935 lines
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935 lines
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// Package config provides runtime configuration
// for the Alice Looking Glass.
// This configuration is read from a config file.
package config
import (
var (
// ErrSourceTypeUnknown will be used if the type could
// not be identified from the section.
ErrSourceTypeUnknown = errors.New("source type unknown")
// ErrPostgresUnconfigured will occure when the
// postgres database URL is required, but missing.
ErrPostgresUnconfigured = errors.New(
"the selected postgres backend requires configuration")
const (
// SourceTypeBird is used for either bird 1x and 2x
// based route servers with a birdwatcher backend.
SourceTypeBird = "bird"
// SourceTypeGoBGP indicates a GoBGP based source.
SourceTypeGoBGP = "gobgp"
// SourceTypeOpenBGPD is used for an OpenBGPD source.
SourceTypeOpenBGPD = "openbgpd"
const (
// SourceBackendBirdwatcher is used to indicate that
// the source is using a birdwatcher interface.
SourceBackendBirdwatcher = "birdwatcher"
// SourceBackendGoBGP is used when the source is consuming
// a GoBGP daemon via grpc API.
SourceBackendGoBGP = "gobgp"
// SourceBackendOpenBGPDStateServer is used when the openbgpd
// is exported using the openbgpd-state-server.
SourceBackendOpenBGPDStateServer = "openbgpd-state-server"
// SourceBackendOpenBGPDBgplgd is used when the openbgpd
// state is exported through the bgplgd.
SourceBackendOpenBGPDBgplgd = "openbgpd-bgplgd"
const (
// DefaultHTTPTimeout is the time in seconds after which the
// server will timeout.
DefaultHTTPTimeout = 120
// A ServerConfig holds the runtime configuration
// for the backend.
type ServerConfig struct {
Listen string `ini:"listen_http"`
HTTPTimeout int `ini:"http_timeout"`
EnablePrefixLookup bool `ini:"enable_prefix_lookup"`
NeighborsStoreRefreshInterval int `ini:"neighbors_store_refresh_interval"`
NeighborsStoreRefreshParallelism int `ini:"neighbors_store_refresh_parallelism"`
RoutesStoreRefreshInterval int `ini:"routes_store_refresh_interval"`
RoutesStoreRefreshParallelism int `ini:"routes_store_refresh_parallelism"`
StoreBackend string `ini:"store_backend"`
Asn int `ini:"asn"`
EnableNeighborsStatusRefresh bool `ini:"enable_neighbors_status_refresh"`
// PostgresConfig is the configuration for the database
// connection when the postgres backend is used.
type PostgresConfig struct {
URL string `ini:"url"`
MaxConns int32 `ini:"max_connections"`
MinConns int32 `ini:"min_connections"`
// HousekeepingConfig describes the housekeeping interval
// and flags.
type HousekeepingConfig struct {
Interval int `ini:"interval"`
ForceReleaseMemory bool `ini:"force_release_memory"`
// RejectionsConfig holds rejection reasons
// associated with BGP communities
type RejectionsConfig struct {
Reasons api.BGPCommunityMap
// NoexportsConfig holds no-export reasons
// associated with BGP communities and behaviour
// tweaks.
type NoexportsConfig struct {
Reasons api.BGPCommunityMap
LoadOnDemand bool `ini:"load_on_demand"`
// RejectCandidatesConfig holds reasons for rejection
// candidates (e.g. routes that will be dropped if
// a hard filtering would be applied.)
type RejectCandidatesConfig struct {
Communities api.BGPCommunityMap
// RpkiConfig defines BGP communities describing the RPKI
// validation state.
