#643 Fallback to GameQ v2

This commit is contained in:
Ulrich Block 2015-10-17 12:01:12 +02:00
parent e34a3a8dfd
commit 925c82ee35
3 changed files with 424 additions and 310 deletions

View File

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/methods/functions_ssh_exec.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/methods/class_app.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/methods/class_ts3.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/third_party/gameq/GameQ/Autoloader.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/third_party/gameq_v2/GameQ.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/methods/class_mysql.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/methods/class_httpd.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/keyphrasefile.php');
@ -189,12 +190,18 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
// Define basic variables for GS status checks
$gameQv3Protocols = getGameQ3List();
$other = array();
$i = 1;
$totalCount = 0;
$rootID = 0;
$serverBatchArray = array();
$allServersArray = array();
$iV2 = 1;
$totalV2Count = 0;
$serverBatchV2Array = array();
$allServersV2Array = array();
$iV3 = 1;
$totalV3Count = 0;
$serverBatchV3Array = array();
$allServersV3Array = array();
$query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT g.`id`,g.`serverid`,g.`serverip`,g.`port`,g.`port2`,g.`port3`,g.`port4`,g.`port5`,t.`gameq`,t.`shorten`,t.`useQueryPort` FROM `gsswitch` g INNER JOIN `serverlist` s ON g.`serverid`=s.`id` INNER JOIN `servertypes` t ON s.`servertype`=t.`id` WHERE g.`rootID`=? AND g.`stopped`='N' AND g.`active`='Y'");
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT(`rootID`) AS `root_id` FROM `gsswitch` WHERE `active`='Y'");
@ -204,9 +211,12 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
// Avoid that servers belonging to different roots are checked together
// If combined more false positives are possible
if ($rootID != 0) {
$allServersArray[] = $serverBatchArray;
$serverBatchArray = array();
$i = 1;
$allServersV3Array[] = $serverBatchV3Array;
$serverBatchV3Array = array();
$allServersV2Array[] = $serverBatchV2Array;
$serverBatchV2Array = array();
$iV2 = 1;
$iV3 = 1;
// Get the list of servers which are active and are not stopped. The array to be created will support batch mode.
@ -228,17 +238,37 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
$queryPort = $row2['port'];
$serverBatchArray[] = array('id' => $row2['id'], 'type' => $row2['gameq'], 'host' => $row2['serverip'] . ':' . $row2['port'], 'options' => array('query_port' => $queryPort));
if (isset($gameQv3Protocols[$row2['gameq']])) {
if ($i == 5) {
$allServersArray[] = $serverBatchArray;
$serverBatchArray = array();
$i = 1;
print "GameQ v3 support for {$row2['shorten']} {$row2['serverip']}:{$row2['port']}\r\n";
$serverBatchV3Array[] = array('id' => $row2['id'], 'type' => $row2['gameq'], 'host' => $row2['serverip'] . ':' . $row2['port'], 'options' => array('query_port' => $queryPort));
if ($iV3 == 5) {
$allServersV3Array[] = $serverBatchV3Array;
$serverBatchV3Array = array();
$iV3 = 1;
} else {
print "GameQ v2 support for {$row2['shorten']} {$row2['serverip']}:{$row2['port']}\r\n";
$serverBatchV2Array[] = array('id' => $row2['id'], 'type' => $row2['gameq'], 'host' => $row2['serverip'] . ':' . $row2['port'], 'options' => array('query_port' => $queryPort));
if ($iV2 == 5) {
$allServersV2Array[] = $serverBatchV2Array;
$serverBatchV2Array = array();
$iV2 = 1;
} else {
print "No GameQ found for {$row2['shorten']}\r\n";
@ -248,11 +278,13 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
$rootID = $row['root_id'];
$allServersArray[] = $serverBatchArray;
$allServersV2Array[] = $serverBatchV2Array;
$allServersV3Array[] = $allServersV3Array;
print "Checking $totalCount server(s) with GameQ query\r\n";
$serverReplies = array();
foreach ($allServersArray as $servers) {
print "Checking $totalV3Count server(s) with GameQ v3 query\r\n";
foreach ($allServersV3Array as $servers) {
$gq = new \GameQ\GameQ();
