Version 4.0.0-beta.1¶
Release Date: Not released
- New View Layouts provide simple way to create site site view templates.
- Fixed user guide CSS for proper wide table display
- Converted UploadedFile to use system messages
- Numerous database, migration & model bugs fixed
- Refactored unit testing for appstarter & framework distributions
New messages:
- Database.tableNotFound
- HTTP.uploadErr...
App changes:
- app/Config/Cache has new setting: database
- app/Views/welcome_message has logo tinted
- composer.json has a case correction
- env adds CI_ENVIRONMENT suggestion
The list of changed files follows, with PR numbers shown.
- app/
- Config/
- Cache #1719
- Views/
- welome_message #1774
- system/
- Cache/Handlers/
- RedisHandler #1719, #1723
- Config/
- Config #37dbc1
- Services #1704, #37dbc1
- Database/
- Exceptions/DatabaseException #1739
- Postgre/
- Builder #1733
- SQLite3/
- Connection #1739
- Forge #1739
- Table #1739
- BaseBuilder #36fbb8, #549d7d
- BaseConnection #549d7d, #1739
- Forge #1739
- MigrationRunner #1743
- Query #36fbb8
- Seeder #1722
- Debug/
- Exceptions #1704
- Files/
- UploadedFile #1708
- Helpers/
- date_helper #1768
- number_helper #1768
- security_helper #1768
- text_helper #1768
- url_helper #1768
- Request #1725
- Language/en/
- Database #1739
- HTTP #1708
- View #1757
- Router/
- RouteCollection #1709, #1732
- Router #1764
- Test/
- ControllerResponse #1740
- ControllerTester #1740
- DOMParser #1740
- FeatureResponse #1740
- Validation/
- Rules #1738, #1743
- Validation #37dbc1, #1763
- View/
- View #1729
- Common #1741
- Entity #6e549a, #1739
- Model #4f4a37, #6e549a, #37dbc1, #1712, #1763
- tests/system/
- Database/
- BaseQueryTest #36fbb8
- Live/
- SQLite3/AlterTableTest #1739, #1740
- ForgeTest #1739, #1745
- ModelTest #37dbc1, #4ff1f5, #1763
- Migrations/MigrationRunnerTest #1743
- Helpers/
- FilesystemHelperTest #1740
- I18n/
- TimeTest # 1736
- Test/
- DOMParserTest #1740
- Validation/
- ValidationTest #1763
- View/
- ViewTest #1729
- EntityTest #6e549a, #1736
- user_guide_src/
- _themes/.../
- citheme.css #1696
- changelogs/
- v4.0.0-alpha.5 #1699
- database/
- migrate #1696
- dbmgmt/
- forge #1751
- installation/
- install_manual #1699
- running #1750
- intro/
- psr #1752
- libraries/
- caching #1719
- validation #1742
- models/
- entities #1744
- outgoing/
- index #1729
- view_layouts #1729
- testing/
- controllers #1740
- tutorial/
- static_pages #1763
- composer.json #1755
- .env #1749
PRs merged:¶
- #1774 Housekeeping for beta.1
- #1768 Helper changes - signatures & typos
- #1764 Fix routing when no default route has been specified. Fixes #1758
- #1763 Ensure validation works in Model with errors as part of rules. Fixes #1574
- #1757 Correct the unneeded double-quote (typo)
- #1755 lowercase ‘vfsStream’ in composer files
- #1752 Fixed typo preventing link format
- #1751 Guide: Moving misplaced text under correct heading
- #1750 Remove reference to Encryption Key in User Guide
- #1749 Adding environment to .env
- #1745 Updated composite key tests for SQLite3 support. Fixes #1478
- #1744 Update entity docs for current framework state. Fixes #1727
- #1743 Manually sort migrations found instead of relying on the OS. Fixes #1666
- #1742 Fix required_without rule bug.
- #1741 Helpers with a specific namespace can be loaded now. Fixes #1726
- #1740 Refactor test support for app starter
- #1739 Fix typo
- #1738 Fix required_with rule bug. Fixes #1728
- #1737 Added support for dropTable and modifyTable with SQLite driver
- #1736 Accommodate long travis execution times
- #1733 Fix increment and decrement errors with Postgres
- #1732 Don’t check from CLI in Routes. Fixes #1724
- #1729 New View Layout functionality for simple template
- #1725 Update Request.php
- #1723 Log an error if redis authentication is failed
- #1722 Seeder adds default namespace to seeds
- #1719 Update Cache RedisHandler to support select database
- #4ff1f5 Additional tests for inserts and required validation failing (#1717)
- #549d7d Another try at getting escaping working correctly both when in and out of models
- #1712 Minor readability changes
- #37dbc1 Ensure Model validation rules can be a group name
- #1709 Fix resource routing websafe method order checking
- #1708 Language for UploadedFile
- #36fbb8 BaseBuilder should only turn off Connection’s setEscapeFlags when running a query...
- #6e549a Provide default baseURL that works with the development server for easier first time setup (Fixes #1646)
- #1704 Fix viewsDirectory bug (#1701)
- #4f4a37 remove debugging from Model.
- #1699 Fix install link in user guide
- #1696 Fix page structure etc
- #1695 Tidy up code blocks in the user guide