2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
< ? php
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
* File : cloud . php .
* Author : Ulrich Block
* Date : 21.10 . 12
* Time : 10 : 24
* Contact : < ulrich . block @ easy - wi . com >
* This file is part of Easy - WI .
* Easy - WI is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* Easy - WI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Easy - WI . If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
* Diese Datei ist Teil von Easy - WI .
* Easy - WI ist Freie Software : Sie koennen es unter den Bedingungen
* der GNU General Public License , wie von der Free Software Foundation ,
* Version 3 der Lizenz oder ( nach Ihrer Wahl ) jeder spaeteren
* veroeffentlichten Version , weiterverbreiten und / oder modifizieren .
* Easy - WI wird in der Hoffnung , dass es nuetzlich sein wird , aber
* OHNE JEDE GEWAEHELEISTUNG , bereitgestellt ; sogar ohne die implizite
* Siehe die GNU General Public License fuer weitere Details .
* Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem
* Programm erhalten haben . Wenn nicht , siehe < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
define ( 'EASYWIDIR' , dirname ( __FILE__ ));
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ])) {
2013-10-13 11:42:31 +02:00
$ip = $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ];
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$timelimit = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'timeout' ]) and is_numeric ( $_GET [ 'timeout' ])) ? ( int ) $_GET [ 'timeout' ] : ini_get ( 'max_execution_time' ) - 10 ;
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
} else {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$timelimit = 600 ;
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
set_time_limit ( $timelimit );
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-10-05 13:39:56 +02:00
if ( ! isset ( $ip ) or $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ] == $ip ) {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
function printText ( $text ) {
echo $text . " \r \n " ;
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
function getParam ( $v ) {
global $value ;
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
// need for triming as some interfaces do not validate and sanitize
return ( isset ( $value -> $v )) ? trim ( $value -> $v ) : '' ;
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
printText ( 'Cloud jobs started' );
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-09-27 08:22:09 +02:00
include ( EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/vorlage.php' );
include ( EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/functions.php' );
include ( EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/class_validator.php' );
2013-12-29 12:39:48 +01:00
include ( EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/class_ts3.php' );
2013-09-27 08:22:09 +02:00
include ( EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/settings.php' );
2014-01-05 11:21:51 +01:00
include ( EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/functions_ssh_exec.php' );
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
include ( EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/keyphrasefile.php' );
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
printText ( 'File include and parameters fetched. Start connecting to external systems.' );
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-09-29 15:29:58 +02:00
$query = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM `api_import` WHERE `active`='Y' " );
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
$query -> execute ();
foreach ( $query -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) as $row ) {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-10-13 11:42:31 +02:00
$resellerID = $row [ 'resellerID' ];
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$start = 0 ;
2013-10-13 13:11:38 +02:00
if ( $row [ 'ssl' ] == 'Y' ) {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$ssl = 'https://' ;
$port = 443 ;
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
} else {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$ssl = 'http://' ;
$port = 80 ;
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
printText ( 'Connect to: ' . $ssl . $row [ 'domain' ]);
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
// Users first
// prepare queries ahead to avoid overhead
$query2 = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `userdata` SET `salutation`=?,`mail`=?,`cname`=?,`name`=?,`vname`=?,`birthday`=?,`country`=?,`phone`=?,`fax`=?,`handy`=?,`city`=?,`cityn`=?,`street`=?,`streetn`=? WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query3 = $sql -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `userdata` (`accounttype`,`salutation`,`mail`,`cname`,`vname`,`name`,`birthday`,`country`,`phone`,`fax`,`handy`,`city`,`cityn`,`street`,`streetn`,`sourceSystemID`,`externalID`,`security`,`resellerid`) VALUES ('u',?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) " );
$query4 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `amount` FROM `userdata` WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query5 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `amount` FROM `userdata` WHERE LOWER(`mail`)=? AND LOWER(`cname`)=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query6 = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `userdata` SET `salutation`=?,`mail`=?,`cname`=?,`vname`=?,`name`=?,`birthday`=?,`country`=?,`phone`=?,`fax`=?,`handy`=?,`city`=?,`cityn`=?,`street`=?,`streetn`=? WHERE LOWER(`mail`)=? AND LOWER(`cname`)=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query7 = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `api_import` SET `lastCheck`=?,`lastID`=? WHERE `importID`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query8 = $sql -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `userdata_groups` (`userID`,`groupID`,`resellerID`) VALUES (?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `userID`=`userID` " );
