// //############################################## // SUPPORT, BUG REPORTS, FEATURE REQUESTS //############################################## // // Please visit http://www.monstaftp.com/support/ // //############################################## // INSTALL NOTES **IMPORTANT** //############################################## // // 1. While this application is able to connect to FTP servers on both // Windows and Linux, this script must run on a Linux server with PHP. // 2. The server running this script must allow external FTP connections // if you intend to allow connection to external servers. // 3. The script can be uploaded anywhere on your website, and you can // rename index.php to any name you prefer. // 4. Please check the configurable variables below before running. // //############################################## // Rewritten and adapted to easy-wi.com by Ulrich Block // Contact ulrich.block@easy-wi.com //############################################## // SET UPLOAD LIMIT //############################################## class Monsta { private $upload_limit, $ftpConnection, $dateFormatUsa, $lang_size_kb, $lang_size_mb, $lang_size_gb, $ftpIP, $ftpPort, $ftpUser, $ftpPass; private $win_lin, $serverID; private $actionTarget = 'userpanel.php?w=gs&d=wf&id=', $platformTestCount = 0, $trCount = 0; public $loggedIn = false, $errorResponse = false; public function __construct ($serverID, $ftpIP, $ftpPort, $ftpUser, $ftpPass, $language, $startDir = '') { $this->ftpIP = $ftpIP; $this->ftpPort = $ftpPort; $this->ftpUser = $ftpUser; $this->ftpPass = $ftpPass; $this->serverID = $serverID; $this->setDateFormatUsa($language); $this->setUploadLimit(); $this->defineActionTarget(); $this->errorResponse = $this->connectFTP(); $this->getPlatform(); $this->setInitialDir($startDir); } public function __destruct () { $upload_limit = null; } private function setDateFormatUsa ($language) { $this->dateFormatUsa = ($language == 'de') ? 0 : 1; } private function setUploadLimit() { $upload_limit = ini_get('memory_limit'); $ll = substr($upload_limit,strlen($upload_limit)-1,1); if ($ll == "B") { $upload_limit = str_replace("B","",$upload_limit); $upload_limit = $upload_limit * 1; } if ($ll == "K") { $upload_limit = str_replace("K","",$upload_limit); $upload_limit = $upload_limit * 1024; } if ($ll == "M") { $upload_limit = str_replace("M","",$upload_limit); $upload_limit = $upload_limit * 1024 * 1024; } if ($ll == "G") { $upload_limit = str_replace("G","",$upload_limit); $upload_limit = $upload_limit * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } if ($ll == "T") { $upload_limit = str_replace("T","",$upload_limit); $upload_limit = $upload_limit * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } $this->upload_limit = $upload_limit; } private function defineActionTarget () { global $ui; $this->actionTarget .= $ui->id('id', 10, 'get'); foreach (array_keys($ui->get) as $k) { if (!in_array($k, array('w', 'd', 'id')) and $ui->w($k, 255, 'get')) { $this->actionTarget .= '&' .$k . '=' . $ui->w($k, 255, 'get'); } } } ############################################### # CONNECT TO FTP ############################################### private function connectFTP() { $this->ftpConnection = @ftp_connect($this->ftpIP, $this->ftpPort, 15); if ($this->ftpConnection) { if (@ftp_login ($this->ftpConnection, $this->ftpUser, $this->ftpPass)) { @ftp_pasv($this->ftpConnection, true); $this->loggedIn = true; return true; } else { global $lang_cant_authenticate; return $lang_cant_authenticate; } } global $lang_cant_connect; return $lang_cant_connect; } private function setInitialDir ($ftpDir) { // Change dir if one set if (!isset($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"])) { if ($ftpDir != "") { if (@ftp_chdir($this->ftpConnection, $ftpDir)) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] = $ftpDir; } else if (@ftp_chdir($this->ftpConnection, "~".$ftpDir)) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] = "~".$ftpDir; } } else { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] = ""; } } if (!isset($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"])) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"] = array(); } if (!isset($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["errors"])) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["errors"] = array(); } } private function getPlatform() { if ($this->loggedIn === true and $this->win_lin == "") { $ftp_rawlist = ftp_rawlist($this->ftpConnection, "."); // Check for content in array if (sizeof($ftp_rawlist) == 0) { $this->platformTestCount++; // Create a test folder if (@ftp_mkdir($this->ftpConnection, "test")) { if ($this->platformTestCount < 2) { $this->getPlatform(); @ftp_rmdir($this->ftpConnection, "test"); } } } else { $win_lin = ''; // Get first item in array $ff = $ftp_rawlist[0]; // Split up array into values $ff = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$ff,9); // First item in Linux rawlist is permissions. In Windows it's date. // If length of first item in array line is 8 chars, without a-z, it's a date. if (strlen($ff[0]) == 8 && !preg_match("/[a-z]/i", $ff[0], $matches)) { $win_lin = "win"; } if (strlen($ff[0]) == 10 && !preg_match("/[0-9]/i", $ff[0], $matches)) { $win_lin = "lin"; } $this->win_lin = $win_lin; } } } public function displayFormStart () { return '
'; } public function displayFtpActions () { global $lang_btn_refresh, $lang_btn_cut, $lang_btn_copy, $lang_btn_paste, $lang_btn_rename, $lang_btn_delete; $return = '
'; $return .= '
'; return $return; } private function assignWinLinNum() { if ($this->win_lin == "lin") { return 1; } if ($this->win_lin == "win") { return 0; } return false; } public function displayAjaxDivOpen () { return '
'; } private function sanitizeStr($str) { $str = trim($str); $str = str_replace("&","&",$str); $str = str_replace('"','"',$str); $str = str_replace("<","<",$str); $str = str_replace(">",">",$str); return $str; } //############################################## // GET MAX STR LENGTH FROM ARRAY //############################################## private function getMaxStrLen($array) { $maxLen = 0; foreach ($array AS $str) { $thisLen = strlen($str); if ($thisLen > $maxLen) $maxLen = $thisLen; } return $maxLen; } //############################################## // GET FILE/FOLDER NAME //############################################## private function getFileFromPath($str) { $str = preg_replace("/^(.)+\//","",$str); $str = preg_replace("/^~/","",$str); return $str; } //############################################## // PARENT OPEN FOLDER //############################################## public function parentOpenFolder() { return ""; } private function replaceTilde($str) { $str = str_replace("~","/",$str); $str = str_replace("//","/",$str); return $str; } public function displayFtpHistory() { $return = ''; return $return; } private function getFtpRawList($folder_path) { global $lang_folder_cant_access; if ($this->loggedIn === true) { $isError=0; if (!@ftp_chdir($this->ftpConnection, $folder_path)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($folder_path) == 1) { if (!@ftp_chdir($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($folder_path))) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$folder_path,$lang_folder_cant_access); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("folder",$folder_path,$lang_folder_cant_access); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) { return ftp_rawlist($this->ftpConnection, "."); } } return false; } //############################################## // CHECK FIRST CHAR IS TILDE //############################################## private function checkFirstCharTilde($str) { return (substr($str,0,1) == "~") ? 