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package agdservice
import (
// Refresher is the interface for entities that can update themselves.
type Refresher interface {
Refresh(ctx context.Context) (err error)
// RefreshWorker is an [Interface] implementation that updates its [Refresher]
// every tick of the provided ticker.
type RefreshWorker struct {
done chan unit
context func() (ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc)
logRoutine func(format string, args ...any)
tick *time.Ticker
rand *rand.Rand
refr Refresher
errColl errcoll.Interface
name string
maxStartSleep time.Duration
refrOnShutdown bool
// RefreshWorkerConfig is the configuration structure for a *RefreshWorker.
type RefreshWorkerConfig struct {
// Context is used to provide a context for the Refresh method of Refresher.
Context func() (ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc)
// Refresher is the entity being refreshed.
Refresher Refresher
// ErrColl is used to collect errors during refreshes.
// TODO(a.garipov): Remove this and make all Refreshers handle their own
// errors.
ErrColl errcoll.Interface
// Name is the name of this worker. It is used for logging and error
// collecting.
// TODO(a.garipov): Consider accepting a slog.Logger or removing this and
// making all Refreshers handle their own logging.
Name string
// Interval is the refresh interval. Must be greater than zero.
// TODO(a.garipov): Consider switching to an interface à la
// github.com/robfig/cron/v3.Schedule.
Interval time.Duration
// RefreshOnShutdown, if true, instructs the worker to call the Refresher's
// Refresh method before shutting down the worker. This is useful for items
// that should persist to disk or remote storage before shutting down.
RefreshOnShutdown bool
// RoutineLogsAreDebug, if true, instructs the worker to write initial and
// final log messages for each singular refresh on the Debug level rather
// than on the Info one. This is useful to prevent routine logs from
// workers with a small interval from overflowing with messages.
RoutineLogsAreDebug bool
// RandomizeStart, if true, instructs the worker to sleep before starting a
// refresh. The duration of the sleep is a random duration of up to 10 % of
// Interval.
// TODO(a.garipov): Switch to something like a cron schedule and see if this
// is still necessary
RandomizeStart bool
// NewRefreshWorker returns a new valid *RefreshWorker with the provided
// parameters. c must not be nil.
func NewRefreshWorker(c *RefreshWorkerConfig) (w *RefreshWorker) {
// TODO(a.garipov): Add log.WithLevel.
var logRoutine func(format string, args ...any)
if c.RoutineLogsAreDebug {
logRoutine = log.Debug
} else {
logRoutine = log.Info
var maxStartSleep time.Duration
var rng *rand.Rand
if c.RandomizeStart {
maxStartSleep = c.Interval / 10
rng = rand.New(rand.NewSource(uint64(time.Now().UnixNano())))
return &RefreshWorker{
done: make(chan unit),
context: c.Context,
logRoutine: logRoutine,
tick: time.NewTicker(c.Interval),
rand: rng,
refr: c.Refresher,
errColl: c.ErrColl,
name: c.Name,
maxStartSleep: maxStartSleep,
refrOnShutdown: c.RefreshOnShutdown,
// type check
var _ Interface = (*RefreshWorker)(nil)
// Start implements the [Interface] interface for *RefreshWorker. err is always
// nil.
func (w *RefreshWorker) Start(_ context.Context) (err error) {
go w.refreshInALoop()
return nil
// Shutdown implements the [Interface] interface for *RefreshWorker.
func (w *RefreshWorker) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
if w.refrOnShutdown {
err = w.refr.Refresh(ctx)
name := w.name
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("refresh on shutdown: %w", err)
} else {
log.Info("worker %q: shut down successfully", name)
return err
// refreshInALoop refreshes the entity every tick of w.tick until Shutdown is
// called.
func (w *RefreshWorker) refreshInALoop() {
name := w.name
defer log.OnPanic(name)
log.Info("worker %q: starting refresh loop", name)
for {
select {
case <-w.done:
log.Info("worker %q: finished refresh loop", name)
case <-w.tick.C:
if w.sleepRandom() {
// sleepRandom sleeps for up to maxStartSleep unless it's zero. shouldRefresh
// shows if a refresh should be performed once the sleep is finished.
func (w *RefreshWorker) sleepRandom() (shouldRefresh bool) {
if w.maxStartSleep == 0 {
return true
sleepDur := time.Duration(w.rand.Int63n(int64(w.maxStartSleep)))
w.logRoutine("worker %q: sleeping for %s before refresh", w.name, sleepDur)
timer := time.NewTimer(sleepDur)
defer func() {
if !timer.Stop() {
// We don't know if the timer's value has been consumed yet or not,
// so use a select with default to make sure that this doesn't
// block.
select {
case <-timer.C:
select {
case <-w.done:
return false
case <-timer.C:
return true
// refresh refreshes the entity and logs the status of the refresh.
func (w *RefreshWorker) refresh() {
name := w.name
w.logRoutine("worker %q: refreshing", name)
// TODO(a.garipov): Consider adding a helper for enriching errors with
// context deadline data without duplication. See an example in method
// filter.refreshableFilter.refresh.
ctx, cancel := w.context()
defer cancel()
log.Debug("worker %q: starting refresh", name)
err := w.refr.Refresh(ctx)
log.Debug("worker %q: finished refresh", name)
if err != nil {
errcoll.Collectf(ctx, w.errColl, "%s: %w", name, err)
w.logRoutine("worker %q: refreshed successfully", name)