Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Library
milroyfraser edited this page 2012-12-10 08:56:48 -08:00

Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Library allows you to generate Google map on your website. It's more flexible and really easy to configure.

Google Says

V3: The Solution for Maps Applications for both the Desktop and Mobile Devices


  • Multiple markers.
  • Mobile Devices (such as a GPS locator).
  • Marker animation.
  • Custom marker icon.


	$markers = array(	'Mozzat Web Team' => '6.861103,79.961589',
						'Home Town' => '6.849779,79.950085'
	$config = array(	'api_key' => 'your API key here',
						'sensor' => 'false',
						'div_id' => 'map', 
						'div_class' => 'grid_6', 
						'zoom' => 14, 
						'lat' => 6.8611, 
						'lon' => 79.9615,
						'animation' => 'BOUNCE', 
						'icon' => base_url()."img/map/pin-red.png",
						'markers' => $markers);

Map Generation

echo $this->google_map->generate();


api_key -> Your API key Obtaining an API Key

sensor -> The sensor parameter of the URL must be included, and indicates whether this application uses a sensor (such as a GPS locator) to determine the user's location. true or false

div_id -> div tag id

<.div id="value"> // your map </.div>

div_class -> div tag class

<.div class="value"> // your map </.div>

zoom -> The initial resolution at which to display the map is set by the zoom property, where zoom 0 corresponds to a map of the Earth fully zoomed out, and higher zoom levels zoom in at a higher resolution.

lat / lon -> Sets the center of the map.

animation -> Which animation to play when marker is added to a map. BOUNCE or DROP

icon -> Marker icon image path.

markers -> Any number of markers as an array array('Marker Title' => 'latitude,longitude');

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