Merge pull request #1264 from Nexus633/master

Add attribute target="_blank" for userswitch, Add Minecraft update Service, Fix gamelist -> mc
This commit is contained in:
Jan 2020-07-18 00:19:25 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 804c4d9f15
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 45 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/methods/queries_updates.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/keyphrasefile.php');
if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip, ipstoarray($rSA['cronjob_ips']))) {
echo "Reboot and Updater started\r\n";
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.3.0') >= 0){
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
$now = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now'));
$sprache = getlanguagefile('gserver', 'uk', 0);
echo "Fetch Easy-Wi version\r\n";
echo "<br>Fetch Easy-Wi version\r\n";
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
if (version_compare($rSA['version'], $installedEasyWiVersion) == 1) {
echo "New Easy-Wi{$developerVersion} version available: {$rSA['version']}\r\n";
echo "<br><br>New Easy-Wi{$developerVersion} version available: {$rSA['version']}\r\n";
if (date('G') == 5) {
@ -96,18 +96,18 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if (sendmail('easy-wi-update', $row['id'], $updateMail, 'Y')) {
echo "Update notification send to user {$row['cname']} ({$row['mail']})\r\n";
echo "<br>Update notification send to user {$row['cname']} ({$row['mail']})\r\n";
} else {
echo "Sending update notification to user {$row['cname']} ({$row['mail']}) failed\r\n";
echo "<br>Sending update notification to user {$row['cname']} ({$row['mail']}) failed\r\n";
} else {
echo "You are running the latest Easy-Wi{$developerVersion} version: {$installedEasyWiVersion}.\r\n";
echo "<br>You are running the latest Easy-Wi{$developerVersion} version: {$installedEasyWiVersion}.\r\n";
echo "Fetch version for Teamspeak 3 Server\r\n";
echo "<br><br>Fetch version for Teamspeak 3 Server\r\n";
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `voice_masterserver` SET `latest_version`=? WHERE `bitversion`=?");
@ -121,22 +121,21 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
$query->execute(array($ts3MasterVersion64['version'], '64'));
echo "Current versions for Teamspeak 3 Server are {$ts3MasterVersion32['version']} (32bit) and {$ts3MasterVersion64['version']} (64bit)\r\n";
echo "<br>Current versions for Teamspeak 3 Server are {$ts3MasterVersion32['version']} (32bit) and {$ts3MasterVersion64['version']} (64bit)\r\n";
echo "Fetch version for Minecraft and Bukkit Server\r\n";
echo "<br><br>Fetch version for Minecraft and Bukkit Server\r\n";
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT t.`shorten` FROM `servertypes` t LEFT JOIN `rservermasterg` r ON t.`id`=r.`servertypeid` WHERE r.`id` IS NOT NULL AND t.`gameq`='minecraft' GROUP BY t.`shorten` ORDER BY t.`shorten`");
$query2 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `servertypes` SET `steamVersion`=?,`downloadPath`=? WHERE `shorten`=?");
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
echo 'Retrieving Version for ' . $row['shorten'] . "\r\n";
echo '<br>Retrieving Version for ' . $row['shorten'] . "\r\n";
$reply = ($row['shorten'] == 'bukkit') ? getCraftBukkitVersion() : getMinecraftVersion();
if (is_array($reply)) {
echo 'Version for ' . $row['shorten'] . ' is: ' . $reply['version'] . "\r\n";
echo '<br>Version for ' . $row['shorten'] . ' is: ' . $reply['version'] . "\r\n";
if (strlen($reply['version']) > 1) {
$query2->execute(array($reply['version'], $reply['downloadPath'], $row['shorten']));
@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
echo "Fetch version for valves appIDs\r\n";
echo "<br><br>Fetch version for valves appIDs\r\n";
$steamVersion = array();
@ -166,10 +165,10 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
$query2->execute(array($version, $appID));
echo 'Version for ARK with appID ' . $appID . ' is: ' . $version . "\r\n";
echo '<br>Version for ARK with appID ' . $appID . ' is: ' . $version . "\r\n";
} else {
echo 'Error for ARK with appID ' . $appID . ' is: Could not retrieve version string' . "\r\n";
echo '<br>Error for ARK with appID ' . $appID . ' is: Could not retrieve version string' . "\r\n";
} else {
@ -182,12 +181,12 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
$query2->execute(array($decoded->response->required_version, $appID));
echo 'Version for appID ' . $appID . ' is: ' . $decoded->response->required_version . "\r\n";
echo '<br>Version for appID ' . $appID . ' is: ' . $decoded->response->required_version . "\r\n";
} else if (isset($decoded->response->error)) {
echo 'Error for appID ' . $appID . ' is: ' . $decoded->response->error . "\r\n";
echo '<br>Error for appID ' . $appID . ' is: ' . $decoded->response->error . "\r\n";
} else {
echo 'Error for appID ' . $appID . ' is: Could not retrieve JSON string' . "\r\n";
echo '<br>Error for appID ' . $appID . ' is: Could not retrieve JSON string' . "\r\n";
@ -274,7 +273,7 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
$tsdown = true;
print "TS3 Query Error: ".$errorcode."\r\n";
print "<br><br>TS3 Query Error: ".$errorcode."\r\n";
@ -287,7 +286,7 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
