mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 11:23:28 +08:00
518 lines
22 KiB
518 lines
22 KiB
* File: addons.php.
* Author: Ulrich Block
* Contact: <ulrich.block@easy-wi.com>
* This file is part of Easy-WI.
* Easy-WI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Easy-WI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Easy-WI. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Diese Datei ist Teil von Easy-WI.
* Easy-WI ist Freie Software: Sie koennen es unter den Bedingungen
* der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation,
* Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder spaeteren
* veroeffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren.
* Easy-WI wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nuetzlich sein wird, aber
* OHNE JEDE GEWAEHELEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite
* Siehe die GNU General Public License fuer weitere Details.
* Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem
* Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if ((!isset($admin_id) or !$main == 1) or (isset($admin_id) and !$pa['addons'])) {
header('Location: admin.php');
die('No Access');
$sprache = getlanguagefile('images', $user_language, $reseller_id);
$loguserid = $admin_id;
$logusername = getusername($admin_id);
$logusertype = 'admin';
if ($reseller_id == 0) {
$logreseller = 0;
$logsubuser = 0;
} else {
$logsubuser = (isset($_SESSION['oldid'])) ? $_SESSION['oldid'] : 0;
$logreseller = 0;
if ($reseller_id != 0 and $admin_id != $reseller_id) {
$reseller_id = $admin_id;
// CSFR protection with hidden tokens. If token(true) returns false, we likely have an attack
if ($ui->w('action',4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
$token = token();
unset($header, $text);
$errors = array($spracheResponse->token);
$template_file = ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'ad') ? 'admin_addons_add.tpl' : 'admin_addons_md.tpl';
// A simple exporter. Offers the current addon settings as download
} else if ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'ex' and $ui->id('id', 10, 'get')) {
$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0','utf-8');
$element = $xml->createElement('addon');
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT * FROM `addons` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=?");
$query->execute(array($ui->id('id', 10, 'get'), $reseller_id));
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$addon = $row['addon'];
foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
if (!in_array($k, array('id','resellerid','depending'))) {
$key = $xml->createElement($k, $v);
if (isset($addon)) {
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename = {$addon}.xml");
header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
$xml->formatOutput = true;
echo $xml->saveXML();
} else {
$template_file = 'admin_404.tpl';
// Add and modify entries. Same validation can be used.
} else if ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'ad' or $ui->st('d', 'get') == 'md') {
// At this point all variables are defined that can come from the user
$id = $ui->id('id', 10, 'get');
$shortens = (array) $ui->id('shorten', 10, 'post');
$type = (string) $ui->smallletters('type', 99, 'post');
$addon = (string) $ui->gamestring('addon', 'post');
$folder = (string) $ui->folder('folder', 'post');
$active = (string) $ui->active('active', 'post');
$menudescription = (string) $ui->description('menudescription', 'post');
$configs = (string) $ui->startparameter('configs', 'post');
$cmd = (string) $ui->startparameter('cmd', 'post');
$rmcmd = (string) $ui->startparameter('rmcmd', 'post');
// Default variables. Mostly needed for the add operation
$gamesAssigned = array();
$dependings = array();
$foundLanguages = array();
$definedLanguages = array();
$default_language = $rSA['language'];
$paddon = ($ui->active('paddon', 'post')) ? (string) $ui->active('paddon', 'post') : 'N';
$depending = ($ui->id('depending',19, 'post')) ? (int) $ui->id('depending', 19, 'post') : 0;
// Add jQuery plugin chosen to the header
$htmlExtraInformation['css'][] = '<link href="css/default/chosen/chosen.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">';
$htmlExtraInformation['js'][] = '<script src="js/default/plugins/chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
// Error handling. Check if required attributes are set and can be validated
$errors = array();
// Add or mod is opened
if (!$ui->st('action', 'post') or $ui->id('import', 1, 'post')) {
// Gather data for adding if needed and define add template
if ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'ad' or $ui->id('import',1, 'post') == 1) {
$token = token();
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`menudescription` FROM `addons` WHERE `type`='tool' AND `resellerid`=? ORDER BY `menudescription`");
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$dependings[] = '<option value="'.$row['id'].'">'.$row['menudescription'].'</option>';
