mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 11:13:29 +08:00
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I've done a revision to a previously posted vCard library.
The vcard.zip file includes a sample controller with usage examples as well as the library itself.
Here is the library:
<?php if( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter vCard library
* Extended by Jeremy Gimbel [jeremy@jgimbel.com]
* Based upon vCard library for Codeigniter by Carlos Alcala [carlos.alcala@upandrunningsoftware.com]
* and class_vcard from Troy Wolf [troy@troywolf.com]
* March 3, 2010
* Usage within Codeigniter:
* Place the Vcard.php file in your system/application/libraries directory.
* Load the library using $this->load->library('vcard');
* Create an associative array for the card data using keys for each field that match those below
* Generate a vCard file using one of the generate methods (generate_string, generate_file,
* generate_download)
* See sample app.php controller file for an example.
* Information at: http://dreadfullyposh.com/
class Vcard
// private CI instance
private $ci;
// private array for data from caller
private $data;
// private string for storing the text of the finished card
private $card_string;
public function __construct()
$this->ci =& get_instance();
* Vcard class constructor
* Initializes the data array, either to blank values to values
* provided in the parameters. An optional filename or directory
* can be specified to generate the vCard in one step
* @access public
* @param array $data
* @param string $filename
public function Vcard($data = false, $filename = false)
// initialize the array
$this->data = array(
'display_name' => null,
'first_name' => null,
'last_name' => null,
'additional_name' => null,
'name_prefix' => null,
'name_suffix' => null,
'nickname' => null,
'title' => null,
'role' => null,
'department' => null,
'company' => null,
'work_po_box' => null,
'work_extended_address' => null,
'work_address' => null,
'work_city' => null,
'work_state' => null,
'work_postal_code' => null,
'work_country' => null,
'home_po_box' => null,
'home_extended_address' => null,
'home_address' => null,
'home_city' => null,
'home_state' => null,
'home_postal_code' => null,
'home_country' => null,
'office_tel' => null,
'home_tel' => null,
'cell_tel' => null,
'fax_tel' => null,
'pager_tel' => null,
'email1' => null,
'email2' => null,
'url' => null,
'photo' => null,
'birthday' => null,
'timezone' => null,
'sort_string' => null,
'note' => null,
'revision_date' => null,
'class' => null
// check if an array of data was provided
// if so, add values from the array to the
// class data array
foreach($data as $item => $value)
$this->data[$item] = $value;
// check if a filename was provided
// if so, load the generate_file() method
* Load
* Initializes the data array, to values provided in
* the parameters.
* @access public
* @param array $data
public function load($data)
// initialize the array
$this->data = array(
'display_name' => null,
'first_name' => null,
'last_name' => null,
'additional_name' => null,
'name_prefix' => null,
'name_suffix' => null,
'nickname' => null,
'title' => null,
'role' => null,
'department' => null,
'company' => null,
'work_po_box' => null,
'work_extended_address' => null,
'work_address' => null,
'work_city' => null,
'work_state' => null,
'work_postal_code' => null,
'work_country' => null,
'home_po_box' => null,
'home_extended_address' => null,
'home_address' => null,
'home_city' => null,
'home_state' => null,
'home_postal_code' => null,
'home_country' => null,
'office_tel' => null,
'home_tel' => null,
'cell_tel' => null,
'fax_tel' => null,
'pager_tel' => null,
'email1' => null,
'email2' => null,
'url' => null,
'photo' => null,
'birthday' => null,
'timezone' => null,
'sort_string' => null,
'note' => null,
'revision_date' => null,
'class' => null
// make sure data array was provided
// if so, load the values into the class
// data array
foreach($data as $item => $value)
$this->data[$item] = $value;
* generate_file
* Generates a vcf file on the server. Accepts either
* a filename or directory. If a filename is provided
* the method generates the vcf file with that name. If
* a directory is provided, the filename is built from
* the display name and the file is placed in the specified
* directory.