if (!is_resource($tsdnscheck)) {
print "TSDNS Error: ".$errno.' ('.$errstr.")\r\n";
print "<br><br>TSDNS Error: ".$errno.' ('.$errstr.")\r\n";
$tsdnsdown = true;
if (isset($restartreturn)) {
@ -298,7 +297,7 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
} else if ($row2['usedns'] == 'Y' and $tsdnsExternalActive == true) {
print "Skip TSDNS since external is used\r\n";
print "<br><br>Skip TSDNS since external is used\r\n";
$cmds = array();
@ -349,7 +348,7 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
} else if ($autorestart == 'Y') {
print "Do not restart TS3/TSDNS ${queryip} since failcount is only ${ts3masternotified} and ${down_checks} is required for restart \r\n";
print "<br><br>Do not restart TS3/TSDNS ${queryip} since failcount is only ${ts3masternotified} and ${down_checks} is required for restart \r\n";
@ -444,7 +443,7 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
$cmds[] ='cd '.$folders.' && function backup () { mkdir -p ' . $backupfolder . ' && nice -n +19 tar cfPj ' . $backupfolder . $row4['id'] . '.tar.bz2 ' . $filefolder . '; }; backup& ';
print "Creating backup for ts3 server: " . $row3['ip'] . ':' . $row3['port'] . "\r\n";
print "<br>Creating backup for ts3 server: " . $row3['ip'] . ':' . $row3['port'] . "\r\n";
@ -454,9 +453,9 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
if (count($cmds) > 0) {
if (ssh2_execute('vm', $ts3masterid, $cmds)) {
print "Restarting: $restartreturn\r\n";
print "<br>Restarting: $restartreturn\r\n";
} else {
print "Failed restarting: $restartreturn\r\n";
print "<br>Failed restarting: $restartreturn\r\n";
if (isset($dbConnect['debug']) and $dbConnect['debug'] == 1) {
@ -503,14 +502,14 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
echo 'MC worldsave: ' . $row2['server'] . "\r\n";
echo '<br>MC worldsave: ' . $row2['server'] . "\r\n";
if ($row3['restart'] == 'N' and $row3['upload'] == 'Y') {
echo 'Demo upload for: ' . $row2['server'] . "\r\n";
echo '<br>Demo upload for: ' . $row2['server'] . "\r\n";
if ($row3['restart'] == 'Y') {
@ -528,14 +527,14 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
echo 'Restarting server: ' . $row2['server'] . "\r\n";
echo '<br>Restarting server: ' . $row2['server'] . "\r\n";
if ($row3['backup'] == 'Y') {
echo 'Backup server: ' . $row2['server'] . "\r\n";
echo '<br>Backup server: ' . $row2['server'] . "\r\n";
@ -550,13 +549,13 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
$newsInclude = true;
$printToConsole = true;
print "Check for new news feeds\r\n";
print "<br><br>Check for new news feeds\r\n<br>";
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/methods/feeds_function.php');
if (isset($template_file)) {
print $template_file."\r\n";
print "<br>". $template_file."\r\n";
print "Cleaning Logs\r\n";
print "<br><br>Cleaning Logs\r\n";
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `userlog` WHERE DATEDIFF(NOW(),`logdate`)>31");
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `mail_log` WHERE DATEDIFF(NOW(),`date`)>31");
@ -572,7 +571,7 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
$serverName = (strlen($row['description']) == 0) ? $row['ssh2ip'] : $row['ssh2ip'] . ' ' . $row['description'];
print "Sending TS3 update information for server $serverName\r\n";
print "<br>Sending TS3 update information for server $serverName\r\n";
$query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `userdata` WHERE ((`resellerid`=? AND `accounttype`='a') OR (`id`=? AND `accounttype`='r')) AND `mail_gsupdate`='Y'");
$query2->execute(array($row['resellerid'], $row['resellerid']));
@ -582,11 +581,11 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
print "Reparing tables\r\n";
print "<br>Reparing tables\r\n";
$query = $sql->prepare("REPAIR TABLE `addons`,`addons_installed`,`api_external_auth`,`api_ips`,`api_settings`,`badips`,`dhcpdata`,`eac`,`easywi_version`,`gserver_restarts`,`gsstatus`,`gsswitch`,`imprints`,`jobs`,`lendedserver`,`lendsettings`,`lendstats`,`mail_log`,`mysql_external_dbs`,`mysql_external_servers`,`page_pages`,`page_pages_text`,`page_settings`,`page_terms`,`page_terms_used`,`resellerdata`,`resellerimages`,`rserverdata`,`rservermasterg`,`serverlist`,`servertypes`,`settings`,`test`,`tickets`,`ticket_topics`,`traffic_data`,`traffic_data_day`,`traffic_settings`,`userdata`,`usergroups`,`userlog`,`userpermissions`,`virtualcontainer`,`virtualhosts`,`voice_masterserver`,`voice_server`,`voice_server_backup`,`voice_server_stats`,`voice_stats_settings`");
print "Optimizing tables\r\n";
print "<br>Optimizing tables\r\n";
$query = $sql->prepare("OPTIMIZE TABLE `addons`,`addons_installed`,`api_external_auth`,`api_ips`,`api_settings`,`badips`,`dhcpdata`,`eac`,`easywi_version`,`gserver_restarts`,`gsstatus`,`gsswitch`,`imprints`,`jobs`,`lendedserver`,`lendsettings`,`lendstats`,`mail_log`,`mysql_external_dbs`,`mysql_external_servers`,`page_pages`,`page_pages_text`,`page_settings`,`page_terms`,`page_terms_used`,`resellerdata`,`resellerimages`,`rserverdata`,`rservermasterg`,`serverlist`,`servertypes`,`settings`,`test`,`tickets`,`ticket_topics`,`traffic_data`,`traffic_data_day`,`traffic_settings`,`userdata`,`usergroups`,`userlog`,`userpermissions`,`virtualcontainer`,`virtualhosts`,`voice_masterserver`,`voice_server`,`voice_server_backup`,`voice_server_stats`,`voice_stats_settings`");