1 : 0; } //############################################## // RECORD FILE/FOLDER ERROR //############################################## private function recordFileError($str,$file_name,$error) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["errors"][] = str_replace("[".$str."]","".$file_name."",$error); } private function getFtpColumnSpan($sort,$name) { global $ui; // Check current column $ord = ($ui->w('sort', 1, 'post') == $sort and $ui->w('ord', 4, 'post') == 'desc') ? 'asc' : 'desc'; return "serverID]["dir_current"])."&sort=".$sort."&ord=".$ord."')\" class=\"cursorPointer\">".$name.""; } public function displayFiles() { global $lang_table_name, $lang_table_size, $lang_table_date, $lang_table_time; $ftp_rawlist = $this->getFtpRawList($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]); #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # FOLDER/FILES TABLE HEADER #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $return = ""; $return .= ""."\n"; #$return .= ""."\n"; $return .= ""."\n"; $return .= ""."\n"; $return .= ""."\n"; $return .= ""."\n"; $return .= ""."\n"; $return .= ""."\n"; #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # FOLDER UP BUTTON #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] != "/" && $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] != "~") { $return .= ""."\n"; #$return .= ""."\n"; $return .= ""."\n"; $return .= ""."\n"; $return .= ""."\n"; } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # FOLDERS & FILES #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if (sizeof($ftp_rawlist) > 0) { // Linux if ($this->win_lin == "lin") { $return .= $this->createFileFolderArrayLin($ftp_rawlist,"folders"); $return .= $this->createFileFolderArrayLin($ftp_rawlist,"links"); $return .= $this->createFileFolderArrayLin($ftp_rawlist,"files"); } // Windows if ($this->win_lin == "win") { $return .= $this->createFileFolderArrayWin($ftp_rawlist,"folders"); $return .= $this->createFileFolderArrayWin($ftp_rawlist,"files"); } } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # CLOSE TABLE #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $return .= "
"."\n"; // Get the parent directory $parent = $this->getParentDir(); $return .= ""; $return .= "
"; return $return; } ############################################### # CREATE FILE/FOLDER ARRAY FOR LINUX ############################################### private function createFileFolderArrayLin($ftp_rawlist, $type) { global $ui; // set and correct to avoid php notice $foldAllAr = false; $linkAllAr = false; $fileAllAr = false; if (!is_array($ftp_rawlist)) { $ftp_rawlist = (array) $ftp_rawlist; } // Go through array of files/folders foreach($ftp_rawlist AS $ff) { // Reset values $time=""; $year=""; // Split up array into values $ff = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $ff, 9); $perms = $ff[0]; if (!isset($ff[2])) { continue; } $user = $ff[2]; $group = $ff[3]; $size = $ff[4]; $month = $ff[5]; $day = $ff[6]; $file = $ff[8]; // Check if file starts with a dot $dot_prefix = 0; if (preg_match("/^\.+/",$file) && $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["interface"] == "bas") { $dot_prefix = 1; } if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $dot_prefix == 0) { // Where the last mod date is the previous year, the year will be displayed in place of the time if (preg_match("/:/",$ff[7])) $time = $ff[7]; else $year = $ff[7]; // Set date $date = $this->formatFtpDate($day,$month,$year); // Reset user and group if ($user == "0") $user = "-"; if ($group == "0") $group = "-"; // Add folder to array if ($this->getFileType($perms) == "d") { $foldAllAr[] = $file."|d|".$date."|".$time."|".$user."|".$group."|".$perms; $foldNameAr[] = $file; $foldDateAr[] = $date; $foldTimeAr[] = $time; $foldUserAr[] = $user; $foldGroupAr[] = $group; $foldPermsAr[] = $perms; } // Add link to array if ($this->getFileType($perms) == "l") { $linkAllAr[] = $file."|l|".$date."|".$time."|".$user."|".$group."|".$perms; $linkNameAr[] = $file; $linkDateAr[] = $date; $linkTimeAr[] = $time; $linkUserAr[] = $user; $linkGroupAr[] = $group; $linkPermsAr[] = $perms; } // Add file to array if ($this->getFileType($perms) == "f") { $fileAllAr[] = $file."|".$size."|".$date."|".$time."|".$user."|".$group."|".$perms; $fileNameAr[] = $file; $fileSizeAr[] = $size; $fileDateAr[] = $date; $fileTimeAr[] = $time; $fileUserAr[] = $user; $fileGroupAr[] = $group; $filePermsAr[] = $perms; } } } // Check there are files and/or folders to display if (is_array($foldAllAr) || is_array($linkAllAr) || is_array($fileAllAr)) { // Set sorting order if ($ui->w('sort', 1, 'post') == "") $sort = "n"; else $sort = $ui->w('sort', 1, 'post'); if ($ui->w('ord', 4, 'post') == "") $ord = "asc"; else $ord = $ui->w('ord', 4, 'post'); // Return folders if ($type == "folders") { if (is_array($foldAllAr)) { // Set the folder arrays to sort if ($sort == "n") $sortAr = $foldNameAr; if ($sort == "d") $sortAr = $foldDateAr; if ($sort == "t") $sortAr = $foldTimeAr; if ($sort == "u") $sortAr = $foldUserAr; if ($sort == "g") $sortAr = $foldGroupAr; if ($sort == "p") $sortAr = $foldPermsAr; // Multisort array if (is_array($sortAr)) { if ($ord == "asc") array_multisort($sortAr, SORT_ASC, $foldAllAr); else array_multisort($sortAr, SORT_DESC, $foldAllAr); } // Format and display folder content return $this->getFileListHtml($foldAllAr, ""); } } // Return links if ($type == "links") { if (is_array($linkAllAr)) { // Set the folder arrays to sort if ($sort == "n") $sortAr = $linkNameAr; if ($sort == "d") $sortAr = $linkDateAr; if ($sort == "t") $sortAr = $linkTimeAr; if ($sort == "u") $sortAr = $linkUserAr; if ($sort == "g") $sortAr = $linkGroupAr; if ($sort == "p") $sortAr = $linkPermsAr; // Multisort array if (is_array($sortAr)) { if ($ord == "asc") array_multisort($sortAr, SORT_ASC, $linkAllAr); else array_multisort($sortAr, SORT_DESC, $linkAllAr); } // Format and display folder content return $this->getFileListHtml($linkAllAr, ""); } } // Return files if ($type == "files") { if (is_array($fileAllAr)) { // Set the folder arrays to sort if ($sort == "n") $sortAr = $fileNameAr; if ($sort == "s") $sortAr = $fileSizeAr; if ($sort == "d") $sortAr = $fileDateAr; if ($sort == "t") $sortAr = $fileTimeAr; if ($sort == "u") $sortAr = $fileUserAr; if ($sort == "g") $sortAr = $fileGroupAr; if ($sort == "p") $sortAr = $filePermsAr; // Multisort folders if ($ord == "asc") array_multisort($sortAr, SORT_ASC, $fileAllAr); else array_multisort($sortAr, SORT_DESC, $fileAllAr); // Format and display file content return $this->getFileListHtml($fileAllAr, ""); } } } return ''; } ############################################### # CREATE FILE/FOLDER ARRAY FOR WINDOWS ############################################### private function createFileFolderArrayWin($ftp_rawlist,$type) { global $ui; $foldAllAr = false; $fileAllAr = false; if (!is_array($ftp_rawlist)) { $ftp_rawlist = (array) $ftp_rawlist; } // Go through array of files/folders foreach($ftp_rawlist AS $ff) { // Split up array into values $ff = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$ff,4); $date = $ff[0]; $time = $ff[1]; $size = $ff[2]; $file = $ff[3]; if ($size == "") $size = "d"; // Format date $day = substr($date,3,2); $month = substr($date,0,2); $year = substr($date,6,2); $date = $this->formatFtpDate($day,$month,$year); // Format time $time = $this->formatWinFtpTime($time); // Add folder to array if ($size == "d") { $foldAllAr[] = $file."|d|".$date."|".$time."|||"; $foldNameAr[] = $file; $foldDateAr[] = $date; $foldTimeAr[] = $time; } // Add file to array if ($size != "d") { $fileAllAr[] = $file."|".$size."|".$date."|".$time."