* * This file is part of Easy-WI. * * Easy-WI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Easy-WI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Easy-WI. If not, see . * * Diese Datei ist Teil von Easy-WI. * * Easy-WI ist Freie Software: Sie koennen es unter den Bedingungen * der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation, * Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder spaeteren * veroeffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren. * * Easy-WI wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nuetzlich sein wird, aber * OHNE JEDE GEWAEHELEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite * Gewaehrleistung der MARKTFAEHIGKEIT oder EIGNUNG FUER EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. * Siehe die GNU General Public License fuer weitere Details. * * Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem * Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe . */ define('EASYWIDIR', dirname(__FILE__)); if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $timelimit = (isset($_GET['timeout']) and is_numeric($_GET['timeout'])) ? (int) $_GET['timeout'] : ini_get('max_execution_time') - 10; } else { $timelimit = 600; } set_time_limit($timelimit); if (!isset($ip) or $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == $ip) { function printText ($text) { echo $text."\r\n"; } function getParam ($v) { global $value; return (isset($value->$v)) ? $value->$v : ''; } printText('Cloud jobs started'); include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/vorlage.php'); include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/functions.php'); include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/class_validator.php'); include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/settings.php'); printText('File include and parameters fetched. Start connecting to external systems.'); $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT * FROM `api_import` WHERE `active`='Y'"); $query2 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `userdata` SET `salutation`=?,`mail`=?,`cname`=?,`name`=?,`vname`=?,`birthday`=?,`country`=?,`phone`=?,`fax`=?,`handy`=?,`city`=?,`cityn`=?,`street`=?,`streetn`=? WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query3 = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `userdata` (`salutation`,`mail`,`cname`,`name`,`vname`,`birthday`,`country`,`phone`,`fax`,`handy`,`city`,`cityn`,`street`,`streetn`,`usergroup`,`sourceSystemID`,`externalID`,`security`,`resellerid`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); $query4 = $sql->prepare("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `amount` FROM `userdata` WHERE `sourceSystemID`=? AND `externalID`=? LIMIT 1"); $query5 = $sql->prepare("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `amount` FROM `userdata` WHERE LOWER(`mail`)=? AND LOWER(`cname`)=? LIMIT 1"); $query6 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `userdata` SET `salutation`=?,`mail`=?,`cname`=?,`name`=?,`vname`=?,`birthday`=?,`country`=?,`phone`=?,`fax`=?,`handy`=?,`city`=?,`cityn`=?,`street`=?,`streetn`=?,`security`=? WHERE LOWER(`mail`)=? AND LOWER(`cname`)=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query7 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `api_import` SET `lastCheck`=?,`lastID`=? WHERE `importID`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(); foreach ($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { $resellerID = $row['resellerID']; $start = 0; if ($row['ssl'] == 'Y') { $ssl = 'https://'; $port = 443; } else { $ssl = 'http://'; $port = 80; } printText('Connect to: '.$ssl.$row['domain']); while (!isset($left) or $left > 0) { $getRequest = '/' . $row['file'] . '?passwordToken=' . urlencode($row['token']) . '&start=' . urlencode($start) . '&chunkSize=' . urlencode($row['chunkSize']) . '&lastID=' . urlencode($row['lastID']) . '&updateTime=' . urlencode($row['lastCheck']); $rawResponse = webhostRequest($row['domain'], 'https://easy-wi.com user importer', $getRequest, null, $port); $response = cleanFsockOpenRequest($rawResponse, '{', '}'); $decoded = json_decode($response); unset($response); if ($decoded and isset($decoded->error)) { $left = 0; if (is_array($decoded->error)) { printText('Error: ' . implode(', ', $decoded->error)); } else { printText('Error: ' . $decoded->error); } } else if ($decoded and isset($decoded->total)) { if (isset($left)) { $left -= $row['chunkSize']; } else { $left = $decoded->total - $row['chunkSize']; } $start += $row['chunkSize']; unset($lastID); foreach ($decoded->users as $value) { if (isset($value->externalID)) { $query4->execute(array(json_encode(array('I' => $row['importID'])), $value->externalID)); $checkAmount = $query4->fetchColumn(); if ($checkAmount > 0 and $row['fetchUpdates'] == 'Y') { $query2->execute(array(getParam('salutation'), strtolower(getParam('email')), getParam('loginName'), getParam('firstName'), getParam('lastName'), getParam('birthday'), getParam('country'), getParam('phone'), getParam('fax'), getParam('handy'), getParam('city'), getParam('cityn'), getParam('street'), getParam('streetn'),json_encode(array('I' => $row['importID'])), getParam('externalID'), $row['resellerID'])); printText('User updated. Loginname: ' . $value->loginName.' e-mail: ' . strtolower($value->email)); } else if ($checkAmount > 0) { printText('User update skipped. Loginname: ' . $value->loginName.' e-mail: ' . strtolower($value->email)); } else { $query5->execute(array(strtolower($value->email), strtolower($value->loginName))); if ($query5->fetchColumn()>0 and $row['fetchUpdates'] == 'Y') { $query6->execute(array(getParam('salutation'), strtolower(getParam('email')), getParam('loginName'), getParam('firstName'), getParam('lastName'), getParam('birthday'), getParam('country'), getParam('phone'), getParam('fax'), getParam('handy'), getParam('city'), getParam('cityn'), getParam('street'), getParam('streetn'), getParam('password'), strtolower($value->email), strtolower($value->loginName), $row['resellerID'])); printText('User updated. Loginname: ' . $value->loginName.' e-mail: ' . strtolower($value->email)); } else if ($checkAmount > 0) { printText('User update skipped because source system differ. Loginname: ' . $value->loginName.' e-mail: ' . strtolower($value->email)); } else { printText('Import user. Loginname: ' . $value->loginName.' e-mail: ' . strtolower($value->email)); $query3->execute(array(getParam('salutation'), strtolower(getParam('email')), getParam('loginName'), getParam('firstName'), getParam('lastName'), getParam('birthday'), getParam('country'), getParam('phone'), getParam('fax'), getParam('handy'), getParam('city'), getParam('cityn'), getParam('street'), getParam('streetn'), $row['groupID'],json_encode(array('I' => $row['importID'])), getParam('externalID'), getParam('password'), $row['resellerID'])); } } if (getParam('updatetime') != '' and (isset($lastCheck) and strtotime(getParam('updatetime')) > strtotime($lastCheck)) or !isset($lastCheck)) { $lastCheck = getParam('updatetime'); } $lastID = $value->externalID; } } if (isset($lastID)) { if (!isset($lastCheck)) { $lastCheck=date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $query7->execute(array($lastCheck, $lastID, $row['importID'])); } if ($left > 0){ printText('Total amount is: ' . $decoded->total . ' User left: ' . $left . ' need to make another run'); sleep(1); } else { printText('Total amount is: ' . $decoded->total . ' No user left.'); } } else if ($decoded) { printText('JSON Response does not contain expected values'); $left = 0; } else { if (strpos(strtolower($rawResponse), 'file not found') === false) { printText('No Json Response. Will retry.'); } else { $left = 0; printText('404: File not found'); } } } } $query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `settings` SET `lastCronCloud`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `resellerid`=0 LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(); } else { header('Location: login.php'); die('Cloud can only be run via console and or a cronjob'); }