Error making Alice #2

opened 2018-11-09 20:43:17 +08:00 by sistemasnixval · 22 comments
sistemasnixval commented 2018-11-09 20:43:17 +08:00 (Migrated from

Hi! Thanks a lot for the project, It's very interesting and useful.

We get problems compiling the source after cloning repo.

If we compile the old one ([]) all works without problem.


Hi! Thanks a lot for the project, It's very interesting and useful. We get problems compiling the source after cloning repo. If we compile the old one ([]) all works without problem. FYI.
annikahannig commented 2018-11-11 00:06:27 +08:00 (Migrated from


Can you maybe give me some hints on where the process fails, or what steps you did, so I can reproduce this?

Hi! Can you maybe give me some hints on where the process fails, or what steps you did, so I can reproduce this?
sistemasnixval commented 2018-11-12 16:14:39 +08:00 (Migrated from

We do this in a CentOS 7 fresh install as root, our partners on DE-CIX confirm that the new repository needs to be updated, thanks for all your work!:

nano .bash_profile

    # .bash_profile

    # Get the aliases and functions
    if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

    # User specific environment and startup programs

    export GOPATH

    export PATH

source  .bash_profile

yum install golang npm git
npm i -g gulp-cli
go get
go get
cd go/src/
mkdir alice-lg
cd ~/go/src/
git clone
cd alice-lg/

    We got multiple errors and we have to install all of this packages with npm

npm link gulp-cli
npm init
npm i gulp --save-dev
npm i -g run-sequence && npm link run-sequence && make
npm i -g gulp-uglify && npm link gulp-uglify && make
npm i -g gulp-rename && npm link gulp-rename && make
npm i -g gulp-size && npm link gulp-size && make
npm i -g browserify && npm link browserify && make
npm i -g babelify && npm link babelify && make
npm i -g @babel/core && npm link @babel/core && make
npm i -g vinyl-source-stream && npm link vinyl-source-stream && make
npm i -g gulp-flatten && npm link gulp-flatten && make
npm i -g gulp-concat && npm link gulp-concat && make
npm i -g gulp-cssmin && npm link gulp-cssmin && make
npm i -g gulp-clean && npm link gulp-clean && make
npm i -g gulp-jshint && npm link gulp-jshint && make
npm i -g --save-dev jshint gulp-jshint
npm link jshint gulp-jshint
npm i -g gulp-sass && npm link gulp-sass && make
npm i -g gulp-autoprefixer && npm link gulp-autoprefixer && make
npm i -g gulp && npm link gulp && make
npm i -g babel-preset-es2015 && npm link babel-preset-es2015 && make
nano /root/.babelrc

      "presets": ["es2015"]


    without success

npm i -g babel-core && npm link babel-core && make
npm upgrade

    without success. Last error we get:

    make -C client/ client_prod
    make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/root/go/src/'
    Installing dependencies
    # yarn install
    Building alice UI (production)
    DISABLE_LOGGING=1 NODE_ENV=production gulp
    [18:26:11] Using gulpfile ~/go/src/
    [18:26:12] Starting 'clean'...
    [18:26:12] Finished 'clean' after 56 ms
    [18:26:12] Starting 'default'...
    [18:26:12] Starting 'bundle'...
    [18:26:12] Finished 'bundle' after 25 ms
    [18:26:12] Starting 'html'...
    [18:26:12] Finished 'html' after 2.5 ms
    [18:26:12] Starting 'stylesheets'...
    [18:26:12] Finished 'stylesheets' after 9.89 ms
    [18:26:12] Starting 'assets'...
    [18:26:12] Finished 'assets' after 17 ms
    [18:26:12] Starting 'app'...
    [18:26:12] Finished 'default' after 102 ms
          throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