|||"; $fileNameAr[] = $file; $fileSizeAr[] = $size; $fileDateAr[] = $date; $fileTimeAr[] = $time; } } // Check there are files and/or folders to display if (is_array($foldAllAr) || is_array($fileAllAr)) { // Set sorting order if ($ui->w('sort', 1, 'post') == "") $sort = "n"; else $sort = $ui->w('sort', 1, 'post'); if ($ui->w('ord', 4, 'post') == "") $ord = "asc"; else $ord = $ui->w('ord', 4, 'post'); // Return folders if ($type == "folders") { if (is_array($foldAllAr)) { // Set the folder arrays to sort if ($sort == "n") $sortAr = $foldNameAr; if ($sort == "d") $sortAr = $foldDateAr; if ($sort == "t") $sortAr = $foldTimeAr; // Multisort array if (is_array($sortAr)) { if ($ord == "asc") array_multisort($sortAr, SORT_ASC, $foldAllAr); else array_multisort($sortAr, SORT_DESC, $foldAllAr); } // Format and display folder content return $this->getFileListHtml($foldAllAr, ""); } } // Return files if ($type == "files") { if (is_array($fileAllAr)) { // Set the folder arrays to sort if ($sort == "n") $sortAr = $fileNameAr; if ($sort == "s") $sortAr = $fileSizeAr; if ($sort == "d") $sortAr = $fileDateAr; if ($sort == "t") $sortAr = $fileTimeAr; // Multisort folders if ($ord == "asc") array_multisort($sortAr, SORT_ASC, $fileAllAr); else array_multisort($sortAr, SORT_DESC, $fileAllAr); // Format and display file content return $this->getFileListHtml($fileAllAr, ""); } } } return ''; } ############################################### # FORMAT FTP DATE ############################################### private function formatFtpDate($day,$month,$year) { if (strlen($day) == 1) $day = "0".$day; if ($year == "") $year = date("Y"); if (strlen($year) == 2) { // To avoid a future Y2K problem, check the first two digits of year on Windows if ($year > 00 && $year < 99) $year = substr(date("Y"),0,2).$year; else $year = (substr(date("Y"),0,2)-1).$year; } if ($month == "Jan") $month = "01"; if ($month == "Feb") $month = "02"; if ($month == "Mar") $month = "03"; if ($month == "Apr") $month = "04"; if ($month == "May") $month = "05"; if ($month == "Jun") $month = "06"; if ($month == "Jul") $month = "07"; if ($month == "Aug") $month = "08"; if ($month == "Sep") $month = "09"; if ($month == "Oct") $month = "10"; if ($month == "Nov") $month = "11"; if ($month == "Dec") $month = "12"; $date = $year.$month.$day; return $date; } ############################################### # FORMAT WINDOWS FTP TIME ############################################### private function formatWinFtpTime($time) { $h = substr($time,0,2); $m = substr($time,3,2); $am_pm = substr($time,5,2); if ($am_pm == "PM") $h = $h + 12; $time = $h.":".$m; return $time; } ############################################### # GET FILE TYPE ############################################### function getFileType($perms) { if (substr($perms,0,1) == "d") return "d"; // directory if (substr($perms,0,1) == "l") return "l"; // link if (substr($perms,0,1) == "-") return "f"; // file return ''; } ############################################### # GET FTP COLUMN SPAN ############################################### private function getFileListHtml($array,$image) { global $ui; $html = ''; if ($this->trCount == 1) $this->trCount=1; else $this->trCount=0; $i=1; foreach ($array AS $file) { list($file,$size,$date,$time,$user,$group,$perms) = explode("|",$file); $action = ''; // Folder check (lin/win) if ($size == "d") $action = "folderAction"; // Link check (lin/win) if ( $size == "l") $action = "linkAction"; // File check (lin/win) if ($size != "d" && $size != "l") $action = "fileAction"; // Set file path if ($size == "l") { $file_path = $this->getPathFromLink($file); $file = preg_replace("/ -> .*/","",$file); } else { if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] == "/") $file_path = "/".$file; else $file_path = $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]."/".$file; } if ($this->trCount == 0) { $trClass = "trBg0"; $this->trCount=1; } else { $trClass = "trBg1"; $this->trCount=0; } /** // Check for checkbox check (only if action button clicked" if ($ui->w('ftpAction', 255, 'post') != "") { if (isset($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_rename"]) and sizeof($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_rename"]) > 1 and in_array($file,$_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_rename"])) $checked = "checked"; else $checked = ""; } else { $checked = ""; } **/ // Set the date if ($this->dateFormatUsa == 1) $date = substr($date,4,2)."/".substr($date,6,2)."/".substr($date,2,2); else $date = substr($date,6,2)."/".substr($date,4,2)."/".substr($date,2,2); $html .= ""."\n"; /** $html .= ""."\n"; if ($action != "linkAction") $html .= ""."\n"; $html .= ""."\n";**/ $html .= "".$image.""."\n"; $html .= ""."\n"; // Display Folders if ($action == "folderAction") $html .= ""."\n"; // Display Links if ($action == "linkAction") $html .= ""."\n"; // Display files if ($action == "fileAction") $html .= "actionTarget."&dl=".rawurlencode($file_path)."\" id=\"file".$i."\" target=\"ajaxIframe\" onContextMenu=\"selectFile(this.id,1); displayContextMenu(event,'".rawurlencode($file_path)."','',".$this->assignWinLinNum().")\" draggable=\"true\" onDragStart=\"selectFile(this.id,1); setDragFile('".rawurlencode($file_path)."','')\">".$this->sanitizeStr($file).""."\n"; $html .= ""."\n"; $html .= "".$this->formatFileSize($size).""."\n"; $html .= "".$date.""."\n"; $html .= "".$time.""."\n"; $html .= ""."\n"; $i++; } return $html; } ############################################### # GET PATH FROM LINK ############################################### private function getPathFromLink($file) { $file_path = preg_replace("/.* -> /","",$file); // Check if path is not absolute if (substr($file_path,0,1) != "/") { // Count occurances of ../ $i=0; while (substr($file_path,0,3) == "../") { $i++; $file_path = substr($file_path,3,strlen($file_path)); } $dir_current = $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]; // Get the real parent for ($j=0;$j<$i;$j++) { $path_parts = pathinfo($dir_current); $dir_current = $path_parts['dirname']; } // Set the path if ($dir_current == "/") $file_path = "/".$file_path; else $file_path = $dir_current."/".$file_path; } if ($file_path == "~/") $file_path = "~"; return $file_path; } //############################################## // GET PARENT DIRECTORY //############################################## private function getParentDir() { if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] == "/") { $parent = "/"; } else { $path_parts = pathinfo($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]); $parent = $path_parts['dirname']; } return $parent; } ############################################### # FORMAT FILE SIZES ############################################### private function formatFileSize($size) { global $lang_size_b; global $lang_size_kb; global $lang_size_mb; global $lang_size_gb; if ($size == "d" || $size == "l") { $size=""; } else { if ($size < 1024) { $size = round($size,2).' '. $lang_size_b; } elseif ($size < (1024*1024)) { $size = round(($size/1024),0).' '.$lang_size_kb; } elseif ($size < (1024*1024*1024)) { $size = round((($size/1024)/1024),0).' '.$lang_size_mb; } elseif ($size < (1024*1024*1024*1024)) { $size = round(((($size/1024)/1024)/1024),0).' '.$lang_size_gb; } } return $size; } ############################################### # DISPLAY ERRORS ############################################### public function displayErrors() { global $lang_title_errors; $sizeAr = sizeof($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["errors"]); $return = ''; if ($sizeAr > 0) { $width = ($this->getMaxStrLen($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["errors"]) * 10) + 30; $height = sizeof($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["errors"]) * 25; $title = $lang_title_errors; // Display pop-up $return .= $this->displayPopupOpen(1,$width,$height,1,$title); $errors = array_reverse($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["errors"]); foreach($errors AS $error) { $return .= $error."