type RpkiConfig struct {
// Define communities
Enabled bool `ini:"enabled"`
Valid []string `ini:"valid"`
Unknown []string `ini:"unknown"`
NotChecked []string `ini:"not_checked"`
Invalid []string `ini:"invalid"`
// UIConfig holds runtime settings for the web client
type UIConfig struct {
RoutesColumns map[string]string
RoutesColumnsOrder []string
NeighborsColumns map[string]string
NeighborsColumnsOrder []string
LookupColumns map[string]string
LookupColumnsOrder []string
RoutesRejections RejectionsConfig
RoutesNoexports NoexportsConfig
RoutesRejectCandidates RejectCandidatesConfig
BGPCommunities api.BGPCommunityMap
Rpki RpkiConfig
Theme ThemeConfig
Pagination PaginationConfig
// ThemeConfig describes a theme configuration
type ThemeConfig struct {
Path string `ini:"path"`
BasePath string `ini:"url_base"` // Optional, default: /theme
// PaginationConfig holds settings for route pagination
type PaginationConfig struct {
RoutesFilteredPageSize int `ini:"routes_filtered_page_size"`
RoutesAcceptedPageSize int `ini:"routes_accepted_page_size"`
RoutesNotExportedPageSize int `ini:"routes_not_exported_page_size"`
// A SourceConfig is a generic source configuration
type SourceConfig struct {
ID string
Order int
Name string
Group string
// Blackhole IPs
Blackholes []string
// Source configurations
Type string
Backend string
Birdwatcher birdwatcher.Config
GoBGP gobgp.Config
OpenBGPD openbgpd.Config
// Source instance
instance sources.Source
// Config is the application configuration
type Config struct {
Server ServerConfig
Postgres *PostgresConfig
Housekeeping HousekeepingConfig
UI UIConfig
Sources []*SourceConfig
File string
// SourceByID returns a source from the config by id
func (cfg *Config) SourceByID(id string) *SourceConfig {
for _, sourceConfig := range cfg.Sources {
if sourceConfig.ID == id {
return sourceConfig
return nil
// SourceInstanceByID returns an instance by id
func (cfg *Config) SourceInstanceByID(id string) sources.Source {
sourceConfig := cfg.SourceByID(id)
if sourceConfig == nil {
return nil // Nothing to do here.
// Get instance from config
return sourceConfig.GetInstance()
func isSourceBase(section *ini.Section) bool {
return len(strings.Split(section.Name(), ".")) == 2
// Get backend configuration type
func sourceBackendTypeFromConfig(section *ini.Section) (string, error) {
name := section.Name()
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "birdwatcher") {
return SourceBackendBirdwatcher, nil
} else if strings.HasSuffix(name, "gobgp") {
return SourceBackendGoBGP, nil
} else if strings.HasSuffix(name, "openbgpd-bgplgd") {
return SourceBackendOpenBGPDBgplgd, nil
} else if strings.HasSuffix(name, "openbgpd-state-server") {
return SourceBackendOpenBGPDStateServer, nil
return "", ErrSourceTypeUnknown
// sourceTypeFromBackendType will return the backend source type
// for a given backend type
func sourceTypeFromBackendType(t string) string {
switch t {
case SourceBackendBirdwatcher:
return SourceTypeBird
case SourceBackendGoBGP:
return SourceTypeGoBGP
case SourceBackendOpenBGPDStateServer:
return SourceTypeOpenBGPD
case SourceBackendOpenBGPDBgplgd:
return SourceTypeOpenBGPD
return ""
// Get UI config: Routes Columns Default
func getRoutesColumnsDefaults() (map[string]string, []string, error) {
columns := map[string]string{
"network": "Network",
"bgp.as_path": "AS Path",
"gateway": "Gateway",
"interface": "Interface",
order := []string{"network", "bgp.as_path", "gateway", "interface"}
return columns, order, nil
// Get UI config: Routes Columns
// The columns displayed in the frontend.
// The columns are ordered as in the config file.
