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synced 2025-02-20 11:23:28 +08:00
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<aeskey2>The AES key is needed to crypt sensible data like FTP Passwords. Make sure it is a very secure string.</aeskey2>
<aeskey3>Safe this key. If you loose it all crypted data will be lost.</aeskey3>
<aeskey>AES Key</aeskey>
<brandname2>Voice- and gameserver names can be searched for this servertag</brandname2>
<captcha_2>Use a Captcha at the login</captcha_2>
<confirm_change>Save modifications?</confirm_change>
<cron_external>External cronjobs</cron_external>
<cron_external_text>In case you cannot make use of internal cronjobs, the same files can be called with an external cronjob. If you want to make use of this you need to whitelist the calling IP(s) at the Easy-Wi settings:</cron_external_text>
<cron_internal>Internal Cronjobs</cron_internal>
<cron_internal_text>The recommended method is to use internal cronjobs. Those could be installed like:</cron_internal_text>
<data>Please fill out following data fields. All are required</data>
<domain>Current domain</domain>
<email2>This email will be used when sending data to the users.</email2>
<error_cname>Error: No username entered!</error_cname>
<error_config_php_data>Error: File stuff/config.php exists but does not contain all variables!</error_config_php_data>
<error_config_keyphrase_php_missing>Error: File stuff/config.php and or stuff/keyphrasefile.php does not exist!</error_config_keyphrase_php_missing>
<error_database>Error: Can not estblish a connection to the database</error_database>
<error_email>Error: No email entered!</error_email>
<error_game_insert>Error: Game could not be added: </error_game_insert>
<error_keyphrase_php_create>Error: File stuff/config.php and or stuff/keyphrasefile.php cannot be created!</error_keyphrase_php_create>
<error_password>Error: The passwords do not match!</error_password>
<error_system_curl>curl extension is not installed, please install it.</error_system_curl>
<error_system_ftp>ftp extension is not installed, please install it.</error_system_ftp>
<error_system_fopen>fopen function cannot be used. please enable it.</error_system_fopen>
<error_system_gd>gd extension is not installed, please install it.</error_system_gd>
<error_system_hash>hash extension is not installed, please install it.</error_system_hash>
<error_system_php_version>At least PHP 5.4 is required. Your PHP version is to old: </error_system_php_version>
<error_system_json>json extension is not installed, please install it.</error_system_json>
<error_system_openssl>openssl extension is not installed, please install it.</error_system_openssl>
<error_system_PDO>PDO extension is not installed, please install it.</error_system_PDO>
<error_system_pdo_mysql>pdo_mysql extension is not installed, please install it.</error_system_pdo_mysql>
<error_system_php_version>Es wird mindestens PHP 5.4 benötigt. PHP Version zu alt: </error_system_php_version>
<error_system_SimpleXML>SimpleXML extension is not installed, please install it.</error_system_SimpleXML>
<faillogins>Failed logins</faillogins>
<faillogins2>Possible failed Logins in a row</faillogins2>
<finished>The installation has been completed. Please remove the "install" directory.</finished>
<games_insert>The next step will add gameserver templates and addons.</games_insert>
<image_server2>If a masterinstallation is not set up the data will be downloaded from this server.</image_server2>
<image_server3>Use an image server</image_server3>
<image_server>Image Server</image_server>
<install_done>The installation is now completed. Please keep in mind to configure the cronjobs.</install_done>
<install_done_folder>Please remove the folder "install/".</install_done_folder>
<ip>Webserver IP</ip>
<language>Default language</language>
<menu_system>System Check</menu_system>
<menu_db_access>Database Access</menu_db_access>
<menu_db_access_check>Database Access Check</menu_db_access_check>
<menu_db_add>Create Tables</menu_db_add>
<menu_db_check>Check Tables</menu_db_check>
<menu_admin_add>Admin Account</menu_admin_add>
<menu_page_data>Website Data</menu_page_data>
<menu_gamedata_add>Insert Gamedata</menu_gamedata_add>
<ok_admin_user>The initial admin account has been successfully created.</ok_admin_user>
<ok_configuration>The configuration has been written.</ok_configuration>
<ok_db_connect>Database connection could be established.</ok_db_connect>
<ok_db_tables_check>Database tables successfully checked.</ok_db_tables_check>
<ok_db_tables_check_repair>Database tables successfully corrected.</ok_db_tables_check_repair>
<ok_db_tables_create>Database tables created.</ok_db_tables_create>
<ok_files_created>Files stuff/keyphrasefile.php and config.php could be created.</ok_files_created>
<ok_gameserver_data>The gameserver data has been added.</ok_gameserver_data>
<passw_2>Repeat new password</passw_2>
<prefix1>Define usernames</prefix1>
<prefix2>If you define a username the users unique ids will be appended to the defined name. Only small letters and numbers are allowed. Example: customer will be customer2 and counting</prefix2>
<prefix3>Default username</prefix3>
<system_ok_curl>curl extension is installed.</system_ok_curl>
<system_ok_fopen>fopen function can be used.</system_ok_fopen>
<system_ok_ftp>ftp extension is installed.</system_ok_ftp>
<system_ok_gd>gd extension is installed.</system_ok_gd>
<system_ok_hash>hash extension is installed.</system_ok_hash>
<system_ok_json>json extension is installed.</system_ok_json>
<system_ok_openssl>openssl extension is installed.</system_ok_openssl>
<system_ok_PDO>PDO extension is installed.</system_ok_PDO>
<system_ok_pdo_mysql>pdo_mysql extension is installed.</system_ok_pdo_mysql>
<system_ok_php_version>At least PHP 5.4 is required. Your PHP version is ok: </system_ok_php_version>
<system_ok_SimpleXML>Extension SimpleXML is installed.</system_ok_SimpleXML>
<title>Homepage title</title>
<user2>Admin Username</user2>
<welcome_header>Welcome to the Easy-WI installer!</welcome_header>
<welcome_old_version>Warning you are going to install an outdated version. The current is: </welcome_old_version>
<welcome_text>At first we will run a system check that will ensure your webspace offers the required functionality. Afterwards database tables will be created and the initial data inserted and configured.</welcome_text>