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* This file is part of GameQ.
* GameQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GameQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Init some stuff
// Figure out where we are so we can set the proper references
define('GAMEQ_BASE', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
// Define the autoload so we can require files easy
spl_autoload_register(array('GameQ', 'auto_load'));
* Base GameQ Class
* This class should be the only one that is included when you use GameQ to query
* any games servers. All necessary sub-classes are loaded as needed.
* Requirements: See wiki or README for more information on the requirements
* - PHP 5.2+ (Recommended 5.3+)
* * Bzip2 - http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.bzip2.php
* * Zlib - http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.zlib.php
* @author Austin Bischoff <austin@codebeard.com>
class GameQ
* Constants
const VERSION = '2.0.1';
* Server array keys
const SERVER_TYPE = 'type';
const SERVER_HOST = 'host';
const SERVER_ID = 'id';
const SERVER_OPTIONS = 'options';
/* Static Section */
protected static $instance = NULL;
* Create a new instance of this class
public static function factory()
// Create a new instance
self::$instance = new self();
// Return this new instance
return self::$instance;
* Attempt to auto-load a class based on the name
* @param string $class
* @throws GameQException
public static function auto_load($class)
// Transform the class name into a path
$file = str_replace('_', '/', strtolower($class));
// Find the file and return the full path, if it exists
if ($path = self::find_file($file))
// Load the class file
require $path;
// Class has been found
return TRUE;
// Class is not in the filesystem
return FALSE;
catch (Exception $e)
throw new GameQException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
* Try to find the file based on the class passed.
* @param string $file
public static function find_file($file)
$found = FALSE; // By default we did not find anything
// Create a partial path of the filename
$path = GAMEQ_BASE.$file.'.php';
// Is a file so we can include it
$found = $path;
return $found;
/* Dynamic Section */
* Defined options by default
* @var array()
protected $options = array(
'debug' => FALSE,
'timeout' => 3, // Seconds
'filters' => array(),
// Advanced settings
'stream_timeout' => 200000, // See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-select.php for more info
'write_wait' => 500, // How long (in micro-seconds) to pause between writting to server sockets, helps cpu usage
* Array of servers being queried
* @var array
protected $servers = array();
* Holds the list of active sockets. This array is automaically cleaned as needed
* @var array
protected $sockets = array();
* Make new class and check for requirements
* @throws GameQException
* @return boolean
public function __construct()
// @todo: Add PHP version check?
* Get an option's value
* @param string $option
public function __get($option)
return isset($this->options[$option]) ? $this->options[$option] : NULL;
* Set an option's value
* @param string $option
* @param mixed $value
* @return boolean
public function __set($option, $value)
$this->options[$option] = $value;
return TRUE;
* Chainable call to __set, uses set as the actual setter
* @param string $var
* @param mixed $value
* @return GameQ
public function setOption($var, $value)
// Use magic
$this->{$var} = $value;
return $this; // Make chainable
* Set an output filter.
* @param string $name
* @param array $params
* @return GameQ
public function setFilter($name, $params = array())
// Create the proper filter class name
$filter_class = 'GameQ_Filters_'.$name;
// Pass any parameters and make the class
$this->options['filters'][$name] = new $filter_class($params);
catch (GameQ_FiltersException $e)
// We catch the exception here, thus the filter is not applied
// but we issue a warning
error_log($e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
return $this; // Make chainable
* Remove a global output filter.
* @param string $name
* @return GameQ
public function removeFilter($name)
return $this; // Make chainable
* Add a server to be queried
* Example:
* $this->addServer(array(
* // Required keys
* 'type' => 'cs',
* 'host' => '', '' or 'somehost.com:27015'
* Port not required, but will use the default port in the class which may not be correct for the
* specific server being queried.
* // Optional keys
* 'id' => 'someServerId', // By default will use pased host info (i.e.
