Server tag:
Save modifications?
Each X days:
This e-mail address will be used when sending data to the users.
Could not reach server.
Server is down and could not be restarted.
This text is inserted into the footer of an e-mail sent by the panel, for example, you can add your legal information here.
E-mail footer:
New support ticket received.
Password recovery
This text is inserted at the end of an e-mail sent by the panel, for example: "Kind regards,".
E-mail greeting:
Server manipulation has been detected
Rescue system started
Possible failed logins in a row
If a master installation is not set up, the data will be downloaded from this server.
Use an image server:
Image server:
Default language:
statuscheck.php warning
reboot.php warning
startupdates.php warning
jobs.php warning
cloud.php warning
Maximum backup amount:
Password removed
Server tag removed
Define usernames:
Unique user IDs will be appended to their associated usernames. If you define usernames, only small letters and numbers are allowed. Example: customer will be customer2 and counting
Default user name:
Shut down server
Support phone number:
Slots manipulated
Warn user
Offline checks