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
while ( ! isset ( $left ) or $left > 0 ) {
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
$getRequest = '/' . $row [ 'file' ] . '?passwordToken=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'token' ]) . '&list=user&start=' . urlencode ( $start ) . '&chunkSize=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'chunkSize' ]) . '&lastID=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastID' ]) . '&updateTime=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastCheck' ]);
$rawResponse = webhostRequest ( $row [ 'domain' ], 'https://easy-wi.com' , $getRequest , null , $port );
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$response = cleanFsockOpenRequest ( $rawResponse , '{' , '}' );
$decoded = json_decode ( $response );
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
unset ( $response );
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> error )) {
2013-09-29 15:29:58 +02:00
$left = 0 ;
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
if ( is_array ( $decoded -> error )) {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
printText ( 'Error: ' . implode ( ', ' , $decoded -> error ));
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
} else {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
printText ( 'Error: ' . $decoded -> error );
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
} else if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> total )) {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
if ( isset ( $left )) {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$left -= $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
} else {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$left = $decoded -> total - $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$start += $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
unset ( $lastID );
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-10-16 20:59:18 +02:00
foreach ( $decoded -> entries as $value ) {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
if ( isset ( $value -> externalID )) {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$query4 -> execute ( array ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), $value -> externalID ));
2013-10-13 11:42:31 +02:00
$checkAmount = $query4 -> fetchColumn ();
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
if ( $checkAmount > 0 and $row [ 'fetchUpdates' ] == 'Y' ) {
2013-12-20 12:44:34 +01:00
$query2 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'salutation' ), strtolower ( getParam ( 'email' )), getParam ( 'loginName' ), getParam ( 'lastName' ), getParam ( 'firstName' ), getParam ( 'birthday' ), getParam ( 'country' ), getParam ( 'phone' ), getParam ( 'fax' ), getParam ( 'handy' ), getParam ( 'city' ), getParam ( 'cityn' ), getParam ( 'street' ), getParam ( 'streetn' ), json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'externalID' ), $row [ 'resellerID' ]));
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
printText ( 'User updated. Loginname: ' . $value -> loginName . ' e-mail: ' . strtolower ( $value -> email ));
} else if ( $checkAmount > 0 ) {
printText ( 'User update skipped. Loginname: ' . $value -> loginName . ' e-mail: ' . strtolower ( $value -> email ));
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
} else {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$query5 -> execute ( array ( strtolower ( $value -> email ), strtolower ( $value -> loginName )));
2013-10-03 12:49:13 +02:00
if ( $query5 -> fetchColumn () > 0 and $row [ 'fetchUpdates' ] == 'Y' ) {
2013-10-16 20:59:18 +02:00
$query6 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'salutation' ), strtolower ( getParam ( 'email' )), getParam ( 'loginName' ), getParam ( 'firstName' ), getParam ( 'lastName' ), getParam ( 'birthday' ), getParam ( 'country' ), getParam ( 'phone' ), getParam ( 'fax' ), getParam ( 'handy' ), getParam ( 'city' ), getParam ( 'cityn' ), getParam ( 'street' ), getParam ( 'streetn' ), strtolower ( $value -> email ), strtolower ( $value -> loginName ), $row [ 'resellerID' ]));
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
printText ( 'User updated. Loginname: ' . $value -> loginName . ' e-mail: ' . strtolower ( $value -> email ));
} else if ( $checkAmount > 0 ) {
printText ( 'User update skipped because source system differ. Loginname: ' . $value -> loginName . ' e-mail: ' . strtolower ( $value -> email ));
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
} else {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
printText ( 'Import user. Loginname: ' . $value -> loginName . ' e-mail: ' . strtolower ( $value -> email ));
2013-10-16 20:59:18 +02:00
$query3 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'salutation' ), strtolower ( getParam ( 'email' )), getParam ( 'loginName' ), getParam ( 'firstName' ), getParam ( 'lastName' ), getParam ( 'birthday' ), getParam ( 'country' ), getParam ( 'phone' ), getParam ( 'fax' ), getParam ( 'handy' ), getParam ( 'city' ), getParam ( 'cityn' ), getParam ( 'street' ), getParam ( 'streetn' ), json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'externalID' ), getParam ( 'password' ), $row [ 'resellerID' ]));
$query8 -> execute ( array ( $sql -> lastInsertId (), $row [ 'groupID' ], $row [ 'resellerID' ]));
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
if ( getParam ( 'updatetime' ) != '' and ( isset ( $lastCheck ) and strtotime ( getParam ( 'updatetime' )) > strtotime ( $lastCheck )) or ! isset ( $lastCheck )) {
$lastCheck = getParam ( 'updatetime' );
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-10-13 11:42:31 +02:00
$lastID = $value -> externalID ;
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
if ( isset ( $lastID )) {
if ( ! isset ( $lastCheck )) {
$lastCheck = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
$query7 -> execute ( array ( $lastCheck , $lastID , $row [ 'importID' ]));
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
if ( $left > 0 ){
