,
BlockingMode: m,
ID: profID,
UpdateTime: updTime,
DeviceIDs: deviceIds,
RuleListIDs: listIDs,
CustomRules: rulesToInternal(ctx, x.CustomRules, errColl),
FilteredResponseTTL: fltRespTTL,
FilteringEnabled: x.FilteringEnabled,
SafeBrowsing: x.SafeBrowsing.toInternal(),
Access: x.Access.toInternal(ctx, errColl),
RuleListsEnabled: listsEnabled,
QueryLogEnabled: x.QueryLogEnabled,
Deleted: x.Deleted,
BlockPrivateRelay: x.BlockPrivateRelay,
BlockFirefoxCanary: x.BlockFirefoxCanary,
IPLogEnabled: x.IpLogEnabled,
}, devices, nil
// toInternal converts a protobuf parental-settings structure to an internal
// one. If x is nil, toInternal returns nil.
func (x *ParentalSettings) toInternal(
ctx context.Context,
errColl errcoll.Interface,
) (s *agd.ParentalProtectionSettings, err error) {
if x == nil {
return nil, nil
schedule, err := x.Schedule.toInternal()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("schedule: %w", err)
return &agd.ParentalProtectionSettings{
Schedule: schedule,
BlockedServices: blockedSvcsToInternal(ctx, errColl, x.BlockedServices),
Enabled: x.Enabled,
BlockAdult: x.BlockAdult,
GeneralSafeSearch: x.GeneralSafeSearch,
YoutubeSafeSearch: x.YoutubeSafeSearch,
}, nil
// toInternal converts protobuf safe-browsing settings to an internal structure.
// If x is nil, toInternal returns nil.
func (x *SafeBrowsingSettings) toInternal() (sb *agd.SafeBrowsingSettings) {
if x == nil {
return nil
return &agd.SafeBrowsingSettings{
Enabled: x.Enabled,
BlockDangerousDomains: x.BlockDangerousDomains,
BlockNewlyRegisteredDomains: x.BlockNrd,
// toInternal converts protobuf access settings to an internal structure. If x
// is nil, toInternal returns [access.EmptyProfile].
func (x *AccessSettings) toInternal(
ctx context.Context,
errColl errcoll.Interface,
) (a access.Profile) {
if x == nil || !x.Enabled {
return access.EmptyProfile{}
return access.NewDefaultProfile(&access.ProfileConfig{
AllowedNets: cidrRangeToInternal(ctx, errColl, x.AllowlistCidr),
BlockedNets: cidrRangeToInternal(ctx, errColl, x.BlocklistCidr),
AllowedASN: asnToInternal(x.AllowlistAsn),
BlockedASN: asnToInternal(x.BlocklistAsn),
BlocklistDomainRules: x.BlocklistDomainRules,
// cidrRangeToInternal is a helper that converts a slice of CidrRange to the
// slice of [netip.Prefix].
func cidrRangeToInternal(
ctx context.Context,
errColl errcoll.Interface,
cidrs []*CidrRange,
) (out []netip.Prefix) {
for i, c := range cidrs {
addr, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice(c.Address)
if !ok {
reportf(ctx, errColl, "invalid cidr at index %d: %w", i)
out = append(out, netip.PrefixFrom(addr, int(c.Prefix)))
return out
// asnToInternal is a helper that converts a slice of ASNs to the slice of
// [geoip.ASN].
func asnToInternal(asns []uint32) (out []geoip.ASN) {
for _, asn := range asns {
out = append(out, geoip.ASN(asn))
return out
// blockedSvcsToInternal is a helper that converts the blocked service IDs from
// the backend response to AdGuard DNS blocked service IDs.
func blockedSvcsToInternal(
ctx context.Context,
errColl errcoll.Interface,
respSvcs []string,
) (svcs []agd.BlockedServiceID) {
l := len(respSvcs)
if l == 0 {
return nil
svcs = make([]agd.BlockedServiceID, 0, l)
for i, s := range respSvcs {
id, err := agd.NewBlockedServiceID(s)
if err != nil {
reportf(ctx, errColl, "blocked service at index %d: %w", i, err)
svcs = append(svcs, id)
return svcs
// toInternal converts a protobuf protection-schedule structure to an internal
// one. If x is nil, toInternal returns nil.
