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Executable File
* This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
* (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <admin@codeigniter.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace CodeIgniter\HTTP;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\Exceptions\HTTPException;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\Files\FileCollection;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\Files\UploadedFile;
use Config\App;
use Config\Services;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Locale;
* Class IncomingRequest
* Represents an incoming, getServer-side HTTP request.
* Per the HTTP specification, this interface includes properties for
* each of the following:
* - Protocol version
* - HTTP method
* - URI
* - Headers
* - Message body
* Additionally, it encapsulates all data as it has arrived to the
* application from the CGI and/or PHP environment, including:
* - The values represented in $_SERVER.
* - Any cookies provided (generally via $_COOKIE)
* - Query string arguments (generally via $_GET, or as parsed via parse_str())
* - Upload files, if any (as represented by $_FILES)
* - Deserialized body binds (generally from $_POST)
class IncomingRequest extends Request
* Enable CSRF flag
* Enables a CSRF cookie token to be set.
* Set automatically based on Config setting.
* @var bool
protected $enableCSRF = false;
* The URI for this request.
* Note: This WILL NOT match the actual URL in the browser since for
* everything this cares about (and the router, etc) is the portion
* AFTER the script name. So, if hosted in a sub-folder this will
* appear different than actual URL. If you need that use getPath().
* @var URI
public $uri;
* The detected path (relative to SCRIPT_NAME).
* Note: current_url() uses this to build its URI,
* so this becomes the source for the "current URL"
* when working with the share request instance.
* @var string|null
protected $path;
* File collection
* @var FileCollection|null
protected $files;
* Negotiator
* @var Negotiate|null
protected $negotiator;
* The default Locale this request
* should operate under.
* @var string
protected $defaultLocale;
* The current locale of the application.
* Default value is set in Config\App.php
* @var string
protected $locale;
* Stores the valid locale codes.
* @var array
protected $validLocales = [];
* Configuration settings.
* @var App
public $config;
* Holds the old data from a redirect.
* @var array
protected $oldInput = [];
* The user agent this request is from.
* @var UserAgent
protected $userAgent;
* Constructor
* @param App $config
* @param URI $uri
* @param string|null $body
* @param UserAgent $userAgent
public function __construct($config, ?URI $uri = null, $body = 'php://input', ?UserAgent $userAgent = null)
if (empty($uri) || empty($userAgent)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('You must supply the parameters: uri, userAgent.');
// Get our body from php://input
if ($body === 'php://input') {
$body = file_get_contents('php://input');
$this->config = $config;
$this->uri = $uri;
$this->body = ! empty($body) ? $body : null;
$this->userAgent = $userAgent;
$this->validLocales = $config->supportedLocales;
$this->detectURI($config->uriProtocol, $config->baseURL);
* Handles setting up the locale, perhaps auto-detecting through
* content negotiation.
* @param App $config
public function detectLocale($config)
$this->locale = $this->defaultLocale = $config->defaultLocale;
if (! $config->negotiateLocale) {
$this->setLocale($this->negotiate('language', $config->supportedLocales));
* Sets up our URI object based on the information we have. This is
* either provided by the user in the baseURL Config setting, or
* determined from the environment as needed.
protected function detectURI(string $protocol, string $baseURL)
// Passing the config is unnecessary but left for legacy purposes
$config = clone $this->config;
$config->baseURL = $baseURL;
$this->setPath($this->detectPath($protocol), $config);
* Detects the relative path based on
* the URIProtocol Config setting.
public function detectPath(string $protocol = ''): string
if (empty($protocol)) {
$protocol = 'REQUEST_URI';
switch ($protocol) {
$this->path = $this->parseRequestURI();
$this->path = $this->parseQueryString();
case 'PATH_INFO':
$this->path = $this->fetchGlobal('server', $protocol) ?? $this->parseRequestURI();
return $this->path;
* Will parse the REQUEST_URI and automatically detect the URI from it,
* fixing the query string if necessary.