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' User left: ' . $left . ' need to make another run' );
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
sleep ( 1 );
} else {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' No user left.' );
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
} else if ( $decoded ) {
printText ( 'JSON Response does not contain expected values' );
2013-09-29 15:29:58 +02:00
$left = 0 ;
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
} else {
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
if ( strpos ( strtolower ( $rawResponse ), 'file not found' ) === false ) {
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
printText ( 'No Json Response. Will retry.' );
} else {
2013-09-29 15:29:58 +02:00
$left = 0 ;
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
printText ( '404: File not found' );
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
// Get available Gameroot IDs and map to their Easy-WI IDs
$gameRootIPs = array ();
$query2 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT *,AES_DECRYPT(`user`,?) AS `duser`,AES_DECRYPT(`pass`,?) AS `dpass` FROM `rserverdata` WHERE `resellerid`=? " );
$query2 -> execute ( array ( $aeskey , $aeskey , $resellerID ));
foreach ( $query2 -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) as $row2 ) {
if (( $row2 [ 'publickey' ] == 'Y' and strlen ( $row2 [ 'keyname' ]) > 0 ) or ( $row2 [ 'publickey' ] == 'N' and strlen ( $row2 [ 'dpass' ]) > 0 )) {
$gameRootIPs [ $row2 [ 'ip' ]] = array ( 'id' => $row2 [ 'id' ], 'ftpPort' => $row2 [ 'ftpport' ], 'user' => $row2 [ 'duser' ], 'sourceSystemID' => $row2 [ 'sourceSystemID' ], 'externalID' => $row2 [ 'externalID' ]);
foreach ( ipstoarray ( $row2 [ 'altips' ]) as $ip ) {
$gameRootIPs [ $ip ] = array ( 'id' => $row2 [ 'id' ], 'ftpPort' => $row2 [ 'ftpport' ], 'user' => $row2 [ 'duser' ], 'sourceSystemID' => $row2 [ 'sourceSystemID' ], 'externalID' => $row2 [ 'externalID' ]);
// Game Rootserver
unset ( $left );
$start = 0 ;
// Prepare queries only once to avoid overhead
$query2 = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `rserverdata` SET `userID`=?,`ip`=?,`altips`=?,`port`=AES_ENCRYPT(?,?),`ftpport`=?,`cores`=?,`ram`=? WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query3 = $sql -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `rserverdata` (`userID`,`ip`,`altips`,`port`,`ftpport`,`cores`,`ram`,`sourceSystemID`,`externalID`,`resellerid`) VALUES (?,?,?,AES_ENCRYPT(?,?),?,?,?,?,?,?) " );
while ( ! isset ( $left ) or $left > 0 ) {
$getRequest = '/' . $row [ 'file' ] . '?passwordToken=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'token' ]) . '&list=rootserver&start=' . urlencode ( $start ) . '&chunkSize=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'chunkSize' ]) . '&lastID=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastID' ]) . '&updateTime=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastCheck' ]);
$rawResponse = webhostRequest ( $row [ 'domain' ], 'https://easy-wi.com' , $getRequest , null , $port );
$response = cleanFsockOpenRequest ( $rawResponse , '{' , '}' );
$decoded = json_decode ( $response );
unset ( $response );
if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> error )) {
$left = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( $decoded -> error )) {
printText ( 'Error: ' . implode ( ', ' , $decoded -> error ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: ' . $decoded -> error );
} else if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> total )) {
if ( isset ( $left )) {
$left -= $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
} else {
$left = $decoded -> total - $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
$start += $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
foreach ( $decoded -> entries as $value ) {
if ( isset ( $value -> externalID )) {
// Check if rootserver entry already exists at easy-wi
unset ( $gameRootID );
foreach ( $value -> ips as $ip ) {
if ( isset ( $gameRootIPs [ $ip ][ 'id' ])) {
$gameRootID = $gameRootIPs [ $ip ][ 'id' ];
$sourceSystemID = $gameRootIPs [ $ip ][ 'sourceSystemID' ];
$externalID = $gameRootIPs [ $ip ][ 'externalID' ];
break ;
// IPs need to converted in Easy-WI format
$ip = $value -> ips [ 0 ];
unset ( $value -> ips [ 0 ]);
$ips = implode ( " \r \n " , $value -> ips );
if ( isset ( $gameRootID )) {
if ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])) == $sourceSystemID and getParam ( 'externalID' ) == $externalID and $row [ 'fetchUpdates' ] == 'Y' ) {
$query2 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'belongsToID' ), $ip , $ips , getParam ( 'sshPort' ), $aeskey , getParam ( 'ftpPort' ), getParam ( 'cores' ), getParam ( 'ram' ), json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'externalID' )));
printText ( 'Rootserver updated. IP: ' . $ip );
} else if ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])) == $sourceSystemID and getParam ( 'externalID' ) == $externalID ) {
printText ( 'Rootserver found but update skipped since in import only mode. IP: ' . $ip );
} else {
printText ( 'Rootserver found but update skipped because source system differ. IP: ' . $ip );
} else {
$query3 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'belongsToID' ), $ip , $ips , getParam ( 'sshPort' ), $aeskey , getParam ( 'ftpPort' ), getParam ( 'cores' ), getParam ( 'ram' ), json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'externalID' ), $resellerID ));
$gameRootIPs [ $ip ] = array ( 'id' => $sql -> lastInsertId (), 'ftpPort' => getParam ( 'sshPort' ), 'user' => '' , 'sourceSystemID' => json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), 'externalID' => getParam ( 'externalID' ));
printText ( 'Import rootserver. IP: ' . $ip );
if ( $left > 0 ){
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' rootservers left: ' . $left . ' need to make another run' );
sleep ( 1 );
} else {
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' No rootservers left.' );
} else if ( $decoded ) {
printText ( 'JSON Response does not contain expected values' );
$left = 0 ;
} else {