@ -266,248 +298,269 @@ if (!isset($ip) or $ui->escaped('SERVER_ADDR', 'server') == $ip or in_array($ip,
foreach($gq->process() as $switchID => $v) {
unset($userid, $resellerid, $lendserver, $stopserver, $doNotRestart);
$lid = 0;
$elapsed = 0;
$shutdownemptytime = 0;
$notified = 0;
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT s.`id` AS `serverID`,t.`description`,t.`gamebinary`,l.`id` AS `lend_id`,l.`started` AS `lend_started`,g.* FROM `gsswitch` g INNER JOIN `serverlist` s ON g.`serverid`=s.`id` INNER JOIN `servertypes` t ON s.`servertype`=t.`id` LEFT JOIN `lendedserver` AS l ON l.`serverid`=s.`id` WHERE g.`id`=? LIMIT 1");
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$serverip = $row['serverip'];
$autoRestart = $row['autoRestart'];
$port = $row['port'];
$address = $row['serverip'] . ':' . $row['port'];
$gametype = $row['description'];
$notified = $row['notified'];
$secnotified = $row['secnotified'];
$lendserver = $row['lendserver'];
$userid = $row['userid'];
$resellerid = $row['resellerid'];
$brandname = $row['brandname'];
$rootID = $row['rootID'];
$war = $row['war'];
$slots = $row['slots'];
if (($row['gamebinary'] == 'hlds_run' or $row['gamebinary'] == 'srcds_run') and $row['tvenable'] == 'Y') {
if ($lendserver == 'Y' and $lendActive == 'Y') {
$lid = $row['lend_id'];
$shutdownemptytime = $resellersettings[$resellerid]['shutdownemptytime'];
$elapsed = round((strtotime('now') - strtotime($row['lend_started'])) / 60);
if ($v['gq_online'] == 1) {
$name = normalizeName($v['gq_hostname']);
$numplayers = $v['gq_numplayers'];
$maxplayers = $v['gq_maxplayers'];
$map = $v['gq_mapname'];
$password = ($v['gq_password'] == 1) ? 'Y' : 'N';
} else {
$name = 'OFFLINE';
$numplayers = 0;
$maxplayers = 0;
$map = '';
$password = 'Y';
$lendStop = array();
// Check lendserver specific settings
if (isset($userid) and isset($lendserver) and $lendserver == 'Y') {
// Running but no lend information in temp table
if ($v['gq_online'] == 1) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT 1 FROM `lendedserver` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
if ($query->rowCount() == 0) {
print "Will stop lendserver $address because not lendet\r\n";
$lendStop[] = 'not lended';
$stopserver = true;
if (!isset($stopserver) and $lendserver == 'Y' and $lendActive == 'Y' and $resellersettings[$resellerid]['shutdownempty'] == 'Y' and $elapsed > $shutdownemptytime and $numplayers == 0 and $maxplayers != 0 and $slots != 0) {
print "Will stop server $address after $elapsed minutes, because it is empty and threshold is $shutdownemptytime minutes \r\n";
$lendStop[] = 'stop empty lended';
$stopserver = true;
// Expected to be running but is not, so remove from temp table
if (isset($stopserver) or $v['gq_online'] != 1) {
if (!isset($stopserver)) {
print "Will remove lendserver $address with lendID $lid because it is lendet but stopped \r\n";
$doNotRestart = true;
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `lendedserver` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
if (isset($userid) and $v['gq_online'] == 1) {
$rulebreak = array();
if ($war == 'Y' and $password == 'N') {
$rulebreak[] = $ssprache->nopassword;
if ($resellersettings[$resellerid]['nopassword'] == 1) {
$stopserver = true;
print "Will stop server $address because running without password. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
} else {
print "Server with address $address is running as $gametype and illegal without password. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
if ($maxplayers > $slots) {
$rulebreak[] = $ssprache->tohighslots;
if ($resellersettings[$resellerid]['tohighslots'] == 1) {
$stopserver = true;
print "Will stop server $address because running with to much slots. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
} else {
print "Server $address is running as $gametype and with illegal slotamount. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
if ($brandname == 'Y' and $resellersettings[$resellerid]['brandname'] != '' and strpos(strtolower($name),strtolower($resellersettings[$resellerid]['brandname'])) === false) {
