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synced 2025-02-20 11:23:21 +08:00
Merge pull request #115 from apernet/update-readme
docs: move to website
This commit is contained in:
@ -205,3 +205,6 @@ $RECYCLE.BIN/
# End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/windows,macos,linux,go,goland+all,visualstudiocode
# Internal tools not ready for public use yet
@ -8,13 +8,12 @@
OpenGFW は、あなた専用の DIY 中国のグレートファイアウォール (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Firewall) です。Linux 上で利用可能な柔軟で使いやすいオープンソースプログラムとして提供されています。なぜ権力者だけが楽しむのでしょうか?権力を人々に与え、検閲を民主化する時が来ました。自宅のルーターにサイバー主権のスリルをもたらし、プロのようにフィルタリングを始めましょう - あなたもビッグブラザーになることができます。
**ドキュメントウェブサイト: https://gfw.dev/**
Telegram グループ: https://t.me/OpGFW
> このプロジェクトはまだ開発の初期段階です。使用は自己責任でお願いします。
> [!NOTE]
> 私たちはこのプロジェクト、特により多くのプロトコル用のアナライザーの実装を手伝ってくれるコントリビューターを探しています!!!
> 本プロジェクトはまだ初期開発段階にあります。テスト時のリスクは自己責任でお願いします。私たちは、このプロジェクトを一緒に改善するために貢献者を探しています。
## 特徴
@ -40,122 +39,3 @@ Telegram グループ: https://t.me/OpGFW
- VPN/プロキシサービスの不正利用防止
- トラフィック分析(ログのみモード)
- 独裁的な野心を実現するのを助ける
## 使用方法
### ビルド
go build
### 実行
export OPENGFW_LOG_LEVEL=debug
./OpenGFW -c config.yaml rules.yaml
#### OpenWrt
OpenGFW は OpenWrt 23.05 で動作することがテストされています(他のバージョンも動作するはずですが、検証されていません)。
opkg install nftables kmod-nft-queue kmod-nf-conntrack-netlink
### 設定例
queueSize: 1024
rcvBuf: 4194304
sndBuf: 4194304
local: true # FORWARD チェーンで OpenGFW を実行したい場合は false に設定する
rst: false # ブロックされたTCP接続に対してRSTを送信する場合はtrueに設定してください。local=falseのみです
count: 4
queueSize: 16
tcpMaxBufferedPagesTotal: 4096
tcpMaxBufferedPagesPerConn: 64
udpMaxStreams: 4096
# 特定のローカルGeoIP / GeoSiteデータベースファイルを読み込むためのパス。
# 設定されていない場合は、https://github.com/LoyalSoldier/v2ray-rules-dat から自動的にダウンロードされます。
# geo:
# geoip: geoip.dat
# geosite: geosite.dat
### ルール例
式言語の構文については、[Expr 言語定義](https://expr-lang.org/docs/language-definition)を参照してください。
# ルールは、"action" または "log" の少なくとも一方が設定されていなければなりません。
- name: log horny people
log: true
expr: let sni = string(tls?.req?.sni); sni contains "porn" || sni contains "hentai"
- name: block v2ex http
action: block
expr: string(http?.req?.headers?.host) endsWith "v2ex.com"
- name: block v2ex https
action: block
expr: string(tls?.req?.sni) endsWith "v2ex.com"
- name: block v2ex quic
action: block
expr: string(quic?.req?.sni) endsWith "v2ex.com"
- name: block and log shadowsocks
action: block
log: true
expr: fet != nil && fet.yes
- name: block trojan
action: block
expr: trojan != nil && trojan.yes
- name: v2ex dns poisoning
action: modify
name: dns
a: ""
aaaa: "::"
expr: dns != nil && dns.qr && any(dns.questions, {.name endsWith "v2ex.com"})
- name: block google socks
action: block
expr: string(socks?.req?.addr) endsWith "google.com" && socks?.req?.port == 80
- name: block wireguard by handshake response
action: drop
expr: wireguard?.handshake_response?.receiver_index_matched == true
- name: block bilibili geosite
action: block
expr: geosite(string(tls?.req?.sni), "bilibili")
- name: block CN geoip
action: block
expr: geoip(string(ip.dst), "cn")
- name: block cidr
action: block
expr: cidr(string(ip.dst), "")
#### サポートされるアクション
- `allow`: 接続を許可し、それ以上の処理は行わない。
- `block`: 接続をブロックし、それ以上の処理は行わない。
- `drop`: UDP の場合、ルールのトリガーとなったパケットをドロップし、同じフローに含まれる以降のパケットの処理を継続する。TCP の場合は、`block` と同じ。
- `modify`: UDP の場合、与えられた修飾子を使って、ルールをトリガしたパケットを修正し、同じフロー内の今後のパケットを処理し続ける。TCP の場合は、`allow` と同じ。
@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
OpenGFW is your very own DIY Great Firewall of China (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Firewall), available as a flexible, easy-to-use open source program on Linux. Why let the powers that be have all the fun? It's time to give power to the people and democratize censorship. Bring the thrill of cyber-sovereignty right into your home router and start filtering like a pro - you too can play Big Brother.