if ( strpos ( strtolower ( $rawResponse ), 'file not found' ) === false ) {
printText ( 'No Json Response. Will retry.' );
} else {
$left = 0 ;
printText ( '404: File not found' );
// Gameserver
unset ( $left );
$start = 0 ;
$gameRootCmds = array ();
// Prepare queries only once to avoid overhead
2013-12-18 22:46:48 +01:00
$query2 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT t.`id`,t.`modfolder`,t.`gamebinary`,t.`map` FROM `servertypes` t INNER JOIN `rservermasterg` m ON t.`id`=m.`servertypeid` WHERE t.`shorten`=? AND t.`resellerid`=? AND m.`serverid`=? AND m.`updating`='N' LIMIT 1 " );
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
$query3 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT `id`,`sourceSystemID`,`externalID` FROM `gsswitch` WHERE `serverip`=? AND `port`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query4 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT `id`,`cname` FROM `userdata` WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query5 = $sql -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `gsswitch` (`stopped`,`ftppassword`,`userid`,`rootID`,`serverip`,`port`,`port2`,`slots`,`taskset`,`cores`,`pallowed`,`sourceSystemID`,`externalID`,`resellerid`) VALUES ('Y',AES_ENCRYPT(?,?),?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) " );
2013-12-18 21:32:49 +01:00
$query6 = $sql -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `serverlist` (`tic`,`map`,`switchID`,`servertype`,`usermap`,`resellerid`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,'Y',?) " );
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
$query7 = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `serverid`=? WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query8 = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `slots`=?,`taskset`=?,`cores`=?,`pallowed`=? WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 " );
while ( ! isset ( $left ) or $left > 0 ) {
$getRequest = '/' . $row [ 'file' ] . '?passwordToken=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'token' ]) . '&list=gameserver&start=' . urlencode ( $start ) . '&chunkSize=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'chunkSize' ]) . '&lastID=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastID' ]) . '&updateTime=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastCheck' ]);
$rawResponse = webhostRequest ( $row [ 'domain' ], 'https://easy-wi.com' , $getRequest , null , $port );
$response = cleanFsockOpenRequest ( $rawResponse , '{' , '}' );
$decoded = json_decode ( $response );
unset ( $response );
if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> error )) {
$left = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( $decoded -> error )) {
printText ( 'Error: ' . implode ( ', ' , $decoded -> error ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: ' . $decoded -> error );
} else if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> total )) {
if ( isset ( $left )) {
$left -= $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
} else {
$left = $decoded -> total - $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
$start += $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
foreach ( $decoded -> entries as $value ) {
if ( isset ( $value -> externalID )) {
// Check if a rootserver entry already exists at easy-wi with the used IP
$arrayIP = getParam ( 'ip' );
if ( isset ( $gameRootIPs [ $arrayIP ][ 'id' ])) {
unset ( $servertypeID , $servertypeModFolder , $switchID );
// Check if the rootserver has a masterserver with this shorten
$query2 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'shorten' ), $row [ 'resellerID' ], $gameRootIPs [ $arrayIP ][ 'id' ]));
foreach ( $query2 -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) as $row2 ) {
$servertypeID = $row2 [ 'id' ];
2013-12-18 22:46:48 +01:00
$defaultMap = $row2 [ 'map' ];
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
// If no srcds or hlds game we will work with the root folder.
// If yes than we need to set or all files will be downloaded into incorrect subfolder.
$servertypeModFolder = ( $row2 [ 'gamebinary' ] == 'srcds_run' or $row2 [ 'gamebinary' ] == 'hlds_run' ) ? $row2 [ 'modfolder' ] . '/' : '' ;
if ( isset ( $servertypeID ) and isid ( $servertypeID , 11 )) {
if ( isid ( getParam ( 'assignedCore' ), 11 )) {
$taskset = 'Y' ;
$core = getParam ( 'assignedCore' );
} else {
$taskset = 'N' ;
$core = '' ;
$query3 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'ip' ), getParam ( 'port' ), $resellerID ));
foreach ( $query3 -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) as $row2 ) {
$switchID = $row2 [ 'id' ];
$sourceSystemID = $row2 [ 'sourceSystemID' ];
$externalID = $row2 [ 'externalID' ];
if ( isset ( $switchID ) and isid ( $switchID , 11 )) {
if ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])) == $sourceSystemID and getParam ( 'externalID' ) == $externalID and $row [ 'fetchUpdates' ] == 'Y' ) {
$query8 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'slots' ), $taskset , $core , getParam ( 'protectionMode' ), $switchID ));
printText ( 'Gameserver found and updated. Address: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . ' (' . getParam ( 'shorten' ) . ')' );
} else if ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])) == $sourceSystemID and getParam ( 'externalID' ) == $externalID ) {
printText ( 'Gameserver found but update skipped since import only mode. Address: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . ' (' . getParam ( 'shorten' ) . ')' );
} else {
printText ( 'Gameserver found but update skipped because source system differ. Address: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . ' (' . getParam ( 'shorten' ) . ')' );
} else {
unset ( $internalUserID , $customer );
$query4 -> execute ( array ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'belongsToID' ), $resellerID ));
foreach ( $query4 -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) as $row2 ) {
$internalUserID = $row2 [ 'id' ];
$customer = $row2 [ 'cname' ];
if ( isset ( $internalUserID ) and isset ( $customer ) and isid ( $internalUserID , 11 )) {
