mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 11:23:28 +08:00
441 lines
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441 lines
22 KiB
* File: traffic.php.
* Author: Ulrich Block
* Contact: <ulrich.block@easy-wi.com>
* This file is part of Easy-WI.
* Easy-WI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Easy-WI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Easy-WI. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Diese Datei ist Teil von Easy-WI.
* Easy-WI ist Freie Software: Sie koennen es unter den Bedingungen
* der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation,
* Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder spaeteren
* veroeffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren.
* Easy-WI wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nuetzlich sein wird, aber
* OHNE JEDE GEWAEHELEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite
* Siehe die GNU General Public License fuer weitere Details.
* Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem
* Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!isset($admin_id) or $main != 1 or (isset($admin_id) and !$pa['traffic'])) {
header('Location: admin.php');
die('No Access');
$sprache = getlanguagefile('traffic',$user_language,$reseller_id);
if ($d== 'se' and $reseller_id == 0) {
include(EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/keyphrasefile.php');
if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$template_file = $spracheResponse->token;
} else if (isset($ui->post['type']) and $ui->w('action', 4, 'post') == 'md') {
$error = 0;
if (!isset($ui->post['type']) or (!small_letters_check($ui->post['type'], '30'))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['statip']) or (!isip($ui->post['statip'], 'all') and !isurl($ui->post['statip']))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['dbname']) or (!gamestring($ui->post['dbname']))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['dbuser']) or (!gamestring($ui->post['dbuser']))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['dbpassword']) or (!gamestring($ui->post['dbpassword']))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['table_name']) or (!gamestring($ui->post['table_name']))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['column_sourceip']) or (!gamestring($ui->post['column_sourceip']))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['column_destip']) or (!gamestring($ui->post['column_destip']))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['column_byte']) or (!gamestring($ui->post['column_byte']))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['column_date']) or (!gamestring($ui->post['column_date']))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['multiplier']) or (!isinteger($ui->post['multiplier']))) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['text_colour_1']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['text_colour_1'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['text_colour_1'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['text_colour_2']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['text_colour_2'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['text_colour_2'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['text_colour_3']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['text_colour_3'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['text_colour_3'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['barin_colour_1']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['barin_colour_1'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['barin_colour_1'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['barin_colour_2']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['barin_colour_2'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['barin_colour_2'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['barin_colour_3']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['barin_colour_3'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['barin_colour_3'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['barout_colour_1']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['barout_colour_1'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['barout_colour_1'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