2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< ? php
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_excerpt' ) ) {
* Returns excerpt with custom ellipsis
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ return string The customized excerpt .
function fictioneer_get_excerpt () {
// Replace [...] with …
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt ();
$excerpt = preg_replace ( ' (\[.*?\])' , '…' , $excerpt );
$excerpt = trim ( preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , ' ' , $excerpt ) );
// Return result
return $excerpt ;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_limited_excerpt' ) ) {
* Returns excerpt with maximum length in characters
* @ since Fictioneer 3.0
* @ param int $limit The character limit .
* @ param string $source Either the 'content' or 'excerpt' . Default 'excerpt' .
* @ return string The customized excerpt .
function fictioneer_get_limited_excerpt ( $limit , $source = 'excerpt' ) {
$excerpt = $source == 'content' ? get_the_content () : get_the_excerpt ();
$excerpt = preg_replace ( ' (\[.*?\])' , '' , $excerpt );
$excerpt = strip_shortcodes ( $excerpt );
$excerpt = strip_tags ( $excerpt );
$excerpt = substr ( $excerpt , 0 , $limit );
$excerpt = substr ( $excerpt , 0 , strripos ( $excerpt , ' ' ) );
$excerpt = trim ( preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , ' ' , $excerpt ) );
$excerpt = $excerpt . '…' ;
return $excerpt ;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_first_paragraph_as_excerpt' ) ) {
* Returns the first paragraph of the content as excerpt
* @ since Fictioneer 3.0
* @ param string $content The content as HTML .
* @ return string First paragraph as excerpt , stripped of tags .
function fictioneer_first_paragraph_as_excerpt ( $content ) {
$excerpt = strip_shortcodes ( $content );
$excerpt = substr ( $excerpt , 0 , strpos ( $excerpt , '</p>' ) + 4 );
return wp_strip_all_tags ( $excerpt , true );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_forced_excerpt' ) ) {
* Returns the excerpt even if the post is protected
* @ since Fictioneer 4.5
* @ param int $post_id Post ID .
* @ param int $limit Maximum number of characters .
* @ param boolean $default Whether to return the original excerpt if present .
* @ return string The excerpt stripped of tags .
function fictioneer_get_forced_excerpt ( $post_id , $limit = 256 , $default = false ) {
$post = get_post ( $post_id );
if ( ! $default && $post -> post_excerpt != '' ) return $post -> post_excerpt ;
$excerpt = $post -> post_content ;
$excerpt = preg_replace ( ' (\[.*?\])' , '' , $excerpt );
$excerpt = strip_shortcodes ( $excerpt );
$excerpt = wp_strip_all_tags ( $excerpt );
$excerpt = substr ( $excerpt , 0 , $limit );
$excerpt = substr ( $excerpt , 0 , strripos ( $excerpt , ' ' ) );
$excerpt = trim ( preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , ' ' , $excerpt ) );
$excerpt = $excerpt . '…' ;
return $excerpt ;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_author_node' ) ) {
* Returns an author ' s display name as link to public profile
* @ since Fictioneer 4.0
* @ param int $author_id The author ' s user ID . Defaults to current post author .
* @ param string $classes Optional . String of CSS classes .
* @ return string HTML with author ' s display name as public profile link .
function fictioneer_get_author_node ( $author_id = null , $classes = '' ) {
$author_id = $author_id ? $author_id : get_the_author_meta ( 'ID' );
$author_name = get_the_author_meta ( 'display_name' , $author_id );
return '<a href="' . get_author_posts_url ( $author_id ) . '" class="author ' . $classes . '">' . $author_name . '</a>' ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_the_author_node' ) ) {
* Outputs the author node
* @ since Fictioneer 4.0
* @ param int $author_id The author ' s user ID . Defaults to current post author .
* @ param string $classes Optional . String of CSS classes .
function fictioneer_the_author_node ( $author_id = null , $classes = '' ) {
echo fictioneer_get_author_node ( $author_id , $classes );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_icon' ) ) {
* Outputs the HTML for an inline svg icon
* @ since Fictioneer 4.0
* @ param string $icon Name of the icon that matches the svg .
* @ param string $classes Optional . String of CSS classes .
* @ param string $id Optional . An element ID .
* @ param string $inserts Optional . Additional attributes .
function fictioneer_icon ( $icon , $classes = '' , $id = '' , $inserts = '' ) {
echo fictioneer_get_icon ( $icon , $classes , $id , $inserts );
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_icon' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for an inline svg icon
* Uses a similar structure to Font Awesome but inserts an external svg
* via the < use > tag . The version is added as query variable for cache
* busting purposes .
* @ since Fictioneer 4.7
* @ param string $icon Name of the icon that matches the svg .
* @ param string $classes Optional . String of CSS classes .
* @ param string $id Optional . An element ID .
* @ param string $inserts Optional . Additional attributes .
function fictioneer_get_icon ( $icon , $classes = '' , $id = '' , $inserts = '' ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< svg id = " <?php echo $id ; ?> " < ? php echo $inserts ; ?> class="icon _<?php echo $icon; ?> <?php echo $classes; ?>">
< use xlink : href = " <?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/img/icon-sprite.svg?ver=<?php echo FICTIONEER_VERSION; ?>#icon-<?php echo $icon ; ?> " ></ use >
</ svg >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
return ob_get_clean ();
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_safe_title' ) ) {
* Returns the cleaned title and accounts for empty strings
* @ since Fictioneer 4.7
* @ param int $post_id The post ID to get the title for .