    Error: Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions. In /root/go/src/ while parsing file: /root/go/src/
        at createDescriptor (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:178:11)
        at (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:109:50)
        at (native)
        at createDescriptors (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:109:29)
        at createPresetDescriptors (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:101:10)
        at passPerPreset (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:58:96)
        at cachedFunction (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/caching.js:33:19)
        at presets.presets (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:29:84)
        at mergeChainOpts (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js:320:26)
        at /usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js:283:7
    make[1]: *** [client_prod] Error 1
    make[1]: se sale del directorio `/root/go/src/'
    make: *** [client_prod] Error 2
We do this in a CentOS 7 fresh install as root, our partners on DE-CIX confirm that the new repository needs to be updated, thanks for all your work!: nano .bash_profile # .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs GOPATH=$HOME/go export GOPATH PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$GOPATH/bin export PATH source .bash_profile yum install golang npm git npm i -g gulp-cli go get go get cd go/src/ mkdir alice-lg cd ~/go/src/ git clone cd alice-lg/ make We got multiple errors and we have to install all of this packages with npm npm link gulp-cli npm init npm i gulp --save-dev npm i -g run-sequence && npm link run-sequence && make npm i -g gulp-uglify && npm link gulp-uglify && make npm i -g gulp-rename && npm link gulp-rename && make npm i -g gulp-size && npm link gulp-size && make npm i -g browserify && npm link browserify && make npm i -g babelify && npm link babelify && make npm i -g @babel/core && npm link @babel/core && make npm i -g vinyl-source-stream && npm link vinyl-source-stream && make npm i -g gulp-flatten && npm link gulp-flatten && make npm i -g gulp-concat && npm link gulp-concat && make npm i -g gulp-cssmin && npm link gulp-cssmin && make npm i -g gulp-clean && npm link gulp-clean && make npm i -g gulp-jshint && npm link gulp-jshint && make npm i -g --save-dev jshint gulp-jshint npm link jshint gulp-jshint npm i -g gulp-sass && npm link gulp-sass && make npm i -g gulp-autoprefixer && npm link gulp-autoprefixer && make npm i -g gulp && npm link gulp && make npm i -g babel-preset-es2015 && npm link babel-preset-es2015 && make nano /root/.babelrc { "presets": ["es2015"] } make without success npm i -g babel-core && npm link babel-core && make npm upgrade make without success. Last error we get: make -C client/ client_prod make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/root/go/src/' Installing dependencies # yarn install Building alice UI (production) DISABLE_LOGGING=1 NODE_ENV=production gulp [18:26:11] Using gulpfile ~/go/src/ [18:26:12] Starting 'clean'... [18:26:12] Finished 'clean' after 56 ms [18:26:12] Starting 'default'... [18:26:12] Starting 'bundle'... [18:26:12] Finished 'bundle' after 25 ms [18:26:12] Starting 'html'... [18:26:12] Finished 'html' after 2.5 ms [18:26:12] Starting 'stylesheets'... [18:26:12] Finished 'stylesheets' after 9.89 ms [18:26:12] Starting 'assets'... [18:26:12] Finished 'assets' after 17 ms [18:26:12] Starting 'app'... [18:26:12] Finished 'default' after 102 ms events.js:160 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions. In /root/go/src/ while parsing file: /root/go/src/ at createDescriptor (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:178:11) at (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:109:50) at (native) at createDescriptors (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:109:29) at createPresetDescriptors (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:101:10) at passPerPreset (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:58:96) at cachedFunction (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/caching.js:33:19) at presets.presets (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:29:84) at mergeChainOpts (/usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js:320:26) at /usr/lib/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js:283:7 make[1]: *** [client_prod] Error 1 make[1]: se sale del directorio `/root/go/src/' make: *** [client_prod] Error 2
sistemasnixval commented 2018-11-15 20:22:28 +08:00 (Migrated from


Any news about it ?

Someone else with this error?


Hi, Any news about it ? Someone else with this error? Thanks!
annikahannig commented 2018-11-22 23:37:58 +08:00 (Migrated from

Hi! Sorry - somehow I lost this issue and somehow could not find it.

I'll have a look :)

Hi! Sorry - somehow I lost this issue and somehow could not find it. I'll have a look :)
annikahannig commented 2018-11-22 23:40:03 +08:00 (Migrated from

I've stopped building the client directly with the tools on my machine and migrated to using docker for this:

I suggest using this build method for now:

cd client/
make -f Makefile.docker client_prod

cd ../backend/

make prod
I've stopped building the client directly with the tools on my machine and migrated to using docker for this: I suggest using this build method for now: ``` cd client/ make -f Makefile.docker client_prod cd ../backend/ make prod ```
annikahannig commented 2018-11-22 23:40:45 +08:00 (Migrated from

Again - Sorry for the late response.

Again - Sorry for the late response.
sistemasnixval commented 2018-11-26 22:28:32 +08:00 (Migrated from


Perfect, Alice-lg is running using this method, now we have this error in the log when starting:

Refreshing the routes store failed for: (IPv4) ( 0 ) with: invalid character 'p' after top-level value - NEXT STATE: ERROR

But we don't have character 'p' in alice.conf

Hi, Perfect, Alice-lg is running using this method, now we have this error in the log when starting: `Refreshing the routes store failed for: (IPv4) ( 0 ) with: invalid character 'p' after top-level value - NEXT STATE: ERROR` But we don't have character 'p' in alice.conf
annikahannig commented 2018-11-27 00:04:55 +08:00 (Migrated from