['barout_colour_2']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['barout_colour_2'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['barout_colour_2'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['barout_colour_3']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['barout_colour_3'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['barout_colour_3'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['bartotal_colour_1']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['bartotal_colour_1'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['bartotal_colour_1'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['bartotal_colour_2']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['bartotal_colour_2'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['bartotal_colour_2'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['bartotal_colour_3']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['bartotal_colour_3'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['bartotal_colour_3'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['bg_colour_1']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['bg_colour_1'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['bg_colour_1'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['bg_colour_2']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['bg_colour_2'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['bg_colour_2'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['bg_colour_3']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['bg_colour_3'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['bg_colour_3'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['border_colour_1']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['border_colour_1'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['border_colour_1'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['border_colour_2']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['border_colour_2'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['border_colour_2'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['border_colour_3']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['border_colour_3'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['border_colour_3'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['line_colour_1']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['line_colour_1'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['line_colour_1'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['line_colour_2']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['line_colour_2'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['line_colour_2'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if (!isset($ui->post['line_colour_3']) or (!validate_int($ui->post['line_colour_3'], 0 , 255) and $ui->post['line_colour_3'] != 0)) $error = 1;
if ($error==0) {
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `traffic_settings` SET `type`=:type,`statip`=:statip,`dbname`=AES_ENCRYPT(:dbname,:aeskey),`dbuser`=AES_ENCRYPT(:dbuser,:aeskey),`dbpassword`=AES_ENCRYPT(:dbpassword,:aeskey),`multiplier`=:multiplier,`table_name`=:table_name,`column_sourceip`=:column_sourceip,`column_destip`=:column_destip,`column_byte`=:column_byte,`column_date`=:column_date,`text_colour_1`=:text_colour_1,`text_colour_2`=:text_colour_2,`text_colour_3`=:text_colour_3,`barin_colour_1`=:barin_colour_1,`barin_colour_2`=:barin_colour_2,`barin_colour_3`=:barin_colour_3,`barout_colour_1`=:barout_colour_1,`barout_colour_2`=:barout_colour_2,`barout_colour_3`=:barout_colour_3,`bartotal_colour_1`=:bartotal_colour_1,`bartotal_colour_2`=:bartotal_colour_2,`bartotal_colour_3`=:bartotal_colour_3,`bg_colour_1`=:bg_colour_1,`bg_colour_2`=:bg_colour_2,`bg_colour_3`=:bg_colour_3,`border_colour_1`=:border_colour_1,`border_colour_2`=:border_colour_2,`border_colour_3`=:border_colour_3,`line_colour_1`=:line_colour_1,`line_colour_2`=:line_colour_2,`line_colour_3`=:line_colour_3 LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array(':aeskey' => $aeskey,':type' => $ui->post['type'], ':statip' => $ui->post['statip'], ':dbname' => $ui->post['dbname'], ':dbuser' => $ui->post['dbuser'], ':dbpassword' => $ui->post['dbpassword'], ':table_name' => $ui->post['table_name'], ':multiplier' => $ui->post['multiplier'], ':column_sourceip' => $ui->post['column_sourceip'], ':column_destip' => $ui->post['column_destip'], ':column_byte' => $ui->post['column_byte'], ':column_date' => $ui->post['column_date'], ':text_colour_1' => $ui->post['text_colour_1'], ':text_colour_2' => $ui->post['text_colour_2'], ':text_colour_3' => $ui->post['text_colour_3'], ':barin_colour_1' => $ui->post['barin_colour_1'], ':barin_colour_2' => $ui->post['barin_colour_2'], ':barin_colour_3' => $ui->post['barin_colour_3'], ':barout_colour_1' => $ui->post['barout_colour_1'], ':barout_colour_2' => $ui->post['barout_colour_2'], ':barout_colour_3' => $ui->post['barout_colour_3'], ':bartotal_colour_1' => $ui->post['bartotal_colour_1'], ':bartotal_colour_2' => $ui->post['bartotal_colour_2'], ':bartotal_colour_3' => $ui->post['bartotal_colour_3'], ':bg_colour_1' => $ui->post['bg_colour_1'], ':bg_colour_2' => $ui->post['bg_colour_2'], ':bg_colour_3' => $ui->post['bg_colour_3'], ':border_colour_1' => $ui->post['border_colour_1'], ':border_colour_2' => $ui->post['border_colour_2'], ':border_colour_3' => $ui->post['border_colour_3'], ':line_colour_1' => $ui->post['line_colour_1'], ':line_colour_2' => $ui->post['line_colour_2'], ':line_colour_3' => $ui->post['line_colour_3']));
$template_file = $spracheResponse->table_add;
} else {
$template_file = 'Error';
} else {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `type`,`statip`,AES_DECRYPT(`dbname`,:aeskey) AS `decpteddbname`,AES_DECRYPT(`dbuser`,:aeskey) AS `decpteddbuser`,AES_DECRYPT(`dbpassword`,:aeskey) AS `decpteddbpassword`,`table_name`,`column_sourceip`,`column_destip`,`column_byte`,`column_date`,`multiplier`,`text_colour_1`,`text_colour_2`,`text_colour_3`,`barin_colour_1`,`barin_colour_2`,`barin_colour_3`,`barout_colour_1`,`barout_colour_2`,`barout_colour_3`,`bartotal_colour_1`,`bartotal_colour_2`,`bartotal_colour_3`,`bg_colour_1`,`bg_colour_2`,`bg_colour_3`,`border_colour_1`,`border_colour_2`,`border_colour_3`,`line_colour_1`,`line_colour_2`,`line_colour_3` FROM `traffic_settings` LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array(':aeskey' => $aeskey));
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$type = $row['type'];
$statip = $row['statip'];
$dbname = $row['decpteddbname'];
$dbuser = $row['decpteddbuser'];
$dbpassword = $row['decpteddbpassword'];
$table_name = $row['table_name'];
$column_sourceip = $row['column_sourceip'];
$column_destip = $row['column_destip'];
$column_byte = $row['column_byte'];
$column_date = $row['column_date'];
$multiplier = $row['multiplier'];
$text_colour_1 = $row['text_colour_1'];
$text_colour_2 = $row['text_colour_2'];
$text_colour_3 = $row['text_colour_3'];
$barin_colour_1 = $row['barin_colour_1'];
$barin_colour_2 = $row['barin_colour_2'];
$barin_colour_3 = $row['barin_colour_3'];
$barout_colour_1 = $row['barout_colour_1'];
$barout_colour_2 = $row['barout_colour_2'];
$barout_colour_3 = $row['barout_colour_3'];
$bartotal_colour_1 = $row['bartotal_colour_1'];
$bartotal_colour_2 = $row['bartotal_colour_2'];
$bartotal_colour_3 = $row['bartotal_colour_3'];
$bg_colour_1 = $row['bg_colour_1'];
$bg_colour_2 = $row['bg_colour_2'];
$bg_colour_3 = $row['bg_colour_3'];
$border_colour_1 = $row['border_colour_1'];
$border_colour_2 = $row['border_colour_2'];
$border_colour_3 = $row['border_colour_3'];
$line_colour_1 = $row['line_colour_1'];
$line_colour_2 = $row['line_colour_2'];
$line_colour_3 = $row['line_colour_3'];
$template_file = 'admin_traffic_settings.tpl';
} else {
$display = $sprache->total;
$data = array();
if (!isset($ui->post['unit'])) {
} else if ($ui->post['unit']=="mb") {
} else if ($ui->post['unit']=="gb") {
} else if ($ui->post['unit']=="tb") {
if (!isset($ui->post['kind'])) {
$whichdata = '';
} else if ($ui->post['kind']=="al") {
$whichdata = '';
} else if ($ui->post['kind']=="su") {
if (isips($ui->post['what'])) {
$display = $sprache->subnet . ' ' . $ui->post['what'];
if ($reseller_id == 0) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `ips` FROM `resellerdata`");
} else if ($reseller_id==$admin_id) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `ips` FROM `resellerdata` WHERE `resellersid`=:reseller_id");
$pselect->execute(array(':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
