Lacrimosa99 a304aad16e Revert "Update 6.0.5"
This reverts commit e95987167ef8790f85cd99d8dac2d2a93f561e55.
2019-03-08 20:10:49 +01:00

165 lines
7.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<all>Select all games</all>
<authkey_info><![CDATA[Your personal web API authorization key which is required for downloading Steam maps. It can be found here <a href="">here</a>.]]></authkey_info>
<backup_create>Backup will be created.</backup_create>
<backup_recover>Backup will be recovered.</backup_recover>
<belegt2>Existing folders</belegt2>
<belegt>Used ports</belegt>
<bin_folder>Binary folder (e.g. orangebox)</bin_folder>
<brandname>Server tag</brandname>
<cant_install>Could not start installation</cant_install>
<collection_info><![CDATA[Workshop collection ID used for downloading maps. Additional information can be found at <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.]]></collection_info>
<config>Server configs</config>
<confirm_change>Are you sure you want to save changes?</confirm_change>
<confirm_delete>Delete server?</confirm_delete>
<confirm_restart>(Re)start server?</confirm_restart>
<confirm_stop>Stop server?</confirm_stop>
<coreBind>CPU cores</coreBind>
<delete_server>The following server(s) will be deleted</delete_server>
<details>Extented server options</details>
<error_folder>Error: The user already has this type of server on the specified port.</error_folder>
<error_id>Error: No server could be found.</error_id>
<error_md>Error: Server could not be changed.</error_md>
<error_notinstalled>Error: You need to install a master server for this game on the root server.</error_notinstalled>
<error_port>Error: A server with the specified port already exists on that server.</error_port>
<error_server_install>Error: Could not start the installation on the server.</error_server_install>
<error_user>Error: Could not add the user.</error_user>
<failed>Error: Could not establish a connection to the server.</failed>
<folder>Server folder</folder>
<fps>Server FPS</fps>
<ftp_adresse>FTP address</ftp_adresse>
<ftp_link>FTP link</ftp_link>
<ftp_password>FTP password</ftp_password>
<ftp_path>FTP path</ftp_path>
<ftp_port>FTP port</ftp_port>
<ftp_user>FTP username</ftp_user>
<gameswitch>Choose game type</gameswitch>
<gs_add2>Add server step 2: server details</gs_add2>
<gs_add>Add server step 1: user, root server, games</gs_add>
<hdd>Disk space (MB)</hdd>
<hddinstalled>Assigned harddrive(s)</hddinstalled>
<heading_delete>Delete game server</heading_delete>
<heading_template>Game server overview</heading_template>
You can set server restarts at the top of every hour with our restart planner.<br />
This feature is helpful if you want to switch the game or the template at a given time.
Our web interface allows you to edit the most important config files for your game server. Config files belonging to plugins will be added once they have been installed with the web interface.<br />
<br />
If you can't see files then you must edit them via FTP.
On this page you can change games at any time. Specifically, our <em>Template</em> feature allows you to maintain multiple game configurations.
This overview lists detailed game server information, for example, the active template, FTP data, etc. The submenus will allow you to do extensive configuration changes.<br />
Games and templates can be defined at <em>Settings</em>. The <em>Server configs</em> area will allow you to manage game and addon settings. If you want to automatically change a game or template, the <em>Restart planner</em> can be useful. Troubleshooting can be done with the <em>Logs</em>.
<em>Resynchronization</em> will add missing files without altering existing ones. This is useful of you've deleted files by accident or new update files are absent.<br />
<br />
<em>Reinstall</em> will result in a complete reset. All data will be lost, and the server will be reset to factory defaults.<br />
<br />
Both actions are started with the <em>Execute</em> button and usually completed within a few minutes.
<homeDir>Home dir</homeDir>
<import_corrected>Is this path correct?</import_corrected>
<import_destination>Destination server, game and template of import</import_destination>
<import_source>Data source to be imported</import_source>
<import_start>Migration service started. This process may take some time!</import_start>
<installAll>All games</installAll>
<installGames>Preinstall games</installGames>
<ip>Game server IP address</ip>
<lendserver>Server lendable</lendserver>
<primary>Primary game</primary>
<mod>Mod folder (e.g. cstrike or tf)</mod>
<nameremoved>Server tag removed</nameremoved>
<no_game>No game has been selected.</no_game>
<no_server_left>No servers left for this user. Deleting user from the root server.</no_server_left>
<off>Server is offline</off>
<port_gs>Game server port</port_gs>
<premoved>Server password removed</premoved>
<protect>Protection mode</protect>
<ramMax>Maximum RAM</ramMax>
<ramMin>Minimum RAM</ramMin>
<raminstalled>Assigned ram</raminstalled>
<rcon>Remote password (RCON)</rcon>
<restart_all>Restart all servers</restart_all>
<restarts>Restart server</restarts>
<restarttime>Restart planner</restarttime>
<root>Root server</root>
<server>Server address</server>
<serverinstalled>Installed servers</serverinstalled>
<servername>Server name</servername>
<serverrestart>Restarting server</serverrestart>
<serverstop>Stopping server</serverstop>
<servertype>Server type</servertype>
<server_details>Details for</server_details>
<server_installed>Successfully started the resynchronization/reinstallation on the server.</server_installed>
<server_ud>Updated server data</server_ud>
<slots>Player slots</slots>
<slotsinstalled>Allocated slots</slotsinstalled>
<slotsused>Used slots</slotsused>
<start>Start command</start>
<startmap>Start map</startmap>
<startmapgroup>Start map group</startmapgroup>
<start_own>Own start command</start_own>
<stop>Stop server</stop>
<switch>Switch to user</switch>
<tv>TV allowed</tv>
<tvuploadstart>SourceTV upload started</tvuploadstart>
<type>Installation type</type>
<updated>The config has been successfully edited.</updated>
<updatetime>Status at</updatetime>
<usage>Server allocation</usage>
<usedports>Used ports</usedports>
<user>User name</user>
<useredit>editable by user</useredit>
<user_add>Successfully added the user on the root server.</user_add>
<war>Private server</war>
<webFtp>Web FTP</webFtp>