# 1.11.2 This release should be the last version of fastfetch 1.x (if no serious bugs found, hopefully) Features: * Support display name, type, rotation detection on Wayland (Linux, Display) * Print more useful display name instead of intel_backlight (Linux, Brightness) * Icons module supports Windows (Windows, Icons) * Add Wallpaper module which shows the current wallpaper image path * Add mac address detection `--localip-show-mac` (LocalIP, #451) Bugfixes: * Fix Gnome version detection on Fedora (DE) * Fix Windows drives detection in WSL (Disk) Changes: * In order to make Icons module consistant between different platforms, `--icons-format` no longer supports individual GTK / QT icon params. * `--theme-format` no longer supports individual GTK / plasma theme params. * `--local-ip-*` and `--public-ip-*` have been changed to `--localip-*` and `--publicip-*` * `--localip-compact-type` is no longer supported. Fastfetch now display IPs as `--localip-compat-type multiline` by default, with `--local-compact true` can be set as an alias of `--localip-compact-type oneline` * `--localip-v6first` is no longer supported. # 1.11.1 Features: * Support xonsh detection (TerminalShell) * Support Tabby version / terminal font detection (TerminalFont) Bugfixes: * Fix name of Pro Controller (Gamepad, Windows) * Fix compile error with imagemagick enabled (Windows) * Fix copy-and-paste errors (Gamepad) * Flatpak: Fix user package count * Flatpak: Count runtime packages too (#441) * Fix flatpak package count (#441) * Don't print white color blocks with `--pipe` (#450) * Fix iTerm being detected as iTermServer-* sometimes * Fix sound device volume being incorrectly detected as muted sometimes (Sound) * Fix memleaks reported by LeakSanitizer (Linux) * Fix potential memory curruption bug in unicode.c (Windows) Logo: * Update Windows 11 ASCII logo to look more visually consistent (#445) * Add another font color index to arch icon (#446) * Add SteamOS * Add macOS small / small2 # 1.11.0 Features: * Support linuxbrew (Packages, Linux) * Support foot terminal (#431, Linux) * Support cursor size detection on Windows (Cursor, Windows) * Support cursor detection on macOS (Cursor, macOS) * Support display name, display type and decimal refresh rate detection (Display, macOS / Windows) * Support `--display-compact-type` to display multiple resolutions in one line (Display) * Support flatpak-user (Packages, Linux, #436) * Support `--gpu-force-vulkan` to force using vulkan to detect GPUs, which support video memory usage detection with `--allow-slow-operations` (GPU) Bugfixes: * Fix date time format * Fix compiling with musl (Wifi, Linux, #429) * Don't exit if libpci is failed to init (GPU, Linux, #433) * Names of most well-known gamepads are correctly printed instead of `Wireless Controller` on Windows Logo: * Small update for nobara logo (#435, @regulargvy13) # 1.10.3 Bugfixes: * Fix uninitialized variables (GPU, Windows) * Fix compiling errors (Windows) Improvements: * Improve preformance (WmTheme amd Font, Windows and macOS) * Enable nonblocking public-ip / weather detection (Android) # 1.10.2 Bugfixes: * Handle `kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain` for macOS **SDK** < 12 (#425, @nandahkrishna) * Add missing `NULL` for `ffProcessAppendStdOut` (#421) # 1.10.1 New release for debugging #421 # 1.10.0 Notable Changes: * With the support of Win32 platform, original Windows 64bit artifact file is renamed to Win64 to avoid possible confusion Features: * Bluetooth module * Sound module * Gamepad module * Support colored percentage numbers output (#409) * Support `--localip-compact-type` option (#408) * Terminator terminal font detection (@Zerogiven, #415) * Windows 32bit compatibility * Support global configuration in MSYS2 environment (Windows) * Support GPU driver version detection on Windows 11 * Support scaled resolution detection for wayland (Linux) Bugfixes: * Fix build with older libnm versions * Fix a rare case that fails to detect terminal * Fix Muffin detection (@Zerogiven, #411) * Fix IPv6 detection (Windows) * Fix scoop package count detection when scoop is installed in non-default path (Windows, #417) * Fix UB reported by clang * Honor $SCOOP when detecting scoop packages (#417) Other: * Simplified wmtheme output format (Windows) * Improved GPU detection performance on Windows 11 * Lastest Mac model identifier support (macOS) # 1.9.1 Bugfixes: * Fix builds on s390x (@jonathanspw, #402) * Fix zero refresh rate on some monitors (macOS) * Fix default formatting of Wifi module # 1.9.0 Notable Changes: * fastfetch no longer creates a sample config file silently. Use `--gen-config` to generate one. * fastfetch now search for user config file in the order of `fastfetch --list-config-paths` * Unknown disks are hidden by default. * `Resolution` module is renamed to `Display`. (#393) Features: * `--logo-padding-top` option (@CarterLi, #372) * Raw image file as logo support (@CarterLi) * Look for config files in `$APPDATA` ([RoamingAppData](https://superuser.com/questions/21458/why-are-there-directories-called-local-locallow-and-roaming-under-users-user#answer-21462)) (Windows) * Look for config files in `~/Library/Preferences` (macOS) * Add `--list-config-paths` option which list search paths of config files * Add `--list-data-paths` option which list search paths for presets and logos * Add `Brightness` module support * Add `Battery` module support for FreeBSD * Add `--disk-show-unknown` option for Disk module * Add `--disk-show-subvolumes` option for Disk module * Add `--gpu-hide-integrated` option (#379) * Add `--gpu-hide-discrete` option (#379) * Detect terminal version when available * Support `WezTerm` terminal font detection (requires [`wezterm` executable](https://wezfurlong.org/wezterm/cli/general.html) being available) * Add `--shell-version` and `--terminal-version` options to disable shell / terminal version detection * Enhance `--percent-type` to allow hiding other texts (#387) * Add Wifi module support for Linux * Detect scaled resolutions (Windows, macOS) * Optimise font module printing (Windows) * Detect pacman package count inside MSYS2 environment (Windows) * Add Wifi / Battery module support for Android * Disk name support for Linux Logos: * Raspbian (@IamNoRobot, #373) Bugfixes: * `--logo-type` now does accept `iterm` too (@CarterLi, #374) * Fix mintty terminal font detection (Windows) * Fix bug that line buffering doesn't work properly (Windows) * Fix rpm package count detection (Linux) * Fix cpu temp detection (Linux) Other: * Fixed a Typo in iterm error message (@jessebot, #376) * Don't try to load config file in `/etc` (Windows) # 1.8.2 Bugfixes: * Fix memleaks Users module (Windows) * Fix shell detection when installed with scoop (Windows) * Don't use libcJSON as wlanapi's dll name (Windows) * Align artifact names to other platforms (Windows) # 1.8.1 Notable Changes: * `Song` was used as an alias to `Media` module. It's removed to avoid confusion. All song related flags (`--song-key`, etc) should change to media (`--media-key`, etc). (@CarterLi) Bugfixes: * Mountpoint paths on linux get decoded correctly (#364) * Color parsing once again works (@IanManske, #365) * Using a custom key with a placeholder for the local ip module now does work correctly if multiple interfaces are present (#368) # 1.8.0 This release introduces Windows support! Fastfetch now fully support all major desktop OSes (Linux, macOS, Windows and FreeBSD) Notable Changes: * Bios / Board / Chassis modules are splitted against Host module for performance reasons * Caching is removed. Option `--nocache` is removed accordingly Features: * Windows (7 and newer) is officially and fully supported * FreeBSD support is improved greatly (Bios, Cpu Temp, Cpu Usage, Disk, Host, Processes, Swap, Terminal / Shell, Uptime) * Adds a new flag `--stat`, which prints time usage for individual modules * Adds Wifi module which supports Windows and macOS * Adds data source option for logo printing * Detects Homebrew Cellar and Cask seperately * Detects WSL version * Detects disk based on mount point * Exposes more chafa configs * Improves performance for Cpu Usage, Public IP, Weather modules * Improves performance for Kitty image protocol when both image width / height specified * Improves performance for large file loading * Improves performance for macOS WM and Host detection * Improves shell and terminal detection on macOS * Supports Deepin Terminal terminal font * Supports GPU detection on Android * Supports Kitty Terminal terminal font * Supports bar output for percentage values * Supports Bios module on macOS * Supports eopkg package manager detection * Supports iTerm image logo protocol * Supports image logo printing on macOS * Supports tcsh version detection * Vulkan module on macOS no longer requires vulkan-loader to work Logos: * Alpine * CRUX * EndeavourOS * Enso * Garuda small * Nobara * OpenMandriva * Parabola GNU/Linux-libre * Rocky * Rosa * Solus * Univalent * Vanilla OS Bugfixes: * Fixes disk size detection on 32bit Linux (#337) * Fixes cpu freq detection in WSL * Fixes internal bug of FFstrbuf * Fixes some memory leaks * Fixes segfault if 0 is given as argument index * Lots of code refactors # 1.7.5 Fixes a crash on linux that could happen when getting zsh version (#285) # 1.7.4 The last element in the default structure (currently the color blocks) is now printed again (#283) # 1.7.3 A lot of small improvements for MacOS & BSD platforms. Features: * BSD is now