$rulebreak[] = $ssprache->noservertag;
if ($resellersettings[$resellerid]['noservertag'] == 1) {
$stopserver = true;
print "Will stop server $address because running without servertag. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
} else {
print "Server $address is running as $gametype and illegal without servertag. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
if (count($rulebreak) == 0 and !isset($stopserver)) {
print "Server $address is running as $gametype. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
if ($secnotified == 'N' and count($rulebreak) > 0) {
if ($resellerid == 0) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`mail_securitybreach` FROM `userdata` WHERE `id`=? OR (`resellerid`=0 AND `accounttype`='a')");
} else {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`mail_securitybreach` FROM `userdata` WHERE `id`=? OR (`id`=? AND `accounttype`='r')");
$query->execute(array($userid, $resellerid));
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if ($row['mail_securitybreach'] == 'Y') {
sendmail('emailsecuritybreach', $row['id'], $address, implode('<br>', $rulebreak));
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `secnotified`='Y' WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
if ($secnotified == 'Y' and count($rulebreak) == 0) {
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `secnotified`='N' WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
if (isset($stopserver) and $stopserver === true) {
$numplayers = 0;
$map = '';
$loguserid = $userid;
$reseller_id = $resellerid;
$loguseraction = "%stop% %gserver% {$address}";
$loguseraction .= (count($rulebreak) > 0) ? " " . implode(', ', $rulebreak) : "";
$loguseraction .= (count($lendStop) > 0 && count($rulebreak) == 0) ? " " . implode(', ', $lendStop) : "";
$startStopList[$resellerid][$rootID]['stop'][] = $switchID;
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `lendedserver` WHERE `serverid`=? AND `resellerid`=? AND `servertype`='g' LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($switchID, $resellerid));
if ($notified > 0) {
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `notified`=0 WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
} else if (isset($userid) and isset($autoRestart)) {
$name = 'OFFLINE';
$numplayers = 0;
$maxplayers = 0;
$map = '';
$password = 'Y';
if (!isset($doNotRestart)) {
if (isset($dbConnect['debug']) and $dbConnect['debug'] == 1) {
if ($autoRestart == 'Y' and $notified >= $resellersettings[$resellerid]['down_checks']) {
print "Restarting: $address\r\n";
$loguserid = $userid;
$reseller_id = $resellerid;
$loguseraction = "%start% %gserver% {$address} (Found offline since {$notified} checks)";
$startStopList[$resellerid][$rootID]['start'][] = $switchID;
} else {
print "Not Restarting: $address\r\n";
if ($notified == $resellersettings[$resellerid]['down_checks']) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `mail_serverdown` FROM `userdata` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if ($row['mail_serverdown'] == 'Y') {
sendmail('emaildownrestart', $userid, $address,'');
} else {
print "Not Stopping as database leftover: $address\r\n";
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `queryName`=?,`queryNumplayers`=?,`queryMaxplayers`=?,`queryMap`=?,`queryPassword`=?,`queryUpdatetime`=?,`notified`=? WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($name, $numplayers, $maxplayers, $map, $password, $logdate, $notified, $switchID));
$serverReplies[$switchID] = $v;
print "Checking $totalV2Count server(s) with GameQ v2 query\r\n";
foreach ($allServersV2Array as $servers) {
$gq = new GameQ();
$gq->setOption('timeout', 60);
if (isset($dbConnect['debug']) and $dbConnect['debug'] == 1) {
$gq->setOption('debug', true);
foreach($gq->requestData() as $switchID => $v) {
$serverReplies[$switchID] = $v;
foreach($serverReplies as $switchID => $v) {
unset($userid, $resellerid, $lendserver, $stopserver, $doNotRestart);
$lid = 0;
$elapsed = 0;
$shutdownemptytime = 0;
$notified = 0;
