mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 11:23:28 +08:00
Fixed #114
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ $loguserid = $admin_id;
$logusername = getusername($admin_id);
$logusertype = 'admin';
if ($reseller_id==0) {
$logreseller = 0;
$logsubuser = 0;
$logreseller = 0;
$logsubuser = 0;
} else {
$logsubuser=(isset($_SESSION['oldid'])) ? $_SESSION['oldid'] : 0;
$logreseller = 0;
$logreseller = 0;
if ($reseller_id != 0 and $admin_id != $reseller_id) $reseller_id = $admin_id;
if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
@ -73,31 +73,31 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
foreach ($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
$topic = '';
$query2->execute(array($user_language, $row['id'],$reseller_id));
$topic = $query2->fetchColumn();
if (empty($topic)) {
$query2->execute(array($rSA['language'], $row['id'],$reseller_id));
$topic = $query2->fetchColumn();
if (empty($topic)) {
$topic = $row['topic'];
$options[]="<option value=\"".$row['id']."\">".$topic."</option>";
$template_file = "admin_ticket_topic_add.tpl";
} else if ($ui->smallletters('action',2,'post')=="ad") {
if ($ui->description('maintopic','post')){
$topic_name = $ui->description('topic_name','post');
$priority = isid($ui->post['priority'],1);
$maintopic = $ui->description('maintopic','post');
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `ticket_topics` WHERE `topic`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$num = $query->rowCount();
if ($num==1) {
$template_file = $sprache->error_exist;
} else {
$query = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `ticket_topics` (`topic`,`maintopic`,`priority`,`resellerid`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
$id = $sql->lastInsertId();
if ($maintopic=="none") {
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `ticket_topics` SET `maintopic`=:id, priority='NULL' WHERE `id`=:id AND `resellerid`=:reseller_id LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array(':id' => $id,':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$query = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `translations` (`type`,`transID`,`lang`,`text`,`resellerID`) VALUES ('ti',?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `resellerID`=`resellerID`");
foreach($ui->post['language'] as $language) {
if (small_letters_check($language, '2')) {
$subject = $ui->description('subject_'.$language, 'post');
$query->execute(array($id, $language, $subject, $reseller_id));
@ -122,26 +122,26 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$template_file = 'admin_404.tpl';
} else if ($ui->st('d','get') == 'dt' and $ui->id('id',19,'get')) {
$id = $ui->id('id',19,'get');
if (!isset($action)) {
$topic = '';
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `text` FROM `translations` WHERE `type`='ti' AND `lang`=? AND `transID`=? AND `resellerID`=? LIMIT 1");
$topic = $query->fetchColumn();
if (empty($topic)) {
$topic = $query->fetchColumn();
if (empty($topic)) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `topic` FROM `ticket_topics` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$topic = stripslashes($query->fetchColumn());
$template_file = "admin_ticket_topic_dl.tpl";
} else if ($action == 'dl'){
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `topic` FROM `ticket_topics` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$topic = stripslashes($query->fetchColumn());
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `tickets` WHERE `topic`=? AND `resellerid`=?");
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `ticket_topics` WHERE `maintopic`=? AND `resellerid`=?");
@ -158,16 +158,16 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
} else if ($ui->st('d','get') == 'mt') {
if (!$ui->smallletters('action',2,'post') and $ui->id('id',19,'get')) {
$id = $ui->id('id',19,'get');
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `topic`,`maintopic`,`priority` FROM `ticket_topics` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
foreach ($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
$topic = $row['topic'];
$priority = $row['priority'];
if ($id==$row['maintopic']) {
$maintopic = '';
} else {
$maintopic = $row['maintopic'];
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`topic` FROM `ticket_topics` WHERE `id`=`maintopic` AND `resellerid`=?");
@ -176,13 +176,13 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
foreach ($query2->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
$topics = '';
$query2->execute(array($user_language, $row['id'],$reseller_id));
$topic = $query2->fetchColumn();
if (empty($topics)) {
$query2->execute(array($rSA['language'], $row['id'],$reseller_id));
$topic = $query2->fetchColumn();
if (empty($topics)) {
