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Official Packages


The CodeIgniter framework cannot solve all of the problems that developers will encounter. +Many users have said they love how small and fast the framework is, so we don’t want to +bloat the core framework. To bridge the gap we are releasing official packages to provide +additional functionality that not every site will need or want.

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CodeIgniter Shield is an authentication +and authorization framework for CodeIgniter 4. It is designed to be secure, flexible, +and easily extendable to meet the needs of many different types of websites. +Among the many featues, it includes:

  • Session-based authentication

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  • Personal access token authentication

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  • framework for after login/register “actions” (like Two Factor Authentication, etc)

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  • Role-Based Access Control with simple, flexible permissions.

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  • Per-user permission overrides,

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  • and more…

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CodeIgniter Settings is a wrapper around +the configuration files that allows any configuration setting to saved to the database, +while defaulting to the config files when not custom value has been stored. This allows +an application to ship with the default config values, but adapt as the project grows +or moves servers, without having to touch the code.




We provide a library with PSR-6 and PSR-16 Cache Adapters +for CodeIgniter 4. This is not required for use, since CodeIgniter 4 comes with a fully- +functional cache component. This module is only for integrating third-party packages +that rely on the PSR interface provisions.




CodeIgniter DevKit provides all of the +development tools that CodeIgniter uses to help ensure quality code, including +our coding standard, static analysys tools and rules, unit testing, data generation, +file-system mocking, security advisories, and more. This can be used in any of +your personal projects or libraries to get you rapidly setup with 17 different tools.


Coding Standard


The CodeIgniter Coding Standard +holds the official coding standards of CodeIgniter based on PHP CS Fixer and powered by +Nexus CS Config. This can be used in your own projects to form the basis of a +consistent set of style rules that can be automatically applied to your code.

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