} else {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `ips` FROM `resellerdata` WHERE `resellerid`=:admin_id AND c.`resellersid`=:reseller_id");
$pselect->execute(array(':admin_id' => $admin_id,':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
$ips = array();
$userips = array();
foreach ($pselect->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
foreach ($userips as $ip) {
$ips[] = $ip_ex[0] . '.' . $ip_ex[1] . '.' . $ip_ex[2].".";
foreach ($subnets as $subnet) {
if ($ui->post['what'] == $subnet) {
$data[] = '<option selected="selected">'.$subnet.'</option>';
} else {
$data[] = '<option>'.$subnet.'</option>';
} else if ($ui->post['kind']=="rs" or $ui->post['kind']=="us") {
if (isid($ui->post['what'], '30') and $ui->post['kind']=="rs") {
$extra = $gsprache->reseller;
if ($reseller_id == 0) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`cname` FROM `userdata` WHERE `accounttype`='r' AND `id`=`resellerid`");
foreach ($pselect->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
if ($ui->post['what'] == $row['id']) {
$data[] = '<option value='.$row['id'].' selected="selected">'.$row['cname'].'</option>';
} else {
$data[] = '<option value='.$row['id'].'>'.$row['cname'].'</option>';
} else if (isid($ui->post['what'], '30') and $ui->post['kind']=="us") {
$extra = $sprache->user;
if ($reseller_id == 0) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`cname` FROM `userdata` WHERE `accounttype`='r'");
} else if ($reseller_id==$admin_id) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`cname` FROM `userdata` WHERE `accounttype`='r' AND `resellerid`=:reseller_id");
$pselect->execute(array(':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
foreach ($pselect->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
if ($ui->post['what'] == $row['id']) {
$data[] = '<option value='.$row['id'].' selected="selected">'.$row['cname'].'</option>';
} else {
$data[] = '<option value='.$row['id'].'>'.$row['cname'].'</option>';
if ($reseller_id == 0) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `cname` FROM `userdata` WHERE `accounttype`='r' AND `id`=:id LIMIT 1");
$pselect->execute(array(':id' => $ui->post['what']));
} else if ($reseller_id==$admin_id) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `cname` FROM `userdata` WHERE `accounttype`='r' AND `id`=:id AND `resellerid`=:reseller_id LIMIT 1");
$pselect->execute(array(':id' => $ui->post['what'], ':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
foreach ($pselect->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
$display = $extra . ' ' . $row['cname'];
} else if ($ui->post['kind']=="se") {
if (isid($ui->post['what'], '30')) {
if ($reseller_id == 0) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT u.`cname` FROM `virtualcontainer` c LEFT JOIN `userdata` u ON c.`userid`=u.`id` WHERE c.`id`=:id ORDER BY u.`id`,c.`id` LIMIT 1");
$pselect->execute(array(':id' =>$ui->post['what']));
} else if ($reseller_id==$admin_id){
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT u.`cname` FROM `virtualcontainer` c LEFT JOIN `userdata` u ON c.`userid`=u.`id` WHERE c.`id`=:id AND c.`resellerid`=:reseller_id ORDER BY u.`id`,c.`id` LIMIT 1");
$pselect->execute(array(':id' =>$ui->post['what'], ':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
} else {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT u.`cname` FROM `virtualcontainer` c LEFT JOIN `userdata` u ON c.`userid`=u.`id` WHERE c.`id`=:id AND c.`userid`=:admin_id AND c.`resellerid`=:reseller_id ORDER BY u.`id`,c.`id` LIMIT 1");
$pselect->execute(array(':id' =>$ui->post['what'], ':admin_id' => $admin_id,':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
foreach ($pselect->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
$display = $sprache->server . ' ' . $row['cname'] . '-' . $ui->post['what'];
if ($reseller_id == 0) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT c.`id`,u.`cname` FROM `virtualcontainer` c LEFT JOIN `userdata` u ON c.`userid`=u.`id` ORDER BY u.`id`,c.`id`");
} else if ($reseller_id==$admin_id){
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT c.`id`,u.`cname` FROM `virtualcontainer` c LEFT JOIN `userdata` u ON c.`userid`=u.`id` WHERE c.`resellerid`=:reseller_id ORDER BY u.`id`,c.`id`");
$pselect->execute(array(':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