**Documentation site: https://gfw.dev/**
Telegram group: https://t.me/OpGFW
> This project is still in very early stages of development. Use at your own risk.
> [!NOTE]
> We are looking for contributors to help us with this project, especially implementing analyzers for more protocols!!!
> This project is still in very early stages of development. Use at your own risk. We are looking for contributors to help us improve and expand the project.
## Features
@ -44,125 +43,3 @@ Telegram group: https://t.me/OpGFW
- Abuse prevention for VPN/proxy services
- Traffic analysis (log only mode)
- Help you fulfill your dictatorial ambitions
## Usage
### Build
go build
### Run
export OPENGFW_LOG_LEVEL=debug
./OpenGFW -c config.yaml rules.yaml
#### OpenWrt
OpenGFW has been tested to work on OpenWrt 23.05 (other versions should also work, just not verified).
Install the dependencies:
opkg install nftables kmod-nft-queue kmod-nf-conntrack-netlink
### Example config
queueSize: 1024
rcvBuf: 4194304
sndBuf: 4194304
local: true # set to false if you want to run OpenGFW on FORWARD chain
rst: false # set to true if you want to send RST for blocked TCP connections, local=false only
count: 4
queueSize: 16
tcpMaxBufferedPagesTotal: 4096
tcpMaxBufferedPagesPerConn: 64
udpMaxStreams: 4096
# The path to load specific local geoip/geosite db files.
# If not set, they will be automatically downloaded from https://github.com/Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-dat
# geo:
# geoip: geoip.dat
# geosite: geosite.dat
### Example rules
[Analyzer properties](docs/Analyzers.md)
For syntax of the expression language, please refer
to [Expr Language Definition](https://expr-lang.org/docs/language-definition).
# A rule must have at least one of "action" or "log" field set.
- name: log horny people
log: true
expr: let sni = string(tls?.req?.sni); sni contains "porn" || sni contains "hentai"
- name: block v2ex http
action: block
expr: string(http?.req?.headers?.host) endsWith "v2ex.com"
- name: block v2ex https
action: block
expr: string(tls?.req?.sni) endsWith "v2ex.com"
- name: block v2ex quic
action: block
expr: string(quic?.req?.sni) endsWith "v2ex.com"
- name: block and log shadowsocks
action: block
log: true
expr: fet != nil && fet.yes
- name: block trojan
action: block
expr: trojan != nil && trojan.yes
- name: v2ex dns poisoning
action: modify
name: dns
a: ""
aaaa: "::"
expr: dns != nil && dns.qr && any(dns.questions, {.name endsWith "v2ex.com"})
- name: block google socks
action: block
expr: string(socks?.req?.addr) endsWith "google.com" && socks?.req?.port == 80
- name: block wireguard by handshake response
action: drop
expr: wireguard?.handshake_response?.receiver_index_matched == true
- name: block bilibili geosite
action: block
expr: geosite(string(tls?.req?.sni), "bilibili")
- name: block CN geoip
action: block
expr: geoip(string(ip.dst), "cn")
- name: block cidr
action: block
expr: cidr(string(ip.dst), "")
#### Supported actions
- `allow`: Allow the connection, no further processing.
- `block`: Block the connection, no further processing.
- `drop`: For UDP, drop the packet that triggered the rule, continue processing future packets in the same flow. For
TCP, same as `block`.