* 'options' => array('timeout' => 5), // By default will use global options
* ));
* @param array $server_info
* @throws GameQException
* @return boolean|GameQ
public function addServer(Array $server_info=NULL)
// Check for server type
if(!key_exists(self::SERVER_TYPE, $server_info) || empty($server_info[self::SERVER_TYPE]))
throw new GameQException("Missing server info key '".self::SERVER_TYPE."'");
return FALSE;
// Check for server host
if(!key_exists(self::SERVER_HOST, $server_info) || empty($server_info[self::SERVER_HOST]))
throw new GameQException("Missing server info key '".self::SERVER_HOST."'");
return FALSE;
// Check for server id
if(!key_exists(self::SERVER_ID, $server_info) || empty($server_info[self::SERVER_ID]))
// Make an id so each server has an id when returned
$server_info[self::SERVER_ID] = $server_info[self::SERVER_HOST];
// Check for options
if(!key_exists(self::SERVER_OPTIONS, $server_info)
|| !is_array($server_info[self::SERVER_OPTIONS])
|| empty($server_info[self::SERVER_OPTIONS]))
// Default the options to an empty array
$server_info[self::SERVER_OPTIONS] = array();
// Define these
$server_id = $server_info[self::SERVER_ID];
$server_ip = '';
$server_port = FALSE;
// We have an IPv6 address (and maybe a port)
if(substr_count($server_info[self::SERVER_HOST], ':') > 1)
// See if we have a port, input should be in the format [::1]:27015 or similar
if(strstr($server_info[self::SERVER_HOST], ']:'))
// Explode to get port
$server_addr = explode(':', $server_info[self::SERVER_HOST]);
// Port is the last item in the array, remove it and save
$server_port = array_pop($server_addr);
// The rest is the address, recombine
$server_ip = implode(':', $server_addr);
// Just the IPv6 address, no port defined
$server_ip = $server_info[self::SERVER_HOST];
// Now let's validate the IPv6 value sent, remove the square brackets ([]) first
if(!filter_var(trim($server_ip, '[]'), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, array(
'flags' => FILTER_FLAG_IPV6,
throw new GameQException("The IPv6 address '{$server_ip}' is invalid.");
return FALSE;
// IPv4
// We have a port defined
if(strstr($server_info[self::SERVER_HOST], ':'))
list($server_ip, $server_port) = explode(':', $server_info[self::SERVER_HOST]);
// No port, just IPv4
$server_ip = $server_info[self::SERVER_HOST];
// Validate the IPv4 value, if FALSE is not a valid IP, maybe a hostname. Try to resolve
if(!filter_var($server_ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, array(
'flags' => FILTER_FLAG_IPV4,
// When gethostbyname() fails it returns the original string
// so if ip and the result from gethostbyname() are equal this failed.
if($server_ip === gethostbyname($server_ip))
throw new GameQException("The host '{$server_ip}' is unresolvable to an IP address.");
return FALSE;
// Create the class so we can reference it properly later
$protocol_class = 'GameQ_Protocols_'.ucfirst($server_info[self::SERVER_TYPE]);
// Create the new instance and add it to the servers list
$this->servers[$server_id] = new $protocol_class(
array_merge($this->options, $server_info[self::SERVER_OPTIONS])
return $this; // Make calls chainable
* Add multiple servers at once
* @param array $servers
* @return GameQ
public function addServers(Array $servers=NULL)
// Loop thru all the servers and add them
foreach($servers AS $server_info)
return $this; // Make calls chainable
* Clear all the added servers. Creates clean instance.
* @return GameQ
public function clearServers()
// Reset all the servers
$this->servers = array();
$this->sockets = array();
return $this; // Make Chainable
* Make all the data requests (i.e. challenges, queries, etc...)
* @return multitype:Ambigous <multitype:, multitype:boolean string mixed >
public function requestData()
// Data returned array
$data = array();
// Init the query array
$queries = array(
'multi' => array(
'challenges' => array(),
'info' => array(),
'linear' => array(),
// Loop thru all of the servers added and categorize them
foreach($this->servers AS $server_id => $instance)
// Check to see what kind of server this is and how we can send packets
if($instance->packet_mode() == GameQ_Protocols::PACKET_MODE_LINEAR)
$queries['linear'][$server_id] = $instance;
else // We can send this out in a multi request
// Check to see if we should issue a challenge first
$queries['multi']['challenges'][$server_id] = $instance;
// Add this instance to do info query
$queries['multi']['info'][$server_id] = $instance;
// First lets do the faster, multi queries
if(count($queries['multi']['info']) > 0)
// Now lets do the slower linear queries.
if(count($queries['linear']) > 0)
// Now let's loop the servers and process the response data
foreach($this->servers AS $server_id => $instance)
// Lets process this and filter
$data[$server_id] = $this->filterResponse($instance);
// Send back the data array, could be empty if nothing went to plan
return $data;
/* Working Methods */
* Apply all set filters to the data returned by gameservers.