// In case the configuration is empty, fall back to
// the defaults as defined in getRoutesColumnsDefault()
func getRoutesColumns(config *ini.File) (map[string]string, []string, error) {
columns := make(map[string]string)
order := []string{}
section := config.Section("routes_columns")
keys := section.Keys()
if len(keys) == 0 {
return getRoutesColumnsDefaults()
for _, key := range keys {
columns[key.Name()] = section.Key(key.Name()).MustString("")
order = append(order, key.Name())
return columns, order, nil
// Get UI config: Get Neighbors Columns Defaults
func getNeighborsColumnsDefaults() (map[string]string, []string, error) {
columns := map[string]string{
"address": "Neighbor",
"asn": "ASN",
"state": "State",
"Uptime": "Uptime",
"Description": "Description",
"routes_received": "Routes Recv.",
"routes_filtered": "Routes Filtered",
order := []string{
"address", "asn", "state",
"Uptime", "Description", "routes_received", "routes_filtered",
return columns, order, nil
// Get UI config: Get Neighbors Columns
// basically the same as with the routes columns.
func getNeighborsColumns(config *ini.File) (
) {
columns := make(map[string]string)
order := []string{}
section := config.Section("neighbors_columns")
keys := section.Keys()
if len(keys) == 0 {
return getNeighborsColumnsDefaults()
for _, key := range keys {
columns[key.Name()] = section.Key(key.Name()).MustString("")
order = append(order, key.Name())
return columns, order, nil
// Get UI config: Get Prefix search / Routes lookup columns
// As these differ slightly from our routes in the response
// (e.g. the neighbor and source rs is referenced as a nested object)
// we provide an additional configuration for this
func getLookupColumnsDefaults() (map[string]string, []string, error) {
columns := map[string]string{
"network": "Network",
"gateway": "Gateway",
"neighbor.asn": "ASN",
"neighbor.description": "Neighbor",
"bgp.as_path": "AS Path",
"routeserver.name": "RS",
order := []string{
return columns, order, nil
func getLookupColumns(config *ini.File) (
) {
columns := make(map[string]string)
order := []string{}
section := config.Section("lookup_columns")
keys := section.Keys()
if len(keys) == 0 {
return getLookupColumnsDefaults()
for _, key := range keys {
columns[key.Name()] = section.Key(key.Name()).MustString("")
order = append(order, key.Name())
return columns, order, nil
// Helper parse communities from a section body
func parseAndMergeCommunities(
communities api.BGPCommunityMap, body string,
) api.BGPCommunityMap {
// Parse and merge communities
lines := strings.Split(body, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
kv := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2)
if len(kv) != 2 {
log.Println("Skipping malformed BGP community:", line)
community := strings.TrimSpace(kv[0])
label := strings.TrimSpace(kv[1])
communities.Set(community, label)
return communities
// Get UI config: BGP Communities
func getBGPCommunityMap(config *ini.File) api.BGPCommunityMap {
// Load defaults
communities := api.MakeWellKnownBGPCommunities()
communitiesConfig := config.Section("bgp_communities")
if communitiesConfig == nil {
return communities // nothing else to do here, go with the default
return parseAndMergeCommunities(communities, communitiesConfig.Body())
// Get UI config: Get rejections
func getRoutesRejections(config *ini.File) (RejectionsConfig, error) {
reasonsConfig := config.Section("rejection_reasons")
if reasonsConfig == nil {
return RejectionsConfig{}, nil
reasons := parseAndMergeCommunities(
rejectionsConfig := RejectionsConfig{
Reasons: reasons,
return rejectionsConfig, nil
// Get UI config: Get no export config
func getRoutesNoexports(config *ini.File) (NoexportsConfig, error) {
baseConfig := config.Section("noexport")
