This commit is contained in:
Ulrich Block 2014-04-18 13:49:04 +02:00
parent 3d5471f535
commit 6114b9be13
6 changed files with 27 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ if ($ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get') and isset($what_to_be_included_array[$ui-
} else if ($ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get') and isset($what_to_be_included_array[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]) and is_file((EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/' . $what_to_be_included_array[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]))) {
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/' . $what_to_be_included_array[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]);
} else if ($ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get') and isset($customFiles[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]) and is_file((EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/custom_modules/' . $customFiles[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]))) {
$customModule = true;
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/custom_modules/' . $customFiles[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]);
} else {
$template_file = 'admin_home.tpl';
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ if (!isset($template_file) or is_array($template_file)) {
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, 'admin_header.tpl'));
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, (preg_match('/^(.*)\.tpl$/', $template_file)) ? $template_file : 'general.tpl'));
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, (preg_match('/^(.*)\.tpl$/', $template_file)) ? $template_file : 'general.tpl', (isset($customModule)) ? 'custom_modules' : 'admin'));
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, 'admin_footer.tpl'));
$sql = null;

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ if (isset($page_active) and $page_active == 'Y') {
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, 'page_header.tpl', 'cms'));
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, (preg_match('/^(.*)\.tpl$/', $template_file)) ? $template_file : 'page_general.tpl', 'cms'));
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, (preg_match('/^(.*)\.tpl$/', $template_file)) ? $template_file : 'page_general.tpl', (isset($customModule)) ? 'custom_modules' : 'cms'));
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, 'page_footer.tpl', 'cms'));
} else {

View File

@ -170,7 +170,9 @@ if (isset($include) and $include == true) {
if (substr($row, -4) == '.tpl') {
if (is_file(EASYWIDIR . '/template/default/' . $row)) {
@unlink(EASYWIDIR . '/template/default/' . $row);
foreach ($customDirs as $custom) {
if (is_dir(EASYWIDIR . '/template/' . $custom) and is_file(EASYWIDIR . '/template/' . $custom . '/' . $row)) {
@ -194,6 +196,13 @@ if (isset($include) and $include == true) {
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `servertypes` SET `gamebinaryWin`='srcds.exe',`os`='B' WHERE `gamebinary`='srcds_run'");
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `servertypes` SET `gameq`='mta' WHERE `gameq`='Mta'");
$query = $sql->prepare("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `voice_server_stats_hours`");
} else {
echo "Error: this file needs to be included by the updater!<br />";

View File

@ -1147,9 +1147,14 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
# Web Quotas
if ($checkTypeOfServer == 'all' or $checkTypeOfServer == 'vh') {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `webMasterID`,`resellerID` FROM `webMaster` WHERE `active`='Y'");
echo "Checking Quota usage\r\n";
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `webMasterID`,`ip`,`resellerID` FROM `webMaster` WHERE `active`='Y'");
foreach ($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
echo 'Checking webMaster ' . $row['ip'] . ' with webMasterID ' . $row['webMasterID'] . "\r\n";
$httpd = new HttpdManagement($row['webMasterID'], $row['resellerID']);

View File

@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped footable">
<th data-class="expand"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='at') { echo 'dt'; } else { echo 'at'; } ?>"><?php echo $sprache->title;?>:</a></th>
<th data-hide="phone"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='ai') { echo 'di'; } else { echo 'ai'; } ?>">ID:</a></th>
<th data-hide="phone,tablet"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='al') { echo 'dl'; } else { echo 'al'; } ?>"><?php echo $sprache->languages;?>:</a></th>
<th data-hide="phone,tablet"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='ar') { echo 'dr'; } else { echo 'ar'; } ?>"><?php echo $sprache->released;?>:</a></th>
<th data-hide="phone"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='aa') { echo 'da'; } else { echo 'aa'; } ?>"><?php echo $sprache->author;?>:</a></th>
<th data-hide="phone,tablet"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='ad') { echo 'dd'; } else { echo 'ad'; } ?>"><?php echo $sprache->date;?>:</a></th>
<th data-class="expand"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='at') { echo 'dt'; } else { echo 'at'; } ?>"><?php echo $sprache->title;?></a></th>
<th data-hide="phone"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='ai') { echo 'di'; } else { echo 'ai'; } ?>">ID</a></th>
<th data-hide="phone,tablet"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='al') { echo 'dl'; } else { echo 'al'; } ?>"><?php echo $sprache->languages;?></a></th>
<th data-hide="phone,tablet"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='ar') { echo 'dr'; } else { echo 'ar'; } ?>"><?php echo $sprache->released;?></a></th>
<th data-hide="phone"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='aa') { echo 'da'; } else { echo 'aa'; } ?>"><?php echo $sprache->author;?></a></th>
<th data-hide="phone,tablet"><a href="admin.php?w=pn&amp;a=<?php if(!isset($amount)) echo "20"; else echo $amount; ?>&p=<?php echo $start;?>&amp;o=<?php if ($o=='ad') { echo 'dd'; } else { echo 'ad'; } ?>"><?php echo $sprache->date;?></a></th>
<th><?php echo $gsprache->del;?></th>
<th><?php echo $gsprache->mod;?></th>

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ if ($ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get') and isset($what_to_be_included_array[$ui-
} else if ($ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get') and isset($what_to_be_included_array[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]) and is_file(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/' . $what_to_be_included_array[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')])) {
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/' . $what_to_be_included_array[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]);
} else if ($ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get') and isset($customFiles[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]) and is_file((EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/custom_modules/' . $customFiles[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]))) {
$customModule = true;
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/custom_modules/' . $customFiles[$ui->smallletters('w', 255, 'get')]);
} else {
$template_file = 'userpanel_home.tpl';
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ if (!isset($template_file) or is_array($template_file)) {
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, 'userpanel_header.tpl', 'user'));
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, (preg_match('/^(.*)\.tpl$/', $template_file)) ? $template_file : 'general.tpl', 'user'));
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, (preg_match('/^(.*)\.tpl$/', $template_file)) ? $template_file : 'general.tpl', (isset($customModule)) ? 'custom_modules' : 'user'));
include(IncludeTemplate($template_to_use, 'userpanel_footer.tpl', 'user'));
$sql = null;