$topics = $row['topic'];
if ($row['id'] == $maintopic) {
$options[]="<option value=\"".$row['id']."\" selected=\"selected\">".$topics."</option>";
@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$subject = '';
foreach ($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
$lang = $row['lang'];
$subject = $row['text'];
if (isset($lang)) {
$style = '';
@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$template_file = "admin_ticket_topic_md.tpl";
} else if ($ui->smallletters('action',2,'post') == 'md' and $ui->id('id',19,'get')){
$id = $ui->id('id',19,'get');
if (description($ui->post['maintopic'])){
$priority=isid($ui->post['priority'], "1");
$topic_name = description($ui->post['topic_name']);
$priority = isid($ui->post['priority'], "1");
$maintopic = description($ui->post['maintopic']);
if ($maintopic=="none") {
$maintopic = $id;
$priority = '';
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `ticket_topics` SET `topic`=:topic,`maintopic`=:maintopic,`priority`=:priority WHERE `id`=:id AND `resellerid`=:reseller_id LIMIT 1");
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$query = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `translations` (`type`,`transID`,`lang`,`text`,`resellerID`) VALUES ('ti',?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `text`=VALUES(`text`)");
foreach($ui->post['language'] as $language) {
if (small_letters_check($language, '2')) {
$subject = description($ui->post["subject_$language"]);
@ -276,20 +276,20 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$priority = '';
$topic = '';
if ($row2['priority']==1) {
$priority = $sprache->priority_low;
} else if ($row2['priority']==2) {
$priority = $sprache->priority_medium;
} else if ($row2['priority']==3) {
$priority = $sprache->priority_high;
} else if ($row2['priority']==4) {
$priority = $sprache->priority_highest;
if ($row2['text'] != null and $row2['text'] != '') {
$topic = $row2['text'];
} else if ($row2['defaultsubject'] != null or $row2['defaultsubject'] != '') {
$topic = $row2['defaultsubject'];
} else {
$topic = $row2['topic'];
if ($row2['id'] == $row2['maintopic']) {
$maintopic = '';
@ -299,34 +299,34 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$query3->execute(array($user_language,$rSA['language'], $row2['maintopic'],$reseller_id));
foreach ($query3->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row3) {
if ($row3['text'] != null and $row3['text'] != '') {
$mTopic = $row3['text'];
} else if ($row3['defaultsubject'] != null or $row3['defaultsubject'] != '') {
$mTopic = $row3['defaultsubject'];
} else {
$mTopic = $row3['topic'];
$maintopic=' - ';
$table[]=array('id' => $row2['id'],'topic' => $topic,'maintopic' => $maintopic,'mTopic' => $mTopic,'priority' => $priority);
$countp=$sql->prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `ticket_topics` WHERE `resellerid`=?");
$next = $start+$amount;
$countp = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `ticket_topics` WHERE `resellerid`=?");
$colcount = $countp->rowCount();
if ($colcount>$next) {
$vor = $start+$amount;
} else {
$vor = $start;
$back=$start - $amount;
$back = $start - $amount;
if ($back>=0){
$zur=$start - $amount;
$zur = $start - $amount;
} else {
$zur = $start;
$pageamount = ceil($colcount / $amount);
$link='<a href="admin.php?w=ti&d=mt&o='.$o.'&a=';
$link='<a href="admin.php?w = ti&d = mt&o='.$o.'&a=';
if(!isset($amount)) {
$link .="20";
} else {
@ -342,17 +342,17 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
while ($i<=$pageamount) {
$selectpage = ($i - 1) * $amount;
if ($start==$selectpage) {
$pages[] = '<a href="admin.php?w=ti&d=mt&a='.$amount.'&p='.$selectpage.'&o='.$o.'" class="bold">'.$i.'</a>';
$pages[] = '<a href="admin.php?w = ti&d = mt&a='.$amount.'&p='.$selectpage.'&o='.$o.'" class="bold">'.$i.'</a>';
} else {
$pages[] = '<a href="admin.php?w=ti&d=mt&a='.$amount.'&p='.$selectpage.'&o='.$o.'">'.$i.'</a>';
$pages[] = '<a href="admin.php?w = ti&d = mt&a='.$amount.'&p='.$selectpage.'&o='.$o.'">'.$i.'</a>';
$pages=implode(', ',$pages);
$pages = implode(', ',$pages);
$template_file = "admin_ticket_topic_list.tpl";
} else if ($ui->st('d','get') == 'md' and $ui->id('id',19,'get')) {
$id = $ui->id('id',19,'get');
if (!$ui->smallletters('action',2,'post') or $ui->smallletters('action',2,'get') == 'md') {
$supporterList = array();
if (!$ui->smallletters('action',2,'post')) {
@ -363,55 +363,55 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$table = array();
$default_language = $rSA['language'];
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT * FROM `tickets` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT t.*,u.`cname`,u.`name`,u.`vname` FROM `tickets_text` t LEFT JOIN `userdata` u ON t.`userID`=u.`id` WHERE t.`ticketID`=? AND t.`resellerID`=? ORDER BY t.`writeDate`");