reasonsConfig := config.Section("noexport_reasons")
// Map base configuration
noexportsConfig := NoexportsConfig{}
if err := baseConfig.MapTo(&noexportsConfig); err != nil {
return noexportsConfig, err
reasons := parseAndMergeCommunities(
noexportsConfig.Reasons = reasons
return noexportsConfig, nil
// Get UI config: Reject candidates
func getRejectCandidatesConfig(config *ini.File) (RejectCandidatesConfig, error) {
candidateCommunities := config.Section(
if candidateCommunities == "" {
return RejectCandidatesConfig{}, nil
communities := api.BGPCommunityMap{}
for i, c := range strings.Split(candidateCommunities, ",") {
communities.Set(c, fmt.Sprintf("reject-candidate-%d", i+1))
conf := RejectCandidatesConfig{
Communities: communities,
return conf, nil
// Get UI config: RPKI configuration
func getRpkiConfig(config *ini.File) (RpkiConfig, error) {
var rpki RpkiConfig
// Defaults taken from:
// https://www.euro-ix.net/en/forixps/large-bgp-communities/
section := config.Section("rpki")
if err := section.MapTo(&rpki); err != nil {
return rpki, err
fallbackAsn, err := getOwnASN(config)
if err != nil {
"Own ASN is not configured.",
"This might lead to unexpected behaviour with BGP large communities",
ownAsn := fmt.Sprintf("%d", fallbackAsn)
// Fill in defaults or postprocess config value
if len(rpki.Valid) == 0 {
rpki.Valid = []string{ownAsn, "1000", "1"}
} else {
rpki.Valid = strings.SplitN(rpki.Valid[0], ":", 3)
if len(rpki.Unknown) == 0 {
rpki.Unknown = []string{ownAsn, "1000", "2"}
} else {
rpki.Unknown = strings.SplitN(rpki.Unknown[0], ":", 3)
if len(rpki.NotChecked) == 0 {
rpki.NotChecked = []string{ownAsn, "1000", "3"}
} else {
rpki.NotChecked = strings.SplitN(rpki.NotChecked[0], ":", 3)
// As the euro-ix document states, this can be a range.
if len(rpki.Invalid) == 0 {
rpki.Invalid = []string{ownAsn, "1000", "4", "*"}
} else {
// Preprocess
rpki.Invalid = strings.SplitN(rpki.Invalid[0], ":", 3)
if len(rpki.Invalid) != 3 {
// This is wrong, we should have three parts (RS):1000:[range]
return rpki, fmt.Errorf(
"unexpected rpki.Invalid configuration: %v", rpki.Invalid)
tokens := strings.Split(rpki.Invalid[2], "-")
rpki.Invalid = append([]string{rpki.Invalid[0], rpki.Invalid[1]}, tokens...)
return rpki, nil
// Helper: Get own ASN from ini
// This is now easy, since we enforce an ASN in
// the [server] section.
func getOwnASN(config *ini.File) (int, error) {
server := config.Section("server")
asn := server.Key("asn").MustInt(-1)
if asn == -1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not get own ASN from config")
return asn, nil
// Get UI config: Theme settings
func getThemeConfig(config *ini.File) ThemeConfig {
baseConfig := config.Section("theme")
themeConfig := ThemeConfig{}
_ = baseConfig.MapTo(&themeConfig)
if themeConfig.BasePath == "" {
themeConfig.BasePath = "/theme"
return themeConfig
// Get UI config: Pagination settings
func getPaginationConfig(config *ini.File) PaginationConfig {
baseConfig := config.Section("pagination")
paginationConfig := PaginationConfig{}
_ = baseConfig.MapTo(&paginationConfig)
return paginationConfig
// Get the UI configuration from the config file
func getUIConfig(config *ini.File) (UIConfig, error) {
uiConfig := UIConfig{}
// Get route columns
routesColumns, routesColumnsOrder, err := getRoutesColumns(config)
if err != nil {
return uiConfig, err
// Get neighbors table columns
err := getNeighborsColumns(config)
if err != nil {
return uiConfig, err
// Lookup table columns
lookupColumns, lookupColumnsOrder, err := getLookupColumns(config)
if err != nil {
return uiConfig, err
// Get rejections and reasons
rejections, err := getRoutesRejections(config)
if err != nil {
return uiConfig, err
noexports, err := getRoutesNoexports(config)