if ($ui->id('import',1, 'post') == 1 and $_FILES["file"]["error"] == 0 and $_FILES["file"]["type"] == 'text/xml') {
$shorten = $_FILES["file"]["name"];
try {
$xml = new DOMDocument();
if (@$xml->load($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]) !== false) {
$childNodes = $xml->documentElement;
foreach ($childNodes->childNodes AS $node) {
if ($node->nodeName == 'active') {
$active = $node->nodeValue;
if ($node->nodeName == 'paddon') {
$paddon = $node->nodeValue;
if ($node->nodeName == 'addon') {
$addon = $node->nodeValue;
if ($node->nodeName == 'type') {
$type = $node->nodeValue;
if ($node->nodeName == 'folder') {
$folder = $node->nodeValue;
if ($node->nodeName == 'menudescription') {
$menudescription = $node->nodeValue;
if ($node->nodeName == 'configs') {
$configs = $node->nodeValue;
if ($node->nodeName == 'cmd') {
$cmd = $node->nodeValue;
if ($node->nodeName == 'rmcmd') {
$rmcmd = $node->nodeValue;
} catch(Exception $error) {
$active = '';
$template_file = 'admin_addons_add.tpl';
// Gather data for modding in case we have an ID and define mod template
} else if ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'md' and $id) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT * FROM `addons` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$type = $row['type'];
$addon = $row['addon'];
$paddon = $row['paddon'];
$folder = $row['folder'];
$active = $row['active'];
$configs = $row['configs'];
$menudescription = $row['menudescription'];
$cmd = $row['cmd'];
$rmcmd = $row['rmcmd'];
$depending = $row['depending'];
$rowCount = $query->rowCount();
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `servertype_id` FROM `addons_allowed` WHERE `addon_id`=? AND `reseller_id`=?");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$shortens[] = $row['servertype_id'];
$rowCount += $query->rowCount();
// Check if database entry exists and if not display 404 page
$template_file = ($rowCount > 0) ? 'admin_addons_md.tpl' : 'admin_404.tpl';
// Show 404 if GET parameters did not add up or no ID was given with mod
} else {
$template_file = 'admin_404.tpl';
// Form is submitted
} else if ($ui->st('action', 'post') == 'md' or $ui->st('action', 'post') == 'ad') {
if (!$ui->active('active', 'post')) {
$errors['active'] = $sprache->active;
if (!$ui->smallletters('type', 99, 'post')) {
$errors['type'] = $sprache->type;
if (!$ui->description('menudescription', 'post')) {
$errors['menudescription'] = $sprache->addon2;
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `amount` FROM `addons` WHERE `addon`=? AND `id`!=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($addon, (int) $id, $reseller_id));
if ($query->fetchColumn() > 0) {
$errors['addon'] = $sprache->addon;
// Submitted values are OK
if (count($errors) == 0) {
// Make the inserts or updates define the log entry and get the affected rows from insert
if ($ui->st('action', 'post') == 'ad') {
$query = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `addons` (`type`,`addon`,`paddon`,`folder`,`active`,`menudescription`,`configs`,`cmd`,`rmcmd`,`depending`,`resellerid`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
$query->execute(array($type, $addon, $paddon, $folder, $active, $menudescription, $configs, $cmd, $rmcmd, $depending, $reseller_id));
$id = $sql->lastInsertId();
$rowCount = $query->rowCount();
$loguseraction = '%add% %addon% ' . $addon;
} else if ($ui->st('action', 'post') == 'md') {
$query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `addons` SET `menudescription`=?,`active`=?,`folder`=?,`addon`=?,`paddon`=?,`type`=?,`configs`=?,`cmd`=?,`rmcmd`=?,`depending`=? WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($menudescription, $active, $folder, $addon, $paddon, $type, $configs, $cmd, $rmcmd, $depending, $id, $reseller_id));
$rowCount = $query->rowCount();
$loguseraction = '%mod% %addon% ' . $addon;
// Insert and update translations
if ($id > 0 and $ui->smallletters('language', 2, 'post')) {
$array = (array) $ui->smallletters('language', 2, 'post');
$query = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `translations` (`type`,`transID`,`lang`,`text`,`resellerID`) VALUES ('ad',?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `text`=VALUES(`text`)");
foreach($array as $language) {
if (small_letters_check($language, 2)) {
$query->execute(array($id, $language, $ui->description('description', 'post', $language), $reseller_id));
$rowCount += $query->rowCount();
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `lang` FROM `translations` WHERE `type`='ad' AND `transID`=? AND `resellerID`=?");
$query2 = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `translations` WHERE `type`='ad' AND `transID`=? AND `lang`=? AND `resellerID`=? LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if (!in_array($row['lang'], $array)) {
$query2->execute(array($id, $row['lang'], $reseller_id));
$rowCount += $query2->rowCount();
} else {
