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* Apply to parameters * Apply to array destructuring * Apply to match * Apply for arguments
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* This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
* (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <admin@codeigniter.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace CodeIgniter\Test;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RedirectResponse;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\I18n\Time;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsEqual;
* Consolidated response processing
* for test results.
* @mixin DOMParser
* @see \CodeIgniter\Test\TestResponseTest
class TestResponse
* The request.
* @var RequestInterface|null
protected $request;
* The response.
* @var ResponseInterface
protected $response;
* DOM for the body.
* @var DOMParser
protected $domParser;
* Stores or the Response and parses the body in the DOM.
public function __construct(ResponseInterface $response)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Getters / Setters
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Sets the request.
* @return $this
public function setRequest(RequestInterface $request)
$this->request = $request;
return $this;
* Sets the Response and updates the DOM.
* @return $this
public function setResponse(ResponseInterface $response)
$this->response = $response;
$this->domParser = new DOMParser();
$body = $response->getBody();
if (is_string($body) && $body !== '') {
return $this;
* Request accessor.
* @return RequestInterface|null
public function request()
return $this->request;
* Response accessor.
* @return ResponseInterface
public function response()
return $this->response;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Status Checks
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Boils down the possible responses into a boolean valid/not-valid
* response type.
public function isOK(): bool
$status = $this->response->getStatusCode();
// Only 200 and 300 range status codes
// are considered valid.
if ($status >= 400 || $status < 200) {
return false;
$body = (string) $this->response->getBody();
// Empty bodies are not considered valid, unless in redirects
return ! ($status < 300 && $body === '');
* Asserts that the status is a specific value.
public function assertStatus(int $code): void
Assert::assertSame($code, $this->response->getStatusCode());
* Asserts that the Response is considered OK.
public function assertOK(): void
"{$this->response->getStatusCode()} is not a successful status code, or Response has an empty body.",
* Asserts that the Response is considered not OK.
public function assertNotOK(): void
"{$this->response->getStatusCode()} is an unexpected successful status code, or Response body has content.",
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redirection
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns whether or not the Response was a redirect or RedirectResponse
public function isRedirect(): bool
return $this->response instanceof RedirectResponse
|| $this->response->hasHeader('Location')
|| $this->response->hasHeader('Refresh');
* Assert that the given response was a redirect.
public function assertRedirect(): void
Assert::assertTrue($this->isRedirect(), 'Response is not a redirect or instance of RedirectResponse.');
* Assert that a given response was a redirect
* and it was redirect to a specific URI.
public function assertRedirectTo(string $uri): void
$uri = trim(strtolower($uri));
$redirectUri = strtolower($this->getRedirectUrl());
$matches = $uri === $redirectUri
|| strtolower(site_url($uri)) === $redirectUri
|| $uri === site_url($redirectUri);
Assert::assertTrue($matches, "Redirect URL '{$uri}' does not match '{$redirectUri}'.");
* Assert that the given response was not a redirect.
public function assertNotRedirect(): void
Assert::assertFalse($this->isRedirect(), 'Response is an unexpected redirect or instance of RedirectResponse.');
* Returns the URL set for redirection.
public function getRedirectUrl(): ?string
if (! $this->isRedirect()) {
return null;
if ($this->response->hasHeader('Location')) {
return $this->response->getHeaderLine('Location');
if ($this->response->hasHeader('Refresh')) {
return str_replace('0;url=', '', $this->response->getHeaderLine('Refresh'));
return null;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Session
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Asserts that an SESSION key has been set and, optionally, test its value.
* @param mixed $value
public function assertSessionHas(string $key, $value = null): void
Assert::assertArrayHasKey($key, $_SESSION, "Key '{$key}' is not in the current \$_SESSION");
if ($value === null) {
if (is_scalar($value)) {
Assert::assertSame($value, $_SESSION[$key], "The value of key '{$key}' ({$value}) does not match expected value.");
Assert::assertSame($value, $_SESSION[$key], "The value of key '{$key}' does not match expected value.");
* Asserts the session is missing $key.
public function assertSessionMissing(string $key): void
Assert::assertArrayNotHasKey($key, $_SESSION, "Key '{$key}' should not be present in \$_SESSION.");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Headers
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Asserts that the Response contains a specific header.