* @access public
* @param string $filename
* @return string path and filename
public function generate_file($filename)
$filename .= $this->_build_filename();
$fh = fopen($filename, 'w');
return false;
fwrite($fh, $this->card_string);
return $filename;
* generate_string
* Generates a vcf formatted string.
* @access public
* @return string vcf formatted data
public function generate_string()
return $this->card_string;
* generate_download
* Generates a vcf file and forces a download to the
* browser. Accepts a filename If a filename is not
* provided, the filename is built from the display
* name.
* @access public
* @param string $filename
public function generate_download($filename = null)
if($filename == null)
$filename = $this->_build_filename();
force_download($filename, $this->card_string);
* _build
* Generates a vcf formatted string from the data array
* and stores it in the private class variable
* @access private
private function _build()
For many of the values, if they are not passed in, we set defaults or
build them based on other values.
if(!$this->data['class']) { $this->data['class'] = "PUBLIC"; }
$this->data['display_name'] = trim($this->data['first_name']." ".$this->data['last_name']);
if(!$this->data['sort_string']) { $this->data['sort_string'] = $this->data['last_name']; }
if(!$this->data['sort_string']) { $this->data['sort_string'] = $this->data['company']; }
if(!$this->data['timezone']) { $this->data['timezone'] = date("O"); }
if(!$this->data['revision_date']) { $this->data['revision_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); }
$this->card_string = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\n";
$this->card_string .= "VERSION:3.0\r\n";
$this->card_string .= "CLASS:".$this->data['class']."\r\n";
$this->card_string .= "PRODID:-//Vcard Extended Class from carlos.alcala@upandrunningsoftware.com//NONSGML Version 1//EN\r\n";
$this->card_string .= "REV:".$this->data['revision_date']."\r\n";
$this->card_string .= "FN:".$this->data['display_name']."\r\n";
$this->card_string .= "N:"
if($this->data['nickname']) { $this->card_string .= "NICKNAME:".$this->data['nickname']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['title']) { $this->card_string .= "TITLE:".$this->data['title']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['company']) { $this->card_string .= "ORG:".$this->data['company']; }
if($this->data['department']) { $this->card_string .= ";".$this->data['department']; }
$this->card_string .= "\r\n";
|| $this->data['work_extended_address']
|| $this->data['work_address']
|| $this->data['work_city']
|| $this->data['work_state']
|| $this->data['work_postal_code']
|| $this->data['work_country'])
$this->card_string .= "ADR;TYPE=work:"
|| $this->data['home_extended_address']
|| $this->data['home_address']
|| $this->data['home_city']
|| $this->data['home_state']
|| $this->data['home_postal_code']
|| $this->data['home_country'])
$this->card_string .= "ADR;TYPE=home:"
if($this->data['email1']) { $this->card_string .= "EMAIL;TYPE=internet,pref:".$this->data['email1']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['email2']) { $this->card_string .= "EMAIL;TYPE=internet:".$this->data['email2']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['office_tel']) { $this->card_string .= "TEL;TYPE=work,voice:".$this->data['office_tel']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['home_tel']) { $this->card_string .= "TEL;TYPE=home,voice:".$this->data['home_tel']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['cell_tel']) { $this->card_string .= "TEL;TYPE=cell,voice:".$this->data['cell_tel']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['fax_tel']) { $this->card_string .= "TEL;TYPE=work,fax:".$this->data['fax_tel']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['pager_tel']) { $this->card_string .= "TEL;TYPE=work,pager:".$this->data['pager_tel']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['url']) { $this->card_string .= "URL;TYPE=work:".$this->data['url']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['birthday']) { $this->card_string .= "BDAY:".$this->data['birthday']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['role']) { $this->card_string .= "ROLE:".$this->data['role']."\r\n"; }
if($this->data['note']) { $this->card_string .= "NOTE:".$this->data['note']."\r\n"; }
$this->card_string .= "TZ:".$this->data['timezone']."\r\n";
$this->card_string .= "END:VCARD\r\n";
* _build_filename
* Generates a filename from the display name
* in the card data
* @access private
* @return string filename
private function _build_filename()
$filename = trim($this->data['display_name']);
$filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $filename);
$filename .= '.vcf';
return $filename;
And here is the sample controller:
* CodeIgniter vCard library
* Extended by Jeremy Gimbel [jeremy@jgimbel.com]
* Based upon vCard library for Codeigniter by Carlos Alcala [carlos.alcala@upandrunningsoftware.com]
* and class_vcard from Troy Wolf [troy@troywolf.com]
* March 3, 2010
* This is a very basic sample controller for using the vCard library
* Information at: http://dreadfullyposh.com/
class App extends Controller {
function App()
function index()
Initialize an array to store the various vCard data
$card_data = array();
If you leave this blank, the current timestamp will be used.