$passwordGenerate = passwordgenerate ( 10 );
$query5 -> execute ( array ( $passwordGenerate , $aeskey , $internalUserID , $gameRootIPs [ $arrayIP ][ 'id' ], getParam ( 'ip' ), getParam ( 'port' ), getParam ( 'port2' ), getParam ( 'slots' ), $taskset , $core , getParam ( 'protectionMode' ), json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'externalID' ), $resellerID ));
$switchID = $sql -> lastInsertId ();
2013-12-18 22:46:48 +01:00
$tickrate = ( getParam ( 'tickrate' ) > 0 ) ? getParam ( 'tickrate' ) : 66 ;
$startMap = ( strlen ( getParam ( 'startMap' )) > 0 ) ? getParam ( 'startMap' ) : $defaultMap ;
$query6 -> execute ( array ( $tickrate , $startMap , $switchID , $servertypeID , $resellerID ));
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
$query7 -> execute ( array ( $sql -> lastInsertId (), $switchID ));
$gameRootIP = $gameRootIPs [ $arrayIP ][ 'user' ];
$gameRootCmds [ $gameRootIPs [ $arrayIP ][ 'id' ]][] = " ./control.sh add ${ customer}-${switchID } ${ passwordGenerate } ${ gameRootIP } ${ passwordGenerate } " ;
$ftpConnect = 'ftp://' . str_replace ( '//' , '/' , getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . $gameRootIPs [ $arrayIP ][ 'ftpPort' ] . '/' . getParam ( 'path' ) . '/' . $servertypeModFolder );
$gameRootCmds [ $gameRootIPs [ $arrayIP ][ 'id' ]][] = " sudo -u ${ customer}-${switchID } ./control.sh migrateserver ${ customer}-${switchID } 1_ " . getParam ( 'shorten' ) . " " . getParam ( 'ip' ) . " _ " . getParam ( 'port' ) . " 1 " . getParam ( 'ftpUser' ) . " " . getParam ( 'ftpPass' ) . " ${ ftpConnect } ${ servertypeModFolder } " ;
printText ( 'Import Gameserver. Address: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . '. And shorten:' . getParam ( 'shorten' ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: Import skipped since no user with external userID ' . getParam ( 'belongsToID' ) . ' for gameserver with address: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . ' and shorten:' . getParam ( 'shorten' ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: No masterserver with the shorten ' . getParam ( 'shorten' ) . ' found. Gameserver update skipped for address: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: No game rootserver found with the IP ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . '. Gameserver not imported: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . ' (' . getParam ( 'shorten' ) . ')' );
if ( $left > 0 ){
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' Gameservers left: ' . $left . ' need to make another run' );
sleep ( 1 );
} else {
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' No Gameservers left.' );
} else if ( $decoded ) {
printText ( 'JSON Response does not contain expected values' );
$left = 0 ;
} else {
if ( strpos ( strtolower ( $rawResponse ), 'file not found' ) === false ) {
printText ( 'No Json Response. Will retry.' );
} else {
$left = 0 ;
printText ( '404: File not found' );
// Start the migration of newly imported gameservers
foreach ( $gameRootCmds as $k => $v ) {
ssh2_execute ( 'gs' , $k , $v );
// Set to null instead of unset() because PHP garbage collector does not work very efficient
$gameRootCmds = null ;
$gameRootIPs = null ;
// TS3 Master server array
$ts3MasterIPs = array ();
$query2 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT `id`,`ssh2ip`,`ips`,`sourceSystemID`,`externalID` FROM `voice_masterserver` WHERE `resellerid`=? " );
$query2 -> execute ( array ( $resellerID ));
foreach ( $query2 -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) as $row2 ) {
$ts3MasterIPs [ $row2 [ 'ssh2ip' ]] = array ( 'id' => $row2 [ 'id' ], 'sourceSystemID' => $row2 [ 'sourceSystemID' ], 'externalID' => $row2 [ 'externalID' ]);
foreach ( ipstoarray ( $row2 [ 'ips' ]) as $ip ) {
$ts3MasterIPs [ $ip ] = array ( 'id' => $row2 [ 'id' ], 'sourceSystemID' => $row2 [ 'sourceSystemID' ], 'externalID' => $row2 [ 'externalID' ]);
// TS3 Masterserver
unset ( $left );
$start = 0 ;
// Prepare queries only once to avoid overhead
$query2 = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `voice_masterserver` SET `ssh2ip`=?,`defaultdns`=?,`queryport`=?,`querypassword`=AES_ENCRYPT(?,?),`ssh2user`=AES_ENCRYPT(?,?),`serverdir`=? WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query3 = $sql -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `voice_masterserver` (`addedby`,`usedns`,`ssh2ip`,`defaultdns`,`queryport`,`querypassword`,`ssh2user`,`serverdir`,`sourceSystemID`,`externalID`,`resellerid`) VALUES (2,'N',?,?,?,AES_ENCRYPT(?,?),AES_ENCRYPT(?,?),?,?,?,?) " );
while ( ! isset ( $left ) or $left > 0 ) {
$getRequest = '/' . $row [ 'file' ] . '?passwordToken=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'token' ]) . '&list=voicemaster&start=' . urlencode ( $start ) . '&chunkSize=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'chunkSize' ]) . '&lastID=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastID' ]) . '&updateTime=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastCheck' ]);
$rawResponse = webhostRequest ( $row [ 'domain' ], 'https://easy-wi.com' , $getRequest , null , $port );
$response = cleanFsockOpenRequest ( $rawResponse , '{' , '}' );
$decoded = json_decode ( $response );
unset ( $response );
if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> error )) {
$left = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( $decoded -> error )) {
printText ( 'Error: ' . implode ( ', ' , $decoded -> error ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: ' . $decoded -> error );
} else if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> total )) {
if ( isset ( $left )) {
$left -= $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
} else {
$left = $decoded -> total - $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
$start += $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
foreach ( $decoded -> entries as $value ) {
if ( isset ( $value -> externalID )) {
// Check if rootserver entry already exists at easy-wi
if ( isset ( $ts3MasterIPs [ getParam ( 'ip' )][ 'id' ])) {
if ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])) == $sourceSystemID and getParam ( 'externalID' ) == $externalID and $row [ 'fetchUpdates' ] == 'Y' ) {
$query2 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'ip' ), getParam ( 'dns' ), getParam ( 'port' ), getParam ( 'queryPassword' ), $aeskey , getParam ( 'sshUser' ), $aeskey , getParam ( 'path' ), $ts3MasterIPs [ getParam ( 'ip' )][ 'id' ]));
printText ( 'TS3 masterserver updated. IP: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ));
} else if ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])) == $sourceSystemID and getParam ( 'externalID' ) == $externalID ) {
printText ( 'TS3 masterserver found but update skipped since in import only mode. IP: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ));
} else {
printText ( 'TS3 masterserver found but update skipped because source system differ. IP: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ));
} else {
$query3 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'ip' ), getParam ( 'dns' ), getParam ( 'port' ), getParam ( 'queryPassword' ), $aeskey , getParam ( 'sshUser' ), $aeskey , getParam ( 'path' ), json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'externalID' ), $resellerID ));
$keyIP = getParam ( 'ip' );
$ts3MasterIPs [ $keyIP ][] = array ( 'id' => $sql -> lastInsertId (), 'sourceSystemID' => json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), 'externalID' => getParam ( 'externalID' ));
printText ( 'TS3 masterserver impororted. IP: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ));
if ( $left > 0 ){
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' TS3 masterserver left: ' . $left . ' need to make another run' );
sleep ( 1 );
} else {
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' TS3 masterserver left.' );
} else if ( $decoded ) {
printText ( 'JSON Response does not contain expected values' );
$left = 0 ;
} else {
if ( strpos ( strtolower ( $rawResponse ), 'file not found' ) === false ) {
printText ( 'No Json Response. Will retry.' );
} else {
$left = 0 ;
printText ( '404: File not found' );
// TS3 virtual server
unset ( $left );
$start = 0 ;
// Prepare queries only once to avoid overhead
$query2 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT `id`,`sourceSystemID`,`externalID` FROM `voice_server` WHERE `ip` =? AND `port`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query3 = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `voice_server` SET `ip`=?,`port`=?,`dns`=?,`slots`=? WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query4 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT `id` FROM `userdata` WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query5 = $sql -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `voice_server` (`ip`,`port`,`dns`,`slots`,`userid`,`masterserver`,`sourceSystemID`,`externalID`,`resellerid`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) " );
while ( ! isset ( $left ) or $left > 0 ) {
$getRequest = '/' . $row [ 'file' ] . '?passwordToken=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'token' ]) . '&list=voiceserver&start=' . urlencode ( $start ) . '&chunkSize=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'chunkSize' ]) . '&lastID=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastID' ]) . '&updateTime=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastCheck' ]);
$rawResponse = webhostRequest ( $row [ 'domain' ], 'https://easy-wi.com' , $getRequest , null , $port );
$response = cleanFsockOpenRequest ( $rawResponse , '{' , '}' );
$decoded = json_decode ( $response );
unset ( $response );
if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> error )) {
$left = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( $decoded -> error )) {
printText ( 'Error: ' . implode ( ', ' , $decoded -> error ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: ' . $decoded -> error );
} else if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> total )) {
if ( isset ( $left )) {
$left -= $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
} else {
$left = $decoded -> total - $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
$start += $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
foreach ( $decoded -> entries as $value ) {
if ( isset ( $value -> externalID )) {
$ts3MasterIP = getParam ( 'ip' );
// Check if TS3 masterserver entry exists at easy-wi
if ( isset ( $ts3MasterIPs [ $ts3MasterIP ][ 'id' ])) {
unset ( $ts3ID );
// Get TS3 data if server exists
$query2 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'ip' ), getParam ( 'port' ), $resellerID ));
foreach ( $query2 -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) as $row2 ) {
$ts3ID = $row2 [ 'id' ];
$sourceSystemID = $row2 [ 'sourceSystemID' ];
$externalID = $row2 [ 'externalID' ];
if ( isset ( $ts3ID ) and isid ( $ts3ID , 11 ) and json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])) == $sourceSystemID and getParam ( 'externalID' ) == $externalID and $row [ 'fetchUpdates' ] == 'Y' ) {
$query3 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'ip' ), getParam ( 'port' ), getParam ( 'dns' ), getParam ( 'slots' ), $ts3ID ));
printText ( 'TS3 server updated. Address: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . ' ' . getParam ( 'dns' ));
} else if ( isset ( $ts3ID ) and isid ( $ts3ID , 11 ) and json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])) == $sourceSystemID and getParam ( 'externalID' ) == $externalID ) {
printText ( 'TS3 server update skipped because import only mode. Address: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . ' ' . getParam ( 'dns' ));
} else if ( isset ( $ts3ID ) and isid ( $ts3ID , 11 )) {
printText ( 'TS3 server update skipped because Source System ID differ. Address: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . ' ' . getParam ( 'dns' ));
} else {
$query4 -> execute ( array ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'belongsToID' ), $resellerID ));
$userID = $query4 -> fetchColumn ();
if ( isid ( $userID , 11 )) {