if err != nil {
return uiConfig, err
// Get reject candidates
rejectCandidates, _ := getRejectCandidatesConfig(config)
// RPKI filter config
rpki, err := getRpkiConfig(config)
if err != nil {
return uiConfig, err
// Theme configuration: Theming is optional, if no settings
// are found, it will be ignored
themeConfig := getThemeConfig(config)
// Pagination
paginationConfig := getPaginationConfig(config)
// Make config
uiConfig = UIConfig{
RoutesColumns: routesColumns,
RoutesColumnsOrder: routesColumnsOrder,
NeighborsColumns: neighborsColumns,
NeighborsColumnsOrder: neighborsColumnsOrder,
LookupColumns: lookupColumns,
LookupColumnsOrder: lookupColumnsOrder,
RoutesRejections: rejections,
RoutesNoexports: noexports,
RoutesRejectCandidates: rejectCandidates,
BGPCommunities: getBGPCommunityMap(config),
Rpki: rpki,
Theme: themeConfig,
Pagination: paginationConfig,
return uiConfig, nil
func getSources(config *ini.File) ([]*SourceConfig, error) {
sources := []*SourceConfig{}
order := 0
sourceSections := config.ChildSections("source")
for _, section := range sourceSections {
if !isSourceBase(section) {
// Derive source-id from name
sourceID := section.Name()[len("source:"):]
// Try to get child configs and determine
// Source type
sourceConfigSections := section.ChildSections()
if len(sourceConfigSections) == 0 {
// This source has no configured backend
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has no backend configuration", section.Name())
if len(sourceConfigSections) > 1 {
// The source is ambiguous
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has ambigous backends", section.Name())
// Configure backend
backendConfig := sourceConfigSections[0]
backendType, err := sourceBackendTypeFromConfig(backendConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has an unsupported backend", section.Name())
sourceType := sourceTypeFromBackendType(backendType)
// Make config
sourceName := section.Key("name").MustString("Unknown Source")
sourceGroup := section.Key("group").MustString("")
sourceBlackholes := decoders.TrimmedCSVStringList(
srcCfg := &SourceConfig{
ID: sourceID,
Order: order,
Name: sourceName,
Group: sourceGroup,
Blackholes: sourceBlackholes,
Backend: backendType,
Type: sourceType,
// Set backend
switch backendType {
case SourceBackendBirdwatcher:
sourceType := backendConfig.Key("type").MustString("")
mainTable := backendConfig.Key("main_table").MustString("master")
peerTablePrefix := backendConfig.Key("peer_table_prefix").MustString("T")
pipeProtocolPrefix := backendConfig.Key("pipe_protocol_prefix").MustString("M")
if sourceType != "single_table" &&
sourceType != "multi_table" {
log.Fatal("Configuration error (birdwatcher source) unknown birdwatcher type:", sourceType)
c := birdwatcher.Config{
ID: srcCfg.ID,
Name: srcCfg.Name,
Timezone: "UTC",
ServerTime: "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00",
ServerTimeShort: "2006-01-02",
ServerTimeExt: "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700",
Type: sourceType,
MainTable: mainTable,
PeerTablePrefix: peerTablePrefix,
PipeProtocolPrefix: pipeProtocolPrefix,
if err := backendConfig.MapTo(&c); err != nil {
return nil, err
srcCfg.Birdwatcher = c
log.Println("Adding birdwatcher source",
c.Name, "of type", sourceType,
"with peer_table_prefix", peerTablePrefix,
"and pipe_protocol_prefix", pipeProtocolPrefix)
if c.AltPipeProtocolSuffix != "" {
"Alt pipe protocol prefix:", c.AltPipeProtocolPrefix,
"suffix:", c.AltPipeProtocolSuffix,
case SourceBackendGoBGP:
c := gobgp.Config{
ID: srcCfg.ID,
Name: srcCfg.Name,
if err := backendConfig.MapTo(&c); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Update defaults:
// - processing_timeout
if c.ProcessingTimeout == 0 {
c.ProcessingTimeout = 300