* @ return string The title , never empty .
function fictioneer_get_safe_title ( $post_id ) {
// Get title and remove HTML
$title = wp_strip_all_tags ( get_the_title ( $post_id ) );
// If empty, use the datetime as title
if ( empty ( $title ) ) {
$title = sprintf (
_x ( '%1$s — %2$s' , '[Date] — [Time] if post title is missing.' , 'fictioneer' ),
get_the_date ( '' , $post_id ),
get_the_time ( '' , $post_id )
return $title ;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_reading_time_nodes' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the reading time nodes
* Returns the estimated reading time for a given amount of words in two nodes ,
* a long one for desktop and a short one for mobile .
* @ since Fictioneer 4.7
* @ param int $word_count The number of words .
* @ return string HTML for the reading time nodes .
function fictioneer_get_reading_time_nodes ( $word_count ) {
$wpm = absint ( get_option ( 'fictioneer_words_per_minute' , 200 ) );
$wpm = max ( 1 , $wpm );
$t = round ( $word_count / $wpm * 60 );
$long = '' ;
$short = '' ;
if ( $t / 86400 >= 1 ) {
$d = floor ( ( $t % 2592000 ) / 86400 );
$h = floor ( ( $t % 86400 ) / 3600 );
$long = sprintf (
_x ( '%1$s, %2$s' , 'Long reading time statistics: [d] days, [h] hours.' , 'fictioneer' ),
sprintf ( _n ( '%s day' , '%s days' , $d , 'fictioneer' ), $d ),
sprintf ( _n ( '%s hour' , '%s hours' , $h , 'fictioneer' ), $h )
$short = sprintf (
_x ( '%1$s, %2$s' , 'Shortened reading time statistics: [d] d, [h] h.' , 'fictioneer' ),
sprintf ( _n ( '%s d' , '%s d' , $d , 'fictioneer' ), $d ),
sprintf ( _n ( '%s h' , '%s h' , $h , 'fictioneer' ), $h )
} elseif ( $t / 3600 >= 1 ) {
$h = floor ( ( $t % 86400 ) / 3600 );
$m = floor ( ( $t % 3600 ) / 60 );
$long = sprintf (
_x ( '%1$s, %2$s' , 'Long reading time statistics: [h] hours, [m] minutes.' , 'fictioneer' ),
sprintf ( _n ( '%s hour' , '%s hours' , $h , 'fictioneer' ), $h ),
sprintf ( _n ( '%s minute' , '%s minutes' , $m , 'fictioneer' ), $m )
$short = sprintf (
_x ( '%1$s, %2$s' , 'Shortened reading time statistics: [h] h, [m] m.' , 'fictioneer' ),
sprintf ( _n ( '%s h' , '%s h' , $h , 'fictioneer' ), $h ),
sprintf ( _n ( '%s m' , '%s m' , $m , 'fictioneer' ), $m )
} else {
$m = floor ( ( $t % 3600 ) / 60 );
$long = sprintf ( _n ( '%s minute' , '%s minutes' , $m , 'fictioneer' ), $m );
$short = sprintf ( _n ( '%s m' , '%s m' , $m , 'fictioneer' ), $m );
return '<span class="hide-below-400">' . $long . '</span><span class="show-below-400">' . $short . '</span>' ;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_footer_copyright_note' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the footer copyright note
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param array $args [ 'breadcrumbs' ] Breadcrumb tuples with label ( 0 ) and link ( 1 ) .
* @ param string $args [ 'post_type' ] Optional . Post type of the current page .
* @ param int $args [ 'post_id' ] Optional . Post ID of the current page .
* @ return string HTML for the copyright note .
function fictioneer_get_footer_copyright_note ( $args ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< span > © < ? php echo date ( 'Y' ); ?> </span>
< span >< ? php echo get_bloginfo ( 'name' ); ?> </span>
< span >|</ span >
< a href = " https://github.com/Tetrakern/fictioneer " target = " _blank " rel = " noreferrer " >< ? php echo fictioneer_get_version (); ?> </a>
< ? php // <--- End HTML
return ob_get_clean ();
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Returns the current Fictioneer major theme version
* Only the major version number should be displayed to avoid telling potential
* attackers which specific version ( and weak points ) to target .
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ return string The version .
function fictioneer_get_version () {
return sprintf (
_x ( 'Fictioneer %s' , 'Fictioneer theme major version notice.' , 'fictioneer' ),
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_breadcrumbs' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the breadcrumbs
* Renders a breadcrumbs trail supporting RDFa to be readable by search engines .
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param array $args [ 'breadcrumbs' ] Breadcrumb tuples with label ( 0 ) and link ( 1 ) .
* @ param string $args [ 'post_type' ] Optional . Post type of the current page .
* @ param int $args [ 'post_id' ] Optional . Post ID of the current page .
* @ param string $args [ 'template' ] Optional . Name of the template file .
