HTTP Feature Testing
Feature testing allows you to view the results of a single call to your application. This might be returning the results of a single web form, hitting an API endpoint, and more. This is handy because it allows you to test the entire life-cycle of a single request, ensuring that the routing works, the response is the correct format, analyze the results, and more.
The Test Class
Feature testing requires that all of your test classes use the CodeIgniter\Test\DatabaseTestTrait
and CodeIgniter\Test\FeatureTestTrait
traits. Since these testing tools rely on proper database
staging you must always ensure that parent::setUp()
and parent::tearDown()
are called if you implement your own methods.
namespace App;
use CodeIgniter\Test\DatabaseTestTrait;
use CodeIgniter\Test\FeatureTestTrait;
class TestFoo extends CIUnitTestCase
use DatabaseTestTrait;
use FeatureTestTrait;
protected function setUp(): void
protected function tearDown(): void
Requesting A Page
Essentially, feature tests simply allows you to call an endpoint on your application and get the results back.
to do this, you use the call()
method. The first parameter is the HTTP method to use (most frequently either GET or POST).
The second parameter is the path on your site to test. The third parameter accepts an array that is used to populate the
superglobal variables for the HTTP verb you are using. So, a method of GET would have the $_GET variable
populated, while a post request would have the $_POST array populated.
// Get a simple page
$result = $this->call('get', '/');
// Submit a form
$result = $this->call('post', 'contact', [
'name' => 'Fred Flintstone',
'email' => '',
Shorthand methods for each of the HTTP verbs exist to ease typing and make things clearer:
$this->get($path, $params);
$this->post($path, $params);
$this->put($path, $params);
$this->patch($path, $params);
$this->delete($path, $params);
$this->options($path, $params);
The $params
array does not make sense for every HTTP verb, but is included for consistency.
Setting Different Routes
You can use a custom collection of routes by passing an array of “routes” into the withRoutes()
method. This will
override any existing routes in the system:
$routes = [
['get', 'users', 'UserController::list'],
$result = $this->withRoutes($routes)->get('users');
Each of the “routes” is a 3 element array containing the HTTP verb (or “add” for all), the URI to match, and the routing destination.
Setting Session Values
You can set custom session values to use during a single test with the withSession()
method. This takes an array
of key/value pairs that should exist within the $_SESSION
variable when this request is made, or null
to indicate
that the current values of $_SESSION
should be used. This is handy for testing authentication and more.
$values = [
'logged_in' => 123,
$result = $this->withSession($values)->get('admin');
// Or...
$_SESSION['logged_in'] = 123;
$result = $this->withSession()->get('admin');
Setting Headers
You can set header values with the withHeaders()
method. This takes an array of key/value pairs that would be
passed as a header into the call:
$headers = [
'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json',
$result = $this->withHeaders($headers)->post('users');
Bypassing Events
Events are handy to use in your application, but can be problematic during testing. Especially events that are used
to send out emails. You can tell the system to skip any event handling with the skipEvents()
$result = $this->skipEvents()->post('users', $userInfo);
Formatting The Request
You can set the format of your request’s body using the withBodyFormat()
method. Currently this supports either
json or xml. This will take the parameters passed into call()
, post()
, get()
… and assign them to the
body of the request in the given format. This will also set the Content-Type header for your request accordingly.
This is useful when testing JSON or XML APIs so that you can set the request in the form that the controller will expect.
// If your feature test contains this:
$result = $this->withBodyFormat('json')->post('users', $userInfo);
// Your controller can then get the parameters passed in with:
$userInfo = $this->request->getJson();
Setting the Body
You can set the body of your request with the withBody()
method. This allows you to format the body how you want
to format it. It is recommended that you use this if you have more complicated XMLs to test. This will also not set
the Content-Type header for you so if you need that, you can set it with the withHeaders()
Checking the Response
returns an instance of a TestResponse
. See Testing Responses on
how to use this class to perform additional assertions and verification in your test cases.