$query5 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'ip' ), getParam ( 'port' ), getParam ( 'dns' ), getParam ( 'slots' ), $userID , $ts3MasterIPs [ $ts3MasterIP ][ 'id' ], json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'belongsToID' ), $resellerID ));
printText ( 'Imported TS3 server. Address + DNS: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . ' ' . getParam ( 'dns' ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: Cannot import TS3 server due to missing user with external userID ' . getParam ( 'belongsToID' ) . '. Address + DNS: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'port' ) . ' ' . getParam ( 'dns' ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: Cannot import TS3 server due to missing masterserver. Address + DNS: ' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ':' . getParam ( 'ip' ) . ' ' . getParam ( 'dns' ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: externalID not set' );
if ( $left > 0 ){
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' TS3 virtual server left: ' . $left . ' need to make another run' );
sleep ( 1 );
} else {
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' No TS3 virtual server left.' );
} else if ( $decoded ) {
printText ( 'JSON Response does not contain expected values' );
$left = 0 ;
} else {
if ( strpos ( strtolower ( $rawResponse ), 'file not found' ) === false ) {
printText ( 'No Json Response. Will retry.' );
} else {
$left = 0 ;
printText ( '404: File not found' );
2013-12-18 22:46:48 +01:00
// As we cannot import the virtual server IDs we need to get them afterwards
$query = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT DISTINCT(`masterserver`) FROM `voice_server` WHERE `resellerid`=? AND (`localserverid`<1 OR `localserverid` IS NULL) " );
$query2 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT *,AES_DECRYPT(`querypassword`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedquerypassword`,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2port`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2port`,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2user`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2user`,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2password`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2password` FROM `voice_masterserver` WHERE `active`='Y' AND `id`=:id LIMIT 1 " );
$query3 = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `voice_server` SET `localserverid`=? WHERE `masterserver`=? AND `resellerid`=? AND `port`=? AND (`localserverid`<1 OR `localserverid` IS NULL) " );
$query -> execute ( array ( $resellerID ));
foreach ( $query -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) as $row2 ) {
$query2 -> execute ( array ( ':aeskey' => $aeskey , ':id' => $row2 [ 'masterserver' ]));
foreach ( $query2 -> fetchall ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) as $row3 ) {
$ts3 = new TS3 ( $row3 [ 'ssh2ip' ], $row3 [ 'queryport' ], 'serveradmin' , $row3 [ 'decryptedquerypassword' ], false );
if ( strpos ( $ts3 -> errorcode , 'error id=0' ) !== false ) {
$serverlist = $ts3 -> ServerList ();
if ( ! isset ( $serverlist [ 0 ][ 'id' ]) or $serverlist [ 0 ][ 'id' ] == 0 ) {
foreach ( $serverlist as $server ) {
$query3 -> execute ( array ( $server [ 'virtualserver_id' ], $row2 [ 'masterserver' ], $resellerID , $server [ 'virtualserver_port' ]));
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
// Substitutes
unset ( $left );
$start = 0 ;
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
// Prepare queries only once to avoid overhead
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
$query2 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT `sID` FROM `userdata_substitutes` WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? AND `resellerID`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query4 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT `id` FROM `userdata` WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? AND `resellerID`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query3 = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `userdata_substitutes` SET `loginName`=?,`name`=?,`vname`=? WHERE `sID`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query5 = $sql -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `userdata_substitutes` (`userID`,`loginName`,`name`,`vname`,`passwordHashed`,`sourceSystemID`,`externalID`,`resellerID`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) " );
$query6 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT `id` FROM `gsswitch` WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? AND `userid`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query7 = $sql -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `userdata_substitutes_servers` (`sID`,`oType`,`oID`,`resellerID`) VALUE (?,'gs',?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `resellerID`=`resellerID` " );
$query8 = $sql -> prepare ( " SELECT `id` FROM `voice_server` WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? AND `userid`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1 " );
$query9 = $sql -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `userdata_substitutes_servers` (`sID`,`oType`,`oID`,`resellerID`) VALUE (?,'vo',?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `resellerID`=`resellerID` " );
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
while ( ! isset ( $left ) or $left > 0 ) {
$getRequest = '/' . $row [ 'file' ] . '?passwordToken=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'token' ]) . '&list=substitutes&start=' . urlencode ( $start ) . '&chunkSize=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'chunkSize' ]) . '&lastID=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastID' ]) . '&updateTime=' . urlencode ( $row [ 'lastCheck' ]);
$rawResponse = webhostRequest ( $row [ 'domain' ], 'https://easy-wi.com' , $getRequest , null , $port );
$response = cleanFsockOpenRequest ( $rawResponse , '{' , '}' );
$decoded = json_decode ( $response );
unset ( $response );
if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> error )) {