"; } $vars = "&ftpAction=openFolder&resetErrorArray=1"; $return .=$this->displayPopupClose(1,$vars,0); } $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["errors"] = array(); return $return; } //############################################## // DISPLAY POP-UP FRAME OPEN //############################################## private function displayPopupOpen($resize,$width,$height,$isError,$title) { global $ui; // Set default sizes of exceeded if ($resize == 1) { if ($width < 400) $width = 400; if ($height > 400) $height = 400; } // Center window if ($ui->id('windowWidth', 255, 'post') > 0) $left = round(($ui->id('windowWidth', 255, 'post') - $width) / 2 - 15); // -15 for H padding else $left = 250; if ($ui->id('windowHeight', 255, 'post') > 0) $top = round(($ui->id('windowHeight', 255, 'post') - $height) / 2 - 50); else $top = 250; $return = "
"; $return .= "
"; if ($isError == 1) $divId = "popupHeaderError"; else $divId = "popupHeaderAction"; $return .= "
"; $return .= $title; $return .= "
"; if ($isError == 1) $divId = "popupBodyError"; else $divId = "popupBodyAction"; $return .= "
"; return $return; } //############################################## // DISPLAY POP-UP FRAME CLOSE //############################################## function displayPopupClose($isError,$vars,$btnCancel) { global $lang_btn_ok; global $lang_btn_cancel; $return = "
"; if ($isError == 1) $divId = "popupFooterError"; else $divId = "popupFooterAction"; $return .= "
"; // OK button if ($vars != "") $return .= " "; // Cancel button if ($btnCancel == 1) $return .= " "; $return .= "
"; $return .= "
"; $return .= "
"; return $return; } public function divClose() { return '
'; } ############################################### # DISPLAY IFRAME ############################################### public function displayAjaxIframe() { return ''; } ############################################### # DISPLAY UPLOAD PROGRESS ############################################### public function displayUploadProgress() { global $lang_xfer_file; global $lang_xfer_size; global $lang_xfer_progress; global $lang_xfer_elapsed; global $lang_xfer_uploaded; global $lang_xfer_rate; global $lang_xfer_remain; return ''; } ############################################### # WINDOW FOOTER ############################################### public function displayAjaxFooter() { global $lang_btn_new_folder; global $lang_btn_new_file; global $lang_btn_refresh; global $lang_info_upload_limit; return '
' . $lang_info_upload_limit . ': ' . round(($this->upload_limit /(1024 * 1024) ) * 0.9) . ' MB' . '
'; } //############################################## // LOAD JAVASCRIPT LANGUAGE VARS //############################################## public function loadJsLangVars() { global $lang_no_xmlhttp; global $lang_support_drop; global $lang_no_support_drop; global $lang_transfer_pending; global $lang_transferring_to_ftp; global $lang_no_file_selected; global $lang_none_selected; global $lang_context_open; global $lang_context_download; global $lang_context_edit; global $lang_context_cut; global $lang_context_copy; global $lang_context_paste; global $lang_context_rename; global $lang_context_delete; global $lang_context_chmod; global $lang_size_b; global $lang_size_kb; global $lang_size_mb; global $lang_size_gb; global $lang_btn_upload_file; global $lang_btn_upload_files; global $lang_btn_upload_repeat; global $lang_btn_upload_folder; global $lang_file_size_error; global $lang_context_template; return ""; } ############################################### # ESCAPE QUOTES ############################################### private function quotesEscape($str,$type) { if ($type == "s" || $type == "") $str = str_replace("'","\'",$str); if ($type == "d" || $type == "") $str = str_replace('"','\"',$str); return $str; } ############################################### # UNESCAPE QUOTES ############################################### private function quotesUnescape($str) { $str = str_replace("\'","'",$str); $str = str_replace('\"','"',$str); return $str; } ############################################### # REPLACE QUOTES ############################################### private function quotesReplace($str,$type) { $str = $this->quotesUnescape($str); if ($type == "s") $str = str_replace("'","´",$str); if ($type == "d") $str = str_replace('"','"',$str); return $str; } ############################################### # LOAD AJAX ############################################### public function loadAjax() { global $template_to_use; $javascript = (is_file(EASYWIDIR . '/js/' . $template_to_use . '/monstaftp_ajax.js')) ? 'js/' . $template_to_use . '/monstaftp_ajax.js' : 'js/default/monstaftp_ajax.js'; return ''; } ############################################### # WRITE HIDDEN DIVS ############################################### public function writeHiddenDivs() { return ' '; } ############################################### # END FORM ############################################### function displayFormEnd() { return ''; } ############################################### # PROCESS ACTIONS ############################################### public function processActions() { global $ui; $ftpAction = $ui->w('ftpAction', 255, 'post'); if ($ftpAction == "") $ftpAction = $ui->w('ftpAction', 255, 'get'); // Open folder (always called) if ($this->openFolder() == 1) { // New file if ($ftpAction == "newFile") return $this->newFile(); // New folder if ($ftpAction == "newFolder") return $this->newFolder(); // Upload file if ($ftpAction == "upload") return $this->uploadFile(); // Cut if ($ftpAction == "cut") return $this->cutFilesPre(); // Copy if ($ftpAction == "copy") return $this->copyFilesPre(); // Paste if ($ftpAction == "paste") return $this->pasteFiles(); // Delete if ($ftpAction == "delete") return $this->deleteFiles(); // Rename if ($ftpAction == "rename") return $this->renameFiles(); // Drag & Drop if ($ftpAction == "dragDrop") return $this->dragDropFiles(); // Edit if ($ftpAction == "edit") return $this->editFile(); // Template create if ($ftpAction == "template") return $this->editTemplate(); } return ''; } ############################################### # CHANGE FTP DIRECTORY (OPEN FOLDER) ############################################### private function openFolder() { global $ui; global $lang_folder_doesnt_exist; $isError=0; if ($this->loggedIn === true) { // Set the folder to open if (isset($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]) and $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] != "") $dir = $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]; if (isset($ui->post['openFolder']) and $ui->post['openFolder'] != "") $dir = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->post['openFolder']); // Check dir is set if (!isset($dir)) { $dir = ""; // No folder set (must be first login), so set home dir if ($this->win_lin == "lin") $dir = "~"; if ($this->win_lin == "win") $dir = "/"; } // Attempt to change directory if (!@ftp_chdir($this->ftpConnection, $dir)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($dir) == 1) { if (!@ftp_chdir($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($dir))) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$dir,$lang_folder_doesnt_exist); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("folder",$dir,$lang_folder_doesnt_exist); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) { // Set new directory $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] = $dir; // Record new directory to history if (!is_array($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"])) // array check $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"] = array(); if (!in_array($dir,$_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"])) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"][] = $dir; asort($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"]); // sort array } return 1; } else { // Delete item from history $this->deleteFtpHistory($dir); // Change to previous directory (if folder to open is currently open) if ((isset($ui->post['openFolder']) and $ui->post['openFolder'] == $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]) or !isset($ui->post['openFolder']) or $ui->post['openFolder'] == "") $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] = $this->getParentDir(); return 0; } } return 0; } ############################################### # DELETE FTP HISTORY ############################################### private function deleteFtpHistory($dirDelete) { $dirDelete = str_replace("/","\/",$dirDelete); // Check each item in the history if (is_array($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"])) { foreach($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"] AS $dir) { if (!@preg_match("/^".$dirDelete."/", $dir)) $dir_history[] = $dir; } // Set new array if (isset($dir_history)) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"] = $dir_history; // Sort array if (is_array($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"])) asort($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_history"]); } } } ############################################### # NEW FILE ############################################### private function newFile() { global $ui; global $sql; global $user_id; global $resellerLockupID; global $shorten; global $lang_title_new_file; global $lang_new_file_name; global $lang_template; global $lang_no_template; global $lang_file_exists; global $lang_file_cant_make; $isError=0; $return = ''; // Set vars $vars = "&ftpAction=newFile"; $file_name = trim($this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped("newFile","post"))); $file_names = array(); $langs = ''; if ($file_name == "") { $title = $lang_title_new_file; $width = 400; $height = 95; // Display pop-up $return .= $this->displayPopupOpen(0,$width,$height,0,$title); $return .= ""; $return .= "