- `modify`: For UDP, modify the packet that triggered the rule using the given modifier, continue processing future
packets in the same flow. For TCP, same as `allow`.
@ -8,13 +8,12 @@
OpenGFW 是一个 Linux 上灵活、易用、开源的 DIY [GFW](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%98%B2%E7%81%AB%E9%95%BF%E5%9F%8E) 实现,并且在许多方面比真正的 GFW 更强大。为何让那些掌权者独享乐趣?是时候把权力归还给人民,人人有墙建了。立即安装可以部署在家用路由器上的网络主权 - 你也能是老大哥。
**文档网站: https://gfw.dev/**
Telegram 群组: https://t.me/OpGFW
> 本项目仍处于早期开发阶段。测试时自行承担风险。
> [!NOTE]
> 我们正在寻求贡献者一起完善本项目,尤其是实现更多协议的解析器!
> 本项目仍处于早期开发阶段。测试时自行承担风险。我们正在寻求贡献者一起完善本项目。
## 功能
@ -40,122 +39,3 @@ Telegram 群组: https://t.me/OpGFW
- VPN/代理服务滥用防护
- 流量分析 (纯日志模式)
- 助你实现你的独裁野心
## 使用
### 构建
go build
### 运行
export OPENGFW_LOG_LEVEL=debug
./OpenGFW -c config.yaml rules.yaml
#### OpenWrt
OpenGFW 在 OpenWrt 23.05 上测试可用(其他版本应该也可以,暂时未经验证)。
opkg install nftables kmod-nft-queue kmod-nf-conntrack-netlink
### 样例配置
queueSize: 1024
rcvBuf: 4194304
sndBuf: 4194304
local: true # 如果需要在 FORWARD 链上运行 OpenGFW,请设置为 false
rst: false # 是否对要阻断的 TCP 连接发送 RST。仅在 local=false 时有效
count: 4
queueSize: 16
tcpMaxBufferedPagesTotal: 4096
tcpMaxBufferedPagesPerConn: 64
udpMaxStreams: 4096
# 指定的 geoip/geosite 档案路径
# 如果未设置,将自动从 https://github.com/Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-dat 下载
# geo:
# geoip: geoip.dat
# geosite: geosite.dat
### 样例规则
规则的语法请参考 [Expr Language Definition](https://expr-lang.org/docs/language-definition)。
# 每条规则必须至少包含 action 或 log 中的一个。
- name: log horny people
log: true
expr: let sni = string(tls?.req?.sni); sni contains "porn" || sni contains "hentai"
- name: block v2ex http
action: block
expr: string(http?.req?.headers?.host) endsWith "v2ex.com"
- name: block v2ex https
action: block
expr: string(tls?.req?.sni) endsWith "v2ex.com"
- name: block v2ex quic
action: block
expr: string(quic?.req?.sni) endsWith "v2ex.com"
- name: block and log shadowsocks
action: block
log: true
expr: fet != nil && fet.yes
- name: block trojan
action: block
expr: trojan != nil && trojan.yes
- name: v2ex dns poisoning
action: modify
name: dns
a: ""
aaaa: "::"
expr: dns != nil && dns.qr && any(dns.questions, {.name endsWith "v2ex.com"})
- name: block google socks
action: block
expr: string(socks?.req?.addr) endsWith "google.com" && socks?.req?.port == 80
- name: block wireguard by handshake response
action: drop
expr: wireguard?.handshake_response?.receiver_index_matched == true
- name: block bilibili geosite
action: block
expr: geosite(string(tls?.req?.sni), "bilibili")
- name: block CN geoip
action: block
expr: geoip(string(ip.dst), "cn")
- name: block cidr
action: block
expr: cidr(string(ip.dst), "")
#### 支持的 action
- `allow`: 放行连接,不再处理后续的包。
- `block`: 阻断连接,不再处理后续的包。
- `drop`: 对于 UDP,丢弃触发规则的包,但继续处理同一流中的后续包。对于 TCP,效果同 `block`。
- `modify`: 对于 UDP,用指定的修改器修改触发规则的包,然后继续处理同一流中的后续包。对于 TCP,效果同 `allow`。
@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
# Analyzers
Analyzers are one of the main components of OpenGFW. Their job is to analyze a connection, see if it's a protocol they
support, and if so, extract information from that connection and provide properties for the rule engine to match against
user-provided rules. OpenGFW will automatically analyze which analyzers are referenced in the given rules and enable
only those that are needed.