* @ return string HTML for the breadcrumbs .
function fictioneer_get_breadcrumbs ( $args ) {
// Abort if...
if (
! isset ( $args [ 'breadcrumbs' ] ) ||
! is_array ( $args [ 'breadcrumbs' ] ) ||
count ( $args [ 'breadcrumbs' ] ) < 1 ||
is_front_page ()
2023-01-26 02:48:11 +01:00
) return '' ;
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
// Setup
$count = count ( $args [ 'breadcrumbs' ] );
// Abort if array does not have two or more items
2023-01-26 02:48:11 +01:00
if ( $count < 2 ) return '' ;
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
// Filter breadcrumbs array
$args [ 'breadcrumbs' ] = apply_filters ( 'fictioneer_filter_breadcrumbs_array' , $args [ 'breadcrumbs' ], $args );
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< ol vocab = " https://schema.org/ " typeof = " BreadcrumbList " class = " breadcrumbs " >
< ? php foreach ( $args [ 'breadcrumbs' ] as $key => $value ) : ?>
< li property = " itemListElement " typeof = " ListItem " >
< ? php if ( $count > $key + 1 ) : ?>
< ? php if ( $value [ 1 ] ) : ?>
< a property = " item " typeof = " WebPage " href = " <?php echo $value[1] ; ?> " >< span property = " name " >< ? php echo $value [ 0 ]; ?> </span></a>
< ? php else : ?>
< span property = " name " >< ? php echo $value [ 0 ]; ?> </span>
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php else : ?>
< span property = " name " >< ? php echo $value [ 0 ]; ?> </span>
< ? php endif ; ?>
< meta property = " position " content = " <?php echo $key + 1; ?> " >
</ li >
< ? php endforeach ; ?>
</ ol >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
return ob_get_clean ();
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_multi_author_nodes' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the authors
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param array $authors Array of authors to process .
* @ return string HTML for the author nodes .
function fictioneer_get_multi_author_nodes ( $authors ) {
// Setup
$author_nodes = [];
// The meta field returns an array of IDs
foreach ( $authors as $author ) {
$author_nodes [] = fictioneer_get_author_node ( $author );
// Build and return HTML
return sprintf (
__ ( '<span class="author-by">by</span> %s' , 'fictioneer' ),
implode ( ', ' , array_unique ( $author_nodes ) )
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_story_author_nodes' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the authors on story pages
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param int $story_id The story ID .
* @ return string HTML for the author nodes .
function fictioneer_get_story_author_nodes ( $story_id ) {
// Setup
$all_authors = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_story_co_authors' , $story_id ) ? ? [];
$all_authors = is_array ( $all_authors ) ? $all_authors : [];
array_unshift ( $all_authors , get_post_field ( 'post_author' , $story_id ) );
// Return author nodes
return fictioneer_get_multi_author_nodes ( $all_authors );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_story_page_cover' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for thumbnail on story pages
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param array $story Collection of story data .
* @ return string HTML for the thumbnail .
function fictioneer_get_story_page_cover ( $story ) {
global $post ;
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< figure class = " story__thumbnail " >
< a href = " <?php the_post_thumbnail_url( 'full' ); ?> " < ? php echo fictioneer_get_lightbox_attribute (); ?> >
< ? php
the_post_thumbnail (
array ( 200 , 300 ),
array (
'alt' => sprintf ( __ ( '%s Cover' , 'fictioneer' ), $story [ 'title' ] ),
'class' => 'webfeedsFeaturedVisual'
< div id = " ribbon-read " class = " story__thumbnail-ribbon hidden " >
< div class = " ribbon _read " >< ? php _ex ( 'Read' , 'Caption of the _read_ ribbon.' , 'fictioneer' ) ?> </div>
</ div >
</ a >
</ figure >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
return ob_get_clean ();
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_subscribe_options' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the subscribe buttons
* @ since 5.0
* @ param int | null $post_id The post ID the buttons are for . Defaults to current .
* @ param int | null $author_id The author ID the buttons are for . Defaults to current .
* @ param string | null $feed RSS feed link . Default determined by post type .
* @ return string HTML for subscribe buttons .
function fictioneer_get_subscribe_options ( $post_id = null , $author_id = null , $feed = null ) {
// Setup
$post_id = $post_id ? $post_id : get_the_ID ();
$story_id = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_chapter_story' , $post_id );
$author_id = $author_id ? $author_id : get_the_author_meta ( 'ID' );
$patreon_link = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_patreon_link' , $post_id );
$kofi_link = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_kofi_link' , $post_id );
$subscribestar_link = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_subscribestar_link' , $post_id );
$output = [];
$feed = get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_theme_rss' ) ? $feed : null ;
// Look for story support links if none provided by post
if ( ! empty ( $story_id ) ) {
if ( empty ( $patreon_link ) ) $patreon_link = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_patreon_link' , $story_id );
if ( empty ( $kofi_link ) ) $kofi_link = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_kofi_link' , $story_id );
if ( empty ( $subscribestar_link ) ) $subscribestar_link = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_subscribestar_link' , $story_id );
// Look for author support links if none provided by post or story
if ( empty ( $patreon_link ) ) $patreon_link = get_the_author_meta ( 'fictioneer_user_patreon_link' , $author_id );
if ( empty ( $kofi_link ) ) $kofi_link = get_the_author_meta ( 'fictioneer_user_kofi_link' , $author_id );
if ( empty ( $subscribestar_link ) ) $subscribestar_link = get_the_author_meta ( 'fictioneer_user_subscribestar_link' , $author_id );
// Get right RSS link if not provided
if ( ! $feed && get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_theme_rss' ) ) {
$feed = fictioneer_get_rss_link ( get_post_type (), $post_id );
// Build
if ( $patreon_link ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< a href = " <?php echo $patreon_link ; ?> " target = " _blank " rel = " noopener " class = " _align-left " >
< i class = " fa-brands fa-patreon " ></ i > < span >< ? php _e ( 'Follow on Patreon' , 'fictioneer' ); ?> </span>
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'patreon' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $kofi_link ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< a href = " <?php echo $kofi_link ; ?> " target = " _blank " rel = " noopener " class = " _align-left " >
< ? php fictioneer_icon ( 'kofi' ); ?> <span><?php _e( 'Follow on Ko-Fi', 'fictioneer' ); ?></span>
