192 lines
3.8 KiB
192 lines
3.8 KiB
package main
The theme provides a method for adding customized CSS
or Javascript to Alice:
A theme directory can be specified in the config.
Stylesheets and Javascript residing in the theme root
directory will be included in the frontends HTML.
Additional files can be added in subdirectories.
These are served aswell and can be used for additional
assets. (E.g. a logo)
import (
type Theme struct {
Config ThemeConfig
func NewTheme(config ThemeConfig) *Theme {
theme := &Theme{
Config: config,
return theme
Get includable files from theme directory
func (self *Theme) listIncludes(suffix string) []string {
includes := []string{}
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(self.Config.Path)
if err != nil {
return []string{}
for _, file := range files {
if file.IsDir() {
filename := file.Name()
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, ".") {
if strings.HasSuffix(filename, suffix) {
includes = append(includes, filename)
return includes
Calculate a hashvalue for an include file,
to help with cache invalidation, when the file changes.
We are using the timestamp of the last access as Unix()
encoded as hex
func (self *Theme) HashInclude(include string) string {
path := filepath.Join(self.Config.Path, include)
stat, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return ""
modTime := stat.ModTime().UTC()
timestamp := modTime.Unix()
return strconv.FormatInt(timestamp, 16)
Retrieve a list of includeable stylesheets, with
their md5sum as hash
func (self *Theme) Stylesheets() []string {
return self.listIncludes(".css")
Make include statement: stylesheet
func (self *Theme) StylesheetIncludes() string {
includes := []string{}
for _, stylesheet := range self.Stylesheets() {
hash := self.HashInclude(stylesheet)
include := fmt.Sprintf(
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s/%s?%s\" />",
self.Config.BasePath, stylesheet, hash,
includes = append(includes, include)
return strings.Join(includes, "\n")
Retrieve a list of includeable javascipts
func (self *Theme) Scripts() []string {
return self.listIncludes(".js")
Make include statement: script
func (self *Theme) ScriptIncludes() string {
includes := []string{}
for _, script := range self.Scripts() {
hash := self.HashInclude(script)
include := fmt.Sprintf(
"<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s/%s?%s\"></script>",
self.Config.BasePath, script, hash,
includes = append(includes, include)
return strings.Join(includes, "\n")
Theme HTTP Handler
func (self *Theme) Handler() http.Handler {
// Serve the content using the file server
path := self.Config.Path
themeFilesHandler := http.StripPrefix(
self.Config.BasePath, http.FileServer(http.Dir(path)))
return themeFilesHandler
Register theme at path
func (self *Theme) RegisterThemeAssets(router *httprouter.Router) error {
fsPath := self.Config.Path
if fsPath == "" {
return nil // nothing to do here
if _, err := os.Stat(fsPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Theme path '%s' could not be found!", fsPath)
log.Println("Using theme at:", fsPath)
// We have a theme, install handler
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/*path", self.Config.BasePath)
router.Handler("GET", path, self.Handler())
return nil
Prepare document, fill placeholder with scripts and stylesheet
func (self *Theme) PrepareClientHtml(html string) string {
stylesheets := self.StylesheetIncludes()
scripts := self.ScriptIncludes()
html = strings.Replace(html,
"<!-- ###THEME_STYLESHEETS### -->",
stylesheets, 1)
html = strings.Replace(html,
"<!-- ###THEME_SCRIPTS### -->",
scripts, 1)
return html