clean($action), "success" => $success, "value" => clean($value), "user" => $user, "ip" => clean($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]), "timestamp" => now() ); $db->insert($data); } return true; } function visit() { require "config.php"; require_once ps(__DIR__ . $config["path"]["sleek"] . "/Store.php"); $db = new \SleekDB\Store("visitLogs", ps(__DIR__ . $config["db"]["sleek"]["dir"]), $config["db"]["sleek"]["config"]); // Logs if (empty($db->findOneBy(["ip", "=", clean($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])]))) { $data = array( "ip" => clean($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]), "timestamp" => now() ); $db->insert($data); } } function titleVisit($title) { require "config.php"; require_once ps(__DIR__ . $config["path"]["sleek"] . "/Store.php"); $db = new \SleekDB\Store("titleViews", ps(__DIR__ . $config["db"]["sleek"]["dir"]), $config["db"]["sleek"]["config"]); // Logs if (empty($db->findOneBy([["ip", "=", clean($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])], "AND", ["", "=", $title["id"]]]))) { $data = array( "title" => $title, "ip" => clean($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]), "timestamp" => now() ); $db->insert($data); } } function chapterVisit($chapter) { require "config.php"; require_once ps(__DIR__ . $config["path"]["sleek"] . "/Store.php"); $db = new \SleekDB\Store("chapterViews", ps(__DIR__ . $config["db"]["sleek"]["dir"]), $config["db"]["sleek"]["config"]); // Logs if (empty($db->findOneBy([["ip", "=", clean($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])], "AND", ["", "=", $chapter["id"]]]))) { $data = array( "chapter" => $chapter, "ip" => clean($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]), "timestamp" => now() ); $db->insert($data); } } function hCaptcha($response) { require "config.php"; $data = array( "secret" => $config["captcha"]["hcaptcha"]["secret"], "response" => $response ); $verify = curl_init(); curl_setopt($verify, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($verify, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($verify, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); curl_setopt($verify, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $responseData = json_decode(curl_exec($verify)); return $responseData->success ? true : false; } function valCustom($file) { require "config.php"; require_once ps(__DIR__ . $config["path"]["sleek"] . "/Store.php"); $db = new \SleekDB\Store("custom_" . $file, ps(__DIR__ . $config["db"]["sleek"]["dir"]), $config["db"]["sleek"]["config"]); $file = file_exists(ps(__DIR__ . "/custom/{$file}.json")) ? file_get_contents(ps(__DIR__ . "/custom/{$file}.json")) : ""; $data = jd($file); $_data = $db->findAll(); if (!empty($data)) { sort($data); foreach ($data as $dat) { $dta = array( "name" => $dat, "timestamp" => now() ); if (empty($db->findOneBy(["name", "=", $dat]))) $db->insert($dta); } } if (!empty($_data)) { sort($_data); foreach ($_data as $dat) { if (!in_array($dat["name"], $data)) { $db->deleteBy(["name", "=", $dat["name"]]); } } return $_data; } else { return true; } } function valCLang($file) { require "config.php"; require_once ps(__DIR__ . $config["path"]["sleek"] . "/Store.php"); $db = new \SleekDB\Store("custom_" . $file, ps(__DIR__ . $config["db"]["sleek"]["dir"]), $config["db"]["sleek"]["config"]); $file = file_exists(ps(__DIR__ . "/custom/{$file}.json")) ? file_get_contents(ps(__DIR__ . "/custom/{$file}.json")) : ""; $data = jd($file); $_data = $db->findAll(); if (!empty($_data)) { sort($_data); $langs = array_column($data, 0); $langs = array_reverse($langs); foreach ($_data as $dat) { $found = false; foreach ($langs as $l) { if ($dat["code"] == $l) $found = true; } if (!