officially supported (#228) * MacPorts package manager support (@SladeGetz, #234) * Battery support for MacOS (@CarterLi, #235) * Processes, swap & terminal font support for MacOS(@CarterLi, #237) * Media support for MacOS (@CarterLi, #242) * Player support for MacOS (@CarterLi, #245) * WM theme support for MacOS (@CarterLi, #246) * CPU usage support for MacOS (@CarterLi, #247) * Power Adapter module (@CarterLi, #249) * Windows terminal font for WSL (@CarterLi, #254) * Temps & Font support for MacOS (@CarterLi, #258) * Terminal font support for Termux (@CarterLi, #263) * Weather module (@CarterLi, #266) Logos * Crystal linux (@AloneER0, #239) * FreeBSD (@draumaz, #244) * New Ubuntu (@AloneER0, #259) Bugfixes: * Don't segfault in GPU code on Intel Macs (@CarterLi, #236) * Don't use hardcoded size units in presets (@dr460nf1r3, #255) * Don't crash with some format strings (#252) * --logo none keeps key color now (#264) # 1.7.2 Fixes the bash completions # 1.7.1 This release brings a lot of bug fixes and improvements for MacOS. Big thanks to @CarterLi for the help on this! Features: * The color of the title and the keys can now be configured individually, using `--color-keys` and `--color-title` respectively. Some distros have different defaults now, similar to neofetch * Swap module, similar to the Memory module, but for swap. Add `Swap` to your structure to enable it (#225) Logos: * Slackware (#227) Bugfixes: * Used disk space is now calculated much more accurately * On Linux, GPU names are no longer truncated, if they are longer than 32 characters (#224) * On Linux, NVIDIA GPUs once again have a proper name * On M1 platforms, showing the GPU name no longer crashes the program (#222) * Brew package count does now work on M1 platforms too * The Vulkan module now does work on MacOS too * The OpenGL and OpenCL modules now work on MacOS too (@CarterLi, #226) * The LocalIp module now works on MacOS too (@CarterLi, #232) * Detecting custom WMs on MacOS does now work Other: * GitHub actions now builds a dmg file for MacOS, as you can see in the release page # 1.7.0 This release brings support for MacOS! The basics things are working, but it is far from feature parity with Linux. I developed this in a VM, so bugs on real hardware are likely. If you have a Mac and no idea what to do with your free time, i am very happy to accept pull requests / work on issues. A lot of things were changed under the hood to make this possible, which should bring better performance and stability on all platforms. Besides that, the following things have changed: Features: * The binary prefix used can now be configured, and is used consistently across all modules. Set `--binary-prefix` to `iec` (default), `si` or `jedec`. * AMD GPUs now have a much better name, if the file `/usr/share/libdrm/amdgpu.ids` exists. For example my dedicated GPU, which was displayed as `AMD/ATI Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5700 XT`, is now `AMD Radeon RX 5600M`. Logos: * MacOS * CachyOS small (@sirlucjan, #220) * MSYS2 (#219) Bugfixes: * the `--file` option, which can be used to display the contents of a file as the logo, is now working again. # 1.6.5 Fixes parsing quoted values in config files # 1.6.4 Releasing this, so fedora can package fastfetch. Thanks to @jonathanspw for doing that! Features: * --set-keyless option (#215) * Replace `\n`, `\t`, `\e` and `\\` in user provided strings, just like c would do it (#215) * APK (Alpine Package Keeper) support (@mxkrsv, #216) Logos: * Alma Linux (@jonathanspw, #214) Bugfixes: * replace deprecated gethostbyname call with getaddrinfo (#217) # 1.6.3 Fixes installing presets in their own directory (@ceamac, #212) # 1.6.2 Releasing this, so void linux can package fastfetch. Logos: * Rosa linux (#206) * KISS linux (@draumaz, #207) * LangitKetujuh (@hervyqa, #208) Bugfixes: * Using musl as libc does work now (#210) * XBPS packages are once again printed (#209) * configured target dirs are applied to install directories too * empty XDG_* env vars don't cause a crash anymore # 1.6.1 Fixes build on android (#205) # 1.6.0 Features: * Detect QT on more DEs than just KDE Plasma. The [Plasma] category was therefore renamed to [QT] * Alacritty font detection * Load `/etc/fastfetch/config.conf` before user config * Disk: print one decimal point if size < 100GB * `--title-fqdn` option, to print fully qualified domain name instead of host name in title Logos: * updated old NixOS logo Bugfixes: * Correctly detect GTK on DEs that store their settings in dconf * Correctly detect NixOS packages * Mutter WM detected once again * Show full NixOS version in OS output * Don't segfault if an invalid structure is given * WSL doesn't output GPU anymore, as the name is always meaningless