".$lang_template.": "; $return .= ""; $return .= $this->displayPopupClose(0,$vars,1); } else { // md5 to unify and catch any uncaught path traversal attacks $fp1 = EASYWIDIR . "/tmp/" . md5($_SESSION['userid'] . $file_name) . '.tmp'; if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] == "/") $fp2 = "/".$file_name; else $fp2 = $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]."/".$file_name; // Check if file already exists if ($this->checkFileExists("f",$file_name,$_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_file_exists); } else { $content = ''; // Get template if ($ui->id('template', 10, 'post') and $ui->config('template', 'post') != $lang_no_template) { $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `content` FROM `gserver_file_templates` WHERE `templateID`=? AND `servertype`=? AND (`userID` IS NULL OR `userID`=?) AND `resellerID`=?"); $query->execute(array($ui->id('template', 10, 'post'), $shorten, $user_id, $resellerLockupID)); $content = $query->fetchColumn(); } // Write file to server $tmpFile = @fopen($fp1,"w+"); @fputs($tmpFile,$content); @fclose($tmpFile); // Upload the file if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $fp2, $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp2) == 1) { if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($fp2), $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_file_cant_make); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_file_cant_make); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) { // Open editor $file = $fp2; $return .= $this->displayEditFileForm($file,$content); } // Delete tmp file unlink($fp1); } } return $return; } ############################################### # CHECK IF FILE EXISTS ############################################### function checkFileExists($type,$file_name,$folder_path) { $ftp_rawlist = $this->getFtpRawList($folder_path); if (is_array($ftp_rawlist)) { $fileNameAr = array(); // Go through array of files/folders foreach($ftp_rawlist AS $ff) { // Lin if ($this->win_lin == "lin") { // Split up array into values $ff = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$ff,9); $perms = $ff[0]; $file = $ff[8]; if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if ($type == "f" && $this->getFileType($perms) == "f") $fileNameAr[] = $file; if ($type == "d" && $this->getFileType($perms) == "d") $fileNameAr[] = $file; } } // Win if ($this->win_lin == "win") { // Split up array into values $ff = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$ff,4); $size = $ff[2]; $file = $ff[3]; if ($size == "

") $size = "d"; if ($type == "d" && $size == "d") $fileNameAr[] = $file; if ($type == "f" && $size != "d") $fileNameAr[] = $file; } } // Check if file is in array if (in_array($file_name,$fileNameAr)) return 1; } else { return 0; } return false; } ############################################### # EDIT FILE PROCESS (EDIT FILE) ############################################### function displayEditFileForm($file,$content) { global $ui; global $lang_title_edit_file; global $lang_btn_save; global $lang_btn_close; $return = ''; $width = ($ui->id('windowWidth',255,'post') > 250) ? $ui->id('windowWidth',255,'post') - 250 : 250; $height = ($ui->id('windowHeight',255,'post') > 220) ? $ui->id('windowHeight',255,'post') - 220 : 220; $editorHeight = (int) $height - 85; $file_display = $this->sanitizeStr($file); $file_display = $this->replaceTilde($file_display); $title = $lang_title_edit_file.": ".$file_display; // Display pop-up $return .= $this->displayPopupOpen(0,$width,$height,0,$title); $return .= "sanitizeStr($file)."\">"; $return .= ""; // Save button $return .= " "; // Close button $return .= " "; $return .=$this->displayPopupClose(0,"",0); return $return; } ############################################### # EDIT FILE PROCESS (SAVE FILE) ############################################### // Saving the file to the iframe preserves the cursor position in the edit div. public function editProcess() { global $ui; global $lang_server_error_up; if ($this->loggedIn) { // Get file contents $file = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped('file','post')); $file_name = $this->getFileFromPath($file); // user md5 to mask file and also to catch any uncaught path traversal attacks $fp1 = EASYWIDIR . "/tmp/" . md5($_SESSION['userid'] . $file_name) . '.tmp'; $fp2 = $file; // Write content to a file $tmpFile = @fopen($fp1,"w+"); @fputs($tmpFile,$ui->escaped('editContent','post')); @fclose($tmpFile); if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $fp2, $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp2) == 1) { if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($fp2), $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_server_error_up); } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_server_error_up); } } // Delete tmp file unlink($fp1); } return ''; } ############################################### # EDIT TEMPLATE PROCESS (SAVE FILE) ############################################### // Saving the file to the iframe preserves the cursor position in the edit div. public function editProcessTemplate() { global $ui; global $sql; global $user_id; global $shorten; global $resellerLockupID; global $lang_server_error_up; $file = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped('templateName','post')); $file_name = $this->getFileFromPath($file); if ($this->loggedIn) { $query = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `gserver_file_templates` (`userID`,`servertype`,`name`,`content`,`resellerID`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"); $query->execute(array($user_id, $shorten, $file_name, $ui->escaped('editContent','post'), $resellerLockupID)); } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_server_error_up); } return ''; } ############################################### # DOWNLOAD FILE ############################################### public function downloadFile() { global $ui; global $lang_server_error_down; if ($this->loggedIn) { $isError=0; $file = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped("dl","get")); $file_name = $this->getFileFromPath($file); $fp1 = EASYWIDIR . "/tmp/" . md5($_SESSION['userid'] . $file_name) . '.tmp'; $fp2 = $file; // Download the file if (!@ftp_get($this->ftpConnection, $fp1, $fp2, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp2) == 1) { if (!@ftp_get($this->ftpConnection, $fp1, $this->replaceTilde($fp2), FTP_BINARY)) { $this->recordFileError("file", $this->quotesEscape($file,"s"), $lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("file", $this->quotesEscape($file,"s"), $lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) { header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $this->quotesEscape($file_name, "d") . "\""); // quotes required for spacing in filename header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($fp1)); flush(); $fp = fopen($fp1, "rb"); while (!feof($fp)) { echo fread($fp, 1024); flush(); } fclose($fp); } // Delete tmp file unlink($fp1); } return ''; } ############################################### # NEW FOLDER ############################################### private function newFolder() { global $ui; global $lang_title_new_folder; global $lang_new_folder_name; global $lang_folder_exists; global $lang_folder_cant_make; // Set vars $vars = "&ftpAction=newFolder"; $return = ''; $folder = trim($this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped("newFolder","post"))); if ($folder == "") { $title = $lang_title_new_folder; $width = 400; $height = 40; // Display pop-up $return .= $this->displayPopupOpen(0,$width,$height,0,$title); $return .= ""; $return .= $this->displayPopupClose(0,$vars,1); } else { // Check if folder exists if ($this->checkFileExists("d",$folder,$_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]) == 1 || $folder == "..") { $this->recordFileError("folder",$folder,$lang_folder_exists); } else { if (!@ftp_mkdir($this->ftpConnection, $folder)) $this->recordFileError("folder",$folder,$lang_folder_cant_make); } } return $return; } ############################################### # DELETE FILES & FOLDERS ############################################### private function deleteFiles () { global $lang_file_doesnt_exist; global $lang_cant_delete; $folderArray = $this->recreateFileFolderArrays("folder"); $fileArray = $this->recreateFileFolderArrays("file"); // folders foreach($folderArray AS $folder) { $folder = $this->getFileFromPath($folder); $this->deleteFolder($folder,$_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]); } // files foreach($fileArray AS $file) { $isError=0; $file_decoded = urldecode($file); if ($file != "") { // Check if file exists if ($this->checkFileExists("f",$file,$_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file,$lang_file_doesnt_exist); } else { if (!@ftp_delete($this->ftpConnection, $file_decoded)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($file_decoded) == 1) { if (!@ftp_delete($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($file_decoded))) { $isError=1; } } else { $isError=1; } } // If deleting decoded file fails, try original file name if ($isError == 1) { if (!@ftp_delete($this->ftpConnection, "".$file."")) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($file) == 1) { if (!@ftp_delete($this->ftpConnection, "".