$found) $db->deleteBy(["code", "=", $dat["code"]]); } } if (!empty($data)) { sort($data); foreach ($data as $dat) { $dta = array( "code" => $dat[0], "name" => $dat[1], "flag" => $dat[2], "timestamp" => now() ); if (empty($db->findOneBy(["code", "=", $dat[0]]))) $db->insert($dta); } } return !empty($_data) ? $_data : true; } function getTag($file, $id) { $tags = valCustom($file); foreach ($tags as $tg) { if ($tg["id"] == $id) return $tg; } return null; } function rmrf($dir) { foreach (glob($dir) as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { rmrf("$file/*"); rmdir($file); } else { unlink($file); } } } function valImage($location, $file) { // Image? $check = getimagesize($location); if ($check == false) return "Fake image."; // In array? $filetypes = array("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "webp"); if (!in_array(strtolower($file), $filetypes)) return "Invalid Image format."; // Yes! return true; } function unzip($file, $tmp, $target) { $zip = new ZipArchive; $res = $zip->open($file); if ($res !== true) die("Something!"); // extract it to the path we determined above if (file_exists($tmp)) rmrf($tmp); if (file_exists($target)) rmrf($target); mkdir($tmp, 0755, true); mkdir($target, 0755, true); $zip->extractTo($tmp); $files = glob("$tmp/*.{jpg,jpeg,webp,gif,png}", GLOB_BRACE); if (empty($files)) return "No images in ZIP!"; foreach ($files as $f) { $check = getimagesize($f); if ($check == false) { return "An error occured."; rmrf($tmp); } } sort($files, SORT_STRING); $c = 1; foreach ($files as $_file) { rename($_file, ps($target . "/{$c}." . strtolower(pathinfo($_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)))); $c++; } $zip->close(); rmrf($tmp); unlink($file); return "success"; } function formatChapterTitle($volume, $chapter, $type = "short") { switch ($type) { case "full": $type = "full"; break; case "short": default: $type = "short"; } $out = ""; if (substr($chapter, -2) == ".00") { $chapter = substr($chapter, 0, -3); } elseif (substr($chapter, -1) == "0") { $chapter = substr($chapter, 0, -1); } if ($type == "short") { if (!empty($volume)) $out .= "Vol." . $volume . " "; $out .= "Ch." . $chapter; } if ($type == "full") { if (!empty($volume)) $out .= "Volume " . $volume . " "; $out .= "Chapter " . $chapter; } return $out; } function formatDate($date, $full = false) { $date = clean($date); $s = $date; $date = strtotime($s); if ($full == false) { return date('d. M Y', $date); } else { return date('d. M Y H:m:i', $date); } } function getUserLang($logged = false, $userlang = "") { require "config.php"; $userlang = $logged ? $userlang : cat($_COOKIE[cat($config["title"]) . "_lang"] ?? $config["default"]["lang"]); if (!file_exists(ps(__DIR__ . $config["path"]["langs"] . "/{$userlang}.php"))) $userlang = $config["default"]["lang"]; return $userlang; } function getUserTheme($logged = false, $usertheme = "") { require "config.php"; $usertheme = $logged ? $usertheme : cat($_COOKIE[cat($config["title"]) . "_theme"] ?? $config["default"]["theme"]); if (!file_exists(ps(__DIR__ . $config["smarty"]["template"] . "/{$usertheme}/info.php"))) $usertheme = $config["default"]["theme"]; return $usertheme; } function getPrefLang() { require "config.php"; return isset($_COOKIE[cat($config["title"]) . "_preflang"]) && !empty($_COOKIE[cat($config["title"]) . "_preflang"]) ? cat($_COOKIE[cat($config["title"]) . "_preflang"]) : $config["default"]["lang"]; } function timeAgo($datetime, $full = false) { // Thx - $now = new DateTime; $ago = new DateTime($datetime); $diff = $now->diff($ago); $diff->w = floor($diff->d / 7); $diff->d -= $diff->w * 7; $string = array( 'y' => 'year', 'm' => 'month', 'w' => 'week', 'd' => 'day', 'h' => 'hour', 'i' => 'min', 's' => 'second', ); foreach ($string as $k => &$v) { if ($diff->$k) { $v = $diff->$k . ' ' . $v . ($diff->$k > 1 ? 's' : ''); } else { unset($string[$k]); } } if (!$full) $string = array_slice($string, 0, 1); return $string ? implode(', ', $string) . ' ago' : 'just now'; } // Only available in PHP 8.x which I don't like at all if (!function_exists("str_contains")) { function str_contains($haystack, $needle) { return $needle !== "" && mb_strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false; } } function shorten($text, $maxlength = 25) { // This function is used, to display only a certain amount of characters if (strlen($text) > $maxlength) return substr($text, 0, $maxlength) . "..."; return $text; }