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'kofi' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $subscribestar_link ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< a href = " <?php echo $subscribestar_link ; ?> " target = " _blank " rel = " noopener " class = " _align-left " >
< i class = " fa-solid fa-s " ></ i > < span >< ? php _e ( 'Follow on SubscribeStar' , 'fictioneer' ); ?> </span>
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'subscribestar' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $feed ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 16:27:52 +01:00
< a href = " https://feedly.com/i/subscription/feed/<?php echo urlencode( $feed ); ?> " target = " _blank " rel = " noopener " class = " _align-left " aria - label = " <?php esc_attr_e( 'Follow on Feedly', 'fictioneer' ); ?> " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< ? php fictioneer_icon ( 'feedly' ); ?> <span><?php _e( 'Follow on Feedly', 'fictioneer' ); ?></span>
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'feedly' ] = ob_get_clean ();
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 16:27:52 +01:00
< a href = " https://www.inoreader.com/?add_feed=<?php echo urlencode( $feed ); ?> " target = " _blank " rel = " noopener " class = " _align-left " aria - label = " <?php esc_attr_e( 'Follow on Inoreader', 'fictioneer' ); ?> " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< ? php fictioneer_icon ( 'inoreader' ); ?> <span><?php _e( 'Follow on Inoreader', 'fictioneer' ); ?></span>
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'inoreader' ] = ob_get_clean ();
// Apply filter
$output = apply_filters ( 'fictioneer_filter_subscribe_buttons' , $output , $post_id , $author_id , $feed );
// Return
return implode ( '' , $output );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_story_buttons' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the story buttons
* @ since 5.0
* @ param array $args [ 'story_data' ] Collection of story data .
* @ param int $args [ 'story_id' ] The story post ID .
* @ return string HTML for the story buttons .
function fictioneer_get_story_buttons ( $args ) {
// Setup
$story_data = $args [ 'story_data' ];
$story_id = $args [ 'story_id' ];
$ebook_upload = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_story_ebook_upload_one' , $story_id ); // Attachment ID
$subscribe_buttons = fictioneer_get_subscribe_options ();
$output = [];
// Flags
$show_epub_download = $story_data [ 'chapter_count' ] > 0 && fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_story_epub_preface' , $story_id ) && get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_epubs' ) && ! fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_story_no_epub' , $story_id );
$can_follows = get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_follows' );
$can_reminders = get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_reminders' );
// Build
if ( ! empty ( $subscribe_buttons ) ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-24 18:05:31 +01:00
< div class = " toggle-last-clicked button _secondary popup-menu-toggle _popup-right-if-last " tabindex = " 0 " role = " button " aria - label = " <?php echo fcntr( 'subscribe', true ); ?> " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< div >< i class = " fa-solid fa-bell " ></ i > < span >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'subscribe' ); ?> </span></div>
< div class = " popup-menu _bottom _center " >< ? php echo $subscribe_buttons ; ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'subscribe' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $show_epub_download && ! $ebook_upload ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 21:50:45 +01:00
< a href = " <?php echo esc_url( home_url( 'download-epub/' . $args['story_id'] ) ); ?> " class = " button _secondary " rel = " noreferrer noopener nofollow " aria - label = " <?php esc_attr_e( 'Download ePUB', 'fictioneer' ) ?> " download >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< i class = " fa-solid fa-cloud-download-alt " ></ i >
< span class = " span-epub hide-below-640 " >< ? php _e ( 'ePUB' , 'fictioneer' ) ?> </span>
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'epub' ] = ob_get_clean ();
} elseif ( wp_get_attachment_url ( $ebook_upload ) ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 21:50:45 +01:00
< a href = " <?php echo esc_url( wp_get_attachment_url( $ebook_upload ) ); ?> " class = " button _secondary " rel = " noreferrer noopener nofollow " aria - label = " <?php esc_attr_e( 'Download eBook', 'fictioneer' ) ?> " download >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< i class = " fa-solid fa-cloud-download-alt " ></ i >
2023-01-23 21:50:45 +01:00
< span class = " span-epub hide-below-640 " >< ? php _e ( 'eBook' , 'fictioneer' ) ?> </span>
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'ebook' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $can_reminders ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< button class = " button _secondary button-read-later hide-if-logged-out " data - story - id = " <?php echo $story_id ; ?> " >
< i class = " fa-solid fa-clock " ></ i >
< span class = " span-follow hide-below-480 " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'read_later' ) ?> </span>
</ button >
2023-01-23 21:50:45 +01:00
< label for = " modal-login-toggle " class = " button _secondary button-read-later-notice hide-if-logged-in tooltipped " tabindex = " 0 " data - tooltip = " <?php esc_attr_e( 'Log in to set Reminders', 'fictioneer' ); ?> " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< i class = " fa-solid fa-clock " ></ i >
< span class = " span-follow hide-below-480 " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'read_later' ) ?> </span>
</ label >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'reminder' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $can_follows ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< button class = " button _secondary button-follow-story hide-if-logged-out " data - story - id = " <?php echo $story_id ; ?> " >
< i class = " fa-solid fa-star " ></ i >
< span class = " span-follow hide-below-400 " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'follow' ) ?> </span>
</ button >
2023-01-23 21:50:45 +01:00
< label for = " modal-login-toggle " class = " button _secondary button-follow-login-notice hide-if-logged-in tooltipped " tabindex = " 0 " data - tooltip = " <?php esc_attr_e( 'Log in to Follow', 'fictioneer' ); ?> " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< i class = " fa-regular fa-star off " ></ i >
< span class = " span-follow hide-below-400 " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'follow' ) ?> </span>
</ label >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'follow' ] = ob_get_clean ();
// Apply filter
$output = apply_filters ( 'fictioneer_filter_story_buttons' , $output , $args );
// Return
return implode ( '' , $output );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_chapter_author_nodes' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the authors on chapter pages
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param int $chapter_id The chapter ID .