* @param GameQ_Protocols $protocol_instance
* @return array
protected function filterResponse(GameQ_Protocols $protocol_instance)
// Let's pull out the "raw" data we are going to filter
$data = $protocol_instance->processResponse();
// Loop each of the filters we have attached
foreach($this->options['filters'] AS $filter_name => $filter_instance)
// Overwrite the data with the "filtered" data
$data = $filter_instance->filter($data, $protocol_instance);
return $data;
* Process "linear" servers. Servers that do not support multiple packet calls at once. So Slow!
* This method also blocks the socket, you have been warned!!
* @param array $servers
* @return boolean
protected function requestLinear($servers=array())
// Loop thru all the linear servers
foreach($servers AS $server_id => $instance)
// First we need to get a socket and we need to block because this is linear
if(($socket = $this->socket_open($instance, TRUE)) === FALSE)
// Skip it
// Socket id
$socket_id = (int) $socket;
// See if we have challenges to send off
// Now send off the challenge packet
fwrite($socket, $instance->getPacket('challenge'));
// Read in the challenge response
$instance->challengeResponse(array(fread($socket, 4096)));
// Now we need to parse and apply the challenge response to all the packets that require it
// Invoke the beforeSend method
// Grab the packets we need to send, minus the challenge packet
$packets = $instance->getPacket('!challenge');
// Now loop the packets, begin the slowness
foreach($packets AS $packet_type => $packet)
// Add the socket information so we can retreive it easily
$this->sockets = array(
$socket_id => array(
'server_id' => $server_id,
'packet_type' => $packet_type,
'socket' => $socket,
// Write the packet
fwrite($socket, $packet);
// Get the responses from the query
$responses = $this->sockets_listen();
// Lets look at our responses
foreach($responses AS $socket_id => $response)
// Save the response from this packet
$instance->packetResponse($packet_type, $response);
// Now close all the socket(s) and clean up any data
return TRUE;
* Process the servers that support multi requests. That means multiple packets can be sent out at once.
* @param array $servers
* @return boolean
protected function requestMulti($servers=array())
// See if we have any challenges to send off
if(count($servers['challenges']) > 0)
// Now lets send off all the challenges
// Now let's process the challenges
// Loop thru all the instances
foreach($servers['challenges'] AS $server_id => $instance)
// Send out all the query packets to get data for
return TRUE;
* Send off needed challenges and get the response
* @param array $instances
* @return boolean
protected function sendChallenge(Array $instances=NULL)
// Loop thru all the instances we need to send out challenges for
foreach($instances AS $server_id => $instance)
// Make a new socket
if(($socket = $this->socket_open($instance)) === FALSE)
// Skip it
// Now write the challenge packet to the socket.
fwrite($socket, $instance->getPacket(GameQ_Protocols::PACKET_CHALLENGE));
// Add the socket information so we can retreive it easily
$this->sockets[(int) $socket] = array(
'server_id' => $server_id,
'packet_type' => GameQ_Protocols::PACKET_CHALLENGE,
'socket' => $socket,
// Let's sleep shortly so we are not hammering out calls rapid fire style hogging cpu
// Now we need to listen for challenge response(s)
$responses = $this->sockets_listen();
// Lets look at our responses
foreach($responses AS $socket_id => $response)
// Back out the server_id we need to update the challenge response for
$server_id = $this->sockets[$socket_id]['server_id'];
// Now set the proper response for the challenge because we will need it later
// Now close all the socket(s) and clean up any data
return TRUE;
* Query the server for actual server information (i.e. info, players, rules, etc...)
* @param array $instances
* @return boolean
protected function queryServerInfo(Array $instances=NULL)
// Loop all the server instances
foreach($instances AS $server_id => $instance)
// Invoke the beforeSend method
// Get all the non-challenge packets we need to send
$packets = $instance->getPacket('!challenge');
if(count($packets) == 0)
// Skip nothing else to do for some reason.