This document lists the properties provided by each analyzer that can be used by rules.
## DNS (TCP & UDP)
For queries:
"dns": {
"aa": false,
"id": 41953,
"opcode": 0,
"qr": false,
"questions": [
"class": 1,
"name": "www.google.com",
"type": 1
"ra": false,
"rcode": 0,
"rd": true,
"tc": false,
"z": 0
For responses:
"dns": {
"aa": false,
"answers": [
"a": "",
"class": 1,
"name": "www.google.com",
"ttl": 255,
"type": 1
"id": 41953,
"opcode": 0,
"qr": true,
"questions": [
"class": 1,
"name": "www.google.com",
"type": 1
"ra": true,
"rcode": 0,
"rd": true,
"tc": false,
"z": 0
Example for blocking DNS queries for `www.google.com`:
- name: Block Google DNS
action: drop
expr: dns != nil && !dns.qr && any(dns.questions, {.name == "www.google.com"})
## FET (Fully Encrypted Traffic)
Check https://www.usenix.org/system/files/usenixsecurity23-wu-mingshi.pdf for more information.
"fet": {
"ex1": 3.7560976,
"ex2": true,
"ex3": 0.9512195,
"ex4": 39,
"ex5": false,
"yes": false
Example for blocking fully encrypted traffic:
- name: Block suspicious proxy traffic
action: block
expr: fet != nil && fet.yes
"http": {
"req": {
"headers": {
"accept": "*/*",
"host": "ipinfo.io",
"user-agent": "curl/7.81.0"
"method": "GET",
"path": "/",
"version": "HTTP/1.1"
"resp": {
"headers": {
"access-control-allow-origin": "*",
"content-length": "333",
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"date": "Wed, 24 Jan 2024 05:41:44 GMT",
"referrer-policy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
"server": "nginx/1.24.0",
"strict-transport-security": "max-age=2592000; includeSubDomains",
"via": "1.1 google",
"x-content-type-options": "nosniff",
"x-envoy-upstream-service-time": "2",
"x-frame-options": "SAMEORIGIN",
"x-xss-protection": "1; mode=block"
"status": 200,
"version": "HTTP/1.1"
Example for blocking HTTP requests to `ipinfo.io`:
- name: Block ipinfo.io HTTP
action: block
expr: http != nil && http.req != nil && http.req.headers != nil && http.req.headers.host == "ipinfo.io"
## SSH
"ssh": {
"server": {
"comments": "Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.6",
"protocol": "2.0",
"software": "OpenSSH_8.9p1"
"client": {
"comments": "IMHACKER",
"protocol": "2.0",
"software": "OpenSSH_8.9p1"
Example for blocking all SSH connections:
- name: Block SSH
action: block
expr: ssh != nil
## TLS
"tls": {
"req": {
"alpn": ["h2", "http/1.1"],
"ciphers": [
4866, 4867, 4865, 49196, 49200, 159, 52393, 52392, 52394, 49195, 49199,
158, 49188, 49192, 107, 49187, 49191, 103, 49162, 49172, 57, 49161,
49171, 51, 157, 156, 61, 60, 53, 47, 255
"compression": "AA==",
"random": "UqfPi+EmtMgusILrKcELvVWwpOdPSM/My09nPXl84dg=",
"session": "jCTrpAzHpwrfuYdYx4FEjZwbcQxCuZ52HGIoOcbw1vA=",
"sni": "ipinfo.io",
"supported_versions": [772, 771],
"version": 771,
"ech": true
"resp": {
"cipher": 4866,
"compression": 0,
"random": "R/Cy1m9pktuBMZQIHahD8Y83UWPRf8j8luwNQep9yJI=",
"session": "jCTrpAzHpwrfuYdYx4FEjZwbcQxCuZ52HGIoOcbw1vA=",
"supported_versions": 772,
"version": 771
Example for blocking TLS connections to `ipinfo.io`:
- name: Block ipinfo.io TLS
action: block
expr: tls != nil && tls.req != nil && tls.req.sni == "ipinfo.io"
QUIC analyzer produces the same result format as TLS analyzer, but currently only supports "req" direction (client
hello), not "resp" (server hello).
