
World Wide Web Server 2012-07-04 16:05:06 -07:00
parent c324573a86
commit 91cb3970ae

Generatic-List-Generator.md Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
[code]<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
function generate_list($resource, $options, $template)
if (is_object($resource)) $resource = get_object_vars($resource);
// Check options, and put to default if unset
if (!isset($options)) $options = array();
if (!isset($options['level'])) $options['level'] = 0;
if (!isset($options['indent'])) $options['indent'] = '';
if (!isset($options['link'])) $options['link'] = '';
if (!isset($options['ignore'])) $options['ignore'] = array();
if (!isset($options['template_head'])) $options['template_head'] = '';
if (!isset($options['template_foot'])) $options['template_foot'] = '';
if (!isset($options['use_top_wrapper'])) $options['use_top_wrapper'] = true;
if (!isset($options['alternate'])) $options['alternate'] = array();
if (!isset($options['current_alternate'])) $options['current_alternate'] = 0;
if (!isset($options['functions'])) $options['functions'] = array();
// create options for next level
$next_options = $options;
// instantiate output variable
$output = '';
// add the list header
if ($options['level'] > 0 or $options['use_top_wrapper']) $output = $options['template_head'];
// count the number of values in resource
$resource_count = count($resource);
// create the list
foreach($resource as $item)
// create a temporary variable for each item
$item_output = $template;
// place the values in the item variable
if (!is_array($item))
$item_output = preg_replace('/\{CONTENT\}/', $item, $item_output);
// check the ignore values
if (count($options['ignore']) > 0)
foreach($options['ignore'] as $ignore => $ignore_value)
if (is_array($ignore_value))
foreach ($ignore_value as $ignore_val_val)
if ($item[$ignore] == $ignore_val_val)
$item_output = '';
if ($item[$ignore] == $ignore_value)
$item_output = '';
foreach ($item as $key => $value)
// if the value is an array, replace the first found instance of SUBS with a sublist
if (!is_array($value))
$item_output = preg_replace('/\{'.strtoupper($key).'\}/', $value, $item_output);
if (empty($value)) $sublist = '';
else $sublist = generate_list($value, $next_options, $template);
if ($sublist != '') $sublist = $options['link'].$sublist;
$item_output = preg_replace('/\{SUBS\}/', $sublist, $item_output, 1);
// check if any values were replaced, if not assume sublist, generate and continue
if ($item_output == $template && is_array($item))
$item_output = generate_list($item, $next_options, $template);
if ($resource_count > 1 && $item_output != '')
$item_output .= $options['link'];
$output .= $item_output;
// place the indent
$item_output = preg_replace('/\{INDENT\}/', str_repeat($options['indent'], $options['level']), $item_output);
// if there are methods set, replace their tags
if (count($options['functions']) > 0)
foreach($options['functions'] as $function)
$ci =& get_instance();
if (method_exists($ci->$function[1], $function[0]))
$replace_value = $ci->$function[1]->$function[0]($options['level'], $options['current_alternate']);
$item_output = preg_replace('/\{'.strtoupper($function[0]).'\}/', $replace_value, $item_output);
elseif (function_exists($function[1]))
$replace_value = $function[0]($options['level'], $options['current_alternate']);
$item_output = preg_replace('/\{'.$function[0].'\}/', $replace_value, $item_output);
// place the alternation
if (is_array($options['alternate']) && !empty($options['alternate']))
$alternate_max = count($options['alternate']);
$alternate = $alternate_max;
while($options['current_alternate'] % $alternate != 0 && $alternate > 0) $alternate--;
$item_output = preg_replace('/\{ALTERNATE\}/', $options['alternate'][$alternate - 1], $item_output);
// link the items with the link only if it isn't the last item
if ($resource_count > 1 && $item_output != '')
$item_output .= $options['link'];
// update the counters before next iteration
// place the new item at the end of the current list
$output .= $item_output;
// close the list with the list footer
if ($options['level'] > 0 or $options['use_top_wrapper']) $output .= $options['template_foot'];
// ... and return the output
return $output;
/* End of file generate_list_helper.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/helpers/generate_list_helper.php */[/code]