* @return string The URI it found.
protected function parseRequestURI(): string
if (! isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
return '';
// parse_url() returns false if no host is present, but the path or query string
// contains a colon followed by a number. So we attach a dummy host since
// REQUEST_URI does not include the host. This allows us to parse out the query string and path.
$parts = parse_url('http://dummy' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$query = $parts['query'] ?? '';
$uri = $parts['path'] ?? '';
// Strip the SCRIPT_NAME path from the URI
if ($uri !== '' && isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'][0]) && pathinfo($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === 'php') {
// Compare each segment, dropping them until there is no match
$segments = $keep = explode('/', $uri);
foreach (explode('/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) as $i => $segment) {
// If these segments are not the same then we're done
if (! isset($segments[$i]) || $segment !== $segments[$i]) {
$uri = implode('/', $keep);
// This section ensures that even on servers that require the URI to contain the query string (Nginx) a correct
// URI is found, and also fixes the QUERY_STRING getServer var and $_GET array.
if (trim($uri, '/') === '' && strncmp($query, '/', 1) === 0) {
$query = explode('?', $query, 2);
$uri = $query[0];
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $query[1] ?? '';
} else {
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $query;
// Update our globals for values likely to been have changed
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET);
$uri = URI::removeDotSegments($uri);
return ($uri === '/' || $uri === '') ? '/' : ltrim($uri, '/');
* Will parse QUERY_STRING and automatically detect the URI from it.
protected function parseQueryString(): string
$uri = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ?? @getenv('QUERY_STRING');
if (trim($uri, '/') === '') {
return '';
if (strncmp($uri, '/', 1) === 0) {
$uri = explode('?', $uri, 2);
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $uri[1] ?? '';
$uri = $uri[0];
// Update our globals for values likely to been have changed
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET);
$uri = URI::removeDotSegments($uri);
return ($uri === '/' || $uri === '') ? '/' : ltrim($uri, '/');
* Provides a convenient way to work with the Negotiate class
* for content negotiation.
public function negotiate(string $type, array $supported, bool $strictMatch = false): string
if ($this->negotiator === null) {
$this->negotiator = Services::negotiator($this, true);
switch (strtolower($type)) {
case 'media':
return $this->negotiator->media($supported, $strictMatch);
case 'charset':
return $this->negotiator->charset($supported);
case 'encoding':
return $this->negotiator->encoding($supported);
case 'language':
return $this->negotiator->language($supported);
throw HTTPException::forInvalidNegotiationType($type);
* Determines if this request was made from the command line (CLI).
public function isCLI(): bool
return is_cli();
* Test to see if a request contains the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header.
public function isAJAX(): bool
return $this->hasHeader('X-Requested-With') && strtolower($this->header('X-Requested-With')->getValue()) === 'xmlhttprequest';
* Attempts to detect if the current connection is secure through
* a few different methods.
public function isSecure(): bool
if (! empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) !== 'off') {
return true;
if ($this->hasHeader('X-Forwarded-Proto') && $this->header('X-Forwarded-Proto')->getValue() === 'https') {
return true;
return $this->hasHeader('Front-End-Https') && ! empty($this->header('Front-End-Https')->getValue()) && strtolower($this->header('Front-End-Https')->getValue()) !== 'off';
* Sets the relative path and updates the URI object.
* Note: Since current_url() accesses the shared request
* instance, this can be used to change the "current URL"
* for testing.
* @param string $path URI path relative to SCRIPT_NAME
* @param App $config Optional alternate config to use
* @return $this
public function setPath(string $path, ?App $config = null)
$this->path = $path;
$config = $config ?? $this->config;
// It's possible the user forgot a trailing slash on their
// baseURL, so let's help them out.
