* This file is part of Easy-WI.
* Easy-WI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Easy-WI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Easy-WI. If not, see .
* Diese Datei ist Teil von Easy-WI.
* Easy-WI ist Freie Software: Sie koennen es unter den Bedingungen
* der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation,
* Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder spaeteren
* veroeffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren.
* Easy-WI wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nuetzlich sein wird, aber
* OHNE JEDE GEWAEHELEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite
* Siehe die GNU General Public License fuer weitere Details.
* Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem
* Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe .
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `hostID`,MAX(`resellerID`) AS `resellerID` FROM `jobs` WHERE (`status` IS NULL OR `status`='1') AND `type`='vo' GROUP BY `hostID`");
$query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT `active`,`usedns`,`defaultdns`,`bitversion`,`defaultname`,`defaultwelcome`,`defaulthostbanner_url`,`defaulthostbanner_gfx_url`,`defaulthostbutton_tooltip`,`defaulthostbutton_url`,`defaulthostbutton_gfx_url`,`queryport`,AES_DECRYPT(`querypassword`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedquerypassword`,`maxserver`,`maxslots`,`rootid`,`addedby`,`publickey`,`ssh2ip`,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2port`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2port`,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2user`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2user`,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2password`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2password`,`serverdir`,`keyname`,`notified` FROM `voice_masterserver` WHERE `id`=:id AND `resellerid`=:reseller_id LIMIT 1");
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$query2->execute(array(':aeskey' => $aeskey,':id' => $row['hostID'], ':reseller_id' => $row['resellerID']));
while ($row2 = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$active = $row2['active'];
$addedby = $row2['addedby'];
$usedns = $row2['usedns'];
$defaultdns = $row2['defaultdns'];
$queryport = $row2['queryport'];
$querypassword = $row2['decryptedquerypassword'];
$maxserver = $row2['maxserver'];
$maxslots = $row2['maxslots'];
$serverdir = $row2['serverdir'];
$mnotified = $row2['notified'];
$name = $row2['defaultname'];
$welcome = $row2['defaultwelcome'];
$hostbanner_url = $row2['defaulthostbanner_url'];
$hostbanner_gfx_url = $row2['defaulthostbanner_gfx_url'];
$hostbutton_tooltip = $row2['defaulthostbutton_tooltip'];
$hostbutton_url = $row2['defaulthostbutton_url'];
$hostbutton_gfx_url = $row2['defaulthostbutton_gfx_url'];
if ($addedby == 1) {
$query3 = $sql->prepare("SELECT `ip` FROM `rserverdata` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query3->execute(array($row2['rootid'], $row['resellerID']));
$queryip = $query3->fetchColumn();
} else {
$publickey = $row2['publickey'];
$queryip = $row2['ssh2ip'];
$ssh2port = $row2['decryptedssh2port'];
$ssh2user = $row2['decryptedssh2user'];
$ssh2password = $row2['decryptedssh2password'];
$keyname = $row2['keyname'];
$bitversion = $row2['bitversion'];
if (isset($queryip, $queryport)) {
$connection = new TS3($queryip, $queryport, 'serveradmin', $querypassword);
$errorcode = $connection->errorcode;
if (!isset($errorcode) or strpos($errorcode, 'error id=0') === false) {
$query2 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `jobs` SET `status`='1' WHERE `status` IS NULL AND `type`='vo' AND `hostID`=?");
} else {
$localserverid = false;
$query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT * FROM `jobs` WHERE (`status` IS NULL OR `status`='1') AND `type`='vo' AND `hostID`=?");
while ($row2 = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$extraData = @json_decode($row2['extraData']);
$customConfigurations = array();