func (x *ScheduleSettings) toInternal() (sch *agd.ParentalProtectionSchedule, err error) {
if x == nil {
return nil, nil
sch = &agd.ParentalProtectionSchedule{}
sch.TimeZone, err = agdtime.LoadLocation(x.Tmz)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading timezone: %w", err)
sch.Week = &agd.WeeklySchedule{}
w := x.WeeklyRange
days := []*DayRange{w.Sun, w.Mon, w.Tue, w.Wed, w.Thu, w.Fri, w.Sat}
for i, d := range days {
if d == nil {
sch.Week[i] = agd.ZeroLengthDayRange()
sch.Week[i] = agd.DayRange{
Start: uint16(d.Start.AsDuration().Minutes()),
End: uint16(d.End.AsDuration().Minutes()),
for i, r := range sch.Week {
err = r.Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("weekday %s: %w", time.Weekday(i), err)
return sch, nil
// toInternal converts a protobuf custom blocking-mode to an internal one.
// Assumes that at least one IP address is specified in the result blocking-mode
// object.
func (pbm *BlockingModeCustomIP) toInternal() (m dnsmsg.BlockingMode, err error) {
custom := &dnsmsg.BlockingModeCustomIP{}
// TODO(a.garipov): Only one IPv4 address is supported on protobuf side.
var ipv4Addr netip.Addr
err = ipv4Addr.UnmarshalBinary(pbm.Ipv4)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad custom ipv4: %w", err)
} else if ipv4Addr.IsValid() {
custom.IPv4 = []netip.Addr{ipv4Addr}
// TODO(a.garipov): Only one IPv6 address is supported on protobuf side.
var ipv6Addr netip.Addr
err = ipv6Addr.UnmarshalBinary(pbm.Ipv6)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad custom ipv6: %w", err)
} else if ipv6Addr.IsValid() {
custom.IPv6 = []netip.Addr{ipv6Addr}
if len(custom.IPv4)+len(custom.IPv6) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Error("no valid custom ips found")
return custom, nil
// blockingModeToInternal converts a protobuf blocking-mode sum-type to an
// internal one. If pbm is nil, blockingModeToInternal returns a null-IP
// blocking mode.
func blockingModeToInternal(pbm isDNSProfile_BlockingMode) (m dnsmsg.BlockingMode, err error) {
switch pbm := pbm.(type) {
case nil:
return &dnsmsg.BlockingModeNullIP{}, nil
case *DNSProfile_BlockingModeCustomIp:
return pbm.BlockingModeCustomIp.toInternal()
case *DNSProfile_BlockingModeNxdomain:
return &dnsmsg.BlockingModeNXDOMAIN{}, nil
case *DNSProfile_BlockingModeNullIp:
return &dnsmsg.BlockingModeNullIP{}, nil
case *DNSProfile_BlockingModeRefused:
return &dnsmsg.BlockingModeREFUSED{}, nil
// Consider unhandled type-switch cases programmer errors.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad pb blocking mode %T(%[1]v)", pbm)
// devicesToInternal is a helper that converts the devices from protobuf to
// AdGuard DNS devices.
func devicesToInternal(
ctx context.Context,
ds []*DeviceSettings,
bindSet netutil.SubnetSet,
errColl errcoll.Interface,
) (out []*agd.Device, ids []agd.DeviceID) {
l := len(ds)
if l == 0 {
return nil, nil
out = make([]*agd.Device, 0, l)
for _, d := range ds {
dev, err := d.toInternal(bindSet)
if err != nil {
reportf(ctx, errColl, "invalid device settings: %w", err)
ids = append(ids, dev.ID)
out = append(out, dev)
return out, ids
// toInternal is a helper that converts device settings from backend protobuf
// response to AdGuard DNS device object.
func (ds *DeviceSettings) toInternal(bindSet netutil.SubnetSet) (dev *agd.Device, err error) {
if ds == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("device is nil")
var linkedIP netip.Addr
err = linkedIP.UnmarshalBinary(ds.LinkedIp)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("linked ip: %w", err)
var dedicatedIPs []netip.Addr
dedicatedIPs, err = agdprotobuf.ByteSlicesToIPs(ds.DedicatedIps)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dedicated ips: %w", err)
// TODO(d.kolyshev): Extract business logic validation.