$query3 = $sql->prepare("SELECT `text` FROM `translations` WHERE `type`='ti' AND `lang`=? AND `transID`=? AND `resellerID`=? LIMIT 1");
$query4 = $sql->prepare("SELECT `topic` FROM `ticket_topics` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
foreach ($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
$supporter = $row['supporter'];
$state = $row['state'];
foreach ($query2->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row2) {
$table[]=array('writedate' => ($user_language == 'de') ? date('d.m.Y H:i:s',strtotime($row2['writeDate'])) : $row2['writeDate'],'ticket' => nl2br(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row2['message']))),'writer' => (trim($row2['vname'] . ' ' . $row2['name']) != '') ? trim($row2['vname'] . ' ' . $row2['name']) : $row2['cname']);
if ($row['priority']==1) $priority=$sprache->priority_low;
else if ($row['priority']==2) $priority=$sprache->priority_medium;
else if ($row['priority']==3) $priority=$sprache->priority_high;
else if ($row['priority']==4) $priority=$sprache->priority_very_high;
else $priority=$sprache->priority_critical;
if ($row['userPriority']==1) $userPriority=$sprache->priority_low;
else if ($row['userPriority']==2) $userPriority=$sprache->priority_medium;
else if ($row['userPriority']==3) $userPriority=$sprache->priority_high;
else if ($row['userPriority']==4) $userPriority=$sprache->priority_very_high;
else $userPriority=$sprache->priority_critical;
if ($row['state'] == 'A') $status=$sprache->status_author;
else if ($row['state'] == 'C') $status=$sprache->status_confirmed;
else if ($row['state'] == 'D') $status=$sprache->status_done;
else if ($row['state'] == 'N') $status=$sprache->status_new;
else if ($row['state'] == 'P') $status=$sprache->status_process;
else $status=$sprache->status_reopen;
if ($row['priority']==1) $priority = $sprache->priority_low;
else if ($row['priority']==2) $priority = $sprache->priority_medium;
else if ($row['priority']==3) $priority = $sprache->priority_high;
else if ($row['priority']==4) $priority = $sprache->priority_very_high;
else $priority = $sprache->priority_critical;
$realPriority = $row['priority'];
if ($row['userPriority']==1) $userPriority = $sprache->priority_low;
else if ($row['userPriority']==2) $userPriority = $sprache->priority_medium;
else if ($row['userPriority']==3) $userPriority = $sprache->priority_high;
else if ($row['userPriority']==4) $userPriority = $sprache->priority_very_high;
else $userPriority = $sprache->priority_critical;
if ($row['state'] == 'A') $status = $sprache->status_author;
else if ($row['state'] == 'C') $status = $sprache->status_confirmed;
else if ($row['state'] == 'D') $status = $sprache->status_done;
else if ($row['state'] == 'N') $status = $sprache->status_new;
else if ($row['state'] == 'P') $status = $sprache->status_process;
else $status = $sprache->status_reopen;
if ($row['state'] == 'C') $open = 'N';
else $open = 'Y';
if (is_numeric($row['topic'])) {
$topic = '';
$query3->execute(array($user_language, $row['id'],$reseller_id));
$topic = $query3->fetchColumn();
if (empty($topic)) {
$query3->execute(array($default_language, $row['id'],$reseller_id));
$topic = $query3->fetchColumn();
if (empty($topic)) {
$topic = stripslashes($query4->fetchColumn());
if (empty($topic)) {
$topic = stripslashes($row['topic']);
} else {
$topic = $row['topic'];
if (isset($priority)) $template_file = ($ui->smallletters('action',2,'get') == 'md') ? 'admin_tickets_md.tpl' : 'admin_tickets_view.tpl';
@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `userid`,`state` FROM `tickets` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
foreach ($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
$userid = $row['userid'];
$state = $row['state'];
if (isset($state) and $state!='C' and $ui->w('state',1,'post') != 'C') {
if($ui->id('priority',1,'post')) {
@ -446,21 +446,21 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
} else {
$table = array();
$ticketLinks['all'] = 'admin.php?w=ti&d=md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['amount'] = 'admin.php?w=ti&d=md';
$ticketLinks['A'] = 'admin.php?w=ti&d=md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['C'] = 'admin.php?w=ti&d=md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['D'] = 'admin.php?w=ti&d=md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['N'] = 'admin.php?w=ti&d=md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['P'] = 'admin.php?w=ti&d=md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['R'] = 'admin.php?w=ti&d=md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['all'] = 'admin.php?w = ti&d = md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['amount'] = 'admin.php?w = ti&d = md';