$baseURL = $config->baseURL === '' ? $config->baseURL : rtrim($config->baseURL, '/ ') . '/';
// Based on our baseURL provided by the developer
// set our current domain name, scheme
if ($baseURL !== '') {
$this->uri->setScheme(parse_url($baseURL, PHP_URL_SCHEME));
$this->uri->setHost(parse_url($baseURL, PHP_URL_HOST));
$this->uri->setPort(parse_url($baseURL, PHP_URL_PORT));
// Ensure we have any query vars
$this->uri->setQuery($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ?? '');
// Check if the baseURL scheme needs to be coerced into its secure version
if ($config->forceGlobalSecureRequests && $this->uri->getScheme() === 'http') {
} elseif (! is_cli()) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
exit('You have an empty or invalid base URL. The baseURL value must be set in Config\App.php, or through the .env file.');
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $this;
* Returns the path relative to SCRIPT_NAME,
* running detection as necessary.
public function getPath(): string
if ($this->path === null) {
return $this->path;
* Sets the locale string for this request.
* @return IncomingRequest
public function setLocale(string $locale)
// If it's not a valid locale, set it
// to the default locale for the site.
if (! in_array($locale, $this->validLocales, true)) {
$locale = $this->defaultLocale;
$this->locale = $locale;
return $this;
* Gets the current locale, with a fallback to the default
* locale if none is set.
public function getLocale(): string
return $this->locale ?? $this->defaultLocale;
* Returns the default locale as set in Config\App.php
public function getDefaultLocale(): string
return $this->defaultLocale;
* Fetch an item from JSON input stream with fallback to $_REQUEST object. This is the simplest way
* to grab data from the request object and can be used in lieu of the
* other get* methods in most cases.
* @param array|string|null $index
* @param int|null $filter Filter constant
* @param mixed $flags
* @return mixed
public function getVar($index = null, $filter = null, $flags = null)
if (strpos($this->getHeaderLine('Content-Type'), 'application/json') !== false && $this->body !== null) {
if ($index === null) {
return $this->getJSON();
if (is_array($index)) {
$output = [];
foreach ($index as $key) {
$output[$key] = $this->getJsonVar($key, false, $filter, $flags);
return $output;
return $this->getJsonVar($index, false, $filter, $flags);
return $this->fetchGlobal('request', $index, $filter, $flags);
* A convenience method that grabs the raw input stream and decodes
* the JSON into an array.
* If $assoc == true, then all objects in the response will be converted
* to associative arrays.
* @param bool $assoc Whether to return objects as associative arrays
* @param int $depth How many levels deep to decode
* @param int $options Bitmask of options
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-decode.php
* @return mixed
public function getJSON(bool $assoc = false, int $depth = 512, int $options = 0)
return json_decode($this->body, $assoc, $depth, $options);
* Get a specific variable from a JSON input stream
* @param string $index The variable that you want which can use dot syntax for getting specific values.
* @param bool $assoc If true, return the result as an associative array.
* @param int|null $filter Filter Constant
* @param array|int|null $flags Option
* @return mixed
public function getJsonVar(string $index, bool $assoc = false, ?int $filter = null, $flags = null)
$data = dot_array_search($index, $this->getJSON(true));
if (! is_array($data)) {
$filter = $filter ?? FILTER_DEFAULT;
$flags = is_array($flags) ? $flags : (is_numeric($flags) ? (int) $flags : 0);
return filter_var($data, $filter, $flags);
if (! $assoc) {
return json_decode(json_encode($data));
return $data;
* A convenience method that grabs the raw input stream(send method in PUT, PATCH, DELETE) and decodes
* the String into an array.
* @return mixed
public function getRawInput()
parse_str($this->body, $output);
return $output;
* Fetch an item from GET data.
* @param array|string|null $index Index for item to fetch from $_GET.
* @param int|null $filter A filter name to apply.
* @param mixed|null $flags
* @return mixed
public function getGet($index = null, $filter = null, $flags = null)
return $this->fetchGlobal('get', $index, $filter, $flags);
* Fetch an item from POST.
* @param array|string|null $index Index for item to fetch from $_POST.