srcCfg.GoBGP = c
case SourceBackendOpenBGPDStateServer:
// Get cache TTL and reject communities from the config
cacheTTL := time.Second * time.Duration(backendConfig.Key("cache_ttl").MustInt(300))
routesCacheSize := backendConfig.Key("routes_cache_size").MustInt(1024)
rc, err := getRoutesRejections(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rejectComms := rc.Reasons.Communities()
c := openbgpd.Config{
ID: srcCfg.ID,
Name: srcCfg.Name,
CacheTTL: cacheTTL,
RoutesCacheSize: routesCacheSize,
RejectCommunities: rejectComms,
if err := backendConfig.MapTo(&c); err != nil {
return nil, err
srcCfg.OpenBGPD = c
case SourceBackendOpenBGPDBgplgd:
// Get cache TTL from the config
cacheTTL := time.Second * time.Duration(backendConfig.Key("cache_ttl").MustInt(300))
routesCacheSize := backendConfig.Key("routes_cache_size").MustInt(1024)
rc, err := getRoutesRejections(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rejectComms := rc.Reasons.Communities()
c := openbgpd.Config{
ID: srcCfg.ID,
Name: srcCfg.Name,
CacheTTL: cacheTTL,
RoutesCacheSize: routesCacheSize,
RejectCommunities: rejectComms,
if err := backendConfig.MapTo(&c); err != nil {
return nil, err
srcCfg.OpenBGPD = c
// Add to list of sources
sources = append(sources, srcCfg)
return sources, nil
// LoadConfig reads a configuration from a file.
func LoadConfig(file string) (*Config, error) {
// Try to get config file, fallback to alternatives
file, err := getConfigFile(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Load configuration, but handle bgp communities section
// with our own parser
parsedConfig, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{
UnparseableSections: []string{
}, file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Map sections
server := ServerConfig{
HTTPTimeout: DefaultHTTPTimeout,
StoreBackend: "memory",
RoutesStoreRefreshParallelism: 1,
NeighborsStoreRefreshParallelism: 1,
if err := parsedConfig.Section("server").MapTo(&server); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Database config
psql := &PostgresConfig{
MinConns: 2,
MaxConns: 128,
if server.StoreBackend == "postgres" {
if psql.URL == "" {
return nil, ErrPostgresUnconfigured
housekeeping := HousekeepingConfig{}
if err := parsedConfig.Section("housekeeping").MapTo(&housekeeping); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get all sources
sources, err := getSources(parsedConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get UI configurations
ui, err := getUIConfig(parsedConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config := &Config{
Server: server,
Postgres: psql,
Housekeeping: housekeeping,
UI: ui,
Sources: sources,
File: file,
return config, nil
// GetInstance gets a source instance from config
func (cfg *SourceConfig) GetInstance() sources.Source {
if cfg.instance != nil {
return cfg.instance
var instance sources.Source
switch cfg.Backend {
case SourceBackendBirdwatcher:
instance = birdwatcher.NewBirdwatcher(cfg.Birdwatcher)
case SourceBackendGoBGP:
instance = gobgp.NewGoBGP(cfg.GoBGP)
case SourceBackendOpenBGPDStateServer:
instance = openbgpd.NewStateServerSource(&cfg.OpenBGPD)
case SourceBackendOpenBGPDBgplgd:
instance = openbgpd.NewBgplgdSource(&cfg.OpenBGPD)
cfg.instance = instance
return instance
// Get configuration file with fallbacks
func getConfigFile(filename string) (string, error) {
// Check if requested file is present
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Fall back to local filename
filename = ".." + filename
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) {
filename = strings.Replace(filename, ".conf", ".local.conf", 1)
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "not_found", fmt.Errorf("could not find any configuration file")
return filename, nil