jinnrry f5b63355b9 v2.3.7 (#3)
bug fix
2024-01-28 11:09:25 +08:00

166 lines
3.8 KiB

package smtp_server
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// The Backend implements SMTP server methods.
type Backend struct{}
func (bkd *Backend) NewSession(conn *smtp.Conn) (smtp.Session, error) {
remoteAddress := conn.Conn().RemoteAddr()
ctx := &context.Context{}
ctx.SetValue(context.LogID, id.GenLogID())
return &Session{
RemoteAddress: remoteAddress,
Ctx: ctx,
}, nil
// A Session is returned after EHLO.
type Session struct {
RemoteAddress net.Addr
User string
From string
To []string
Ctx *context.Context
func (s *Session) AuthPlain(username, pwd string) error {
log.WithContext(s.Ctx).Debugf("Auth %s %s", username, pwd)
s.User = username
var user models.User
encodePwd := password.Encode(pwd)
infos := strings.Split(username, "@")
if len(infos) > 1 {
username = infos[0]
err := db.Instance.Get(&user, db.WithContext(s.Ctx, "select * from user where account =? and password =?"),
username, encodePwd)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Errorf("%+v", err)
if user.ID > 0 {
s.Ctx.UserAccount = user.Account
s.Ctx.UserID = user.ID
s.Ctx.UserName = user.Name
log.WithContext(s.Ctx).Debugf("Auth Success %+v", user)
return nil
log.WithContext(s.Ctx).Debugf("登陆错误%s %s", username, pwd)
return errors.New("password error")
func (s *Session) Mail(from string, opts *smtp.MailOptions) error {
log.WithContext(s.Ctx).Debugf("Mail Success %+v %+v", from, opts)
s.From = from
return nil
func (s *Session) Rcpt(to string, opts *smtp.RcptOptions) error {
log.WithContext(s.Ctx).Debugf("Rcpt Success %+v", to)
s.To = append(s.To, to)
return nil
func (s *Session) Reset() {}
func (s *Session) Logout() error {
return nil
var instance *smtp.Server
var instanceTls *smtp.Server
func StartWithTLS() {
be := &Backend{}
instanceTls = smtp.NewServer(be)
instanceTls.Addr = ":465"
instanceTls.Domain = config.Instance.Domain
instanceTls.ReadTimeout = 10 * time.Second
instanceTls.AuthDisabled = false
instanceTls.WriteTimeout = 10 * time.Second
instanceTls.MaxMessageBytes = 1024 * 1024
instanceTls.MaxRecipients = 50
// force TLS for auth
instanceTls.AllowInsecureAuth = true
// Load the certificate and key
cer, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(config.Instance.SSLPublicKeyPath, config.Instance.SSLPrivateKeyPath)
if err != nil {
// Configure the TLS support
instanceTls.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cer}}
log.Println("Starting Smtp With SSL Server Port:", instanceTls.Addr)
if err := instanceTls.ListenAndServeTLS(); err != nil {
func Start() {
be := &Backend{}
instance = smtp.NewServer(be)
instance.Addr = ":25"
instance.Domain = config.Instance.Domain
instance.ReadTimeout = 10 * time.Second
instance.AuthDisabled = false
instance.WriteTimeout = 10 * time.Second
instance.MaxMessageBytes = 1024 * 1024
instance.MaxRecipients = 50
// force TLS for auth
instance.AllowInsecureAuth = false
// Load the certificate and key
cer, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(config.Instance.SSLPublicKeyPath, config.Instance.SSLPrivateKeyPath)
if err != nil {
// Configure the TLS support
instance.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cer}}
log.Println("Starting Smtp Server Port:", instance.Addr)
if err := instance.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
func Stop() {
if instance != nil {
if instanceTls != nil {