"quic": {
"req": {
"alpn": ["h3"],
"ciphers": [4865, 4866, 4867],
"compression": "AA==",
"ech": true,
"random": "FUYLceFReLJl9dRQ0HAus7fi2ZGuKIAApF4keeUqg00=",
"session": "",
"sni": "quic.rocks",
"supported_versions": [772],
"version": 771
Example for blocking QUIC connections to `quic.rocks`:
- name: Block quic.rocks QUIC
action: block
expr: quic != nil && quic.req != nil && quic.req.sni == "quic.rocks"
## Trojan (proxy protocol)
"trojan": {
"seq": [680, 4514, 293],
"yes": true
Example for blocking Trojan connections:
- name: Block Trojan
action: block
expr: trojan != nil && trojan.yes
"socks": {
"version": 4,
"req": {
"cmd": 1,
"addr_type": 1, // same as socks5
"addr": "",
// for socks4a
// "addr_type": 3,
// "addr": "google.com",
"port": 443,
"auth": {
"user_id": "user"
"resp": {
"rep": 90, // 0x5A(90) granted
"addr_type": 1,
"addr": "",
"port": 443
SOCKS5 without auth:
"socks": {
"version": 5,
"req": {
"cmd": 1, // 0x01: connect, 0x02: bind, 0x03: udp
"addr_type": 3, // 0x01: ipv4, 0x03: domain, 0x04: ipv6
"addr": "google.com",
"port": 80,
"auth": {
"method": 0 // 0x00: no auth, 0x02: username/password
"resp": {
"rep": 0, // 0x00: success
"addr_type": 1, // 0x01: ipv4, 0x03: domain, 0x04: ipv6
"addr": "",
"port": 80,
"auth": {
"method": 0 // 0x00: no auth, 0x02: username/password
SOCKS5 with auth:
"socks": {
"version": 5,
"req": {
"cmd": 1, // 0x01: connect, 0x02: bind, 0x03: udp
"addr_type": 3, // 0x01: ipv4, 0x03: domain, 0x04: ipv6
"addr": "google.com",
"port": 80,
"auth": {
"method": 2, // 0x00: no auth, 0x02: username/password
"username": "user",
"password": "pass"
"resp": {
"rep": 0, // 0x00: success
"addr_type": 1, // 0x01: ipv4, 0x03: domain, 0x04: ipv6
"addr": "",
"port": 80,
"auth": {
"method": 2, // 0x00: no auth, 0x02: username/password
"status": 0 // 0x00: success, 0x01: failure
Example for blocking connections to `google.com:80` and user `foobar`:
- name: Block SOCKS google.com:80
action: block
expr: string(socks?.req?.addr) endsWith "google.com" && socks?.req?.port == 80
- name: Block SOCKS user foobar
action: block
expr: socks?.req?.auth?.method == 2 && socks?.req?.auth?.username == "foobar"
## WireGuard
"wireguard": {
"message_type": 1, // 0x1: handshake_initiation, 0x2: handshake_response, 0x3: packet_cookie_reply, 0x4: packet_data
"handshake_initiation": {
"sender_index": 0x12345678
"handshake_response": {
"sender_index": 0x12345678,
"receiver_index": 0x87654321,
"receiver_index_matched": true
"packet_data": {
"receiver_index": 0x12345678,
"receiver_index_matched": true
"packet_cookie_reply": {
"receiver_index": 0x12345678,
"receiver_index_matched": true
Example for blocking WireGuard traffic:
# false positive: high
- name: Block all WireGuard-like traffic
action: block
expr: wireguard != nil
# false positive: medium
- name: Block WireGuard by handshake_initiation
action: drop
expr: wireguard?.handshake_initiation != nil
# false positive: low
- name: Block WireGuard by handshake_response
action: drop
expr: wireguard?.handshake_response?.receiver_index_matched == true
# false positive: pretty low
- name: Block WireGuard by packet_data
action: block
expr: wireguard?.packet_data?.receiver_index_matched == true
Reference in New Issue
Block a user