Course Schedule and Booking System
kuroi edited this page 2012-09-02 13:21:56 -07:00
  • Admin featuers 1. CRUD weeks 2. CRUD date 3. CRUD trainers/teachers 4. Sorting by type whose names are given by colors 5. CRUD bookings 6. Booking details by course 7. Youtube url input to show video
    • Front-end features
      1. Student/customer login
      2. Modal for course details and video
      3. Individual Booking display
      4. Total booking number display
      5. Booking control

You can play around with the demo. The demo will be reset every thirty minutes.

Back-end Demo

Front-end Demo

Download page

Login details admin: admin(at) and pw: admin007
email 1: cus7(at) and pw: anneanne
email 2: cus2(at) and pw: tonjetonje