$query3 = $sql->prepare("SELECT * FROM `voice_server` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query3->execute(array($row2['affectedID'], $row2['resellerID']));
while ($row3 = $query3->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$userId = $row3['userid'];
$active = $row3['active'];
$localserverid = $row3['localserverid'];
$backup = $row3['backup'];
$lendserver = $row3['lendserver'];
$ip = $row3['ip'];
$port = $row3['port'];
$slots = $row3['slots'];
$initialpassword = $row3['initialpassword'];
$password = $row3['password'];
$forcebanner = $row3['forcebanner'];
$forcebutton = $row3['forcebutton'];
$forceservertag = $row3['forceservertag'];
$forcewelcome = $row3['forcewelcome'];
$maxtraffic = $row3['maxtraffic'];
$filetraffic = $row3['filetraffic'];
$max_download_total_bandwidth = $row3['max_download_total_bandwidth'];
$max_upload_total_bandwidth = $row3['max_upload_total_bandwidth'];
$dns = $row3['dns'];
$masterserver = $row3['masterserver'];
$iniConfiguration = @json_decode($row['iniConfiguration']);
if ($iniConfiguration) {
foreach ($iniConfiguration as $k => $v) {
$customConfigurations[] = $v;
if ($row2['action'] == 'dl' and isid($localserverid, 30)) {
$command = $gsprache->del . ' voiceserverID: ' . $row2['affectedID'] . ' name:'.$row2['name'];
$query3 = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `voice_server` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query3->execute(array($row2['affectedID'], $row['resellerID']));
customColumns('T', $row2['affectedID'], 'del');
$query3 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `jobs` SET `status`='3' WHERE `jobID`=? AND `type`='vo' LIMIT 1");
if ($usedns == 'Y') {
tsdns('dl', $queryip, $ssh2port, $ssh2user, $publickey, $keyname, $ssh2password, $mnotified, $serverdir, $bitversion, array($ip), array($port), array($dns), $row['resellerID']);
tsbackup('delete', $ssh2user, $serverdir, $masterserver, $localserverid, '*');
$query3 = $sql->prepare("DELETE v.* FROM `voice_server_backup` v LEFT JOIN `userdata` u ON v.`uid`=u.`id` WHERE u.`id` IS NULL");
} else if ($row2['action'] == 'ad' and isset($active)) {
if (isid($localserverid, 30)) {
$command = $gsprache->add.' voiceserverID: '.$row2['affectedID'].'; Skipping, virtual ID already exists in Easy-WI DB: '.$localserverid;
$query3 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `jobs` SET `status`='2' WHERE `jobID`=? AND `type`='vo' LIMIT 1");
} else {
$virtualserver_id = $connection->AddServer($slots, $ip, $port, $initialpassword, $name, array('Y', $welcome), $max_download_total_bandwidth, $max_upload_total_bandwidth, array('Y', $hostbanner_url), $hostbanner_gfx_url, array('Y', $hostbutton_url), $hostbutton_gfx_url, $hostbutton_tooltip, $customConfigurations, property_exists($extraData, 'serverToken') ? $extraData->serverToken : '');
if (isid($virtualserver_id, 19)) {
$command = $gsprache->add.' voiceserverID: '.$row2['affectedID'].'; Name:'.$row2['name'];
if ($active == 'N') {
$query3 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `voice_server` SET `localserverid`=?,`jobPending`='N' WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
$query3->execute(array($virtualserver_id, $row2['affectedID']));
$serverName = $ip . ':' . $port;
$addressList = $serverName;
if ($usedns == 'Y') {
$addressList .= ', ' . $dns;
$template_file = tsdns('md', $queryip, $ssh2port, $ssh2user, $publickey, $keyname, $ssh2password, $mnotified, $serverdir, $bitversion, array($ip), array($port), array($dns), $row['resellerID']);
$query3 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `jobs` SET `status`='3' WHERE `affectedID`=? AND `type`='vo' LIMIT 1");
$mailConnectInfo = array(
'ip' => $ip,
'port' => $port
sendmail('emailserverinstall', $userId, $serverName, $addressList, $mailConnectInfo);
} else {
$command = $gsprache->add.' voiceserverID: '.$row2['affectedID'].'; Error: '.$virtualserver_id;
$query3 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `jobs` SET `status`='1' WHERE `jobID`=? AND `type`='vo' LIMIT 1");
