<help_tsdns_default_dns>This sub domain can be entered at current domain. In case another (sub)domain is maintained at current domain, the default one is deactivated.</help_tsdns_default_dns>
<help_tsdns_external_ip>If you want to use your own (sub)domain instead of our default TSNDS, please use this IP for your CNAME entry.</help_tsdns_external_ip>
<help_voiceserver_list>In the voice server overview all your servers are listed with detailed information. The most important voice server functions can be accessed directly via the interface. This includes the configuration of important settings and the token management.</help_voiceserver_list>
<help_voiceserver_backup>We create one backup for each voice server every day. This allows you to switch back to previous settings and to restore previous channel or user permissions. In addition to this, you can create your own backups.</help_voiceserver_backup>
<help_voiceserver_key>With a token you can access your server yourself or even allow others to get server permissions. Tokens can be managed via the web interface or directly in the TeamSpeak client. A token can be used only once and will be removed after usage.</help_voiceserver_key>
With the help of <strong>TSDNS</strong> you can connect to your TeamSpeak server without using an IP address or port. All you need is the domain which is maintained at <em>Current TSDNS</em>. The <em>Default TSDNS</em> initially set during the server creation can be changed to any value afterwards. For example, you could enter and use "ts.clanname.net". Prerequisite for such a change is a valid A record with the TeamSpeak server's IP address as target.<br/><br/>
The values <em>Host banner GFX URL</em> and <em>Host button GFX URL</em> are used to maintain a banner and button on your TeamSpeak server. Both will be shown to clients upon connection. If you define a <em>Host banner target URL</em> or <em>Host button target URL</em>, the browser will open this URL upon clicking the banner or button.
<virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_block>Anti-Flood: Points needed to block commands being executed by the client.</virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_block>
<virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ip_block>Anti-Flood: Points needed to block incoming connections from the client.</virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ip_block>
<virtualserver_antiflood_points_tick_reduce>Anti-Flood: Points removed from a client for being good.</virtualserver_antiflood_points_tick_reduce>