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `translations` WHERE `type`='ad' AND `transID`=? AND `resellerID`=?");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
$rowCount += $query->rowCount();
// Insert and update game relations
if ($id > 0 and count($shortens) > 0) {
$query = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `addons_allowed` (`addon_id`,`servertype_id`,`reseller_id`) VALUES (?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `addon_id`=`addon_id`");
foreach ($shortens as $shorten) {
$query->execute(array($id, $shorten, $reseller_id));
$rowCount += $query->rowCount();
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `servertype_id` FROM `addons_allowed` WHERE `addon_id`=? AND `reseller_id`=?");
$query2 = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `addons_allowed` WHERE `addon_id`=? AND `servertype_id`=? AND `reseller_id`=? LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if (!in_array($row['servertype_id'], $shortens)) {
$query2->execute(array($id, $row['servertype_id'], $reseller_id));
$rowCount += $query2->rowCount();
} else {
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `addons_allowed` WHERE `addon_id`=? AND `reseller_id`=?");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
$rowCount += $query->rowCount();
// Check if a row was affected during insert or update
if (isset($rowCount) and $rowCount > 0) {
$template_file = $spracheResponse->table_add;
// No update or insert failed
} else {
$template_file = $spracheResponse->error_table;
// An error occurred during validation unset the redirect information and display the form again
} else {
unset($header, $text);
$token = token();
$template_file = ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'ad') ? 'admin_addons_add.tpl' : 'admin_addons_md.tpl';
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`description` FROM `servertypes` WHERE `resellerid`=?");
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$gamesAssigned[$row['id']] = $row['description'];
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`menudescription` FROM `addons` WHERE `type`='tool' AND `type`=? AND `resellerid`=? ORDER BY `menudescription`");
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$dependings[] = (isset($depending) and $depending == $row['id']) ? '<option value="' . $row['id'] . '" selected="selected">' . $row['menudescription'] . '</option>' : '<option value="' . $row['id'] . '">' . $row['menudescription'] . '</option>';
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `lang`,`text` FROM `translations` WHERE `type`='ad' AND `transID`=? AND `lang`=? AND `resellerID`=? LIMIT 1");
foreach ($languages as $lg) {
if (small_letters_check($lg, 2)) {
$description = '';
$query->execute(array($id, $lg, $reseller_id));
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$lang = $row['lang'];
$description = $row['text'];
if (isset($lang)) {
$style = '';
$displayNone = '';
$definedLanguages[] = $lg;
} else {
$displayNone = 'display_none';
$style = 'style="display: none;"';
$foundLanguages[] = array('style' => $style, 'lang' => $lg, 'description' => $description, 'display' => $displayNone);
// Remove entries in case we have an ID given with the GET request
} else if ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'dl' and $ui->id('id', 10, 'get')) {
// Define the ID variable which will be used at the form and SQLs
$id = $ui->id('id', 10, 'get');
// Nothing submitted yet, display the delete form
if (!$ui->st('action', 'post')) {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `menudescription` FROM `addons` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
$menudescription = $query->fetchColumn();
// Check if we could find an entry and if not display 404 page
$template_file = ($query->rowCount() > 0) ? 'admin_addons_dl.tpl' : 'admin_404.tpl';
// User submitted remove the entry
} else if ($ui->st('action', 'post') == 'dl') {
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `addon` FROM `addons` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
$addon = $query->fetchColumn();
// Check if a row was affected meaning an entry could be deleted. If yes add log entry and display success message
if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `addons_allowed` WHERE `addon_id`=? AND `reseller_id`=?");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `addons_installed` WHERE `addonid`=? AND `resellerid`=?");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `addons` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
$query = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `translations` WHERE `type`='ad' AND `transID`=? AND `resellerID`=?");
$query->execute(array($id, $reseller_id));
$template_file = $spracheResponse->table_del;
$loguseraction = '%del% %addon% ' . $addon;
// Nothing was deleted, display an error
} else {
$template_file = $spracheResponse->error_table;
// GET Request did not add up. Display 404 error.