The 'p' is part of the response alice retrieves from the birdwatcher. (Yeah - I know - a bit missleading / unhelpful)

The 'p' is part of the response alice retrieves from the birdwatcher. (Yeah - I know - a bit missleading / unhelpful)
annikahannig commented 2018-11-27 00:07:49 +08:00 (Migrated from

can you check the output of the birdwatcher for:


Maybe check, that this endpoint is enabled in the birdwatcher config :)

can you check the output of the birdwatcher for: http://<my_birdwatcher>/routes/dump Maybe check, that this endpoint is enabled in the birdwatcher config :)
sistemasnixval commented 2018-11-27 17:34:02 +08:00 (Migrated from

Thanks Matthias!!

Module route_dump was disabled.. :(

Other question about routes filtered, in my Looking Glass when click in neighbour with routes filtered don't show me routes filtered:

However in home search they appear:

Any more features than enable in alice.conf ?

Thanks for your help?

Thanks Matthias!! Module route_dump was disabled.. :( Other question about routes filtered, in my Looking Glass when click in neighbour with routes filtered don't show me routes filtered: However in home search they appear: Any more features than enable in alice.conf ? Thanks for your help?
annikahannig commented 2018-11-27 17:46:21 +08:00 (Migrated from

Have you checked if the


Endpoints are enabled in the birdwatcher.conf? :)

Have you checked if the routes_filtered routes_noexport Endpoints are enabled in the `birdwatcher.conf`? :)
annikahannig commented 2018-11-27 17:48:23 +08:00 (Migrated from

Maybe try accessing the birdwatcher with:

Maybe try accessing the birdwatcher with: http://<my_birdwatcher_0>/routes/filtered/R_199312
sistemasnixval commented 2018-11-27 18:02:36 +08:00 (Migrated from

We have this modules enabled in birdwatcher:

2018/11/27 10:55:52 Starting Birdwatcher
2018/11/27 10:55:52             Using: /usr/sbin/birdc
2018/11/27 10:55:52            Listen:
2018/11/27 10:55:52    ModulesEnabled:
2018/11/27 10:55:52        - routes_table
2018/11/27 10:55:52        - status
2018/11/27 10:55:52        - protocols_bgp
2018/11/27 10:55:52        - routes_protocol
2018/11/27 10:55:52        - routes_peer
2018/11/27 10:55:52        - routes_filtered
2018/11/27 10:55:52        - routes_noexport
2018/11/27 10:55:52        - routes_dump
2018/11/27 10:55:52    Per Peer Tables: false

Checking birdwatcher:

# curl

We have this modules enabled in birdwatcher: ``` 2018/11/27 10:55:52 Starting Birdwatcher 2018/11/27 10:55:52 Using: /usr/sbin/birdc 2018/11/27 10:55:52 Listen: 2018/11/27 10:55:52 ModulesEnabled: 2018/11/27 10:55:52 - routes_table 2018/11/27 10:55:52 - status 2018/11/27 10:55:52 - protocols_bgp 2018/11/27 10:55:52 - routes_protocol 2018/11/27 10:55:52 - routes_peer 2018/11/27 10:55:52 - routes_filtered 2018/11/27 10:55:52 - routes_noexport 2018/11/27 10:55:52 - routes_dump 2018/11/27 10:55:52 Per Peer Tables: false ``` Checking birdwatcher: ``` # curl {"api":{"Version":"1.11.0","result_from_cache":false,"cache_status":{"orig_ttl":0,"cached_at":{"date":"","timezone_type":"","timezone":""}}},"routes":[],"ttl":"2018-11-27T11:02:15.157651036+01:00"} ```
annikahannig commented 2018-11-27 23:26:43 +08:00 (Migrated from

Let me see If there is a bug in the birdwatcher.

You were using this repo:, right?

Let me see If there is a bug in the birdwatcher. You were using this repo:, right?
annikahannig commented 2018-11-27 23:34:01 +08:00 (Migrated from

A show route all filtered R_199312 is executed.
A show route filtered protocol 'R_199312' all should be executed.

I'll fix this later

A `show route all filtered R_199312` is executed. A `show route filtered protocol 'R_199312' all` should be executed. I'll fix this later
sistemasnixval commented 2018-11-28 00:32:01 +08:00 (Migrated from

Let me see If there is a bug in the birdwatcher.

You were using this repo:, right?