* @ return string HTML for the author nodes .
function fictioneer_get_chapter_author_nodes ( $chapter_id ) {
// Setup
$all_authors = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_chapter_co_authors' , $chapter_id ) ? ? [];
$all_authors = is_array ( $all_authors ) ? $all_authors : [];
array_unshift ( $all_authors , get_post_field ( 'post_author' , $chapter_id ) );
// Return author nodes
return fictioneer_get_multi_author_nodes ( $all_authors );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_chapter_micro_menu' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the chapter warning section
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param WP_Post | null $args [ 'story_post' ] Optional . Post object of the story .
* @ param int $args [ 'chapter_id' ] The chapter ID .
* @ param array $args [ 'chapter_ids' ] IDs of visible chapters in the same story or empty array .
* @ param int | boolean $args [ 'prev_index' ] Index of previous chapter or false if outside bounds .
* @ param int | boolean $args [ 'next_index' ] Index of next chapter or false if outside bounds .
* @ return string The chapter micro menu HTML .
function fictioneer_get_chapter_micro_menu ( $args ) {
$micro_menu = [];
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 16:40:55 +01:00
< label id = " micro-menu-label-open-chapter-list " for = " mobile-menu-toggle " class = " micro-menu__chapter-list show-below-desktop " tabindex = " -1 " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< i class = " fa-solid fa-list " ></ i >
</ label >
2023-01-23 16:40:55 +01:00
< a href = " <?php echo get_the_permalink( $args['story_post'] ->ID ); ?>#tabs " class = " hide-below-desktop " tabindex = " -1 " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< i class = " fa-solid fa-list " ></ i >
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$micro_menu [ 'chapter_list' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $args [ 'story_post' ] ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 16:40:55 +01:00
< a href = " <?php echo get_the_permalink( $args['story_post'] ->ID ); ?> " title = " <?php echo get_the_title( $args['story_post'] ->ID ); ?> " tabindex = " -1 " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< i class = " fa-solid fa-book " ></ i >
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$micro_menu [ 'story_link' ] = ob_get_clean ();
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 16:40:55 +01:00
< label for = " modal-formatting-toggle " class = " micro-menu__modal-formatting " tabindex = " -1 " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< ? php fictioneer_icon ( 'font-settings' ); ?>
</ label >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$micro_menu [ 'formatting' ] = ob_get_clean ();
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-24 02:18:31 +01:00
< button type = " button " onclick = " fcn_openFullscreen() " title = " <?php esc_attr_e( 'Enter fullscreen', 'fictioneer' ); ?> " class = " micro-menu__enter-fullscreen hide-on-iOS hide-on-fullscreen " tabindex = " -1 " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< ? php fictioneer_icon ( 'expand' ); ?>
</ button >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$micro_menu [ 'open_fullscreen' ] = ob_get_clean ();
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-24 02:18:31 +01:00
< button type = " button " onclick = " fcn_closeFullscreen() " title = " <?php esc_attr_e( 'Exit fullscreen', 'fictioneer' ); ?> " class = " micro-menu__close-fullscreen hide-on-iOS show-on-fullscreen hidden " tabindex = " -1 " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< ? php fictioneer_icon ( 'collapse' ); ?>
</ button >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$micro_menu [ 'close_fullscreen' ] = ob_get_clean ();
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 16:40:55 +01:00
< button type = " button " title = " <?php echo fcntr( 'jump_to_bookmark', true ); ?> " class = " micro-menu__bookmark button--bookmark hidden " tabindex = " -1 " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< i class = " fa-solid fa-bookmark " ></ i >
</ button >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$micro_menu [ 'bookmark_jump' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $args [ 'prev_index' ] !== false ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 16:40:55 +01:00
< a href = " <?php echo get_permalink( $args['chapter_ids'] [ $args['prev_index'] ] ); ?> " title = " <?php echo get_the_title( $args['chapter_ids'] [ $args['prev_index'] ] ); ?> " class = " micro-menu__previous previous " tabindex = " -1 " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< i class = " fa-solid fa-caret-left " ></ i >
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$micro_menu [ 'previous' ] = ob_get_clean ();
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 16:40:55 +01:00
< a href = " # " class = " micro-menu__up up " tabindex = " -1 " >< i class = " fa-solid fa-caret-up " ></ i ></ a >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$micro_menu [ 'top' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $args [ 'next_index' ] ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
2023-01-23 16:40:55 +01:00
< a href = " <?php echo get_permalink( $args['chapter_ids'] [ $args['next_index'] ] ); ?> " title = " <?php echo get_the_title( $args['chapter_ids'] [ $args['next_index'] ] ); ?> " class = " micro-menu__next next " tabindex = " -1 " >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< i class = " fa-solid fa-caret-right " ></ i >
</ a >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$micro_menu [ 'next' ] = ob_get_clean ();
// Filter micro menu array
$micro_menu = apply_filters ( 'fictioneer_filter_chapter_micro_menu' , $micro_menu , $args );
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< div id = " micro-menu " class = " micro-menu " >
< ? php echo implode ( '' , $micro_menu ); ?>
</ div >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
return ob_get_clean ();
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_chapter_list_items' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for chapter list items with icon and link
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ return string List of chapter .