View File

@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ $gameImages = array(
':fps' => null,
':slots' => 12,
':map' => null,
':cmd' => 'java -Xmx%maxram%M -Xms%minram%M -jar %binary% -h %ip% -p %port% -s %slots%',
':cmd' => 'java -Xmx%maxram%M -Xms%minram%M -jar %binary% --port %port% --nogui',
':modcmds' => null,
':tic' => null,
':gameq' => 'minecraft',

View File

@ -110,11 +110,16 @@ function getCraftBukkitVersion () {
function getMinecraftVersion($release = 'release') {
$responseBody = webhostRequest('', '', '/Minecraft.Download/versions/versions.json');
$responseBody = webhostRequest('', '', '/mc/game/version_manifest.json');
$json = @json_decode(cleanFsockOpenRequest($responseBody, '{', '}'));
$latest = $json->latest->$release;
$spliturl = parse_url($json->versions[0]->url);
$responseBody = webhostRequest($spliturl["host"], '', $spliturl["path"]);
$json = @json_decode(cleanFsockOpenRequest($responseBody, '{', '}'));
return ($json ? array('version' => $latest, 'downloadPath' => $json->downloads->server->url) : array('version' => '', 'downloadPath' => ''));
return ($json) ? array('version' => $json->latest->$release, 'downloadPath' => '' . $json->latest->$release . '/minecraft_server.' . $json->latest->$release . '.jar') : array('version' => '', 'downloadPath' => '');

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
<a href="switch.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>"><?php echo $what;?></a> <?php echo $do;?>
<a href="switch.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $what;?></a> <?php echo $do;?>