$left = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( $decoded -> error )) {
printText ( 'Error: ' . implode ( ', ' , $decoded -> error ));
} else {
printText ( 'Error: ' . $decoded -> error );
} else if ( $decoded and isset ( $decoded -> total )) {
if ( isset ( $left )) {
$left -= $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
} else {
$left = $decoded -> total - $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
$start += $row [ 'chunkSize' ];
foreach ( $decoded -> entries as $value ) {
if ( isset ( $value -> externalID )) {
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
$substituteImported = true ;
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
$query2 -> execute ( array ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'externalID' ), $resellerID ));
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
$localID = ( int ) $query2 -> fetchColumn ();
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
$query4 -> execute ( array ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'belongsToID' ), $resellerID ));
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
$belongsToLocalID = ( int ) $query4 -> fetchColumn ();
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
// Check if substitute exists at easy-wi
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
if ( ! isid ( $localID , 10 ) and isid ( $belongsToLocalID , 11 )) {
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
$query5 -> execute ( array ( $belongsToLocalID , getParam ( 'loginName' ), getParam ( 'lastName' ), getParam ( 'firstName' ), getParam ( 'password' ), json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), getParam ( 'externalID' ), $resellerID ));
$localID = $sql -> lastInsertId ();
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
printText ( 'Imported substitute. Loginname: ' . getParam ( 'loginName' ) . ', externalID: ' . getParam ( 'externalID' ) . ' Belongs to external ' . getParam ( 'belongsToID' ) . ' and internal ' . $belongsToLocalID );
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
} else if ( isid ( $localID , 11 ) and isid ( $belongsToLocalID , 11 ) and $row [ 'fetchUpdates' ] == 'Y' ) {
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
$query3 -> execute ( array ( getParam ( 'loginName' ), getParam ( 'lastName' ), getParam ( 'firstName' ), $localID ));
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
printText ( 'Substitute updated. Loginname: ' . getParam ( 'loginName' ) . ', localID: ' . $localID . ' externalID: ' . getParam ( 'externalID' ) . ' Belongs to external ' . getParam ( 'belongsToID' ) . ' and internal ' . $belongsToLocalID );
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
} else if ( isset ( $localID ) and isid ( $localID , 11 ) and $row [ 'fetchUpdates' ] == 'N' ) {
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
$substituteImported = false ;
printText ( 'Substitute update skipped because import only mode. Loginname: ' . getParam ( 'loginName' ) . ', externalID: ' . getParam ( 'externalID' ) . ' Belongs to external ' . getParam ( 'belongsToID' ) . ' and internal ' . $belongsToLocalID );
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
} else {
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
$substituteImported = false ;
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
printText ( 'Error: Cannot import substitute ' . getParam ( 'loginName' ) . 'because there is no user with external ID ' . getParam ( 'belongsToID' ));
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
if ( $substituteImported === true and isid ( $belongsToLocalID , 11 )) {
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
$serverAccess = ( array ) $value -> serverAccess ;
foreach ( $serverAccess [ 'gs' ] as $externalGsID ) {
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
$query6 -> execute ( array ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), $externalGsID , $belongsToLocalID , $resellerID ));
$localGsID = $query6 -> fetchColumn ();
if ( isid ( $localGsID , 10 )) {
$query7 -> execute ( array ( $localID , $localGsID , $resellerID ));
printText ( 'Imported substitute gameserver server access. Local gameserverid is: ' . $localGsID );
} else {
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
printText ( 'Error: Importing substitute gameserver server access. No local gameserver' );
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
foreach ( $serverAccess [ 'vo' ] as $externalVoID ) {
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
$query8 -> execute ( array ( json_encode ( array ( 'I' => $row [ 'importID' ])), $externalVoID , $belongsToLocalID , $resellerID ));
$localVoID = $query8 -> fetchColumn ();
if ( isid ( $localVoID , 10 )) {
$query9 -> execute ( array ( $localID , $localVoID , $resellerID ));
printText ( 'Imported substitute gameserver server access. Local gameserverid is: ' . $localVoID );
} else {
2013-12-22 22:47:09 +01:00
printText ( 'Error: Importing substitute gameserver server access. No local voiceserver' );
2013-12-22 21:14:37 +01:00
2013-12-18 00:20:11 +01:00
if ( $left > 0 ){
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' substitutes left: ' . $left . ' need to make another run' );
sleep ( 1 );
} else {
printText ( 'Total amount is: ' . $decoded -> total . ' No substitute left.' );
} else if ( $decoded ) {
printText ( 'JSON Response does not contain expected values' );
$left = 0 ;
} else {
if ( strpos ( strtolower ( $rawResponse ), 'file not found' ) === false ) {
printText ( 'No Json Response. Will retry.' );
} else {
$left = 0 ;
printText ( '404: File not found' );
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-09-29 15:29:58 +02:00
$query = $sql -> prepare ( " UPDATE `settings` SET `lastCronCloud`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `resellerid`=0 LIMIT 1 " );
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
$query -> execute ();
2013-10-16 19:56:54 +02:00
2013-08-28 22:47:04 +02:00
} else {
header ( 'Location: login.php' );
die ( 'Cloud can only be run via console and or a cronjob' );