function fictioneer_get_chapter_list_items ( $story_id , $data , $current_index ) {
// Setup
$hide_icons = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_story_hide_chapter_icons' , $story_id ) || get_option ( 'fictioneer_hide_chapter_icons' );
ob_start ();
foreach ( $data [ 'chapter_ids' ] as $chapter_id ) {
// Prepare
$classes = [];
$title = trim ( get_the_title ( $chapter_id ) );
$list_title = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_chapter_list_title' , $chapter_id );
$text_icon = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_chapter_text_icon' , $chapter_id );
// Check for empty title
if ( empty ( $title ) && empty ( $list_title ) ) {
$title = sprintf (
_x ( '%1$s — %2$s' , '[Date] — [Time] if chapter title is missing.' , 'fictioneer' ),
get_the_date ( '' , $chapter_id ),
get_the_time ( '' , $chapter_id )
// CSS classes
if ( $current_index == array_search ( $chapter_id , $data [ 'chapter_ids' ] ) ) $classes [] = 'current-chapter' ;
if ( ! empty ( get_post ( $chapter_id ) -> post_password ) ) $classes [] = 'has-password' ;
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< li class = " <?php echo implode( ' ', $classes ); ?> " >
< a href = " <?php the_permalink( $chapter_id ); ?> " >
< ? php if ( empty ( $text_icon ) && ! $hide_icons ) : ?>
< i class = " <?php echo fictioneer_get_icon_field( 'fictioneer_chapter_icon', $chapter_id ) ?> " ></ i >
< ? php elseif ( ! $hide_icons ) : ?>
< span class = " text-icon " >< ? php echo $text_icon ; ?> </span>
< ? php endif ; ?>
< span >< ? php echo $list_title ? wp_strip_all_tags ( $list_title ) : $title ; ?> </span>
</ a >
</ li >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
return ob_get_clean ();
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_recommendation_page_cover' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for thumbnail on recommendation pages
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param WP_Post $recommendation The post object .
* @ return string HTML for the thumbnail .
function fictioneer_get_recommendation_page_cover ( $recommendation ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< figure class = " recommendation__thumbnail " >
< a href = " <?php the_post_thumbnail_url( 'full' ); ?> " < ? php echo fictioneer_get_lightbox_attribute (); ?> >
< ? php
the_post_thumbnail (
array ( 200 , 300 ),
array (
'alt' => sprintf ( __ ( '%s Cover' , 'fictioneer' ), fictioneer_get_safe_title ( $recommendation -> ID ) ),
'class' => 'webfeedsFeaturedVisual'
</ a >
</ figure >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
return ob_get_clean ();
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_taxonomy_pills' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for taxonomy tags
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ link https :// developer . wordpress . org / reference / classes / wp_term /
* @ param array $taxonomy_groups Collections of WP_Term objects .
* @ param string $classes Additional CSS classes .
* @ return string HTML for the taxonomy tags .
function fictioneer_get_taxonomy_pills ( $taxonomy_groups , $classes = '' ) {
// Abort conditions
if ( ! is_array ( $taxonomy_groups ) || count ( $taxonomy_groups ) < 1 ) return '' ;
ob_start ();
// Loop over all groups...
foreach ( $taxonomy_groups as $group ) {
// Check for empty group
if ( ! $group || ! is_array ( $group ) || count ( $group ) < 1 ) continue ;
// Process group
foreach ( $group as $taxonomy ) {
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< a href = " <?php echo get_tag_link( $taxonomy ); ?> " class = " tag-pill _taxonomy-<?php echo str_replace( 'fcn_', '', $taxonomy->taxonomy ); ?> _taxonomy-slug-<?php echo $taxonomy->slug ; ?> <?php echo $classes ; ?> " >< ? php echo $taxonomy -> name ; ?> </a>
< ? php // <--- End HTML
return ob_get_clean ();
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_rss_link' ) ) {
* Returns the escaped RSS link
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param string | null $post_type The post type . Defaults to current post type .
* @ param int | null $post_id The post ID . Defaults to current post ID .
* @ return string | boolean Escaped RSS url or false if no feed found .
function fictioneer_get_rss_link ( $post_type = null , $post_id = null ) {
// Abort conditions
if ( ! get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_theme_rss' ) ) return false ;
// Setup
$post_type = $post_type ? $post_type : get_post_type ();
$post_id = $post_id ? $post_id : get_the_ID ();
$feed = false ;
// Pick correct RSS link
switch ( $post_type ) {
case 'fcn_story' :
$feed = esc_url ( add_query_arg ( 'story_id' , $post_id , home_url ( 'feed/rss-chapters' ) ) );
break ;
case 'fcn_chapter' :
$story_id = fictioneer_get_field ( 'fictioneer_chapter_story' , $post_id );
if ( $story_id ) {
$feed = esc_url ( add_query_arg ( 'story_id' , $story_id , home_url ( 'feed/rss-chapters' ) ) );
break ;
case 'post' :
$feed = esc_url ( home_url ( 'feed' ) );
break ;
// Apply filter
$feed = apply_filters ( 'fictioneer_filter_rss_link' , $feed , $post_type , $post_id );
// Return result
return $feed ;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_user_menu_items' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the user submenu in the navigation bar
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ return string The HTML for the user submenu .