* @param string|null $value
public function assertHeader(string $key, $value = null): void
Assert::assertTrue($this->response->hasHeader($key), "Header '{$key}' is not a valid Response header.");
if ($value !== null) {
"The value of '{$key}' header ({$this->response->getHeaderLine($key)}) does not match expected value.",
* Asserts the Response headers does not contain the specified header.
public function assertHeaderMissing(string $key): void
Assert::assertFalse($this->response->hasHeader($key), "Header '{$key}' should not be in the Response headers.");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cookies
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Asserts that the response has the specified cookie.
* @param string|null $value
public function assertCookie(string $key, $value = null, string $prefix = ''): void
Assert::assertTrue($this->response->hasCookie($key, $value, $prefix), "Cookie named '{$key}' is not found.");
* Assert the Response does not have the specified cookie set.
public function assertCookieMissing(string $key): void
Assert::assertFalse($this->response->hasCookie($key), "Cookie named '{$key}' should not be set.");
* Asserts that a cookie exists and has an expired time.
public function assertCookieExpired(string $key, string $prefix = ''): void
Assert::assertTrue($this->response->hasCookie($key, null, $prefix));
$this->response->getCookie($key, $prefix)->getExpiresTimestamp(),
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the response's body as JSON
* @return false|string
public function getJSON()
$response = $this->response->getJSON();
if ($response === null) {
return false;
return $response;
* Test that the response contains a matching JSON fragment.
public function assertJSONFragment(array $fragment, bool $strict = false): void
$json = json_decode($this->getJSON(), true);
Assert::assertIsArray($json, 'Response is not a valid JSON.');
$patched = array_replace_recursive($json, $fragment);
if ($strict) {
Assert::assertSame($json, $patched, 'Response does not contain a matching JSON fragment.');
Assert::assertThat($patched, new IsEqual($json), 'Response does not contain a matching JSON fragment.');
* Asserts that the JSON exactly matches the passed in data.
* If the value being passed in is a string, it must be a json_encoded string.
* @param array|object|string $test
public function assertJSONExact($test): void
$json = $this->getJSON();
if (is_object($test)) {
$test = method_exists($test, 'toArray') ? $test->toArray() : (array) $test;
if (is_array($test)) {
$test = service('format')->getFormatter('application/json')->format($test);
Assert::assertJsonStringEqualsJsonString($test, $json, 'Response does not contain matching JSON.');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// XML Methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the response' body as XML
* @return bool|string|null
public function getXML()
return $this->response->getXML();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// DomParser
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Assert that the desired text can be found in the result body.
public function assertSee(?string $search = null, ?string $element = null): void
$this->domParser->see($search, $element),
"Text '{$search}' is not seen in response.",
* Asserts that we do not see the specified text.
public function assertDontSee(?string $search = null, ?string $element = null): void
$this->domParser->dontSee($search, $element),
"Text '{$search}' is unexpectedly seen in response.",
* Assert that we see an element selected via a CSS selector.
public function assertSeeElement(string $search): void
"Element with selector '{$search}' is not seen in response.",
* Assert that we do not see an element selected via a CSS selector.
public function assertDontSeeElement(string $search): void
"Element with selector '{$search}' is unexpectedly seen in response.'",
* Assert that we see a link with the matching text and/or class.
public function assertSeeLink(string $text, ?string $details = null): void
$this->domParser->seeLink($text, $details),
"Anchor tag with text '{$text}' is not seen in response.",
* Assert that we see an input with name/value.
public function assertSeeInField(string $field, ?string $value = null): void
$this->domParser->seeInField($field, $value),
"Input named '{$field}' with value '{$value}' is not seen in response.",
* Forward any unrecognized method calls to our DOMParser instance.
* @param list<mixed> $params
public function __call(string $function, array $params): mixed
if (method_exists($this->domParser, $function)) {
return $this->domParser->{$function}(...$params);
return null;