$this->replaceTilde($file)."")) { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->getFileFromPath($file),$lang_cant_delete); } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->getFileFromPath($file),$lang_cant_delete); } } } } } } return ''; } ############################################### # DELETE FOLDER ############################################### private function deleteFolder($folder,$path) { global $lang_cant_delete; global $lang_folder_doesnt_exist; global $lang_folder_cant_delete; $isError=0; $folder_path = ''; // List contents of folder if ($path != "/" && $path != "~") { $folder_path = $path."/".$folder; } else { if ($this->win_lin == "lin") if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] == "/") $folder_path = "/".$folder; if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] == "~") $folder_path = "~/".$folder; if ($this->win_lin == "win") $folder_path = "/".$folder; } $ftp_rawlist = $this->getFtpRawList($folder_path); // Go through array of files/folders if (sizeof($ftp_rawlist) > 0) { foreach($ftp_rawlist AS $ff) { $isFolder=0; $file = ''; // Split up array into values (Lin) if ($this->win_lin == "lin") { $ff = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$ff,9); $perms = $ff[0]; $file = $ff[8]; if ($this->getFileType($perms) == "d") $isFolder=1; } // Split up array into values (Win) if ($this->win_lin == "win") { $ff = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$ff,4); $size = $ff[2]; $file = $ff[3]; if ($size == "") $isFolder=1; } if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { // Check for sub folders and then perform this function if ($isFolder == 1) { $this->deleteFolder($file,$folder_path); } else { // otherwise delete file $file_path = $folder_path."/".$file; if (!@ftp_delete($this->ftpConnection, "".$file_path."")) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($file_path) == 1) { if (!@ftp_delete($this->ftpConnection, "".$this->replaceTilde($file_path)."")) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_path,$lang_cant_delete); } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_path,$lang_cant_delete); } } } } } } // Check if file exists if ($this->checkFileExists("d",$folder,$folder_path) == 1) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["errors"][] = str_replace("[file]","".$this->tidyFolderPath($folder_path,$folder)."",$lang_folder_doesnt_exist); } else { // Chage dir up before deleting ftp_cdup($this->ftpConnection); // Delete the empty folder if (!@ftp_rmdir($this->ftpConnection, "".$folder_path."")) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($folder_path) == 1) { if (!@ftp_rmdir($this->ftpConnection, "".$this->replaceTilde($folder_path)."")) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$folder_path,$lang_folder_cant_delete); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("folder",$folder_path,$lang_folder_cant_delete); $isError=1; } } // Remove directory from history if ($isError == 0) $this->deleteFtpHistory($folder_path); } } ############################################### # RECREATE FOLDER & FILE ARRAYS ############################################### private function recreateFileFolderArrays($type) { global $ui; $array = false; $arrayNew = array(); if ($ui->escaped("fileSingle","post") != "" || $ui->escaped("folderSingle","post") != "") { // Single file/folder if ($type == "file" && $ui->escaped("fileSingle","post") != "") { $file = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped("fileSingle","post")); $arrayNew[] = $file; } if ($type == "folder" && $ui->escaped("folderSingle","post") != "") $arrayNew[] = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped("folderSingle","post")); } else { // Array file/folder if ($type == "file") $array = (array) $ui->escaped("fileAction","post"); if ($type == "folder") $array = (array) $ui->escaped("folderAction","post"); if (is_array($array) and count($array) > 0) { foreach($array AS $file) { $file = $this->quotesUnescape($file); if ($file != "") $arrayNew[] = $file; } } } return $arrayNew; } ############################################### # RENAME FILES ############################################### private function renameFiles() { global $ui; global $lang_file_exists; global $lang_folder_exists; global $lang_cant_rename; global $lang_title_rename; $return = ''; // Check for processing of form if ($ui->id('processAction',1,'post') == 1) { $i=0; // Go through array of saved names foreach ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_rename"] AS $file) { $isError=0; $file_name = trim($ui->escaped('file'.$i,'post')); $file_name = $this->quotesUnescape($file_name); $file = $this->quotesUnescape($file); $fileExists=0; // Check for a different name if ($file_name != $file) { if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] == "/") $file_to_move = "/".$file; if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] == "~") $file_to_move = "~/".$file; if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] != "/" && $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] != "~") $file_to_move = $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]."/".$file; $file_destination = $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]."/".$file_name; // Check if file exists if ($this->checkFileExists("f",$file_name,$_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->sanitizeStr($file_name),$lang_file_exists); $fileExists=1; } // Check if folder exists if ($this->checkFileExists("d",$file_name,$_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->sanitizeStr($file_name),$lang_folder_exists); $fileExists=1; } if ($fileExists == 0 and isset($file_to_move)) { if (!@ftp_rename($this->ftpConnection, $file_to_move, $file_destination)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($file_to_move) == 1) { if (!@ftp_rename($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($file_to_move), $this->replaceTilde($file_destination))) { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->sanitizeStr($file),$lang_cant_rename); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->sanitizeStr($file),$lang_cant_rename); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) { // Delete item from history $this->deleteFtpHistory($file_to_move); } } } $i++; } // Reset var $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_rename"] = array(); } else { // Recreate arrays $fileArray = $this->recreateFileFolderArrays("file"); $folderArray = $this->recreateFileFolderArrays("folder"); $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_rename"] = array(); $n = sizeof($fileArray) + sizeof($folderArray); $height = $n * 35; $width = 565; $title = $lang_title_rename; // Display pop-up $return .= $this->displayPopupOpen(1,$width,$height,0,$title); $i=0; // Set vars $vars = "&ftpAction=rename&processAction=1"; $onKeyPress = "onkeypress=\"if (event.keyCode==13){ processForm('".$vars."'); activateActionButtons(0,0); return false; }\""; // Display folders foreach($folderArray AS $folder) { $folder = $this->getFileFromPath($folder); $return .= " "; $return .= "quotesReplace($folder,"d")."\" ".$onKeyPress.">
"; $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_rename"][] = $folder; $i++; } // Display files foreach($fileArray AS $file) { $file = $this->getFileFromPath($file); $return .= " "; $return .= "quotesReplace($file,"d")."\" ".$onKeyPress.">
"; $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_rename"][] = $file; $i++; } $return .= $this->displayPopupClose(0,$vars,1); } return $return; } ############################################### # CLIPBOARD FILES ############################################### private function clipboard_files () { // Recreate arrays $folderArray = $this->recreateFileFolderArrays("folder"); $fileArray = $this->recreateFileFolderArrays("file"); // Reset cut session var $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_folders"] = array(); $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_files"] = array(); // Folders foreach($folderArray AS $folder) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_folders"][] = $this->quotesUnescape($folder); } // Files foreach($fileArray AS $file) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_files"][] = $this->quotesUnescape($file); } return ''; } ############################################### # CUT FILES & FOLDERS ############################################### private function cutFilesPre() { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["copy"] = 0; return $this->clipboard_files(); } ############################################### # COPY FILES & FOLDERS ############################################### private function copyFilesPre() { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["copy"] = 1; return $this->clipboard_files(); } ############################################### # PASTE FILES ############################################### private function pasteFiles() { if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["copy"] == 1) return $this->copyFiles(); return $this->moveFiles(); } ############################################### # COPY FILES ############################################### private function copyFiles() { // As there is no PHP function to copy files by FTP on a remote server, the files // need to be downloaded to the client server and then uploaded to the copy location. global $ui; global $lang_folder_exists; global $lang_file_exists; global $lang_server_error_down; global $lang_server_error_up; // Check for a right-clicked folder (else it's current) if ($ui->escaped('rightClickFolder', 'post')) $folderMoveTo = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped('rightClickFolder', 'post')); else $folderMoveTo = $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]; // Folders foreach ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_folders"] as $folder) { $folder_name = $this->getFileFromPath($folder); $path_parts = pathinfo($folder); $dir_source = $path_parts['dirname']; // Check if folder exists if ($this->checkFileExists("f",$folder_name,$folderMoveTo) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->tidyFolderPath($folderMoveTo,$folder_name),$lang_folder_exists); } else { $this->copyFolder($folder_name,$folderMoveTo,$dir_source); } } // Files foreach ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_files"] as $file) { $isError=0; $file_name = $this->getFileFromPath($file); $fp1 = EASYWIDIR . "/tmp/" . md5($_SESSION['userid'] . $file_name) . '.tmp'; $fp2 = $file; $fp3 = $folderMoveTo."