function fictioneer_user_menu_items () {
// Setup
$bookmarks_link = get_permalink ( get_option ( 'fictioneer_bookmarks_page' ) );
$discord_link = get_option ( 'fictioneer_discord_invite_link' );
$bookshelf_link = get_permalink ( get_option ( 'fictioneer_bookshelf_page' ) );
$bookshelf_title = trim ( get_the_title ( get_option ( 'fictioneer_bookshelf_page' ) ) );
$can_checkmarks = get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_checkmarks' );
$can_follows = get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_follows' );
$can_reminders = get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_reminders' );
$output = [];
$profile_link = get_edit_profile_url ( 0 ); // Make sure this is always the default link
$profile_page_id = intval ( get_option ( 'fictioneer_user_profile_page' , - 1 ) );
if ( $profile_page_id && $profile_page_id > 0 ) {
$profile_link = get_permalink ( $profile_page_id );
// Build
if ( ! empty ( $profile_link ) && fictioneer_show_auth_content () ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< li class = " menu-item hide-if-logged-out " >
< a href = " <?php echo esc_url( $profile_link ); ?> " rel = " noopener noreferrer nofollow " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'account' ); ?> </a>
</ li >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'account' ] = ob_get_clean ();
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< li class = " menu-item " >
2023-01-24 02:18:31 +01:00
< label for = " modal-site-settings-toggle " tabindex = " 0 " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'site_settings' ); ?> </label>
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
</ li >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'site_settings' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( ! empty ( $discord_link ) ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< li class = " menu-item " >
< a href = " <?php echo esc_url( $discord_link ); ?> " rel = " noopener noreferrer nofollow " >< ? php _e ( 'Discord' , 'fictioneer' ); ?> </a>
</ li >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'discord' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $bookshelf_link && fictioneer_show_auth_content () && ( $can_checkmarks || $can_follows || $can_reminders ) ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< li class = " menu-item hide-if-logged-out " >
< a href = " <?php echo esc_url( $bookshelf_link ); ?> " rel = " noopener noreferrer nofollow " >< ? php echo empty ( $bookshelf_title ) ? __ ( 'Bookshelf' , 'fictioneer' ) : $bookshelf_title ; ?> </a>
</ li >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'bookshelf' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $bookmarks_link && get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_bookmarks' ) ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< li class = " menu-item " >
< a href = " <?php echo esc_url( $bookmarks_link ); ?> " rel = " noopener noreferrer nofollow " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'bookmarks' ) ?> </a>
</ li >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'bookmarks' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( fictioneer_show_auth_content () ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< li class = " menu-item hide-if-logged-out " >
< a href = " <?php echo fictioneer_get_logout_url(); ?> " onclick = " fcn_cleanupLocalStorage() " rel = " noopener noreferrer nofollow " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'logout' ) ?> </a>
</ li >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'logout' ] = ob_get_clean ();
// Apply filters
$output = apply_filters ( 'fictioneer_filter_user_menu_items' , $output );
// Return
return implode ( '' , $output );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_post_meta_items' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the post meta row
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param array $args Optional arguments .
* @ return string The HTML for the post meta row .
function fictioneer_get_post_meta_items ( $args = [] ) {
// Setup
$no_date = isset ( $args [ 'no_date' ] ) ? $args [ 'no_date' ] : false ;
$no_author = isset ( $args [ 'no_author' ] ) ? $args [ 'no_author' ] : false ;
$no_cat = isset ( $args [ 'no_cat' ] ) ? $args [ 'no_cat' ] : false ;
$no_comments = isset ( $args [ 'no_comments' ] ) ? $args [ 'no_comments' ] : false ;
$comments_number = get_comments_number ( get_the_ID () );
$output = [];
// Date node
if ( ! $no_date ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< time datetime = " <?php the_time( 'c' ); ?> " class = " post__date " >
< i class = " fa-solid fa-clock " title = " <?php esc_attr_e( 'Publishing Date', 'fictioneer' ) ?> " ></ i >
< span title = " <?php esc_attr_e( 'Publishing Date', 'fictioneer' ) ?> " >< ? php echo get_the_date (); ?> </span>
</ time >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'date' ] = ob_get_clean ();
// Author node
if ( ! $no_author && get_option ( 'fictioneer_show_authors' ) ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< div class = " post__author " >
< ? php fictioneer_icon ( 'user' ); ?>
< ? php fictioneer_the_author_node ( get_the_author_meta ( 'ID' ) ); ?>
</ div >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'author' ] = ob_get_clean ();
// Category node
if ( ! $no_cat ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< div class = " post__categories " >
< i class = " fa-solid fa-tags " ></ i >
< ? php echo the_category ( ', ' ); ?>
</ div >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'category' ] = ob_get_clean ();
// Comments node
if ( ! $no_comments && $comments_number > 0 ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< div class = " post__comments-number " >
< i class = " fa-solid fa-message " ></ i >
< a href = " <?php the_permalink(); ?>#comments " >< ? php printf ( _n ( '%s Comment' , '%s Comments' , $comments_number , 'fictioneer' ), number_format_i18n ( $comments_number ) ); ?> </a>
</ div >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output [ 'comments' ] = ob_get_clean ();
// Apply filters
$output = apply_filters ( 'fictioneer_filter_post_meta_items' , $output , $args );
// Return
return implode ( '' , $output );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_get_card_controls' ) ) {
* Returns the HTML for the card controls
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param int $story_id The story ID .