} else {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT c.`id`,u.`cname` FROM `virtualcontainer` c LEFT JOIN `userdata` u ON c.`userid`=u.`id` WHERE c.`userid`=:admin_id AND c.`resellerid`=:reseller_id ORDER BY u.`id`,c.`id`");
$pselect->execute(array(':admin_id' => $admin_id,':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
foreach ($pselect->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
if ($ui->post['what'] == $row['id']) {
$data[] = '<option value='.$row['id'].' selected="selected">'.$row['cname'] . '-' . $row['id'].'</option>';
} else {
$data[] = '<option value='.$row['id'].'>'.$row['cname'] . '-' . $row['id'].'</option>';
} else if ($ui->post['kind']=="ip") {
if (isip($ui->post['what'], 'all')) {
$display = $sprache->ip . ' ' . $ui->post['what'];
if ($reseller_id == 0) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `ips` FROM `resellerdata`");
} else if ($reseller_id==$admin_id) {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `ips` FROM `resellerdata` WHERE `resellersid`=:reseller_id");
$pselect->execute(array(':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
} else {
$pselect = $sql->prepare("SELECT `ips` FROM `resellerdata` WHERE `resellerid`=:admin_id AND c.`resellersid`=:reseller_id");
$pselect->execute(array(':admin_id' => $admin_id,':reseller_id' => $reseller_id));
$ips = array();
$user_ips = array();
foreach ($pselect->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
foreach ($user_ips as $userip) {
$userips[] = $userip;
foreach ($ips as $ip) {
if ($ui->post['what'] == $ip) {
$data[] = '<option selected="selected">'.$ip.'</option>';
} else {
$data[] = '<option>'.$ip.'</option>';
if (!isset($ui->post['dmy'])) {
$year=date('Y',strtotime("-6 days"));
$month=date('m',strtotime("-6 days"));
$day=date('d',strtotime("-6 days"));
$amount = 7;
} else if ($ui->post['dmy'] == 'da') {
if (validate_int($ui->post['daystart'],1,31)) {
$day = $ui->post['daystart'];
} else {
$day=date('d',strtotime("-6 days"));
if (validate_int($ui->post['daystop'],1,31)) {
$daystop = $ui->post['daystop'];
} else {
if (validate_int($ui->post['monthstart'],1,12)) {
$month = $ui->post['monthstart'];
} else {
$month=date('m',strtotime("-6 days"));
if (validate_int($ui->post['monthstop'],1,12)) {
$monthstop = $ui->post['monthstop'];
} else {
if (validate_int($ui->post['yearstart'],2000,date('Y'))) {
$year = $ui->post['yearstart'];
} else {
$year=date('Y',strtotime("-6 days"));
if (validate_int($ui->post['yearstop'],2000,date('Y'))) {
$yearstop = $ui->post['yearstop'];
} else {
if ($amount<0 and "$yearstop-$monthstop-$daystop">$now){
$day=date('d',strtotime("-6 days"));
$month=date('m',strtotime("-6 days"));
$year=date('Y',strtotime("-6 days"));
$amount = 7;
} else if ($ui->post['dmy'] == 'mo') {
$day = 1;
if (validate_int($ui->post['monthstart'],1,12)) {
$month = $ui->post['monthstart'];
} else {
$month=date('m',strtotime("-6 days"));
if (validate_int($ui->post['yearstart'],2000,date('Y'))) {
$year = $ui->post['yearstart'];
} else {
$year=date('Y',strtotime("-6 days"));
if (validate_int($ui->post['yearstop'],2000,date('Y'))) {
$yearstop = $ui->post['yearstop'];
} else {
if (validate_int($ui->post['monthstop'],1,12)) {
$monthstop = $ui->post['monthstop'];
} else {
$daystop=date('t', strtotime("$yearstop-$monthstop"));
$add = $date1;
$i = 0;
while ($add<=$date2) {
$newadd=strtotime("+1 months",$add);
$add = $newadd;
$amount = $i;
if ($amount<0 or "$yearstop-$monthstop">$now){
$daystop=date('t', strtotime("$yearstop-$monthstop"));
$day = 1;
$month=date('m',strtotime("-6 months"));
$year=date('Y',strtotime("-6 months"));
$amount = 7;
} else if ($ui->post['dmy'] == 'ye') {
$day = 1;
if (validate_int($ui->post['yearstart'],2000,date('Y'))) {
$year = $ui->post['yearstart'];
} else {
$year=date('Y',strtotime("-6 days"));
if (validate_int($ui->post['yearstop'],2000,date('Y'))) {
$yearstop = $ui->post['yearstop'];
} else {
$month = 1;
$add = $date1;
$i = 0;
while ($add<=$date2) {
$newadd=strtotime("+1 year",$add);
$add = $newadd;
$amount = $i;
if ($amount<0 or "$yearstop">$now){
$day = 1;
$month = 1;
$year=date('Y',strtotime("-1 year"));
$amount = 2;
if ($user_language="de") {
} else {
$trafficdata = "images.php?img=tr&from=admin&d={$dmy}&w={$unit}&p={$year}&id={$day}&po={$month}&m={$amount}{$whichdata}";
$template_file = "admin_traffic.tpl";
} |