/".$file_name; // Check if file exists if ($this->checkFileExists("f",$file_name,$folderMoveTo) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->tidyFolderPath($folderMoveTo,$file_name),$lang_file_exists); } else { // Download file to client server if (!@ftp_get($this->ftpConnection, $fp1, $fp2, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp2) == 1) { if (!@ftp_get($this->ftpConnection, $fp1, $this->replaceTilde($fp2), FTP_BINARY)) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) { // Upload file to remote server if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $fp3, $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp3) == 1) { if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($fp3), $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_server_error_up); } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_server_error_up); } } } // Delete tmp file unlink($fp1); } } return ''; } ############################################### # MOVE FILES (CUT) ############################################### private function moveFiles() { global $ui; global $lang_move_conflict; global $lang_folder_exists; global $lang_folder_cant_move; global $lang_file_exists; global $lang_file_cant_move; $moveError = 0; // Check for a right-clicked folder (else it's current) if ($ui->escaped('rightClickFolder', 'post')) $folderMoveTo = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped('rightClickFolder', 'post')); else $folderMoveTo = $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]; // Check if destination folder is a sub-folder if (sizeof($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_folders"]) > 0) { $sourceFolder = str_replace("/","\/",$_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_folders"][0]); if (preg_match("/".$sourceFolder."/", $folderMoveTo)) { $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["errors"][] = $lang_move_conflict; $moveError=1; } } if ($moveError != 1) { // Folders foreach ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_folders"] as $folder_to_move) { $isError=0; // Create the new filename and path $file_destination = $this->getFileFromPath($folder_to_move); $folder = $this->getFileFromPath($folder_to_move); // Check if folder exists if ($this->checkFileExists("d",$folder,$folderMoveTo) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->tidyFolderPath($folderMoveTo,$folder),$lang_folder_exists); } else { if (!@ftp_rename($this->ftpConnection, $folder_to_move, $file_destination)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($folder_to_move) == 1) { if (!@ftp_rename($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($folder_to_move), $this->replaceTilde($file_destination))) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->tidyFolderPath($file_destination,$folder_to_move),$lang_folder_cant_move); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->tidyFolderPath($file_destination,$folder_to_move),$lang_folder_cant_move); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) $this->deleteFtpHistory($folder_to_move); } } // Files foreach ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_files"] as $file_to_move) { // Create the new filename and path $file_destination = $folderMoveTo."/".$this->getFileFromPath($file_to_move); $file = $this->getFileFromPath($file_to_move); // Check if file exists if ($this->checkFileExists("f",$file,$folderMoveTo) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file,$lang_file_exists); } else { if (!@ftp_rename($this->ftpConnection, $file_to_move, $file_destination)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($file_to_move) == 1) { if (!@ftp_rename($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($file_to_move), $this->replaceTilde($file_destination))) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_to_move,$lang_file_cant_move); } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_to_move,$lang_file_cant_move); } } } } } $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_folders"] = array(); $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["clipboard_files"] = array(); return ''; } ############################################### # COPY FOLDERS ############################################### private function copyFolder($folder,$dir_destin,$dir_source) { global $lang_folder_cant_access; global $lang_folder_exists; global $lang_folder_cant_chmod; global $lang_folder_cant_make; global $lang_server_error_down; global $lang_file_cant_chmod; global $lang_chmod_no_support; $isError=0; // Check if ftp_chmod() exists if (!function_exists('ftp_chmod')) { $_SESSION["errors"][] = $lang_chmod_no_support; } // Check source folder exists if (!@ftp_chdir($this->ftpConnection, $dir_source."/".$folder)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($dir_source) == 1) { if (!@ftp_chdir($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($dir_source)."/".$folder)) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->tidyFolderPath($dir_destin,$folder),$lang_folder_cant_access); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->tidyFolderPath($dir_destin,$folder),$lang_folder_cant_access); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) { // Check if destination folder exists if ($this->checkFileExists("d",$folder,$dir_destin) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->tidyFolderPath($dir_destin,$folder),$lang_folder_exists); } else { // Create the new folder if (!@ftp_mkdir($this->ftpConnection, $dir_destin."/".$folder)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($dir_destin) == 1) { if (!@ftp_mkdir($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($dir_destin)."/".$folder)) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->tidyFolderPath($dir_destin,$folder),$lang_folder_cant_make); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->tidyFolderPath($dir_destin,$folder),$lang_folder_cant_make); $isError=1; } } } } if ($isError == 0) { // Copy permissions (Lin) if ($this->win_lin == "lin") { $mode = $this->getPerms($dir_source,$folder); $lang_folder_cant_chmod = str_replace("[perms]",$mode,$lang_folder_cant_chmod); if (function_exists('ftp_chmod')) { if (!ftp_chmod($this->ftpConnection, $mode, $dir_destin."/".$folder)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($dir_destin) == 1) { if (!@ftp_chmod($this->ftpConnection, $mode, $this->replaceTilde($dir_destin)."/".$folder)) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$folder,$lang_folder_cant_chmod); } } else { $this->recordFileError("folder",$folder,$lang_folder_cant_chmod); } } } } // Go through array of files/folders $ftp_rawlist = $this->getFtpRawList($dir_source."/".$folder); if (is_array($ftp_rawlist)) { foreach($ftp_rawlist AS $ff) { $isError=0; $perms = false; $file = false; $isDir = 0; // Split up array into values (Lin) if ($this->win_lin == "lin") { $ff = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$ff,9); $perms = $ff[0]; $file = $ff[8]; if ($this->getFileType($perms) == "d") $isDir=1; } // Split up array into values (Win) if ($this->win_lin == "win") { $ff = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$ff,4); $size = $ff[2]; $file = $ff[3]; if ($size == "") $isDir=1; } if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { // Check for sub folders and then perform this function if ($isDir == 1) { if ($file != $folder) { $this->copyFolder($file,$dir_destin."/".$folder,$dir_source."/".$folder); } } else { $fp1 = EASYWIDIR . "/tmp/" . md5($_SESSION['userid'] . $file) . '.tmp'; $fp2 = $dir_source."/".$folder."/".$file; $fp3 = $dir_destin."/".$folder."/".$file; // Download if (!@ftp_get($this->ftpConnection, $fp1, $fp2, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp2) == 1) { if (!@ftp_get($this->ftpConnection, $fp1, $this->replaceTilde($fp2), FTP_BINARY)) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file,$lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file,$lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } // Upload if ($isError == 0) { if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $fp3, $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp3) == 1) { if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($fp3), $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file,$lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file,$lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } } if ($isError == 0) { // Chmod files (Lin) if ($this->win_lin == "lin") { $perms = $this->getChmodNumber($perms); $mode = $this->formatChmodNumber($perms); $lang_file_cant_chmod = str_replace("[perms]",$perms,$lang_file_cant_chmod); if (function_exists('ftp_chmod')) { if (!@ftp_chmod($this->ftpConnection, $mode, $fp3)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp3) == 1) { if (!