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namespace Config;
* Mimes
* This file contains an array of mime types. It is used by the
* Upload class to help identify allowed file types.
* When more than one variation for an extension exist (like jpg, jpeg, etc)
* the most common one should be first in the array to aid the guess*
* methods. The same applies when more than one mime-type exists for a
* single extension.
* When working with mime types, please make sure you have the ´fileinfo´
* extension enabled to reliably detect the media types.
* @immutable
class Mimes
* Map of extensions to mime types.
public static array $mimes = [
'hqx' => [
'cpt' => 'application/mac-compactpro',
'csv' => [
'bin' => [
'dms' => 'application/octet-stream',
'lha' => 'application/octet-stream',
'lzh' => 'application/octet-stream',
'exe' => [
'class' => 'application/octet-stream',
'psd' => [
'so' => 'application/octet-stream',
'sea' => 'application/octet-stream',
'dll' => 'application/octet-stream',
'oda' => 'application/oda',
'pdf' => [
'ai' => [
'eps' => 'application/postscript',
'ps' => 'application/postscript',
'smi' => 'application/smil',
'smil' => 'application/smil',
'mif' => 'application/vnd.mif',
'xls' => [
'ppt' => [
'pptx' => [
'wbxml' => 'application/wbxml',
'wmlc' => 'application/wmlc',
'dcr' => 'application/x-director',
'dir' => 'application/x-director',
'dxr' => 'application/x-director',
'dvi' => 'application/x-dvi',
'gtar' => 'application/x-gtar',
'gz' => 'application/x-gzip',
'gzip' => 'application/x-gzip',
'php' => [
'php4' => 'application/x-httpd-php',
'php3' => 'application/x-httpd-php',
'phtml' => 'application/x-httpd-php',
'phps' => 'application/x-httpd-php-source',
'js' => [
'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
'sit' => 'application/x-stuffit',
'tar' => 'application/x-tar',
'tgz' => [
'z' => 'application/x-compress',
'xhtml' => 'application/xhtml+xml',
'xht' => 'application/xhtml+xml',
'zip' => [
'rar' => [
'mid' => 'audio/midi',
'midi' => 'audio/midi',
'mpga' => 'audio/mpeg',
'mp2' => 'audio/mpeg',
'mp3' => [
'aif' => [
'aiff' => [
'aifc' => 'audio/x-aiff',
'ram' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio',
'rm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio',
'rpm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin',
'ra' => 'audio/x-realaudio',
'rv' => 'video/vnd.rn-realvideo',
'wav' => [
'bmp' => [
'gif' => 'image/gif',
'jpg' => [
'jpeg' => [
'jpe' => [
'jp2' => [
'j2k' => [
'jpf' => [
'jpg2' => [
'jpx' => [
'jpm' => [
'mj2' => [
'mjp2' => [
'png' => [
'webp' => 'image/webp',
'tif' => 'image/tiff',
'tiff' => 'image/tiff',
'css' => [
'html' => [
'htm' => [
'shtml' => [
'txt' => 'text/plain',
'text' => 'text/plain',
'log' => [
'rtx' => 'text/richtext',
'rtf' => 'text/rtf',
'xml' => [
'xsl' => [
'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg',
'mpg' => 'video/mpeg',
'mpe' => 'video/mpeg',
'qt' => 'video/quicktime',
'mov' => 'video/quicktime',
'avi' => [
'movie' => 'video/x-sgi-movie',
'doc' => [
'docx' => [
'dot' => [
'dotx' => [
'xlsx' => [
'xlsb' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12',
'xlsm' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12',
'word' => [
'xl' => 'application/excel',
'eml' => 'message/rfc822',
'json' => [
'pem' => [
'p10' => [
'p12' => 'application/x-pkcs12',
'p7a' => 'application/x-pkcs7-signature',
'p7c' => [
'p7m' => [
'p7r' => 'application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp',
'p7s' => 'application/pkcs7-signature',
'crt' => [
'crl' => [
'der' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert',
'kdb' => 'application/octet-stream',
'pgp' => 'application/pgp',
'gpg' => 'application/gpg-keys',
'sst' => 'application/octet-stream',
'csr' => 'application/octet-stream',
'rsa' => 'application/x-pkcs7',
'cer' => [
'3g2' => 'video/3gpp2',
'3gp' => [
'mp4' => 'video/mp4',
'm4a' => 'audio/x-m4a',
'f4v' => [
'flv' => 'video/x-flv',
'webm' => 'video/webm',
'aac' => 'audio/x-acc',
'm4u' => 'application/vnd.mpegurl',
'm3u' => 'text/plain',
'xspf' => 'application/xspf+xml',
'vlc' => 'application/videolan',
'wmv' => [
'au' => 'audio/x-au',
'ac3' => 'audio/ac3',
'flac' => 'audio/x-flac',
'ogg' => [
'kmz' => [
'kml' => [
'ics' => 'text/calendar',
'ical' => 'text/calendar',
'zsh' => 'text/x-scriptzsh',
'7zip' => [
'cdr' => [
'wma' => [
'jar' => [
'svg' => [
'vcf' => 'text/x-vcard',
'srt' => [
'vtt' => [
'ico' => [
'stl' => [
* Attempts to determine the best mime type for the given file extension.
* @return string|null The mime type found, or none if unable to determine.
public static function guessTypeFromExtension(string $extension)
$extension = trim(strtolower($extension), '. ');
if (! array_key_exists($extension, static::$mimes)) {
return null;
return is_array(static::$mimes[$extension]) ? static::$mimes[$extension][0] : static::$mimes[$extension];
* Attempts to determine the best file extension for a given mime type.
* @param string|null $proposedExtension - default extension (in case there is more than one with the same mime type)
* @return string|null The extension determined, or null if unable to match.
public static function guessExtensionFromType(string $type, ?string $proposedExtension = null)
$type = trim(strtolower($type), '. ');
$proposedExtension = trim(strtolower($proposedExtension ?? ''));
if (
$proposedExtension !== ''
&& array_key_exists($proposedExtension, static::$mimes)
&& in_array($type, (array) static::$mimes[$proposedExtension], true)
) {
// The detected mime type matches with the proposed extension.
return $proposedExtension;
// Reverse check the mime type list if no extension was proposed.
// This search is order sensitive!
foreach (static::$mimes as $ext => $types) {
if (in_array($type, (array) $types, true)) {
return $ext;
return null;