2024-12-13 16:05:37 +08:00

259 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Python script to generate a man page for the command `fastfetch`.
The man content will be printed to stdout so you will need to
pipe it to a file if you want to save it.
The command options will be generated using a JSON file.
For the format of the JSON file, see
from json import load
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from time import time
from re import search
from os import environ, path
###### Text Decorations Tags ######
startUnderline = r"\fI" # start underline text tag
endUnderline = r"\fR" # end underline text tag
startBold = r"\fB" # start bold text tag
endBold = r"\fR" # end bold text tag
###### Parameters ######
# path to the current directory
pathToCurrentDir = path.dirname(__file__)
# path to the JSON option file
pathToHelpFile = path.join(pathToCurrentDir, "../src/data/help.json")
# man page section
manSection = 1
# title (center header)
titlePage = "Fastfetch man page"
# date (center footer)
# format : "Month (abbreviation) Day Year"
todayDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(
int(environ.get("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH", time())),
).strftime("%b %d %Y")
# file to fastfetch version (left footer)
pathToVersionFile = path.join(pathToCurrentDir, "../CMakeLists.txt")
###### Sections Text ######
# text displayed in the "NAME" section
nameSection = r"fastfetch \- A maintained, feature\-rich and performance oriented, neofetch like system information tool"
# text displayed at the beginning of the "OPTIONS" section
optionSection = r"""
Parsing is not case sensitive. E.g. \fB--logo-type\fR is
equal to \fB--LOGO-TYPE\fR.
If a value is between square brackets, it is optional.
An optional boolean value defaults to true if not specified.
More detailed help messages for each options can be printed
with \fB-h <option_without_dash_prefix>\fR.
All options can be made permanent with command
\fBfastfetch <options> --gen-config\fR.
# text displayed in the "CONFIGURATION"
configurationSection = f"""
.SS Fetch Structure
The structure of a fetch describes the modules that should
be included in the output. It consists of a string of modules,
separated by a colon (:). To list all available modules,
use --list-modules.
.SS Config Files
Fastfetch uses JSONC based format for configuration.
Fastfetch doesn't generate config file automatically;
it should be generated manually by {startBold}--gen-config{endBold}.
The config file will be saved in
{startBold}~/.config/fastfetch/config.jsonc{endBold} by default.
A JSONC config file is a JSON file that also supports comments
with (// and /* */). Those files must have the extension '.jsonc'.
The specified configuration/preset files are searched in the following order:
{startBold}1.{endBold} relative to the current working directory
{startBold}2.{endBold} relative to ~/.local/share/fastfetch/presets/
{startBold}3.{endBold} relative to /usr/share/fastfetch/presets/
Fastfetch provides some default presets. List them with --list-presets.
# text displayed in the "EXAMPLE" section
exampleSection = """
.SS Config files:
// ~/.config/fastfetch/config.jsonc
"$schema": "",
"modules": [
"type": "module2",
"module2-option": "value"
# text displayed in the "BUGS" section
bugSection = "Please report bugs to : \"
# text displayed in the "WIKI" section
wikiSection = "Fastfetch github wiki :"
###### Argument decoration ######
### optional arguments tags ###
# if an optional argument is displayed as [?optArg] (with "optArg" underlined)
# this value should be f"[?{startUnderline}"
startOptionalArgument = f"[{startUnderline}?"
# if an optional argument is displayed as [?optArg] (with "optArg underlined")
# this value should be f"{endUnderline}]"
endOptionalArgument = f"{endUnderline}]"
### mandatory arguments tags ###
startMandatoryArgument = f"{startUnderline}"
endMandatoryArgument = f"{endUnderline}"
def main():
# importing the JSON file
with open(pathToHelpFile, 'r') as jsonFile:
helpFileData = load(jsonFile) # json.load
######## Start printing the generated .1 file ########
###### header, footer & config #####
print(f".TH FASTFETCH {manSection} ", end=" ")
print(f"\"{todayDate}\"", end=" ")
# version number
with open(pathToVersionFile, 'r') as versionFile:
# research version number in file with regex
for line in versionFile:
researchVersion = search(r"^\s*VERSION (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$", line)
if (researchVersion):
print(f"\"{}\"", end=" ")
###### Name ######
print(".SH NAME")
##### Synopsis ######
print(".SH SYNOPSIS")
print(".B fastfetch")
###### Wiki ######
print(".SH WIKI")
###### Configuration ######
###### Options ######
print(".SH OPTIONS")
# loop through every options sections
for key, value in helpFileData.items():
# print new subsection
print(f".SS {key}:")
# loop through every option in a section
for option in value:
# list of existing keys for this option
keyList = option.keys()
# start a new "option" entry
print(startBold, end="")
# short option (-opt)
if "short" in keyList:
print(fr"\-{ option['short'] }", end="")
# if also have a long option, print a comma
if "long" in keyList:
print(", ", end="")
# long option (--option)
if "long" in keyList:
print(fr"\-\-{ option['long'] }", end="")
print(endBold, end=" ")
# arguments
if "arg" in keyList:
# if argument is optional, print "[arg]"
if "optional" in option["arg"].keys() and option["arg"]["optional"]:
print(startOptionalArgument + option['arg']['type'] + endOptionalArgument, end="")
# if argument is mandatory, print "arg"
print(startMandatoryArgument + option['arg']['type'] + endMandatoryArgument, end="")
# description
print(f"\n {option['desc']} \n")
###### Examples ######
print(".SH EXAMPLES")
###### Bugs ######
print(".SH BUGS")
if __name__ == "__main__":