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT s.`id` AS `serverID`,t.`description`,t.`gamebinary`,l.`id` AS `lend_id`,l.`started` AS `lend_started`,g.* FROM `gsswitch` g INNER JOIN `serverlist` s ON g.`serverid`=s.`id` INNER JOIN `servertypes` t ON s.`servertype`=t.`id` LEFT JOIN `lendedserver` AS l ON l.`serverid`=s.`id` WHERE g.`id`=? LIMIT 1");
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$serverip = $row['serverip'];
$autoRestart = $row['autoRestart'];
$port = $row['port'];
$address = $row['serverip'] . ':' . $row['port'];
$gametype = $row['description'];
$notified = $row['notified'];
$secnotified = $row['secnotified'];
$lendserver = $row['lendserver'];
$userid = $row['userid'];
$resellerid = $row['resellerid'];
$brandname = $row['brandname'];
$rootID = $row['rootID'];
$war = $row['war'];
$slots = $row['slots'];
if (($row['gamebinary'] == 'hlds_run' or $row['gamebinary'] == 'srcds_run') and $row['tvenable'] == 'Y') {
if ($lendserver == 'Y' and $lendActive == 'Y') {
$lid = $row['lend_id'];
$shutdownemptytime = $resellersettings[$resellerid]['shutdownemptytime'];
$elapsed = round((strtotime('now') - strtotime($row['lend_started'])) / 60);
if ($v['gq_online'] == 1) {
$name = normalizeName($v['gq_hostname']);
$numplayers = $v['gq_numplayers'];
$maxplayers = $v['gq_maxplayers'];
$map = $v['gq_mapname'];
$password = ($v['gq_password'] == 1) ? 'Y' : 'N';
} else {
$name = 'OFFLINE';
$numplayers = 0;
$maxplayers = 0;
$map = '';
$password = 'Y';
$lendStop = array();
// Check lendserver specific settings
if (isset($userid) and isset($lendserver) and $lendserver == 'Y') {
// Running but no lend information in temp table
if ($v['gq_online'] == 1) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT 1 FROM `lendedserver` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
if ($query->rowCount() == 0) {
print "Will stop lendserver $address because not lendet\r\n";
$lendStop[] = 'not lended';
$stopserver = true;
if (!isset($stopserver) and $lendserver == 'Y' and $lendActive == 'Y' and $resellersettings[$resellerid]['shutdownempty'] == 'Y' and $elapsed > $shutdownemptytime and $numplayers == 0 and $maxplayers != 0 and $slots != 0) {
print "Will stop server $address after $elapsed minutes, because it is empty and threshold is $shutdownemptytime minutes \r\n";
$lendStop[] = 'stop empty lended';
$stopserver = true;
// Expected to be running but is not, so remove from temp table
if (isset($stopserver) or $v['gq_online'] != 1) {
if (!isset($stopserver)) {
print "Will remove lendserver $address with lendID $lid because it is lendet but stopped \r\n";
$doNotRestart = true;
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `lendedserver` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
if (isset($userid) and $v['gq_online'] == 1) {
$rulebreak = array();
if ($war == 'Y' and $password == 'N') {
$rulebreak[] = $ssprache->nopassword;
if ($resellersettings[$resellerid]['nopassword'] == 1) {
$stopserver = true;
print "Will stop server $address because running without password. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
} else {
print "Server with address $address is running as $gametype and illegal without password. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
if ($maxplayers > $slots) {
$rulebreak[] = $ssprache->tohighslots;
if ($resellersettings[$resellerid]['tohighslots'] == 1) {
$stopserver = true;
print "Will stop server $address because running with to much slots. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
} else {
print "Server $address is running as $gametype and with illegal slotamount. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
if ($brandname == 'Y' and $resellersettings[$resellerid]['brandname'] != '' and strpos(strtolower($name),strtolower($resellersettings[$resellerid]['brandname'])) === false) {
$rulebreak[] = $ssprache->noservertag;
if ($resellersettings[$resellerid]['noservertag'] == 1) {
$stopserver = true;
print "Will stop server $address because running without servertag. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
} else {
