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+PHP 101: PHP For the Absolute Beginner
+This area is intended for everyone new to PHP. It opens with a series of informal, entertaining tutorials written by Vikram Vaswani, founder and CEO of Melonfire. These tutorials build on a previously-published 5-part series which has now been updated and extended to embrace PHP 5, making parts of it suitable for those of you who already have worked with PHP 4 in the past.
+If you came here to learn about elementary PHP 4 or basic PHP 5, this is for you. Enjoy!
+PHP 101 (part 1): Down the Rabbit Hole [July 17, 2004]
+An introduction to PHP’s variables and operators.
+PHP 101 (part 2): Calling All Operators [July 18, 2004]
+The rest of the PHP operators (there are many), and simple form processing.
+PHP 101 (PART 3): Looping the Loop [July 19, 2004]
+Basic control structures explained.
+PHP 101 (PART 4): The Food Factor [July 20, 2004]
+Arrays, PHP array functions, and what it all means.
+PHP 101 (PART 5): Rank and File [July 21, 2004]
+Everything you’re ever likely to need to know about dealing with external files from a PHP script.
+PHP: A simple tutorial - Manual
+PhP white papers and term paper
+Building Your First Simple CMS
+PHP Training UK - PHP For Beginners Course
+Download free PhP scripts and custom essay
+Simple scripts in php for beginners
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