# Release Process > Documentation guide based on the releases of `4.0.5` and `4.1.0` on January 31, 2021. > > Updated for `4.1.6` on December 24, 2021. > > -MGatner ## Changelog When generating the changelog each Pull Request to be included must have one of the following [labels](https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgniter4/labels): - **bug** ... PRs that fix bugs - **enhancement** ... PRs to improve existing functionalities - **new feature** ... PRs for new features - **refactor** ... PRs to refactor PRs with breaking changes must have the following additional label: - **breaking change** ... PRs that may break existing functionalities To auto-generate, start drafting a new Release and use the "Auto-generate release notes" button. Copy the resulting content into **CHANGELOG.md** and adjust the format to match the existing content. ## Preparation * Work off direct clones of the repos so the release branches persist for a time * Clone both **codeigniter4/CodeIgniter4** and **codeigniter4/userguide** and resolve any necessary PRs * Vet the **admin/** folders for any removed hidden files (Action deploy scripts *do not remove these*) ## CodeIgniter4 > Note: Most changes that need noting in the User Guide and docs should have been included > with their PR, so this process assumes you will not be generating much new content. * Create a new branch `release-4.x.x` * Update **system/CodeIgniter.php** with the new version number: `const CI_VERSION = '4.x.x';` * Update **user_guide_src/source/conf.py** with the new `version = '4.x'` (if applicable) and `release = '4.x.x'` * Replace **CHANGELOG.md** with the new version generated above * Set the date in **user_guide_src/source/changelogs/{version}.rst** to format `Release Date: January 31, 2021` * Create a new changelog for the next version at **user_guide_src/source/changelogs/{next_version}.rst** and add it to **index.rst** * If there are additional upgrade steps, create **user_guide_src/source/installation/upgrade_{ver}.rst** and add it to **upgrading.rst** * Commit the changes with "Prep for 4.x.x release" and push to origin * Create a new PR from `release-4.x.x` to `develop`: * Title: "Prep for 4.x.x release" * Decription: "Updates changelog and version references for `4.x.x`." (plus checklist) * Let all tests run, then review and merge the PR * Create a new PR from `develop` to `master`: * Title: "4.x.x Ready code" * Description: blank * Merge the PR then fast-forward `develop` to catch the merge commit * Create a new Release: * Version: "v4.x.x" * Title: "CodeIgniter 4.x.x" * Description: ``` CodeIgniter 4.x.x release. See the changelog: https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgniter4/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md ``` * Watch for the "Deploy Framework" Action to make sure **framework** and **appstarter** get updated ## User Guide > See "Sphinx Installation" below if you run into issues during `make` * Still in the **CodeIgniter4** repo enter the **user_guide_src** directory * Clear out any old build files: `rm -rf build/` * Build the HTML version of the User Guide: `make html` * Build the ePub version of the User Guide: `make epub` * Switch to the **userguide** repo and create a new branch `release-4.x.x` * Replace **docs/** with **CodeIgniter4/user_guide_src/build/html** * Ensure the file **docs/.nojekyll** exists or GitHub Pages will ignore folders with an underscore prefix * Copy **CodeIgniter4/user_guide_src/build/epub/CodeIgniter.epub** to **./CodeIgniter4.x.x.epub** * Commit the changes with "Update for 4.x.x" and push to origin * Create a new PR from `release-4.x.x` to `develop`: * Title: "Update for 4.x.x" * Description: blank * Merge the PR * Create a new Release: * Version: "v4.x.x" * Title: "CodeIgniter 4.x.x User Guide" * Description: "CodeIgniter 4.x.x User Guide" * Watch for the "github pages" Environment to make sure the deployment succeeds ## Website Currently the User Guide on the website has to be updated manually. Visit Jim's user home where the served directory **codeigniter.com** exists. Copy the latest **docs** folder from the User Guide repo to **public/userguide4** and browse to the website to make sure it works. ## Announcement > Note: This forum is restricted to administrators. * Make a new topic in the "News & Discussion" forums: https://forum.codeigniter.com/forum-2.html * The content is somewhat organic, but should include any major features and changes as well as a link to the User Guide's changelog ## Appendix ### Sphinx Installation You may need to install Sphinx and its dependencies prior to building the User Guide. This worked seamlessly on Ubuntu 20.04: ``` sudo apt install python3-sphinx sudo pip3 install sphinxcontrib-phpdomain sudo pip3 install sphinx_rtd_theme ```