for _, addr := range dedicatedIPs {
if !bindSet.Contains(addr) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dedicated ip %q is not in bind data", addr)
auth, err := ds.Authentication.toInternal()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("auth: %s: %w", ds.Id, err)
id, err := agd.NewDeviceID(ds.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("device id: %s: %w", ds.Id, err)
name, err := agd.NewDeviceName(ds.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("device name: %s: %w", ds.Name, err)
return &agd.Device{
Auth: auth,
ID: id,
Name: name,
LinkedIP: linkedIP,
DedicatedIPs: dedicatedIPs,
FilteringEnabled: ds.FilteringEnabled,
}, nil
// toInternal converts a protobuf auth settings structure to an internal one.
// If x is nil, toInternal returns non-nil settings with enabled field set to
// false.
func (x *AuthenticationSettings) toInternal() (s *agd.AuthSettings, err error) {
if x == nil {
return &agd.AuthSettings{
Enabled: false,
PasswordHash: agdpasswd.AllowAuthenticator{},
}, nil
ph, err := dohPasswordToInternal(x.DohPasswordHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("password hash: %w", err)
return &agd.AuthSettings{
PasswordHash: ph,
Enabled: true,
DoHAuthOnly: x.DohAuthOnly,
}, nil
// dohPasswordToInternal converts a protobuf DoH password hash sum-type to an
// internal one.
func dohPasswordToInternal(
pbp isAuthenticationSettings_DohPasswordHash,
) (p agdpasswd.Authenticator, err error) {
switch pbp := pbp.(type) {
case nil:
return agdpasswd.AllowAuthenticator{}, nil
case *AuthenticationSettings_PasswordHashBcrypt:
return agdpasswd.NewPasswordHashBcrypt(pbp.PasswordHashBcrypt), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad pb auth doh password hash %T(%[1]v)", pbp)
// rulesToInternal is a helper that converts the filter rules from the backend
// response to AdGuard DNS filtering rules.
func rulesToInternal(
ctx context.Context,
respRules []string,
errColl errcoll.Interface,
) (rules []agd.FilterRuleText) {
l := len(respRules)
if l == 0 {
return nil
rules = make([]agd.FilterRuleText, 0, l)
for i, r := range respRules {
text, err := agd.NewFilterRuleText(r)
if err != nil {
reportf(ctx, errColl, "rule at index %d: %w", i, err)
rules = append(rules, text)
return rules
// toInternal is a helper that converts the filter lists from the backend
// response to AdGuard DNS filter list ids. If x is nil, toInternal returns
// false and nil.
func (x *RuleListsSettings) toInternal(
ctx context.Context,
errColl errcoll.Interface,
) (enabled bool, filterLists []agd.FilterListID) {
if x == nil {
return false, nil
l := len(x.Ids)
if l == 0 {
return x.Enabled, nil
filterLists = make([]agd.FilterListID, 0, l)
for _, f := range x.Ids {
id, err := agd.NewFilterListID(f)
if err != nil {
reportf(ctx, errColl, "invalid filter id: %s: %w", f, err)
filterLists = append(filterLists, id)
return x.Enabled, filterLists
// toProtobuf converts a storage request structure into the protobuf structure.
func toProtobuf(r *profiledb.StorageRequest) (req *DNSProfilesRequest) {
return &DNSProfilesRequest{
SyncTime: timestamppb.New(r.SyncTime),
// syncTimeFromTrailer returns sync time from trailer metadata. Trailer
// metadata must contain "sync_time" field with milliseconds presentation of
// sync time.
func syncTimeFromTrailer(trailer metadata.MD) (syncTime time.Time, err error) {
st := trailer.Get("sync_time")
if len(st) == 0 {
return syncTime, fmt.Errorf("empty value")
syncTimeMs, err := strconv.ParseInt(st[0], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return syncTime, fmt.Errorf("invalid value: %w", err)
return time.Unix(0, syncTimeMs*time.Millisecond.Nanoseconds()), nil