* @param int|null $filter A filter name to apply
* @param mixed $flags
* @return mixed
public function getPost($index = null, $filter = null, $flags = null)
return $this->fetchGlobal('post', $index, $filter, $flags);
* Fetch an item from POST data with fallback to GET.
* @param array|string|null $index Index for item to fetch from $_POST or $_GET
* @param int|null $filter A filter name to apply
* @param mixed $flags
* @return mixed
public function getPostGet($index = null, $filter = null, $flags = null)
// Use $_POST directly here, since filter_has_var only
// checks the initial POST data, not anything that might
// have been added since.
return isset($_POST[$index]) ? $this->getPost($index, $filter, $flags) : (isset($_GET[$index]) ? $this->getGet($index, $filter, $flags) : $this->getPost($index, $filter, $flags));
* Fetch an item from GET data with fallback to POST.
* @param array|string|null $index Index for item to be fetched from $_GET or $_POST
* @param int|null $filter A filter name to apply
* @param mixed $flags
* @return mixed
public function getGetPost($index = null, $filter = null, $flags = null)
// Use $_GET directly here, since filter_has_var only
// checks the initial GET data, not anything that might
// have been added since.
return isset($_GET[$index]) ? $this->getGet($index, $filter, $flags) : (isset($_POST[$index]) ? $this->getPost($index, $filter, $flags) : $this->getGet($index, $filter, $flags));
* Fetch an item from the COOKIE array.
* @param array|string|null $index Index for item to be fetched from $_COOKIE
* @param int|null $filter A filter name to be applied
* @param mixed $flags
* @return mixed
public function getCookie($index = null, $filter = null, $flags = null)
return $this->fetchGlobal('cookie', $index, $filter, $flags);
* Fetch the user agent string
* @return UserAgent
public function getUserAgent()
return $this->userAgent;
* Attempts to get old Input data that has been flashed to the session
* with redirect_with_input(). It first checks for the data in the old
* POST data, then the old GET data and finally check for dot arrays
* @return mixed
public function getOldInput(string $key)
// If the session hasn't been started, or no
// data was previously saved, we're done.
if (empty($_SESSION['_ci_old_input'])) {
return null;
// Check for the value in the POST array first.
if (isset($_SESSION['_ci_old_input']['post'][$key])) {
return $_SESSION['_ci_old_input']['post'][$key];
// Next check in the GET array.
if (isset($_SESSION['_ci_old_input']['get'][$key])) {
return $_SESSION['_ci_old_input']['get'][$key];
// Check for an array value in POST.
if (isset($_SESSION['_ci_old_input']['post'])) {
$value = dot_array_search($key, $_SESSION['_ci_old_input']['post']);
if ($value !== null) {
return $value;
// Check for an array value in GET.
if (isset($_SESSION['_ci_old_input']['get'])) {
$value = dot_array_search($key, $_SESSION['_ci_old_input']['get']);
if ($value !== null) {
return $value;
// requested session key not found
return null;
* Returns an array of all files that have been uploaded with this
* request. Each file is represented by an UploadedFile instance.
public function getFiles(): array
if ($this->files === null) {
$this->files = new FileCollection();
return $this->files->all(); // return all files
* Verify if a file exist, by the name of the input field used to upload it, in the collection
* of uploaded files and if is have been uploaded with multiple option.
* @return array|null
public function getFileMultiple(string $fileID)
if ($this->files === null) {
$this->files = new FileCollection();
return $this->files->getFileMultiple($fileID);
* Retrieves a single file by the name of the input field used
* to upload it.
* @return UploadedFile|null
public function getFile(string $fileID)
if ($this->files === null) {
$this->files = new FileCollection();
return $this->files->getFile($fileID);
* Remove relative directory (../) and multi slashes (///)
* Do some final cleaning of the URI and return it, currently only used in static::_parse_request_uri()
* @deprecated Use URI::removeDotSegments() directly
protected function removeRelativeDirectory(string $uri): string
$uri = URI::removeDotSegments($uri);
return $uri === '/' ? $uri : ltrim($uri, '/');