// Now lets send off the packets
foreach($packets AS $packet_type => $packet)
// Make a new socket
if(($socket = $this->socket_open($instance)) === FALSE)
// Skip it
// Now write the packet to the socket.
fwrite($socket, $packet);
// Add the socket information so we can retreive it easily
$this->sockets[(int) $socket] = array(
'server_id' => $server_id,
'packet_type' => $packet_type,
'socket' => $socket,
// Let's sleep shortly so we are not hammering out calls raipd fire style
// Now we need to listen for packet response(s)
$responses = $this->sockets_listen();
// Lets look at our responses
foreach($responses AS $socket_id => $response)
// Back out the server_id
$server_id = $this->sockets[$socket_id]['server_id'];
// Back out the packet type
$packet_type = $this->sockets[$socket_id]['packet_type'];
// Save the response from this packet
$this->servers[$server_id]->packetResponse($packet_type, $response);
// Now close all the socket(s) and clean up any data
return TRUE;
/* Sockets/streams stuff */
* Open a new socket based on the instance information
* @param GameQ_Protocols $instance
* @param bool $blocking
* @throws GameQException
* @return boolean|resource
protected function socket_open(GameQ_Protocols $instance, $blocking=FALSE)
// Create the remote address
$remote_addr = sprintf("%s://%s:%d", $instance->transport(), $instance->ip(), $instance->port());
// Create context
$context = stream_context_create(array(
'socket' => array(
'bindto' => '0:0', // Bind to any available IP and OS decided port
// Create the socket
if(($socket = @stream_socket_client($remote_addr, $errno = NULL, $errstr = NULL, $this->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context)) !== FALSE)
// Set the read timeout on the streams
stream_set_timeout($socket, $this->timeout);
// Set blocking mode
stream_set_blocking($socket, $blocking);
else // Throw an error
// Check to see if we are in debug mode, if so throw the exception
throw new GameQException(__METHOD__." Error creating socket to server {$remote_addr}. Error: ".$errstr, $errno);
// We didnt create so we need to return false.
return FALSE;
unset($context, $remote_addr);
// return the socket
return $socket;
* Listen to all the created sockets and return the responses
* @return array
protected function sockets_listen()
// Set the loop to active
$loop_active = TRUE;
// To store the responses
$responses = array();
// To store the sockets
$sockets = array();
// Loop and pull out all the actual sockets we need to listen on
foreach($this->sockets AS $socket_id => $socket_data)
// Append the actual socket we are listening to
$sockets[$socket_id] = $socket_data['socket'];
// Init some variables
$read = $sockets;
$write = NULL;
$except = NULL;
// Check to see if $read is empty, if so stream_select() will throw a warning
return $responses;
// This is when it should stop
$time_stop = microtime(TRUE) + $this->timeout;
// Let's loop until we break something.
while ($loop_active && microtime(TRUE) < $time_stop)
// Now lets listen for some streams, but do not cross the streams!
$streams = stream_select($read, $write, $except, 0, $this->stream_timeout);
// We had error or no streams left, kill the loop
if($streams === FALSE || ($streams <= 0))
$loop_active = FALSE;
// Loop the sockets that received data back
foreach($read AS $socket)
// See if we have a response
if(($response = stream_socket_recvfrom($socket, 8192)) === FALSE)
continue; // No response yet so lets continue.
// Check to see if the response is empty, if so we are done
// @todo: Verify that this does not affect other protocols, added for Minequery
// Initial testing showed this change did not affect any of the other protocols
if(strlen($response) == 0)
// End the while loop
$loop_active = FALSE;
// Add the response we got back
$responses[(int) $socket][] = $response;
// Because stream_select modifies read we need to reset it each
// time to the original array of sockets
$read = $sockets;
// Free up some memory
unset($streams, $read, $write, $except, $sockets, $time_stop, $response);
return $responses;
* Close all the open sockets
protected function sockets_close()
// Loop all the existing sockets, valid or not
foreach($this->sockets AS $socket_id => $data)
return TRUE;
* GameQ Exception Class
* Thrown when there is any kind of internal configuration error or
* some unhandled or unexpected error or response.
* @author Austin Bischoff <austin@codebeard.com>
class GameQException extends Exception {}