$ticketLinks['A'] = 'admin.php?w = ti&d = md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['C'] = 'admin.php?w = ti&d = md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['D'] = 'admin.php?w = ti&d = md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['N'] = 'admin.php?w = ti&d = md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['P'] = 'admin.php?w = ti&d = md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$ticketLinks['R'] = 'admin.php?w = ti&d = md&a='.$ui->id('a',3,'get');
$where='WHERE t.`resellerid`=?';
if (isset($ui->get['ts'])) {
foreach ($ui->get['ts'] as $get) {
if (preg_match('/[ACDNPR]/',$get)) $selected[] = $get;
} else {
$selected = array('N','P','R');
$temp=' AND (';
$i = 0;
@ -507,22 +507,22 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `amount` FROM `tickets` t $where");
$colcount = $query->fetchColumn();
if ($start>$colcount) {
while ($start>0 and $start>$colcount) $start=$start - $amount;
while ($start>0 and $start>$colcount) $start = $start - $amount;
if ($start<0) $start = 0;
$next = $start+$amount;
if ($colcount>$next) {
$vor = $start+$amount;
} else {
$vor = $start;
$back=$start - $amount;
$back = $start - $amount;
if ($back>=0){
$zur=$start - $amount;
$zur = $start - $amount;
} else {
$zur = $start;
$pageamount = ceil($colcount / $amount);
$i = 1;
@ -536,53 +536,53 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$pages=implode(', ',$pages);
$pages = implode(', ',$pages);
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT t.*,l.`text`,d.`text` AS `defaultsubject`,u.`cname`,CONCAT(u.`name`,' ',u.`vname`) AS `username`,s.`cname` AS `supporter`,CONCAT(s.`name`,' ',s.`vname`) AS `supportername` FROM `tickets` t LEFT JOIN `ticket_topics` o ON t.`topic`=o.`id` LEFT JOIN `translations` l ON o.`id`=l.`transID` AND l.`type`='ti' AND l.`lang`=? LEFT JOIN `translations` d ON t.`id`=d.`transID` AND d.`type`='ti' AND d.`lang`=? LEFT JOIN `userdata` s ON t.`supporter`=s.`id` LEFT JOIN `userdata` u ON t.`userid`=u.`id` $where ORDER BY $orderby LIMIT $start,$amount");
foreach ($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
if ($row['priority']==1) $priority=$sprache->priority_low;
else if ($row['priority']==2) $priority=$sprache->priority_medium;
else if ($row['priority']==3) $priority=$sprache->priority_high;
else if ($row['priority']==4) $priority=$sprache->priority_very_high;
else $priority=$sprache->priority_critical;
if ($row['userPriority']==1) $userPriority=$sprache->priority_low;
else if ($row['userPriority']==2) $userPriority=$sprache->priority_medium;
else if ($row['userPriority']==3) $userPriority=$sprache->priority_high;
else if ($row['userPriority']==4) $userPriority=$sprache->priority_very_high;
else $userPriority=$sprache->priority_critical;
if ($row['priority']==1) $priority = $sprache->priority_low;
else if ($row['priority']==2) $priority = $sprache->priority_medium;
else if ($row['priority']==3) $priority = $sprache->priority_high;
else if ($row['priority']==4) $priority = $sprache->priority_very_high;
else $priority = $sprache->priority_critical;
if ($row['userPriority']==1) $userPriority = $sprache->priority_low;
else if ($row['userPriority']==2) $userPriority = $sprache->priority_medium;
else if ($row['userPriority']==3) $userPriority = $sprache->priority_high;
else if ($row['userPriority']==4) $userPriority = $sprache->priority_very_high;
else $userPriority = $sprache->priority_critical;
if (is_numeric($row['topic'])) {
$topic = '';
if ($row['text'] != null and $row['text'] != '') {
$topic = $row['text'];
} else if ($row['defaultsubject'] != null or $row['defaultsubject'] != '') {
$topic = $row['defaultsubject'];
} else {
$topic = $row['topic'];
} else {
$topic = $row['topic'];
if ($user_language == 'de') {
$writedate=date('d.m.Y H:i:s',strtotime($row['writedate']));
$writedate = date('d.m.Y H:i:s',strtotime($row['writedate']));
} else {
$writedate = $row['writedate'];
if ($row['state'] == 'A') {
$status = $sprache->status_author;
} else if ($row['state'] == 'C') {
$status = $sprache->status_confirmed;
} else if ($row['state'] == 'D') {
$status = $sprache->status_done;
} else if ($row['state'] == 'N') {
$status = $sprache->status_new;
} else if ($row['state'] == 'P') {
$status = $sprache->status_process;
} else {
$status = $sprache->status_reopen;
$table[]=array('id' => $row['id'],'priority' => $priority,'userPriority' => $userPriority,'writedate' => $writedate,'supporter' => (trim($row['supportername']) != '') ? trim($row['supportername']) : $row['supporter'],'user' => (trim($row['username']) != '') ? trim($row['username']) : $row['cname'],'subject' => $topic,'status' => $status,'rawState' => $row['state'],'statusClass' => $statusClass);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user