} else {
$template_file = 'admin_404.tpl';
// List the available entries
} else {
$table = array();
if (!isset($start)) {
$start = 0;
if (!isset($amount)) {
$amount = 20;
$o = (string) $ui->st('o', 'get');
if ($ui->st('o', 'get') == 'ds') {
$orderby = '`active` DESC';
} else if ($ui->st('o', 'get') == 'as') {
$orderby = '`active` ASC';
} else if ($ui->st('o', 'get') == 'dt') {
$orderby = '`type` DESC';
} else if ($ui->st('o', 'get') == 'at') {
$orderby = '`type` ASC';
} else if ($ui->st('o', 'get') == 'dn') {
$orderby = '`menudescription` DESC';
} else if ($ui->st('o', 'get') == 'an') {
$orderby = '`menudescription` ASC';
} else if ($ui->st('o', 'get') == 'dt') {
$orderby = '`shorten` DESC';
} else if ($ui->st('o', 'get') == 'at') {
$orderby = '`shorten` ASC';
} else if ($ui->st('o', 'get') == 'di') {
$orderby = '`id` DESC';
} else{
$o = 'ai';
$orderby = '`id` ASC';
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `amount` FROM `addons` WHERE `resellerid`=?");
$colcount = $query->fetchColumn();
$next = $start + $amount;
$vor = ($colcount>$next) ? $next : $start;
$back = $start - $amount;
$zur = ($back >= 0) ? ($start - $amount) : $start;
$pageamount = ceil($colcount / $amount);
$link = '<a href="admin.php?w=ad&d=md&o=' . $o . '&a=' . $amount;
$link .= ($start == 0) ? '&p=0" class="bold">1</a>' : '&p=0">1</a>';
$i = 2;
$pages[] = $link;
while ($i <= $pageamount) {
$selectpage = ($i - 1) * $amount;
$pages[] = ($start == $selectpage) ? '<a href="admin.php?w=ad&d=md&o='.$o.'&a=' . $amount . '&p=' . $selectpage . '" class="bold">' . $i . '</a>' : '<a href="admin.php?w=ad&d=md&o='.$o.'&a=' . $amount . '&p=' . $selectpage . '">' . $i . '</a>';
$pages = implode(', ', $pages);
$query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`menudescription`,`active`,`type` FROM `addons` WHERE `resellerid`=? ORDER BY $orderby LIMIT $start,$amount");
$query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT s.`shorten` ORDER BY s.`shorten` ASC SEPARATOR ', ') AS `list`, COUNT(s.`id`) AS `amount` FROM `addons_allowed` AS a INNER JOIN `servertypes` AS s ON a.`servertype_id`=s.`id` WHERE a.`addon_id`=? AND s.`resellerid`=?");
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$gamesList = '(0)';
if ($row['active'] == 'Y') {
$imgName = '16_ok';
$imgAlt = 'Active';
} else {
$imgName = '16_bad';
$imgAlt = 'Inactive';
$query2->execute(array($row['id'], $reseller_id));
while ($row2 = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$gamesList = '(' . $row2['amount'] . ') ' . $row2['list'];
if (strlen($gamesList) > 40) {
$gamesList = substr($gamesList, 0, 40) . '...';
$table[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'active' => $row['active'], 'img' => $imgName,'alt' => $imgAlt, 'gametype' => $gamesList, 'description' => $row['menudescription'], 'type' => ($row['type'] == 'map') ? $sprache->map : $sprache->tool);
configureDateTables('-1', '1, "asc"', 'ajax.php?w=datatable&d=gameserveraddons');
$template_file = 'admin_addons_list.tpl';
} |