print "Server $address is running as $gametype and illegal without servertag. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
if (count($rulebreak) == 0 and !isset($stopserver)) {
print "Server $address is running as $gametype. The name converted to ISO-8859-1 is ".iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name).".\r\n";
if ($secnotified == 'N' and count($rulebreak) > 0) {
if ($resellerid == 0) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`mail_securitybreach` FROM `userdata` WHERE `id`=? OR (`resellerid`=0 AND `accounttype`='a')");
} else {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`mail_securitybreach` FROM `userdata` WHERE `id`=? OR (`id`=? AND `accounttype`='r')");
$query->execute(array($userid, $resellerid));
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if ($row['mail_securitybreach'] == 'Y') {
sendmail('emailsecuritybreach', $row['id'], $address, implode('<br>', $rulebreak));
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `secnotified`='Y' WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
if ($secnotified == 'Y' and count($rulebreak) == 0) {
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `secnotified`='N' WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
if (isset($stopserver) and $stopserver === true) {
$numplayers = 0;
$map = '';
$loguserid = $userid;
$reseller_id = $resellerid;
$loguseraction = "%stop% %gserver% {$address}";
$loguseraction .= (count($rulebreak) > 0) ? " " . implode(', ', $rulebreak) : "";
$loguseraction .= (count($lendStop) > 0 && count($rulebreak) == 0) ? " " . implode(', ', $lendStop) : "";
$startStopList[$resellerid][$rootID]['stop'][] = $switchID;
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `lendedserver` WHERE `serverid`=? AND `resellerid`=? AND `servertype`='g' LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($switchID, $resellerid));
if ($notified > 0) {
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `notified`=0 WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
} else if (isset($userid) and isset($autoRestart)) {
$name = 'OFFLINE';
$numplayers = 0;
$maxplayers = 0;
$map = '';
$password = 'Y';
if (!isset($doNotRestart)) {
if (isset($dbConnect['debug']) and $dbConnect['debug'] == 1) {
if ($autoRestart == 'Y' and $notified >= $resellersettings[$resellerid]['down_checks']) {
print "Restarting: $address\r\n";
$loguserid = $userid;
$reseller_id = $resellerid;
$loguseraction = "%start% %gserver% {$address} (Found offline since {$notified} checks)";
$startStopList[$resellerid][$rootID]['start'][] = $switchID;
} else {
print "Not Restarting: $address\r\n";
if ($notified == $resellersettings[$resellerid]['down_checks']) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `mail_serverdown` FROM `userdata` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if ($row['mail_serverdown'] == 'Y') {
sendmail('emaildownrestart', $userid, $address,'');
} else {
print "Not Stopping as database leftover: $address\r\n";
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `queryName`=?,`queryNumplayers`=?,`queryMaxplayers`=?,`queryMap`=?,`queryPassword`=?,`queryUpdatetime`=?,`notified`=? WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($name, $numplayers, $maxplayers, $map, $password, $logdate, $notified, $switchID));
foreach ($startStopList as $resellerLockupID => $rootServer) {
foreach ($rootServer as $rootID => $actionList) {

View File

@ -40,8 +40,11 @@ if ((!isset($admin_id) or $main != 1) or (isset($admin_id) and !$pa['gimages']))
header('Location: admin.php');
die('No Access');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/third_party/gameq/GameQ/Autoloader.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/keyphrasefile.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/third_party/gameq/GameQ/Autoloader.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/third_party/gameq_v2/GameQ.php');
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/methods/functions_gs.php');
$sprache = getlanguagefile('images', $user_language, $resellerLockupID);
$rsprache = getlanguagefile('roots', $user_language, $resellerLockupID);