} else if ($row2['action'] == 'md' and isid($localserverid, 30)) {
$command = $gsprache->mod . ' voiceserverID: ' . $row2['affectedID'] . ' name:' . $row2['name'];
$query3 = $sql->prepare("SELECT `active`,`slots`,`ip`,`port`,`dns` FROM `voice_server` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
foreach ($query3->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row3) {
$oldip = $row3['ip'];
$oldport = $row3['port'];
$olddns = $row3['dns'];
$serverdetails = $connection->ServerDetails($localserverid);
$name = $serverdetails['virtualserver_name'];
$welcome = $serverdetails['virtualserver_welcomemessage'];
$hostbanner_url = $serverdetails['virtualserver_hostbanner_url'];
$hostbanner_gfx_url = $serverdetails['virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_url'];
$hostbutton_tooltip = $serverdetails['virtualserver_hostbutton_tooltip'];
$hostbutton_url = $serverdetails['virtualserver_hostbutton_url'];
$hostbutton_gfx_url = $serverdetails['virtualserver_hostbutton_gfx_url'];
$connection->ModServer($localserverid, $slots, $ip, $port, $initialpassword, $name, $welcome, $max_download_total_bandwidth, $max_upload_total_bandwidth, $hostbanner_url, $hostbanner_gfx_url, $hostbutton_url, $hostbutton_gfx_url, $hostbutton_tooltip, $customConfigurations);
if ($forcebanner== 'Y') {
$removelist[] = 'b_virtualserver_modify_hostbanner';
$removelist[] = 'i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_hostbanner';
} else if ($forcebanner== 'N') {
$addlist[] = 'b_virtualserver_modify_hostbanner';
$addlist[] = 'i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_hostbanner';
if ($forcebutton == 'Y') {
$removelist[] = 'b_virtualserver_modify_hostbutton';
$removelist[] = 'i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_hostbutton';
} else if ($forcebutton == 'N') {
$addlist[] = 'b_virtualserver_modify_hostbutton';
$addlist[] = 'i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_hostbutton';
if ($forcewelcome == 'Y') {
$removelist[] = 'b_virtualserver_modify_welcomemessage';
$removelist[] = 'i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_welcomemessage';
} else if ($forcewelcome == 'N') {
$addlist[] = 'b_virtualserver_modify_welcomemessage';
$addlist[] = 'i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_welcomemessage';
if (isset($addlist)) {
$connection->AdminPermissions($localserverid,'add', $addlist);
if (isset($removelist)) {
$connection->AdminPermissions($localserverid,'del', $removelist);
if ($usedns == 'Y') {
$template_file = tsdns('md', $queryip, $ssh2port, $ssh2user, $publickey, $keyname, $ssh2password, $mnotified, $serverdir, $bitversion, array($ip, $oldip), array($port, $oldport), array($dns, $olddns), $row2['resellerID']);
if ($row3['active'] == 'N' or $extraData->newActive == 'N') {
$query3 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `jobs` SET `status`='3' WHERE `jobID`=? AND `type`='vo' LIMIT 1");
$query3 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `voice_server` SET `jobPending`='N' WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1");
} else if (!isset($localserverid) or !isid($localserverid, 30)) {
$command = 'Error: can not find voiceserver';
$query3 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `jobs` SET `status`='2' WHERE `jobID`=? AND `type`='vo' LIMIT 1");
} else {
$command='Error: unknown command';
} else {
$query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT * FROM `jobs` WHERE (`status` IS NULL OR `status`='1') AND `type`='vo' AND `hostID`=?");
while ($row2 = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$query3 = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `voice_server` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query3->execute(array($row2['affectedID'], $row['resellerID']));
$query3 = $sql->prepare("DELETE v.* FROM `voice_server_backup` v LEFT JOIN `userdata` u ON v.`uid`=u.`id` WHERE u.`id` IS NULL");
$query3 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `jobs` SET `status`='3' WHERE `jobID`=? AND `type`='vo' LIMIT 1");