//$card_data['revision_date'] = "";
Possible values are PUBLIC, PRIVATE, and CONFIDENTIAL. If you leave class
blank, it will default to PUBLIC.
//$card_data['class'] = "PUBLIC";
Contact's name data.
If you leave display_name blank, it will be built using the first and last name.
//$card_data['display_name'] = "";
$card_data['first_name'] = "Test";
$card_data['last_name'] = "Person";
$card_data['additional_name'] = "A"; //Middle name
$card_data['name_prefix'] = "Mr."; //Mr. Mrs. Dr.
$card_data['name_suffix'] = ""; //DDS, MD, III, other designations.
$card_data['nickname'] = "TP";
Contact's company, department, title, profession
$card_data['company'] = "Test Company";
//$card_data['department'] = "";
$card_data['title'] = "Senior Web Developer";
$card_data['role'] = "Developer";
Contact's work address
//$card_data['work_po_box'] = "";
//$card_data['work_extended_address'] = "";
$card_data['work_address'] = "123 Main Street";
$card_data['work_city'] = "New York";
$card_data['work_state'] = "NY";
$card_data['work_postal_code'] = "10023";
//$card_data['work_country'] = "United States of America";
Contact's home address
//$card_data['home_po_box'] = "";
//$card_data['home_extended_address'] = "";
$card_data['home_address'] = "456 Broadway";
$card_data['home_city'] = "New York";
$card_data['home_state'] = "NY";
$card_data['home_postal_code'] = "10001";
//$card_data['home_country'] = "United States of America";
Contact's telephone numbers.
$card_data['office_tel'] = "";
//$card_data['home_tel'] = "";
$card_data['cell_tel'] = "(123) 456-7890";
$card_data['fax_tel'] = "";
//$card_data['pager_tel'] = "";
Contact's email addresses
$card_data['email1'] = "email@domain.com";
//$card_data['email2'] = "";
Contact's website
$card_data['url'] = "http://www.yoursite.com";
Some other contact data.
//$card_data['photo'] = ""; //Enter a URL.
$card_data['birthday'] = "1979-01-02";
$card_data['timezone'] = "-05:00";
If you leave this blank, the class will default to using last_name or company.
//$card_data['sort_string'] = "";
Notes about this contact.
$card_data['note'] = "Some notes go here.";
Now we load up the library.
Load the $card_data array into the library
Now we can generate a vCard in a variety of ways.
// Generate a file on a server, providing a path and filename.
// Path and filename are returned
$path_and_filename = $this->vcard->generate_file('/path/to/filename.vcf');
// Generate a file on a server, providing only a path. Filename is generated.
// Path and filename are returned
$path_and_filename = $this->vcard->generate_file('/path/to/');
// Generate a vCard data string (to write to file yourself, etc.)
$string = $this->vcard->generate_string();
// Generate a vCard and force download to the browser, providing a filename
// Generate a vCard and force download to the browser, generate a filename automatically
/* End of file app.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/controllers/app.php */
I hope someone will find these changes to the original work useful.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user