@ -154,60 +157,7 @@ if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
if (!$ui->smallletters('action', 2, 'post') or $ui->id('import', 1, 'post') == 1) {
$protocols = array();
// Protocol list code taken from https://github.com/Austinb/GameQ/blob/v2/examples/list.php
$protocols_path = EASYWIDIR . '/third_party/gameq/GameQ/Protocols/';
// Grab the dir with all the classes available
$dir = dir($protocols_path);
// Now lets loop the directories
while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
if(!is_file($protocols_path . $entry)) {
// Figure out the class name
$class_name = ucfirst(pathinfo($entry, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
try {
require_once($protocols_path . $entry);
// Lets get some info on the class
$reflection = new ReflectionClass('GameQ\Protocols\\' . $class_name);
// Check to make sure we can actually load the class
if(!$reflection->IsInstantiable()) {
// Load up the class so we can get info
$classGeneratedName = 'GameQ\Protocols\\' . $class_name;
$class = new $classGeneratedName;
$ReflectionName = new ReflectionProperty(get_class($class), 'name');
$ReflectionNameLong = new ReflectionProperty(get_class($class), 'name_long');
// Add it to the list
$protocols[$ReflectionName->getValue($class)] = $ReflectionNameLong->getValue($class);
// Unset the class
unset($class, $ReflectionName, $ReflectionNameLong);
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
$errors[] = $e->getMessage();
// Close the directory
$protocols = array_unique(array_merge(getGameQ3List(), getGameQ2List()));
// GameQ protocol listing done. Easy-WI Code again.

View File

@ -198,4 +198,115 @@ if (!function_exists('eacchange')) {
return $table;
function getGameQ3List () {
$protocols = array();
$protocols_path = EASYWIDIR . '/third_party/gameq/GameQ/Protocols/';
// Grab the dir with all the classes available
$dir = dir($protocols_path);
// Now lets loop the directories
while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
if (!is_file($protocols_path . $entry)) {
// Figure out the class name
$class_name = ucfirst(pathinfo($entry, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
try {
require_once($protocols_path . $entry);
// Lets get some info on the class
$reflection = new ReflectionClass('GameQ\Protocols\\' . $class_name);
// Check to make sure we can actually load the class
if(!$reflection->IsInstantiable()) {
// Load up the class so we can get info
$classGeneratedName = 'GameQ\Protocols\\' . $class_name;
$class = new $classGeneratedName;
$ReflectionName = new ReflectionProperty(get_class($class), 'name');
$ReflectionNameLong = new ReflectionProperty(get_class($class), 'name_long');
// Add it to the list
$protocols[$ReflectionName->getValue($class)] = $ReflectionNameLong->getValue($class);
// Unset the class
unset($class, $ReflectionName, $ReflectionNameLong);
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
$errors[] = $e->getMessage();
// Close the directory
return $protocols;
function getGameQ2List () {
$protocols = array();
// Protocol list code taken from https://github.com/Austinb/GameQ/blob/v2/examples/list.php
$protocols_path = GAMEQ_BASE . 'gameq/protocols/';
// Grab the dir with all the classes available
$dir = dir($protocols_path);
// Now lets loop the directories
while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
if (!is_file($protocols_path . $entry)) {
// Figure out the class name
$class_name = 'GameQ_Protocols_' . ucfirst(pathinfo($entry, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
// Lets get some info on the class
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($class_name);
// Check to make sure we can actually load the class
try {
if (!$reflection->IsInstantiable()) {
// Load up the class so we can get info
$class = new $class_name;
// Add it to the list
if (!isset($protocols[$class->name()])) {
$protocols[$class->name()] = $class->name_long();
// Unset the class
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
$errors['reflection'] = $e->getMessage();
// Close the directory
return $protocols;