* @ param int $chapter_id Optional . The chapter ID ( use only for chapters ) .
* @ return string The HTML for the card controls .
function fictioneer_get_card_controls ( $story_id , $chapter_id = null ) {
// Setup
$can_checkmarks = get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_checkmarks' );
$can_follows = get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_follows' );
$can_reminders = get_option ( 'fictioneer_enable_reminders' );
$type = $chapter_id ? 'chapter' : 'story' ;
$icons = [];
$menu = [];
// Build icons
if ( $can_reminders ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< div class = " card__reminder-icon card-reminder-icon " title = " <?php echo fcntr( 'is_read_later' ); ?> " data - story - id = " <?php echo $story_id ; ?> " hidden >
< i class = " fa-solid fa-clock " ></ i >
</ div >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$icons [ 'reminder' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $can_follows ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< div class = " card__followed-icon card-follow-icon " title = " <?php echo fcntr( 'is_followed' ); ?> " data - follow - id = " <?php echo $story_id ; ?> " hidden >
< i class = " fa-solid fa-star " ></ i >
</ div >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$icons [ 'follow' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $can_checkmarks ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< div class = " card__read-icon card-checkmark-icon " title = " <?php echo fcntr( 'is_read' ); ?> " data - story - id = " <?php echo $story_id ; ?> " data - check - id = " <?php echo $chapter_id ? $chapter_id : $story_id ; ?> " hidden >
< ? php if ( $chapter_id ) : ?>
< i class = " fa-solid fa-check " ></ i >
< ? php else : ?>
< i class = " fa-solid fa-check-double " ></ i >
< ? php endif ; ?>
</ div >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$icons [ 'checkmark' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $can_follows ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< button class = " popup-action-follow " onclick = " fcn_inlineToggleFollow(<?php echo $story_id ; ?>) " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'follow' ); ?> </button>
< button class = " popup-action-unfollow " onclick = " fcn_inlineToggleFollow(<?php echo $story_id ; ?>) " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'unfollow' ); ?> </button>
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$menu [ 'follow' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $can_reminders ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< button class = " popup-action-reminder " onclick = " fcn_inlineToggleReminder(<?php echo $story_id ; ?>) " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'read_later' ); ?> </button>
< button class = " popup-action-forget " onclick = " fcn_inlineToggleReminder(<?php echo $story_id ; ?>) " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'forget' ); ?> </button>
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$menu [ 'reminder' ] = ob_get_clean ();
if ( $can_checkmarks ) {
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< button class = " popup-action-mark-read " onclick = " fcn_inlineToggleCheckmark(<?php echo $story_id ; ?>, '<?php echo $type ; ?>', <?php echo $chapter_id ? $chapter_id : 'null'; ?>, 'set') " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'mark_read' ); ?> </button>
< button class = " popup-action-mark-unread " onclick = " fcn_inlineToggleCheckmark(<?php echo $story_id ; ?>, '<?php echo $type ; ?>', <?php echo $chapter_id ? $chapter_id : 'null'; ?>, 'unset') " >< ? php echo fcntr ( 'mark_unread' ); ?> </button>
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$menu [ 'checkmark' ] = ob_get_clean ();
// Apply filters
$icons = apply_filters ( 'fictioneer_filter_card_control_icons' , $icons , $story_id , $chapter_id );
$menu = apply_filters ( 'fictioneer_filter_card_control_menu' , $menu , $story_id , $chapter_id );
// Abort if...
if ( count ( $icons ) < 1 || count ( $menu ) < 1 ) return ;
ob_start ();
// Start HTML ---> ?>
< div class = " card__controls <?php echo count( $menu ) > 0 ? 'toggle-last-clicked' : ''; ?> " >
< ? php if ( count ( $icons ) > 0 ) foreach ( $icons as $icon ) echo $icon ; ?>
< ? php if ( count ( $menu ) > 0 ) : ?>
2023-01-23 21:50:45 +01:00
< div class = " card__popup-menu-toggle " tabindex = " 0 " >< i class = " fa-solid fa-ellipsis-vertical " ></ i ></ div >
2023-01-21 01:31:34 +01:00
< div class = " popup-menu " >< ? php foreach ( $menu as $item ) echo $item ; ?> </div>
< ? php endif ; ?>
</ div >
< ? php // <--- End HTML
$output = ob_get_clean ();
// Return HTML
return $output ;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists ( 'fictioneer_echo_card' ) ) {
* Echo large card for post in loop
* @ since Fictioneer 5.0
* @ param array $args Optional . Card arguments .
function fictioneer_echo_card ( $args = [] ) {
// Setup
$type = get_post_type ();
// Echo correct card by post type
switch ( $type ) {
case 'fcn_chapter' :
get_template_part ( 'partials/_card-chapter' , null , $args );
break ;
case 'fcn_story' :
get_template_part ( 'partials/_card-story' , null , $args );
break ;
case 'fcn_recommendation' :
get_template_part ( 'partials/_card-recommendation' , null , $args );
break ;
case 'fcn_collection' :
get_template_part ( 'partials/_card-collection' , null , $args );
break ;
case 'post' :
get_template_part ( 'partials/_card-post' , null , $args );
break ;
case 'page' :
get_template_part ( 'partials/_card-page' , null , $args );
break ;