index 928a348a..d335e1c1 100644
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ Technically just another plugin, but one that will make your site significantly
- [x] Feeds
- [x] Search Pages
- [Advanced] Rejected URL Strings:
+ [Advanced] Rejected URL Strings:
 The "account" and "bookshelf" URI fragments may differ on your site (since you can name them).
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ Technically just another plugin, but one that will make your site significantly
- [x] Make known users anonymous so they’re served supercached static files.
- Great, now your site is broken for logged-in users! Or rather, they are treated like guests and cannot see their personal content or post comments anymore. To resolve this, head to the Fictioneer general settings and activate the following options. Clear the cache afterwards. Yes, the admin bar is now gone. Yes, you can still get into the admin with the …/wp-admin
link. No, password protected posts no longer work.
+ Great, now your site is broken for logged-in users! Or rather, they are treated like guests and cannot see their personal content or post comments anymore. To resolve this, head to the Fictioneer general settings and activate the following options. Clear the cache afterwards. Yes, the admin bar is now gone. Yes, you can still get into the admin with the …/wp-admin
link. No, password protected posts no longer work.
[General] Page Assignments:
- - [ ] Account: None (default dashboard profile)