@ftp_chmod($this->ftpConnection, $mode, $this->replaceTilde($fp3))) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file,$lang_server_error_down); } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file,$lang_server_error_down); } } } } } // Delete tmp file unlink($fp1); } } } } unset($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["ftp_rawlist"]); } return ''; } ############################################### # GET PERMISSIONS OF FILE/FOLDER ############################################### private function getPerms($folder,$file_name) { $ftp_rawlist = $this->getFtpRawList($folder); if (is_array($ftp_rawlist)) { foreach($ftp_rawlist AS $ff) { // Split up array into values $ff = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$ff,9); $perms = $ff[0]; $file = $ff[8]; if ($file == $file_name) { $perms = $this->getChmodNumber($perms); $perms = $this->formatChmodNumber($perms); return $perms; } } } return false; } ############################################### # FORMAT CHMOD NUMBER ############################################### function formatChmodNumber($str) { $str = trim($str); $str = octdec ( str_pad ( $str, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ) ); $str = (int) $str; return $str; } ############################################### # GET CHMOD NUMBER ############################################### function getChmodNumber($str) { $j=0; $strlen = strlen($str); for ($i=0;$i<$strlen;$i++) { $m = 0; if ($i>=1&&$i<=3) $m=100; if ($i>=4&&$i<=6) $m=10; if ($i>=7&&$i<=9) $m=1; $l = substr($str,$i,1); if ($l != "d" && $l != "-") { $n = 0; if ($l=="r") $n=4; if ($l=="w") $n=2; if ($l=="x") $n=1; $j = $j+($n*$m); } } return $j; } //############################################## // TIDY FOLDER PATH //############################################## function tidyFolderPath($str1,$str2) { $str1 = $this->replaceTilde($str1); return ($str1 == "/") ? "/".$str2 : $str1."/".$str2; } ############################################### # EDIT FILE ############################################### private function editFile() { global $ui; global $lang_server_error_down; $return = ''; $isError=0; $file = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped("file","post")); $file_name = $this->getFileFromPath($file); $fp1 = EASYWIDIR."/tmp/".md5($_SESSION["userid"].$file_name).'.tmp'; $fp2 = $file; // Download the file if (!@ftp_get($this->ftpConnection, $fp1, $fp2, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp2) == 1) { if (!@ftp_get($this->ftpConnection, $fp1, $this->replaceTilde($fp2), FTP_BINARY)) { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->quotesEscape($file,"s"),$lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->quotesEscape($file,"s"),$lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) { $content = ''; // Check file has contents if (filesize($fp1) > 0) { $fd = @fopen($fp1,"r"); $content = @fread($fd, filesize($fp1)); @fclose($fd); } $return = $this->displayEditFileForm($file,$content); } // Delete tmp file unlink($fp1); return $return; } ############################################### # CREATE TEMPLATE ############################################### private function editTemplate() { global $ui; global $lang_server_error_down; $return = ''; $isError=0; $file = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped("file","post")); $file_name = $this->getFileFromPath($file); $fp1 = EASYWIDIR."/tmp/".md5($_SESSION["userid"].$file_name).'.tmp'; $fp2 = $file; // Download the file if (!@ftp_get($this->ftpConnection, $fp1, $fp2, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp2) == 1) { if (!@ftp_get($this->ftpConnection, $fp1, $this->replaceTilde($fp2), FTP_BINARY)) { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->quotesEscape($file,"s"),$lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->quotesEscape($file,"s"),$lang_server_error_down); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) { $content = ''; // Check file has contents if (filesize($fp1) > 0) { $fd = @fopen($fp1,"r"); $content = @fread($fd, filesize($fp1)); @fclose($fd); } $return = $this->displayTemplateFileFileForm($file,$content); } // Delete tmp file unlink($fp1); return $return; } ############################################### # EDIT FILE PROCESS (EDIT FILE) ############################################### function displayTemplateFileFileForm($file,$content) { global $ui; global $lang_btn_save; global $lang_btn_close; global $lang_context_template; $return = ''; $width = ($ui->id('windowWidth',255,'post') > 250) ? $ui->id('windowWidth',255,'post') - 250 : 250; $height = ($ui->id('windowHeight',255,'post') > 220) ? $ui->id('windowHeight',255,'post') - 220 : 220; $editorHeight = (int) $height - 105; $fileExplode = preg_split('/\//', $file, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $file_display = $this->sanitizeStr($fileExplode[(count($fileExplode)-1)]); $file_display = $this->replaceTilde($file_display); $title = $lang_context_template.": ".$file_display; // Display pop-up $return .= $this->displayPopupOpen(0,$width,$height,0,$title); $return .= "sanitizeStr($file_display)."\">"; $return .= ""; // Save button $return .= " "; // Close button $return .= " "; $return .=$this->displayPopupClose(0,"",0); return $return; } ############################################### # UPLOAD FILE ############################################### private function uploadFile() { global $ui; global $lang_server_error_up; global $lang_browser_error_up; $file_name = (string) $ui->escaped('HTTP_X_FILENAME','server'); $path = (string) $ui->escaped('filePath','get'); if ($file_name) { $fp1 = EASYWIDIR."/tmp/".md5($_SESSION["userid"].$file_name).'.tmp'; // Check if a folder is being uploaded if ($path != "") { // Check to see folder path exists (and create) $this->createFolderHeirarchy($path); $fp2 = $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]."/".$path.$file_name; } else { if ($_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"] == "/") $fp2 = "/".$file_name; else $fp2 = $_SESSION["monstaftp"][$this->serverID]["dir_current"]."/".$file_name; } // Check if file reached server if (file_put_contents($fp1, file_get_contents('php://input')) or (int) $ui->escaped('HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE','server') == 0) { if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $fp2, $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp2) == 1) { if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($fp2), $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_server_error_up); } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_server_error_up); } } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$file_name,$lang_browser_error_up); } // Delete tmp file unlink($fp1); } return ''; } ############################################### # CREATE FOLDER HEIRARCHY ############################################### function createFolderHeirarchy($path) { $folderAr = explode("/",$path); $n = sizeof($folderAr); for ($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) { if (isset($folder)) $folder .= "/".$folderAr[$i]; else $folder = $folderAr[$i]; if (!@ftp_mkdir($this->ftpConnection, $folder)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($folder) == 1) @ftp_mkdir($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($folder)); } } } ############################################### # DRAG & DROP FILES ############################################### private function dragDropFiles() { global $ui; global $lang_file_exists; global $lang_folder_exists; global $lang_file_cant_move; $fileExists=0; $dragFile = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped('dragFile','post')); $dropFolder = $this->quotesUnescape($ui->escaped('dropFolder','post')); $file_name = $this->getFileFromPath($dragFile); // Check if file exists if ($this->checkFileExists("f",$file_name,$dropFolder) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->tidyFolderPath($dropFolder,$file_name),$lang_file_exists); $fileExists=1; } // Check if folder exists if ($this->checkFileExists("d",$file_name,$dropFolder) == 1) { $this->recordFileError("folder",$this->tidyFolderPath($dropFolder,$file_name),$lang_folder_exists); $fileExists=1; } if ($fileExists == 0) { $isError=0; if (!@ftp_rename($this->ftpConnection, $dragFile, $dropFolder."/".$file_name)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($dragFile) == 1) { if (!@ftp_rename($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($dragFile), $this->replaceTilde($dropFolder)."/".$file_name)) { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->getFileFromPath($dragFile),$lang_file_cant_move); $isError=1; } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$this->getFileFromPath($dragFile),$lang_file_cant_move); $isError=1; } } if ($isError == 0) { // Delete item from history $this->deleteFtpHistory($dragFile); } } return ''; } ############################################### # UPLOAD FILE (IFRAME) ############################################### public function iframeUpload() { global $lang_server_error_up; global $lang_browser_error_up; $fp1 = $_FILES["uploadFile"]["tmp_name"]; $fp2 = $_SESSION["dir_current"]."/".$_FILES["uploadFile"]["name"]; if ($fp1 != "") { if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $fp2, $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { if ($this->checkFirstCharTilde($fp2) == 1) { if (!@ftp_put($this->ftpConnection, $this->replaceTilde($fp2), $fp1, FTP_BINARY)) { $this->recordFileError("file",$_FILES["uploadFile"]["name"],$lang_server_error_up); } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$_FILES["uploadFile"]["name"],$lang_server_error_up); } } } else { $this->recordFileError("file",$_FILES["uploadFile"]["name"],$lang_browser_error_up); } return ''; } }