This commit is contained in:
Ulrich Block 2017-11-01 17:49:08 +01:00
parent dda3f5011f
commit b6c01b6bc5

View File

@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ class AppServer {
$script .= 'if [ -f "' . $absoluteTargetTemplatePath . '$FILTEREDFILES" ]; then find "' . $absoluteTargetTemplatePath . '$FILTEREDFILES" -maxdepth 1 -type l -delete; fi' . "\n";
$script .= 'if [ ! -f "' . $absoluteTargetTemplatePath . '$FILTEREDFILES" ]; then ${IONICE}cp "' . $absoluteSourceTemplatePath . '$FILTEREDFILES" "' . $absoluteTargetTemplatePath . '$FILTEREDFILES"; fi' . "\n";
$script .= 'done' . "\n";
$script .= 'cp -sr ' . $absoluteSourceTemplatePath . '* ' . $absoluteTargetTemplatePath . ' > /dev/null 2>&1 ' . "\n";
$script .= 'cp -sr ' . $absoluteSourceTemplatePath . '* ' . $absoluteTargetTemplatePath . ' > /dev/null 2>&1' . "\n";
$this->addLogline('app_server.log', 'Server template ' . $absoluteTargetTemplatePath . ' owned by user ' . $this->appServerDetails['userNameExecute'] . ' added/synced');
@ -1324,22 +1324,21 @@ class AppServer {
foreach ($protectedConfigs as $config => $values) {
$fileWithPath = $this->appServerDetails['absoluteFTPPath'] . '/' . $config;
$fileAndPath = $this->getFileAndPathName($fileWithPath);
$path = $fileAndPath['path'];
$fileName = $fileAndPath['file'];
if (!$ftpObect->downloadToTemp($fileWithPath)) {
$fileWithPath = $this->appServerDetails['absoluteFTPPathNoChroot'] . '/' . $config;
$noChrootfileWithPath = $this->appServerDetails['absoluteFTPPathNoChroot'] . '/' . $config;
$noChrootfileAndPath = $this->getFileAndPathName($noChrootfileWithPath);
$fileAndPath = $this->getFileAndPathName($fileWithPath);
$path = $fileAndPath['path'];
$fileName = $fileAndPath['file'];
if ($ftpObect->downloadToTemp($noChrootfileAndPath)) {
$fileAndPath = $noChrootfileAndPath;
$path = $fileAndPath['path'];
$fileName = $fileAndPath['file'];
$configFileContent = $ftpObect->getTempFileContent();
// We have one temp handle for all files to reduce the amount of needed ram
@ -1638,8 +1637,11 @@ class AppServer {
$shellCommand = '';
} else {
$shellCommand = ($this->appServerDetails['useTaskSet'] == 'Y' and strlen($this->appServerDetails['cores']) > 0) ? 'taskset -c ' . $this->appServerDetails['cores'] . ' ' : '';
$shellCommand .= 'screen -A -m -d -L -S ' . $this->appServerDetails['serverIP'] . '_' . $this->appServerDetails['port'] . ' ' . $startCommand;
$shellCommand = 'if [ "`screen -v | awk \'{split($3, a, "."); print a[2]}\'`" == "05" ]; then' . "\n";
$shellCommand .= 'SCREENLOG="screenlog.0"' . "\n";
$shellCommand .= 'fi' . "\n";
$shellCommand .= ($this->appServerDetails['useTaskSet'] == 'Y' and strlen($this->appServerDetails['cores']) > 0) ? 'taskset -c ' . $this->appServerDetails['cores'] . ' ' : '';
$shellCommand .= 'screen -A -m -d -L $SCREENLOG -S ' . $this->appServerDetails['serverIP'] . '_' . $this->appServerDetails['port'] . ' ' . $startCommand . "\n";
return $shellCommand;
@ -1711,7 +1713,7 @@ class AppServer {
// Remove folders where they do not belong
$script .= '${IONICE}nice -n +19 find ' . $this->removeSlashes($this->appServerDetails['homeDir'] . '/' . $this->appServerDetails['userName']) . ' -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d';
$script .= ' ! -name ".steam" ! -name "pserver" ! -name "backup" ! -name "fdl_data" -delete' . "\n";
$script .= ' ! -name ".steam" ! -name "pserver" ! -name "backup" ! -name "fdl_data" ! -name "server" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf' . "\n";
$script .= '${IONICE}nice -n +19 find /home/' . $this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2User'] . '/fdl_data -type f -user `whoami` ! -name "*.bz2" -delete' . "\n";