Yes we are using this repo but repo points to the old one. I mean that in the install instructions, we see and when we compile throw us these errors:

src/ cannot use endpoints.Version(VERSION) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET
src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.Status) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET
src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.Protocols) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET
src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.Bgp) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET
src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.Symbols) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET
src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.SymbolTables) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET
src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.SymbolProtocols) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET
src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.ProtoRoutes) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET
src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.TableRoutes) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET
src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.ProtoCount) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET
src/ too many errors

A show route all filtered R_199312 is executed.

This command don't work:

bird> show route all filtered 'R_199312'
IP address expected

A show route filtered protocol 'R_199312' all should be executed.

I'll fix this later

And this command gave us this output:

bird> show route filtered protocol 'R_199312' all    via on ens19 [R_199312 2018-11-27 14:17:07] * (100) [AS199312i]
        Type: BGP unicast univ
        BGP.origin: IGP
        BGP.as_path: 199312
        BGP.local_pref: 100
        BGP.large_community: (57542, 65666, 20)

> Let me see If there is a bug in the birdwatcher. > > You were using this repo:, right? Yes we are using this repo but repo points to the old one. I mean that in the install instructions, we see and when we compile throw us these errors: ```# src/ cannot use endpoints.Version(VERSION) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.Status) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.Protocols) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.Bgp) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.Symbols) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.SymbolTables) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.SymbolProtocols) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.ProtoRoutes) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.TableRoutes) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET src/ cannot use endpoints.Endpoint(endpoints.ProtoCount) (type "".Handle) as type "".Handle in argument to r.GET src/ too many errors ``` > A `show route all filtered R_199312` is executed. This command don't work: ``` bird> show route all filtered 'R_199312' IP address expected ``` > A `show route filtered protocol 'R_199312' all` should be executed. > > I'll fix this later And this command gave us this output: ``` bird> show route filtered protocol 'R_199312' all via on ens19 [R_199312 2018-11-27 14:17:07] * (100) [AS199312i] Type: BGP unicast univ BGP.origin: IGP BGP.as_path: 199312 BGP.next_hop: BGP.local_pref: 100 BGP.large_community: (57542, 65666, 20) [...] ```
annikahannig commented 2018-11-28 00:40:40 +08:00 (Migrated from

Good to hear! I'll update the source later tonight.

Good to hear! I'll update the source later tonight.
annikahannig commented 2018-11-29 22:31:00 +08:00 (Migrated from


I just updated the birdwatcher in:

This should fix the missing routes filtered and the missing routes not exported.
Version should now be be: 1.11.0

@sistemasnixval Please check if this helps :)

Hej! I just updated the birdwatcher in: This should fix the missing routes filtered and the missing routes not exported. Version should now be be: 1.11.0 @sistemasnixval Please check if this helps :)
sistemasnixval commented 2018-11-30 02:59:21 +08:00 (Migrated from

Hi @mhannig

Birdwatcher 1.11.0 - Running
Routes filtered are displayed correctly

Thank you very much for your help and support to this project!!

Hi @mhannig Birdwatcher 1.11.0 - Running Routes filtered are displayed correctly Thank you very much for your help and support to this project!!
annikahannig commented 2018-11-30 03:19:36 +08:00 (Migrated from

Thanks! :)
Glad to hear it works!

Thanks! :) Glad to hear it works!
sistemasnixval commented 2019-01-16 21:05:02 +08:00 (Migrated from

Hi Matthias!

We upgrade the source from the repo, but when we are trying to make files again, fail in the second step. Can you give us some light? Regards!

`cd client/
make -f Makefile.docker client_prod --- This works ok

cd ../backend/
make prod --- This not`

[root@LookingGlassPre client]# cd ../backend/ [root@LookingGlassPre backend]# make prod rm -f rice-box.go rm -f alice-lg-osx-amd64 rm -f alice-lg-linux-amd64 rice embed-go make: rice: No se encontró el programa make: *** [bundle] Error 127

Hi Matthias! We upgrade the source from the repo, but when we are trying to make files again, fail in the second step. Can you give us some light? Regards! `cd client/ make -f Makefile.docker client_prod --- This works ok cd ../backend/ make prod --- This not` Error: `[root@LookingGlassPre client]# cd ../backend/ [root@LookingGlassPre backend]# make prod rm -f rice-box.go rm -f alice-lg-osx-amd64 rm -f alice-lg-linux-amd64 rice embed-go make: rice: No se encontró el programa make: *** [bundle] Error 127`
sistemasnixval commented 2019-01-16 23:27:42 +08:00 (Migrated from

Hi Matthias!

We solve the issue again. I put in the bash_profile the path for the rice we get on the procedure of install and it works!


Hi Matthias! We solve the issue again. I put in the bash_profile the path for the rice we get on the procedure of install and it works! Thanks!
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